Reign of Chaos - Chapter IV

OOC:Heh Heh.Carno,your Anti-Grav engines will give you speed superiority just until I research Zero-Point Physics and get Zero-Point Field Drives.
I was planning to do that before you came up with your A-G engines,so it's not just a counter.Isn't gravity control Galactica tech,anyway?

In Hoth V,K'Sarragh scowled ot the message,and sent a reply.
(White-Extreme Encryption)
(From:Magistrate K'Sarragh,Unity Starbase)
(If the Rhai'ek could be brought to destroy themselves fighting the Confederates,it would bring the Skraine great joy see to it.Let us hope that diverting their forces to the Confederates will leave them vunerable to the H'aa'run in Ross 154.
-Magistrate K'Sarragh,Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds)

The Cempak IV colony was now complete,bustling with Skraine artisans and manufacturers,as well as the military garrison,which was quite large.
Although far from the Core and Hoth V,the system was already quite productive, and began to manufacture stockpiles of EMP weaponry to be sent to the major manufacturing centers for the time when the Generation-II warships were ready for construction.

ETA until Geeration-II warships complete:4 posts
ETA until Missiles complete:3 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

As work steadily progressed on the construction project in DSN-8789, the Confederates prepared to abandon Emalghion and Kelmoan.

As the base on Kelmoan was evacuated, the Confederate fleet in Emalghion charged one part of the Galactica fleet, blasting dozens of ships away in a fusillade of gunfire as the base was hurridly evacuated. In Kelmoan, missile silos on the surface were set up, mines were prepared to be launched, defense pods were readied, and the two battlestations in the system were prepped for battle.

After the Confeds had delt the Galactica fleet substantial losses, they too retreated, leaving behind streams of Trans-Phasic Bombs which blew apart a total of 25 ships. As the Galactica fleet tried to move in and capture Emalghion, they found the area heavily mined and the three moons and planet opened up with heavy missile fire. Many more Galactica ships were destroyed before the planetary shields were destroyed and the guns silenced. As troops came in, hundreds and hundreds of troops were killed by mines and entrenched soldiers. Even Galactica Shock Troops were caught off guard and slaughtered. Though the Confeds finally gave way, they held out for quite a while and caused the Galactica navy lots of damage.

In Kelmoan, the Confederates layed a total of 500 mines in the hyperspace exit areas, and then abandoned the base and moved on, leaving only troops, artillary, tanks, and mines, as well as the battlestations.

Finally, the Confederate fleet of about 800 vessels moved into DSN-8209. It was here that they would make their stand. Already there was a battlestation in the system, and now the Confederates rushed to build a second one as fast as they possibly could. As work progressed on that. 200 extra reinforcement ships arrived. These were extra ships not allocated to the border systems and had just arrived from the North Tip and Smott.

As bombs were layed out, and asteroids were moved into position so they could be hurled at the enemy fleet (via tractor beams) when they entered, the Confederates waited in earnest for the Sijak aid to arrive...


Chimaera Supercarrier Upgrade Project
Upgrade Project
ETA: 4 Posts


Citadel Defense System
ETA: 9 Posts

Anti-Grav Engines
ETA: 13 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

OOC: Red, cloaking is my sig tech, so I'll assume you hailed me. Sorry for the absence, but is starting to eat up a good deal of my time. 🙂


Tasina agreed, of course, to give the Disruption Web and Plasmator engines to the Alliance. He sent a message back to Moiraine to send the technologies to Dreden, and they were soon on their way.


Moiraine quickly composed a response to K'Sarragh and the Skraine.

"Yes, of course we will give you the Plasmator engines in exchange for your plasma shield and web. I am sending the engine schematics to Unity Station, and await your response. Moiraine out.

And then there was the Raiek that had suddenly appeared in Hoth IV. Moiraine harbored a dislike, shall we say, for Raiek, for being a Prylak herself, she did not like defectors from her government. She replied to them nontheless.

"Hail, Raiek. You may or may not know that I, the leader of the Tribunal, am a Prylak. I wish to know why you have entered our space, and for that matter, Eta Cassiopea."


Asriel was extremely happy with the arrival of all these new technologies. As soon as the Skraine sent him the Plasma Shields, he could incorporate them into the Daemon heavy cruiser. He was also getting some interesting ideas for new ships. The Tribunal was amassing a fair supply of tucharium; they had enough to make ships out of it now. They also had the Sijak engines. The Tribunal had long needed a really good fighter, and now they could make good fighters. The Dryad-class light fighter would have good shields and relatively heavy armoring, and could still be faster than the Preliator because of the Sijak engines. The Preliator could be upgraded into a heavily armored but fast, heavily armed fighter to take on capital ships. If needed, a bomber would be created, but the core of Asriel's plan was the Charon-class supercarrier. Putting the Plasmator's engines on it as well as Skraine plasma shielding could yield an extremely powerful ship.


Title: Machine Gun
ETA: 4 posts

Daemon upgrade: 4 posts

"Life's a bitch, but she's my bitch." -- Phoenix

As Chimaera Supercarriers were upgraded, some of the first ships to be upgraded were the ones on the frontlines; especially DSN-8209.

In the meantime, the Confederacy now had a new upgrade project to work on; upgrading the Corsair engines and installing Disruption Webs on all ships except for the Renegade Fighter, Styx Bomber, and Chimaera. This would take approximately 4 posts, and would first upgrade, once again, the ships at DSN-8209 and on the frontlines elsewhere.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

OOC: I can't remember if my Phantoms ever reached Voinia or not, so I'll post that now.


Moirane approved Asriel's ship-construction plans, and work would start as soon as Machine Gun research was done.

Work now started on upgrading all Phantoms and Praying Mantises with Sijak engines. This would hopefully make the Mantis drone fighters so fast that they were almost impossible to hit.

Work on Dimire Station was almost completed, and cities were built on Dimire, Thrawn I and Thrawn II. There were mines on Thrawn III, and tucharium was being mined.


Ten Phantoms silently entered the Voinia system, capital of the Galactica Imperium. The lead pilot hailed the planet. "Hail, Galactica. This is the Tribunal speaking. You may know that we had a mass exodus from the Milky Way upon discovery of threat from the Renegade Legion. We are now safely entrenched in Eta Cassiopea, and are wondering if you also have any colonies there. You have technologies that interest us, and if you do have a colony in Eta Cassiopea, we will send somebody there to talk with you. We await your response."


Title: Machine Gun
ETA: 3 posts

Dimire Station: 1 post
Daemon upgrade: 3 posts
Phantom/Mantis engine upgrade: 5 posts

"Life's a bitch, but she's my bitch." -- Phoenix

Asriel, I think I remember my Eta Cassiopea fleet being destroyed by the Skraine. Oh Well.

Lazerus production is at full, and the concentration of ships in the Raiek Prime system is beginning to cause interference. That means it's almost time tor a raid...

Five gunships, armed with lots of scientific equipment, are sent up to pick up readings from the Nebula the Haorn live in. They have orders to run away and hide from any haorn ships they see. They are about 5 jumps away from haorn space, so they are safe. Their upgraded scanners will detect approaching haorn before the haorn can pick up them, and they'll outrun the (slow..) Haorn warships.
The three lazerus' make it to Voinia, and wait to speak with Battledoctor or RMA.
(I have another Lazerus or two to bring through if desired)

"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"

Fortification of the planets was complete, with three Battle Stations in each system. Meanwhile, construction of ships was going steadily. Output was increased. A new research project was started. Also, just to be safe, another Battle Station was placed in each system, bringing the count up to three in each system.
All ships built at Norad stay at Norad and Norad 4, and the same goes for ships in the home systems.

Research: Engine upgrade for Destroyers
More manuverable, faster
ETA 5 posts
Bomb clearers
ETA 5 posts
Home systems:100 Destroyers and 4 Motherships per post(its all I'll build)
Norad and Norad 4: 50 Destroyers per post
Battle Station in every system ETA 3 posts


(This message has been edited by Espona (edited 12-03-2001).)

(This message has been edited by Espona (edited 12-03-2001).)

Dont know how this happened...

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 12-03-2001).)

OOC: Voinia isn't my capital, Asriel, Svass is. I'll just pretend you said Svass. 🙂

Also, why does everyone think they can just waltz into my space and have it be okay? That's called violating my territory. Do you think a country in today's world would take kindly to it if some military aircraft from another country flew into their airspace? No. Please, take this into account when making your posts.

"Sir!" exclaimed a young Miranu working a radar station on Galactica Station, in the Svass system. "Ten Tribunal fighters have just been detected... Yhey just decloaked and are sending a message."

"I don't want to hear it yet. Scramble Fighter Defense wings 3A through 3B and send a Warcruiser to intercept!" responded Fleet Admiral Yorus, the local defense commander for Svass.

"Yes, sir. The G.E.S. Cavalier and the G.E.S. Bonfire are already moving to intercept. Shall I order our ships to open fire? They're easily within missile range of about every ship in the system."

"Not yet... order our ships to arm weapons and deploy ECM drones. Jam all of their communications except for the lead ship which sent us the message."

After he said that, Fleet Admiral Yorus listened to the message. He then opened a channel to the lead Tribunal fighter and said, "We recognize your presence here as an invasion of Galactica Imperium space. You have no right to be here. I'm not saying if we have colonies in ETa Casseopea, but I am saying that you have 10 seconds to leave our space before you are destroyed."

Galactica has secured the Emalghion system with the 1,250 ships left from the battle. No plans are currently being made to advance.

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 12-03-2001).)

Molar has been mostly repaired, and the Confederates suffered, on the whole, little losses. Most of their ships were out on a raid, and the battlestation had taken down several enemy ships. As the battlestation was repaired, a new battlestation was also started, and the base continued to be worked on. The planetary shield was back up, the defense pods were replaced, and the ships in the system were left on high alert.

As construction projects, upgrade work, and research continued, the Confederates were eagerly awaiting the completion of their Citadel Defense System, which would help them immensely in defensive moves. And after that was completed, in the far future, they would upgrade it into the much more powerful Sentinel Defense System.

As several more battlestations were constructed across Confederate space, the Confeds were preparing for a large attack on the Leka system...


Chimaera Supercarrier Upgrade Project
Upgrade Project
ETA: 3 Posts


Citadel Defense System
ETA: 8 Posts

Anti-Grav Engines
ETA: 12 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

OOC: Oops. I didn't see that your fleet got destroyed, Red. BattleDoctor, it's quite impossible for you to detect my Phantoms. They're permanently cloaked, and only Terran and Prylak sensors can break the cloak.


Dimire station had been completed. The next project was building a major battlestation in Hoth IV itself. All Tribunal battlestations were armed with a huge Fusion Beam, much like Galactica Station had been 20 years ago. They also had scorpion beam turrets, and would be armed with batteries of Machine Guns as soon as they were completed.

Work was beginning on the second generation of Tribunal ships. The ships were: Nymph light fighter, Preliator mk. II, Mercury missileboat, Charon supercarrier.
ARMAMENT: (I'm doing this now in case anybody wants to moderate my ships)
Nymph: scorpion beams, precision bombs, scorpion rockets, disruption web
Preliator mk. II: 3 Machine Guns, two scorpion turrets, scorpion mines, disruption web
Mercury: 2 machine guns, 2 scorpion turrets, precision bombs, disruption web
Plasmator mk. II: scorpion turrets, machine guns, precision bombs, scorpion mines
Charon: 20 scorpion turrets, 15 NPEs, 50 or so precision bombs, 16 fighters (Nymph/Preliator/Mercury) of my choice

All ships have tucharium armoring. The Nymph, Mercury, and Preliator have Sijak engines.


The Phantoms watched the mobilization of the Svass system, and decided that they evidently weren't wanted in Galactica space. They returned to Hoth IV to report what they'd seen...


Title: Machine Gun
ETA: 2 posts

Title: Gen II ships
ETA: 12 posts

Daemon upgrade: 2 posts
Phantom/Mantis engine upgrade: 4 posts

"Life's a bitch, but she's my bitch." -- Phoenix

(This message has been edited by Lord Asriel (edited 12-03-2001).)

(This message has been edited by Lord Asriel (edited 12-03-2001).)

OOC:Asriel,the Raiek fleet came through my space.So I tracked it down and wiped it out with 150 warships.But in answer to your question as to why they are in Eta Cassiopea;they are suckers for punishment. 🙂

In Hoth V,Magistrate K'Sarragh was pleased to see the message from the Tribunal, and sent a reply.

(White-Alpha Encryption)
(To:Tribunal BASE ship Phyrexia )
(From:Magistrate K'Sarragh,Unity Starbase)
(Attached are the schematics for the Plasma Shield and Web.
We thank you for the Plasmator's drives;now our Generation-II warships(Firebolt Frigate, Firestorm Missile Cruiser and Fireblade Battlecruiser) will have speed approaching the Generation-II fighters(Spark Light Fighter and Flare Gunboat).
Incidentally the Galactica in Eta Cassiopea have also been most helpful in aiding us to design missiles(the Dart and Lance).
But your beam weaponry interests us for a future project.
Would you care to give us a preliminary demonstration of their powers?
We can reciprocate by demonstrating our new EMP weaponry,of course.
-Magistrate K'Sarragh,Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds)

ETA until Generation-II warships complete:3 posts
ETA until Missiles complete:2 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

OOC: Asriel, know that I would not be against talks with the Tribunal. Rather, I would welcome it. However, showing up in my capital system with a fighter wing was most definitely not the correct way to go about it.

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

OOC:Battledoctor,a while ago I gifted the entire sector north of Q'Ros and east of Del'As'Mir to the Galactica(excluding of course the Andornik Cluster).
RMA then announced several posts later that the entire sector-13 worlds-had been colonised.
While I'm not denying Galactica the right to colonise the entire sector,in the post in which I gifted the North-Eastern Sector to Galactica,I said that not all systems had any economic or strategic value.
I suggested to RMA that he colonise only the 8 systems in the sector with names, rather than EC-XXX designations.
He still hasn't replied to that,so could you please decide;
I need to update my Eta Cassiopea map.Carnotaur's is getting woefully dated.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.


Originally posted by Shade:
I need to update my Eta Cassiopea map.Carnotaur's is getting woefully dated.

OOC: Maybe I would if you would just -Shut Up-. And stop always making OOC posts, it makes the story harder to read.


With the two battlestations in DSN-8209 completed, a third one was started, and Kelmoan was furthur defended as more troops were brought in, the planetary shield enhanced, and more Trans-Phasic Missile launchers installed on the planets surface.

Another 100 ships arrived at DSN-8209, bringing the total ship count to 1300. Off in Plogok, 200 ships (not including the standard defending fleet) had also been assmebled. The Confederates were preparing to retake Leka at all costs, but the actual time of the attack had yet to be decided.

With the Chimaeras almost fully upgraded, the Confederacy was still anxiously waiting for their Citadel Defense system. The Anti-Gravity Engines were also extremely useful, and would even help their Trans-Phasic Bomb. The bomb already had a small engine to help guide and target it, now it would have an Anti-Gravity Engine, meaning that Gravity Wells wouldn't work very good against it.

And still the Confederates waited for the Sijak reinforcements...


Chimaera Supercarrier Upgrade Project
Upgrade Project
ETA: 2 Posts


Citadel Defense System
ETA: 7 Posts

Anti-Grav Engines
ETA: 11 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 12-04-2001).)

OOC: Shade, just go along with what RMA said. If a planet has no real value we can still put a station there. I trust his judgement.

More Galactica battlestation components are being constructed in eastern Galactica space, so that battlestations could be built quickly and easily should the need arise.

Gadzair and Leka are heavily defended by large fleets of warships, extensive minefields, and of course their powerful stations. An attack on such a system would be easily repelled.

A Galactica fleet of just over 200 vessels has begun to mass in Neholl, and construction ships with pre-fabricated station components are being stationed there as well.

The new Anti-matter containment systems have been completed. These allow an antimatter payload of the same destructive power to be carried in a much smaller package, due to less space needed for the containment systems. This allows the Fighter-Bomber and other spacecraft to carry more bombs.

Hyperspace carrier ETA: 7 posts

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

Kenra looks at the message from the Confederates and sighs. So many allies, so little ships. With a sigh she gathers up 700 assorted ships, Avatars, Interceptors, and Ghosts, and sends them towards Jumpgate 2, with orders to go through and meet the Confeds on the other side.


Ofeleto nods to a young officer who goes and gets the engine skimatics for there ships. The commander explains about there ships, and how they were updating them now since they had traded them with so many races.


The Sijak pilot glanced back at his pilots and sighed. It was his job to get them there and he would. He looks back at the passengers and puts the ship on autopilot. Now would be a great time to study the Raiek.


Updating Engines- 7 posts

Building assorted kinds of ships-300 a post.

Formerly known as

As the research continued, 103 Haorn craft were made at the home systems, and 50 Destroyers met the fleet at the Norad planets. One Battle Station was in Norad and one in Norad 4. Dfensive preps continue.


Carnotaur grinned at the news from the Sijak. With those 700 ships, the Galactica fleet wouldn't stand a chance. As soon as the Sijak arrived, the Confederates would strike.

Plans were being drawn up for major expansions on Corsair and Chimaera station; the two main Confederate base stations. The upgrades would include armor plating, shield enhancements, lots and lots of new weapons, and other upgrades. But it was still a far ways off. Right now the Confeds were worried about more urgent projects, such as Anti-Gravity engines.

The Confeds now had a total of 1,300 ships in DSN-8209. There was another 200 ships in Plogok (not counting the defense fleet), which would be part of the main assault on Leka. The plan called for all of the ships in Plogok, Molar, and Tollb to assault the system at the same time, simply overwhelming the Galactica defenders. About 5 ships from each border system would also be pulled away to help in the assault. Though it would only provide 60 extra ships, it would be enough to possibly help turn the tide of the battle.

Development on the Citadel Defense System was going well. The Sensor Bouey (sp?) system had been completed, and now the two other drones were being worked on. The Citadel Laser Beam Cannon was part of this, and would hopefully be one of the more powerful beams in the Milky Way, second only to the Ion Disruptor Beam.


In New Sol, construction had begun on the two new Empyrean Supercarriers, with the schematics being provided by Lythrawn. The two ships were sleek and massive; the very essence of supreme power. They would take a while to build though, even with Lythrawns help. They were even fairly hard for the Prylak to build.

A lot of the time also went into constructing the many Wraiths and StarNovas that the Empyreans carried, as well as building all the technology needed. While that was going on, Tretheck was working on figuring out crew assignments so that all of the Prylak ships, mainly the four battlecruisers, could be properly manned.

And during this time, Lythrawn was considering a rather dangerous trip to an old enemy of the Prylak; the Haorn...


Chimaera Supercarrier Upgrade Project
Upgrade Project
ETA: 1 Post


Citadel Defense System
ETA: 6 Posts

Anti-Grav Engines
ETA: 10 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

The Lazerus' dock at Svass station after repairs, and ask to see the emperor for more specifics on an alliance.
After Norad, Scientist had been debating on how to increase system defences. Everything from battlestations to planet-based Javelin launchers were brought up, but finally, it was decided that an intense upgrade to the System Defense Batteries that were already used could be upgraded drastically without too much cost, for a drastic increase. More Specifics to be stated later.
ETA: 14 posts
With 14 Lazerus' built in Ross154, The Raiek develop a long-range plan for shipbuilding, dubbed Operation: Overwhelm (I have SOME ships already built, keep in mind.)
(To Increase Ship count to:
20 Lazerus
50 Dreadnoughts
130 Carriers
250 Warfrigates
100 Bombers)
ETA: 14 Posts
(Anyone think this post # is wrong, tell me. I talked to Esponer about my construction rate- 100 assorted ships per post. I think I made it MORE than fair.)

"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"