Reign of Chaos - Chapter IV

(edit)All hail me, the only person who can make the same mistake twice! This time I'm not fixing it, it's not as if it matters anyway(/edit)
Posted Image
Chapter III
Moderated by Esponer, Carnotaur and Redchigh

(url="http://"")Milky Way(/url)
(url="http://"")Ross 154(/url)
(url="http://"")Eta Cassiopea(/url)

(url="http://"")Chapter I(/url)
(url="http://"")Chapter II(/url)
(url="http://"")Chapter III(/url)

Heavier and heavier attacks occur more and more regularly on the border. However, although the attacks are intensified, the apparent stalemate remains. Systems are taken and taken back, but not one defining event has taken place.

Zak Vilda forms the Renegade Legion, which threatens the entire Milky Way, as well as Eta Cassiopea beyond. His power is now at breaking point, and it is obvious that soon he will strike.

The Terrans have opened the long closed wormhole to Andromeda, the home of what is now the largest Prylak controlled galaxy. They have yet to know their mistake - yet to learn the power of the Starfortress. The time will come, however...for the Prylak have returned.

Through all this, the Haorn gather for their next crusade, their last one marking the destruction of the Prylak hierachy, the deaths of four billion Prylak alone, and ten times that in slaves. The Haorn come once more, and only time will tell what will result in the coming reign of chaos...

Reign of Chaos 3, Chapter 4

(To K'Sarragh, Skraine)
(From Moiraine, Tribunal)

We appreciate your leaving us alone in your galaxy. Our only wish right now is to remain neutral. We were chased out of the Milky Way by hostile pirates, and discovered your wormhole from Ross 154. We thank you for your two gift-systems, and have colonized them. Moiraine out.

Moiraine felt she had to get that off her shoulders. She had not yet thanked the Skraine for their systems before that message. Interesting, that she felt this need for thanks. It was certainly not a normal Prylak emotion. She decided to meditate and investigate this...


Reports from Phantoms in Ross 154 indicated that conditions in that galaxy were heating up. Admiral Tasina decided to send more ships in, and not just Phantoms. He composed scout fleets of Plasmators, Preliators, and Phantoms, and sent them out into Ross 154, cloaked. He sent one to Raiek, one to Ho Norus, one to Sija and a smaller one, only Phantoms, to the supposedly uncolonized section south of Raiek space. He guessed something was actually happening down there, but wasn't sure exactly what.


Meanwhile, Asriel and his colleagues started creating the Machine Gun...

Title: Machine Gun
ETA: 10 posts

OOC: Which system is the Andromeda wormhole in? Also, each of my scout fleets is 20 Preliators, 10 Plasmators, and 10 Phantoms. I sent 10 Phantoms to Terran space only.

"Life's a bitch, but she's my bitch." -- Phoenix

MOD: Carno, you ended the battle in Smott in one post. You went from "The Flagships killed the Laser Frigates", which is fine, to "The Alliance beat the Galactica fleet" in about 2 paragraphs. That's not allowed, you can't do battles like that. If you had pulled out at that time, you would have left almost all of my ships alive... I was doing well in that battle and you can't just end it in one post.

I'm going to say that 125 of my ships pulled out of Smott alive, and that you ended the battle with 350 ships. If you want to say that you bombarded the planet, that's allowed. You still won the battle, I'm just making it a tad fairer.

The battle in DSN-8619 raged on, with Galactica and the Alliance both having about the same number of ships. The Confederate Alliance's 400 warships were being kept at bay by Strike Cruisers and Laser Frigates while Support Cruisers, Missile Frigates, and Warcruisers hammered them with missiles. However, Galactica had called for reinforcements earlier in the battle, and as 200 ships arrived from the surrounding systems, the Alliance fleet began to slowly lose ground. Laser Frigates continued to fly straight into the middle of the Alliance forces, firing their beams at full blast before jettisoning the Command Module and overloading the Weapons Module. This new Galactica tactic wrought havoc in the Alliance fleet. Unless the Alliance could bring in a lot of reinforcements, and fast, it wouldn't be overly hard for Galactica forces to fight off the Alliance ivasion fleet.

In response to the Alliance attacks, Galactica had pulled over 200 warships from reserve fleets across the Imperium to make a series of raids on the border systems which the Alliance had left nearly undefended during their raids. First, the Galactica raiders moved into DSN-4386. The Galactica ships ripped apart the nearly completed station and the construction crew, along with the token defense fleet. Taking a scant 15 losses, the fleet moved on to DSN-3930. The story was much the same there, and after the raids were over the fleet was still 150 ships strong. Their missions accomplished, the raiding fleets pulled back into Galactica space before the Alliance could respond.

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

Well,We finally got back Our Data Input Unit(Keyboard),Kinetic-Electric Translational Cursor Director(Mouse),and Our Feline-Printed KETCD Movement Enhancer(The mouse pad with the cat on it).No more having to use the other computer,Ol' Clunky,which is practically stone age.It took Us half an HOUR to scroll down page 3 of Chapter 3!

Carno,BattleDoctor,someone,mount an offensive against the Renegade legion.kill Zak Vilda,and the serpent's body will crumble unto ashes.
If you don't do it,when my Generation-2 vessels come into service,I won't be able to sell off the Generation-1s to improve civilian infrastructure on the new military bases,because they will all have been spent beating off the Legion!

Darnit,now We have got to select a sector to gift unto the Sijak.

K'Sarragh received the message from the neighbouring Hoth IV system almost immediately.
He was glad that the Tribunal had responded to his hails,and sent a reply.
(White-Alpha Encryption)
(To:Tribunal BASE ship Phyrexia )
(From:Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds,Unity Starbase)
(We are glad you appreciate the systems we have gifted to you.In the light of current expansions in the Eta Cassiopea galaxy,we feel it appropriate to offer you a further two systems in the South-West Sector.
Feel free to select them at your lesiure.
-Magistrate K'Sarragh,Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds,Unity Starbase)

The bases in the Den'Char and Dreth'Val systems were now complete,and the first ore convoy from Dreth'Val was now heading to the new shipyards in Den'Char.
Guarded by the Battlestation in the EC-104 system,the two systems could in theory be self-sustaining,with food grown on Den'Char II shipped to Dreth'Val Prime and the Asteroids,ice from Den'Char IV shipped to Dreth'Val Prime and the Asteroids,and ore from Dreth'Val Prime and the Asteroids shipped to the construction facilities on Den'Char II and Den'Char IV.

From the Skrineen system,Councillor Karaze announced that the basic prototypes of the EMP weapons were almost complete,and work on the new ship designs could be begun soon.
(When the EMPs are compete,I will begin work on missiles)

ETA until EMP weaponry complete:6 posts.Ship design will commence at 5 posts.
Missile design will take 8 posts,and will be begun as soon as EMP weaponry is complete.
New Bases in Den'Char and Dreth'Val operational,as is the battlestation in EC-104.
ETA until Sign-Out Party:6 days.w00t!

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

OOC: Shade, would you ~stop~ putting little OOC writings in your posts, usually longer than your actual post, and without markings? At the end, I have to reformat this all without OOC, and you're just making life hard for me.

Carno,your Renegade Fighter with Sijak engines is not the fastest thing in the Void.The Sijak hold that title still.

No, the Ghost is a heavy fighter, the Renegade fighter is a light fighter. Shade, pretty much any action by anyone else other than you is cleared on AIM. See the beauty now?

Esponer,howcome you're giving the Renegades the HCD when you denied Us Our Fold Drive as a sig tech when the Fold Drive is nearly identical?

I don't trust any player with that type of technology, simply enough.

Carno,BattleDoctor,someone,mount an offensive against the Renegade legion.kill Zak Vilda,and the serpent's body will crumble unto ashes.

Shut ~up~, would you?

Asriel, the wormhole to Andromeda is within the passage from Jumpgate 01 (Milky Way, at New Sol) to Jumpgate 04 (Ross 154). There's a rift in the jumpgate, which leads to a place between the galaxies, called The Pocket, and there's the wormhole there.


(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 11-26-2001).)

OOC:We sorry(hides).

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

OOC:What kind of defenses do planets have?

The Haorn fleet now stood in front of the planet Norad 4. Espona smiled. The Raiek down there must quivering with fear. He commanded the fleet to engage the pitiful array of defenses. It didn't last long. Around two minutes, to be exact. Then a bombardment of the planet's shields began. The Energy leeches and Rift Generators had a somewhat hard time breaking through the shield matrix, so it took a while. Once the shields were down, the fleet descended, and began a bombardment of the planet, the rest making a defensive perimeter. As the Haorn troops landed, they immediately began annihalating the hapless Raiek. Stiff resistance was met in many places, so conquest would take a bit longer than expected. Meanwhile, in orbit, the Haorn eagerly awaited the arrival of the Raiek.


OOC: Planets are all shielded (not incredibly, of course, but not "open fire for half a second in the battle and blow them up" shields), and each race has their own particular Stellar Defence Unit. Terrans have gun traps, Galactica has missile buoys, and Raiek have...humph...try "battery". They'd have about 10 batteries in the system, which fire javelins and such. System Defences are usually beatable by 50 or so ships.

With your 4500 strong fleet, you are...well... <grins> Raiek have about 250-350 ships per system, 6000 ships total.


MOD: Erm.... BD. I would like to note a few things to you:

  1. I have 120 ships on all my border systems at all times
  2. Your raids would have failed, I'm not that weak at all.
  3. I would have whooped you in Smott. But instead you make up some lousy excuse about me leaving behind a fleet. No way. I had much more ships than you did, I would have destroyed all your ships (easily) and then moved onto DSN-8619. There I would have something like 500 ships. No way you would've won, even with reinforcements, because there aren't many more border systems left in the area for you to draw reinforcements from.

Shade; get on AIM more often and stay on AIM longer! 🙂


With the enemy fleet Smott mostly destroyed, the Alliance was now having a lot of problems in DSN-8619. However, they were saved just in time by a combined 220 ships that blasted into the system and opened fire on the Galactica fleet, taking them totally by surprise. These ships had come from Priat and Zanat, which now no longer needed their defending fleets.

As the Alliance kept on the heels of the Galactica fleet, Renegade fighters zipping here and there severely outmaneuvering ANYTHING that Galactica had, another 50 ships arrived from a back up force left in Priat. The Alliance now had 650 some ships, and Galactica was loosing badly.

Styx Bombers came into play in this battle as well. Most of them had been produced in the area to help with the assault, and wave upon wave of these deadly fighters launched their trans-phasic bombs at groups of enemy ships that were attacking using their long range missiles. The bombs sailed forth and exploded, taking out and severely damaging numerous ships.


In Eta Cassiopea, as the base in Holadra was finished, a new and very large colony was set up in the Dreden system. Three large stellars were colonized an a very large station was begun. It would be called Dreden Station, and would be like the other two stations (Chimaera and Corsair) in the Milky Way that they had set up.



Anti-EMP Shields
ETA: 3 Posts

Chimaera Supercarrier
ETA: 4 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 11-26-2001).)

OOC:This post will not have any actual Skraine actions in it,as nothing has happened that We can respond to yet.
Carno,We don't have a phlat rate.If We did,you couldn't Us off AIM,but We don't,so in the morning(Our morning that is,when you guys are on AIM),it costs 2 bucks NZ a minute,and besides We're not often around in the mornings,because We only wake up at twelve these days.
Also,can you describe to Us the exact workings of your Anti-EMP shields?We think We may have something to foil them.Modulating-frequency EMP Beams,he he he.
Now We've gotta A)Mark Dreden on Our Current Map,and B)Think of an SDU for the Skraine. Before We knew about SDUs,We were going to embark on a long project of dropping nanobots on the Hoth Sector asteroids and converting them into little defense sats.
Must think of SDU name...

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

As the conquest of Norad 4 began to wrap up, the Haorn destroyed the system's orbital defenses. Espona sent a long burst transmission to the Haorn worlds to start churning out around 5 Motherships and an infinite amount of Fleet Cruisers and Destroyers, stopping only when he told them to. They would gather at two points, Ren and Dar, which would allow them easy acess to link up with the attack fleet. Once 100 or so ships were done, they would make their way to the Haorn attack fleet, thus allowing for constant reinforcement. Norad 4, with the planet half conqured, the Haorn troops dug in and the Haorn sent down pre-fab bases and construction materials, and several thousnd slave workers to begin the work on defenses, and yet another jump off point for newly built ships. The Haorn fleet made their way to Norad and engaged the fleet there. The Raiek were ready, and 20 ships were lost, but the Raiek were easily overwhelmed.
Then the Haorn also bombareded the planet, but another 20 Fleet Cruisers were lost to the system defenses. More troops went down, and they met stiff resistance. The same tactics were used, and the conquest of Norad began. Meanwhile, the Haorn fleet was still waiting for a counterattack.

Build times:
Fleet Cruisers: 10 per post
Destroyers: 5 per post
Motherships: 1 every 3 posts


(This message has been edited by Espona (edited 11-26-2001).)

OOC: Grunadulater, did you ever return to Keld after going to Dandresden? If so, do I have the Spatial Fold Device?


Moiraine glanced briefly at K'Sarragh's message. Hmm...She decided on Thrawn and Helekar. They were fairly easy to defend.

(To K'Sarragh, Skraine)
(From Moiraine, Tribunal)

We would like to colonize Thrawn and Helekar. We will start immediately, if that is okay with you. Moiraine out.

Her message was short and to the point. That was a Prylak characteristic, of course. Of the five systems, battlestations were necessary only in Dimire and Helekar. The other three systems were not adjacent to anything other than Tribunal systems, except Hoth IV. Hoth IV, however, was adjacent to Unity Station, and Moiraine surmised that no hostility would come out of there. There was a garrison there, however, as well as Phyrexia itself. The BASE ship could likely take on the whole Skraine fleet, if need be.

Dimire already had a small station, but Moiraine wanted it to be expanded, and she wanted a station in Helekar. Dimire had a small city on its planet, but colonizing Helekar's planet could wait for awhile. There were, after all, only so many colonists. Plasmator and Pro'tas work teams went out to start the station in Helekar.


Tasina's three scout fleets went through the wormhole in Haru'El, uncloaked, and cloaked entering the Ross 154 wormhole system. They traveled to RC-405, just in time to see an enormous fleet of unknown ships leaving the system...


Title: Machine Gun
ETA: 10 posts

Helekar Station: 8 posts (reasonable?)

"Life's a bitch, but she's my bitch." -- Phoenix

OOC:Asriel,it's nice of you to trust the Skraine.
Battlestations can be constructed in about 3 posts-I spent 6 on Unity Station,because I didn't know that.I'd suggest four posts.
Everyone has the SFD-the Milky Way because they got it off the company which made it,the Skraine because we sent a fleet of Science Vessels to study it,you because the Skraine were nice and sent it to you.
Funny,tho.I was thimking you'd colonise Helekar and New Dimire.
But I'd encourage you to build Battlestations in all your systems-if you are attacked,you'll need defenses.

(White-Alpha Encryption)
(To:Tribunal BASE ship Phyrexia )
(From:Skraine Coalition,Unity Starbase)
(Feel free to colonise Thrawn and Helekar,with our blessings.
-Magistrate K'Sarragh of the Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds)

From the Skraine University of Stellar Technology,Councillor Karaze announced that the basic prototypes for the EMP weapons were complete.
As the Skraine now knew what requiremants the weapons would have,the design teams could begin work on the Generation-II warships.

ETA until EMP weaponry complete:5 posts
ETA until Generation-II warships complete:15 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

OOC: Thanks, Shade. I took Thrawn because it's easy to defend.


A small fleet of Phantoms also went through the spatial fold in Hoth III. They wondered what they'd find in the Milky Way now...


The three scout fleets in Ross 154 split at RC-405. One went north to Haorn space, one went southwest to Raiek, and one went northeast to Sijak space. One system south, the fleet scouting Raiek space discovered Norad IV. It was a system now covered with desolation. Ruins of a battle were evident; it was also evident that all the destroyed ships were of one race. Some of the victorious fleet's ships were still in the system, bombing the planet. Getting closer, the scouts were able to determine the faction the ships were from.

The Haorn.


Title: Machine Gun
ETA: 8 posts

Helekar Station: 2 posts (modified based on what Shade told me)

"Life's a bitch, but she's my bitch." -- Phoenix

As work continued on the Anti-EMP Shield, the basic layout of the design was made known to most military commanders. It worked by creating a static Anti-Electron field which absorbed, scattered, or deflected any electromagnetic pulses directed at it. It had a modulating band frequency, and had redundent power systems to prevent failure during combat.


Corsair and Chimaera Station were now undergoing a big refit along with Dreden station. This would make these stations even bigger and more heavily armed, as well as giving them heavy construction capabilities.


Command Station Project
Construction Project
ETA: 4 Posts


Anti-EMP Shields
ETA: 2 Posts

Chimaera Supercarrier
ETA: 3 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

OOC: Carno, I intensely dislike the way you are doing things every time we have a battle. A few things I've noticed:

1. You always manage to pull reinforcements in from somewhere, even if we aren't in your space. You act as if it's simple for you to get extra ships, and pull them from places which you often don't explain. When I try to bring in reinforcements, you make up some excuse about how the system is isolated or something.

2. You act as if your ships are much stronger than mine. Guess what... they're actually not. Overall, they are about equal, save for the fact that your Flagships can total most things that come near them. My ships have better missiles, longer range, and just because my Laser Frigate is called a Frigate doesn't mean it has the strength of one. A Laser Frigate rivals large capital ships in terms of ability. Your ships are a tad stronger than mine, true, but in my opinion you exagerate this. I find that you seriously underestimate Galactica ship strengths.

3. Since when do I have only 120 ships in each border system? I gave you that figure weeks ago. Since then there have been new ship constructions. Most of my navy's strength goes into proctecting the border. Also, it's my own space. It's very easy for me to bring in reinforcements, and hard for you.

4. In my raids, it would have been easy. You could not have that many ships in your invasion force without seriously draining defense fleets from other areas. I attacked a half-built station, why is that so difficult?

Maybe I'm being unrealistic, but I don't like the way you do things, Carno, and I'm sick of it. Please, take what I have said into account.

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

MOD OOC: Battlestation in three posts is fine, but if you take longer, we'll factor in more strength. Of course! More time = More weapons, shields, and crew.

OOC: Figures.. I'm too busy to check here for 16 hours, and I get attacked by a 40O0 ship fleet... hmm...

Is it possible that a large DENSE Haorn fleet would not be detected? Especially when it's target is a few jumps away from a major scientific base? Oh well... I did detect it....

Ships were amasses in the two surrounding systems, and the large fleet was about to jump in. On one side, were the Carriers and Frigates, and the other system was absulutely FULL of dreadnoughts. Civilians were angered by REDchigh's decision not to reinforce Norad as soon as the Haorn Fleet was detected, but the military knew.. if the system was full, then the Haorn fleet could back away... this way, the might of the Raiek could truly be showed... even if he did have to sacrifice the defense fleet.

Right as the shields fell on the twin planets in the Norad system, 400 Dreadnoughts jumped into the middle of the Haorn fleet, their beams incinerating the suprised haorn captains quickly. The bombs launched from the middle of the Haorn gave way to complete chaos on the Haorn side, and a split second later, nearly 1000 Warfrigates jump in, followed by 450 carriers, which quickly launch their fighters.

The Ships empty their bombs, and for a while the fleet is surrounded with them, and they block the energy leeches while the Raiek make continuous shots with their heavy beams and longrange javelins, which the slow-moving Haorn warships cannot avoid. The Bombs Dissipate however, and the Raiek Massacre proceeds..
The tide is in favor of the Haorn obviously, and as the battle slides more and more to the haorn's favor, another wave of ships jumps in, almost 2000 ships of equal proportion, and that does NOT count fighters. (Ouch... there goes most of my fleet.. as DEFENSE :frown:)

(Ship count is so high because I already had the fleet collected, they were just several jumps away.)

Hastily, REDchigh sends a message to Kenra..
Message to: Kenra
Code: Alpha Omega class Emergency
Today, the Raiek were attacked by an extremly powerful fleet of Haorn vessels. My System of Norad IV is still under heavy fire, and although I am sending every available vessel, Im not positive it will be enough. I know we haven't gone far in the way of an alliance, but the Raiek are at your mercy more than ever. We need reinforcements! Anything you can spare owuld be GREATLY appreciated!

Ships are once again being pulled to the systems surrounding Norad IV, ready to jump in when their count gets higher...

Dont Believe me?
Just ask the Blind Man.. He Saw it all...
post sponsored by (url="http://"")Ipix Inc. Web Design(/url)

(This message has been edited by ~A ROCIII MODERATOR!~ (edited 11-26-2001).)

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 11-26-2001).)


Originally posted by Lord Asriel:
**OOC: Grunadulater, did you ever return to Keld after going to Dandresden? If so, do I have the Spatial Fold Device?

OOC: Grunadulater was got-rid-off, perhaps more violently than necessary...his actions are undone. All of 'em.

Nothing much seems bad, from what I've looked at. Asriel, 8 posts for Helekar Station only if it's a big defensive station, otherwise maybe 5 or 6 (keep your modified figures). Espona, you don't build 10 and 5 and .3, nowhere near. More like 30 Fleet Cruisers, 40 Destroyers and a mothership/post. Fleet Cruisers aren't so common in your navy.


Spurred on by the colonisation efforts of their fellow factions in Eta Cassiopea,the Skraine are establishing footholds in the most profitable sectors.
Old survey charts of the initial wave of exploration,one hundred and fifty years after the Great Exodus,show a cluster of ideal worlds in the South-West of the Senn Sector.
The four systems,from long-range scans,appear habitable.
In the center of the four is EC-220,an empty system except for worthless ice asteroids.
The three systems near to it are more interesting;Bajro II,high in ore deposits,is cratered with artificial impacts.The place is a radioactive hell.
Paros II is a small,M-type world;sometime several millenia ago the icecaps melted, flooding the world,and encouraging the growth of diverse plant and animal species in the warm waters.
Paros is a small,dusty planet similar to Mars.The only life-forms are a few photosynthesising bacteria species which can cope with the constant drought.

The Skraine High Council,in remote session via hypermail with the Magistrate, Councillor for Science and Councillor for the WarFleet,decide that this cluster would be an admirable site for bases in the Senn Sector.
A large Starbase-the largest the Skraine have ever constructed-will sit in the EC-220 system,acting as a colonial administrative center.It will also be a civilian station,and will supply the needs of the other Skraine worlds in the Senn Colonies.
On Paros II several floating seabases will be constructed,for the harvesting of the abundant food in Paros II's warm,shallow oceans.
On Bajro II a base,heavily shielded against the radiation,would be constructed,and mining would be carried out.
A survey team would analyse Paros to see if it had anything of value.

OOC:The colonisation of the Senn Colonies will take 5 posts,due to the major project that is Citadel Starbase,in the EC-220 system.This includes battlestations, SDUs,etc.
We're planning that the Paros,Paros II,Bajro, and Bajro II systems were,several millenia ago,home to two opposing races,who got in a huge territorial struggle.
They wiped each other out:
Bajro and Bajro II were nuked to hell,the Bajroii used a taliored virus to wipe out nearly everything on Paros,and melted the Paros II polar caps with orbital lasers.
No-one of either race is left,but We're hoping it will add some archaeological spice,and maybe a cool alien tech later on.
Esponer,please be nice,and don't revoke Our idea.We spent all afternoon thinking it up.If you want Us to,We'll post our argument for it.And We spent all afternoon thinking up that,too.You can mod the tech when We reverse engineer it,though.
That won't be until ALL the Generation-II ships and weaponry are complete, however.

ETA until EMP weapons complete:4 posts
ETA until Generation-II Warships complete:14 posts
ETA until Senn Colonies operational:5 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

(quote)Originally posted by BattleDoctor:
**1. You always manage to pull reinforcements in from somewhere, even if we aren't in your space. You act as if it's simple for you to get extra ships, and pull them from places which you often don't explain. When I try to bring in reinforcements, you make up some excuse about how the system is isolated or something.

Correcto, because I actually say where they come from and such, and I always carefully look this over before I try and attack to make sure I can bring in reinforcements.

(QUOTE)Originally posted by BattleDoctor:
2. You act as if your ships are much stronger than mine. Guess what... they're actually not. Overall, they are about equal, save for the fact that your Flagships can total most things that come near them. My ships have better missiles, longer range, and just because my Laser Frigate is called a Frigate doesn't mean it has the strength of one. A Laser Frigate rivals large capital ships in terms of ability. Your ships are a tad stronger than mine, true, but in my opinion you exagerate this. I find that you seriously underestimate Galactica ship strengths. (/quote)

Yeah, and you always act like your ships are better than mine, and act like the Laser Frigate is invincible. If it's so good, name it the Laser Battlecruiser for petes sake, and how bout take a little more time to research it. Seemed like you did that awfully fast.

(quote)Originally posted by BattleDoctor:
3. Since when do I have only 120 ships in each border system? I gave you that figure weeks ago. Since then there have been new ship constructions. Most of my navy's strength goes into proctecting the border. Also, it's my own space. It's very easy for me to bring in reinforcements, and hard for you. (/quote)

I never said you had 120 ships in your border system. I said that I have 120 ships in my border systems.

(quote)Originally posted by BattleDoctor:
4. In my raids, it would have been easy. You could not have that many ships in your invasion force without seriously draining defense fleets from other areas. I attacked a half-built station, why is that so difficult? (/quote)

Erm, NO. I have 120 ships in all my border systems and plenty of ships to spare in my invasion forces. Want to see my ship count? I'd rather not pull it out (like to keep it secret), but believe me, my numbers are correct. In fact, if I did show my fleet stats for which parts of my fleet go to where and how much, etc. etc., I would like to see how many ships you have total, how many ships are on your border systems, how many ships are in other galaxies, etc.

(quote)Originally posted by BattleDoctor:
(b)Maybe I'm being unrealistic, but I don't like the way you do things, Carno, and I'm sick of it. Please, take what I have said into account.

Sorry, I probably was a little too one-sided. I will try to be careful in the future. BUT the same goes for RMA and you.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 11-27-2001).)