Reign of Chaos - Chapter IV

The commander in Eta smiled and let out a breath.

"We have been slaves of the Prylak for a long time. At the moment our peace treaty with them seems solid, but perhpas meeting your race would change that. We will go to Hoth V."

The commander ordered everyone to follow the wing of Storm fighters to Hoth V.


The captain that was transporting the Raiek took off from the planet and plotted a course towards the Eta wormhole, idly wondering if anyone would mind all that much if the Raiek had an accident.


The fleet of 500 Ghosts jumps into a Raiek system, and they all wonder if they really have to help there those who had onced enslaved them.


Upgrading Engines
8 posts

Building Ghosts-
Esponer said it was around 300 a post, so after this I'll go to building something else, since I'm just making up for what I sent to the Raiek.

Formerly known as

OOC:Kenra,the Skraine will not only not mind if the Rhai'ek have an "accident",they will thank you for it! The only good Rhai'ek is a dead Rhai'ek.

The Ghosts,escorted by the Storm wing,arrive in Hoth V.
Unity Starbase's dockmaster guides the Si'jahk vessels in to dock.
The Ghost pilots disembark their fighters,and look about with interest.
A Skraine WarFleet Lieutenant leads them to Magistrate K'Sarragh's office, overlooking the starbase and the system beyond.
K'Sarragh is dressed in his immaculate Supreme WarFleet Commander's uniform, looking out over his station.
As the Si'jahk enter,he turns,and sits down behind his chair.
"Take a seat." he tells the pilots.
"It may interest you that the first time the Skraine heard of the Si'jahk,it was from a Rhai'ek force.
They were trying to offer us an alliance "K'Sarragh chuckles.
"Now,we come to your purpose in this galaxy.
Clearly you seek something.
We have numerous uninhabited systems in Eta Cassiopea,should you wish to expand your territories.
Should you wish to have allies against the Rhai'ek,we will be happy to oblige." K'Sarragh grins,displaying a mouth full of sharp teeth.
"If you wish to have new technology,the Skraine have a reasonable asernal.
Our Plasma Sheilds,although dated,are powerful.
To counter missiles we have Plasma Pulses,and ECMs to counter torpedos.
Recently we also completed work on new EMP weaponry.
The question then becomes,what can the Si'jahk offer the Skraine?"

ETA until Generation-II warships complete:7 posts
ETA until Missiles complete:5 posts
ETA until Cempak IV complete:3 posts
ETA until Cincal complete:1 post

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

The Sijak commander, Ofeleto hesitated. What could they do for the Skraine? Offer them information, technologies, or what?

"I do not know what we can offer you. We came here because we are curious. We are only a few, and we don't know what we want. We would like to settle somewhere here, since our own galaxy is a war zone between the Haorn and the Raiek.

"Perhaps we could offer our engines, in exchange for being able e here, and live in peace? We do not want much, We just wanted to explore, and see if this galaxy was peaceful."

"As for an alliance against the Raiek, I will have to contact our leader for that, and she is unpredictable in thses things, though after what the Raiek did, capturing one of our Interceptors, and then offering a hypocritical peace treaty, well, the Sijak people are not happy."

Formerly known as

K'Sarragh smiled at the Si'jahk commander.
"This galaxy was peaceful before we arrived in it.
Save the Rhai'ek,Pry'lahk will not venture here,for thousands of years ago there was a race here known as the Senn.The Senn once destroyed an entire Pry'lahk invasion force in seconds,so the Pry'lahk are right to be afraid.
Although the Senn are gone now,their legend lives on,and the Pry'lahk stay away from here.
Although our history,as is to be expected,has not been blissful,we mantain peace throughout Eta Cassiopea now.
We are certainly willing to allow you to settle in Eta Cassiopea;we require no gift, but we would be interested in your engines.
What can you tell me of them?

In Cincal,the colony was complete,and would begin trading with the Confederates soon.

ETA until Generation-II warships complete:6 posts
ETA until Missiles complete:5 posts
ETA until Cempak IV complete:2 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

In the Milky Way, Galactica forces reinforced the border, every new Support Cruiser bringing more Missle Defence Bouys. ECM drone clusters thickly littered every border system Galactica had. No surprise atatcks would be getting through, especially with the new Missle Bouys littered between the Confederate-Galactica border

In Eta Cassiopea, the Galactica colonies are going great. A convoy of surplus materials has been sent to the Skraine to help with the diplomatic station.

The convoy hailed the Skraine Trading Station:
'We come with supplies to help you, as well as a request. With our initial help, you have constructed impressive EMP weaponry, and we would be interested in more data on it. We also hope our help with kinetic warheads has proven useful. We await your reply'

The gyroscope missle is going well. The current problem is ensuring that components within the missle are sturdy enough to withstand the sudden g forces, but since missles have always gone at high speeds, this is not much of a problem. ETA:4 Posts


(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 12-02-2001).)

"Sir, the G.E.S. Hardship and its escorts have arrived. That's the last of the armada, High Admiral."

High Admiral Fera looked at the officer telling him this and responded, "Good. How is our fleet in Romit?" Fera and his aides were in the Tientu system, at a mobile command post. Galactica had lost a lot of ground lately, and they were about to retaliate.

"Seven hundred ships strong, sir. System defenses are in place and a battlestation is nearly completed. They are in position to back up our fleet here if needed."

"Good. Give the order to move out. Fleet Admiral Herla will be in direct command of the fleet from this point on."

The officer sent the order to the command ship of the fleet in Tientu and the 700 ships began to move out. There were now 1,400 ships within a few jumps of western Confederate Alliance space, and battle was about to begin.

The ships from Tientu jumped into DSN-8906. They briefly made sure that there were no ships around to give an early warning of their presence, and then made the jump to DSN-1156.

Upon arrival in DSN-1156, the Galactica fleet immediately opened fire on the hopelessly ounumbered Alliance defense fleet. In typical Galactica fashion, the fleet remained stationary and launched volleys of Standoff Missiles into the midst of the Alliance fleet. The powerful Gravity warheads made the Alliance ships collide with each other, unable to compensate for the gravity well effects when already travelling at high speed towards the Galactica fleet.

The Confederate Alliance had placed extensive fields of bombs around jump point exits into DSN-1156. A few Strike Cruisers had collided with these, and their destruction caused the Galactica fleet to fire reverse thrusters and back a distance away from the minefields. The Confederates were now in an embarassing predicament. Their own mines were between them and the enemy, and they were impeding their progress.

To make matters worse, Galactica had the ability to manipulate the mines as they pleased. They used their Gravity Emitters to shoot the mines at the hapless Confederate Alliance fleet, still not in weapons range. As the Alliance fleet charged, doing the only thing they could, Mass Missiles began to fly and what was left of the Confederates began to dwindle as a multitude of the powerful missiles exploded in their midst.

By the time the Confederate Alliance fleet reached weapons range, they were already in tatters. The Galactica fleet, on the other hand, had taken almost no casualties. The Alliance missiles flew, but Galactica Gravity Emitters had the nasty habit of ramming the missiles into each other, and the Galactica ECM systems were extremely effective at confusing Alliance guidance systems.

After less than an hour, the Galactica fleet had taken less than 50 losses, while the Confederate Alliance defense fleet was obliterated. The station was destroyed quickly and easily using debris as massive projectiles. Galactica forces secured the system, and construction ships were called in to begin production of a Galactica battlestation. The Galactica fleet began to rearm and repair. Soon, they would continue their push into Alliance territory and move on into Niot.

Work continues on the gyroscope technology for missiles. ETA: 3 posts.

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 12-02-2001).)

With battles raging everywhere, stations never survive a battle. Therefore, orders from Galactica High Command have gone out to start stockpiling station components, ready for quick construction. Support Cruisers are being assigned to carry the components.

Research on the Gyroscope missle: ETA 2 posts


In Ancros,the colonial administrator looked at the message from the Galactica in bemusement.
The "diplomatic station",Unity Starbase,had been completed long ago.
He sent a message to the Galactica:
(White-Theta encryption)
(To:Galactica supply convoy)
(From:Colonial Administator,Ancros System)
(Our diplomatic station,Unity Starbase,was completed long ago.
However if it is acceptable to you we will reroute this equipment into the construction of Citadel Starbase,in the Cempak IV system.
-Kana'aqui,Colonial Administrator for Ancros system)

Magistrate K'Sarragh received the message from the Galactica,and sent a reply.
(White-Alpha encryption)
(From:Magistrate K'Sarragh,Unity Starbase)
(Your help with kinetic warheads is proving most useful in designing the new missiles.
In return,we are sending you our files on EMP physics.
-Magistrate K'Sarragh of the Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds)

ETA until Generation-II warships complete:5 posts
ETA until Missiles complete:4 posts
ETA until Cempak IV complete:1 post

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

Unfortunately for the Galactica in DSN-1156, they had suffered more losses than they originally thought; the Confederates had deployed their trans-phasic bombs in the direct area where the enemy fleet had come out, destroying a total of 80 ships rather easily.

In Krraali, the Confederates shrunk their fleet to 400 ships, and began work on two new battlestations, as well as even more increased trans-phasic bomb placement. Never could be too careful about Galactica.

In Niot, 250 ships arrived from the Ji Nebula, along with another 100 ships from Krraali. Later, another 150 ships from DSN-8619 were called in, bringing the total ships in that system to 500. At the same time, 100 ships were put in Krraali. The Confederacy now had 1000 ships total facing the Galactica onslaught. With the fact that they had defenses on their side, the larger Galactica number meant, in essence, nothing.

Finally, the last of the DSN-8619 fleet arrived in Krraali; 300 ships. With Krraali having 800 vessels, they were actually larger than their Galactica attackers, of which the Confeds were certain would come.

As dozens and dozens of Trans-phasic bombs were put out in Krraali and Niot, Fridion and Emalghion were also be prepped for a possible defensive move. A battlestation was built in both systems, and the whole Confed border was on high alert.

As supplies for battlestations were being prepared, research was going nicely and the Confeds were preparing to start new research projects, one of which was a new counter to Galacticas Gravity Wells, which were once again giving them a hard time.


Command Station Project
Construction Project
ETA: 1 Post

Chimaera Supercarrier Upgrade Project
Upgrade Project
ETA: 6 Posts


Citadel Defense System
ETA: 11 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Unfortunately for the Confederacy, their computers had gone on the blink. Instead of having almost a thousand ships nearby, they only had 380 ships in Niot. Only 150 ships ahd been left from the battle against Zak, and DSN-8619 was actually 9 jumps away, and not 0.9 as the computers had thought. As for Krraali, its fleets where now pretty small. It had a mere 400 ships.

Under command of Fleet Admiral Herla, Fleet One of Phase 2 of Operation Thunderball was underway. 650 ships entered Niot and opened fire. Gravity wells caused the mines not inside the Galactica fleet to smash into each other, clearing the way for the rest of the fleet. Standoff Missle wiped out the entire front wave of the Confederate fleet in 2 volleys. the Alliance continued to underestimate the power of Galacticas missles, and paid for it badly. Confederate Styx bombers shot off their own mines, only to find them changing directions suddenly, and heading back even faster, smashing into the Confederate fleet. The Confederate fleet was outnumbered 650 to 370, and most of its fleet had either been annihilated by Galacticas missles, or smashed into by their own missles. The Galactica fleet had taken moderate damage from the initial mines, a score of ships being blown up, but damage afterwards had been light.

The Confederate fleet finally managed to close with the Galactcia fleet, but its badly reduced numbers found themselevs confronted by Laser Frigates. They tore into the damaged ships, reducing many to wreckage. Standoff missles shot behind the Confederate fleet, only to tear at them from behindw tih gravity wells, and EMP warheads.

The last confrontation had damaged the Galactica fleet badly, but it had wiped the Confederate fleet from the system. Every last ship that had gone for the fleet had been destroyed.

Galactica finished off the remaining fixed defences from beyond their range with standoff missles, as well as wiping out Niots shields. Support Cruisers began landing of troops, while transports with larger battalions entered the system. Other Support Cruisers began dumping Missle Bouys all over the system. Repairs comenced.
In Krraali, a similar tale repeated itself. While the Confederate fleet was larger by 20 ships, Galacticas fleet was larger by 50. The minefield, having been set up longer ago than the Niot one was larger, and took a heavy toll on the Galactcia fleet. The initial ships to enter the system had been support Cruisers however, all loaded with missle bouys, and they had managed to eject most of them before destruction. Gravity wells decimated the rest of the minefield, and Galactcia began bombarding the Confederate fleet. The whole first volley ahd headed straight for the newly built station, impotently out of range, obliterating it completely. Bombardement began of the mainf elet, and Galactica waited for the Federates reaction, flipping back the few bombs that had been sent its way. As a demonstration of Galactcias technology, several bombs where picked off by the antimatter railguns, far beyond normal primary range. The large Alliance fleet at DSN-8619 was too far away for reinforcements to arrive before the closing stages of the battle. And by then, the Confederate fleet would have nearly been destroyed, whatever it did. The longer it hung back, due to the confusion of the stations destruction, the more ships would find themselevs destroyed.
On the other side of the galaxy, Galactcia left a system open. Most of the defence fleet of Notil ha left the system, along with some newly built ships. Its destination was Plogok. It was not a mission of conquering, but rather of destruction. The fleet entered the system, and shot its missles off, it took some damage from the fixed defences, but it was gone before the Alliance could even react. The missles wheren't however. They smashed into Plogok Outpost, wiping it frome existance. Just to keep the Feds busy, 50 Support Cruisers had dropped missle bouys. That added up to a lot of missles.

The fleet retreated to Leka, where a transport fleet had begun construction of a station, using the carefully prepared components. The station would be constructed in record time, even faster than the Alliance could manage.

Another transport fleet, slightly larger, ahd begun construction of a station in Gadzair. the extra transports in the fleet ahd dropped Missle Bouys and the more powerful Drones. It was another of the prefabricated stations.

Meanwhile, in Notil, ships from defence fleets further into Galactica space had reinforced it. Igadzra had been a primary contributor, but it had recieved its own reinforcements from further in.

Note:Numbers have been checked with Esponer. He has also said you cannot build battlestations that quickly. He also said DSN-8619 was too far away to get to those systems so quickly.

Note 2:Please remember Galactica ships and stations have pds. Exchanging a bombardment of missles with Galactica means almost all of ours will hit, whereas yours for the most part either get nullified by ECM, or blown up by the pds.

Note 3:Ohh! Look! I got an action approved by Esponer!

Note 4:I decided anything that closed with Laser Frigates, backed up by Antimatter railguns and missles wouldn't actually survive.

Research on Gyroscope missle:ETA 1 post


(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 12-02-2001).)

The Sijak pilot looks back, and notices just the frill of the Raiek commander, poking up behind a crate, and hears his praying.

The Milky-Way fleet sent a message back as it was destroyed, speaking of galactica. The Eta Cassiopea Fleet returned nothing. The Andromeda fleet returned SOMETHING, but it was in screams. yells, and curses so it was unreadable. Since the Raiek had information, vague information, but info nonetheless, on both the Eta Cassiopea and Andromeda races, and knew there was no chance of help from them, they gathered 3 of the built lazerus', and sent THEM through the wormhole. Upon reaching Namer, the Milky way, they immediatly initiate their personal wormhole generators to take them three jumps in the direction that the Galactica force came from earlier, launch their gunships, and destroy the only Confederates in the system- about 100. Then they go through the pulsating deep blue/gray swirl, which lands them in DSN-1044. They have their weapons powered down, but their shields up, they hail the first Galactica ship they see:
"Greetings. We are the Raiek, we are the same race that helped you kill confeds in Namer yesterday and this morning. Now, who do we talk to about Diplomacy? I assure you, we are no threat, we have our weapons powered down, we want peace."
The lead lazerus commander HOPES for a different reaction...
Note to Kenra.
If the Sijak pilot tries to make the Raiek have an accident, about 12 lazerus' will sweep through your space, and uh, I think you know what that means.

Dont Believe me?
Just ask the Blind Man.. He Saw it all...
post sponsored by (url="http://"")Ipix Inc. Web Design(/url)

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 12-02-2001).)

OOC:REDchigh;about your message to Kenra.
The Sijak pilot is of course sitting at the controls,and merely has to move his hands a little to the requisite buttons,and input the correct codes,to self-destruct the ship.
I don't think that the Raiek are strong enough to survive explosive decompression, do you? 🙂

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

In DSN-1044, Galactica forces had notified higher command, and a message to the Raiek fleet arrived:
"Raiek, we have heard of you from the Skraine. We know you where once the Prylak, the ones responsible for our loss of power in this galaxy. We have no quarrel with you now, but our friends the Skraine have expressed how they feel about you. Until they change their opinion, we must ask you to leave. The situation may change in the future, but until then, we ask that you leave us alone. Attacks on the Confederacy may or may not alter this situation.

"You have 30 minutes to leave this system. We do not wish conflict."
Station construction:1 post. Framework completed, power systems being wired. Missle pods are currently floating loose, ready to be fitted

Gyroscope missle:ETA Completed

Galactica fleets are now being refitted with the new missle.

New research project:Enhanced antimatter containment systems;ETA:5 posts

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 12-02-2001).)

The Commander listens to RMA's statement, and dissapointed, he turns to leave, but stops at the door.

"We will help you fight the Confederates. Give us a Time and Place to attack, and we'll see what we can do. These three ships we brought can easily take out 165 ships in all. "

"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"

In Plogok, as the ships recovered, the Confederates began to rebuild the important border system. Starting on three battlestations at once, Trans-Phasic Bombs were layed and the system was put on high alert for furthur Galactica attacks.


In Krraali, the Confeds charged, but then quickly turned around and hyperspaced out towards Emalghion. Fridion was abandoned, and the ships that had been sent to Niot were redirected to Emalghion, where the Confeds would now stand. As ships slowly began to move in, the fleet defending Emalghion was about 900 ships, with 200 ships on the way.

Then the Confeds prepared their defensive strategy. First, battlestations were constructed as fast as possible as trans-phasic bombs were placed in the exact spots where the Galactica fleets were to enter if they tried to hyperspace in. They were clustered together and were at a total of 600 bombs. Once the Galactica fleet entered, those bombs that didn't exploded would be radio-detonated, causing mass confusion in the enemy lines. In addition to that, the Confeds were working on installing auxillary generators on the shields for the battlestations, moons, and planets, to help increase shield strength and how long it lasted. As ships from Dewe, Kelmoan, and DSN-1469 also arrived, adding 220 ships to the fleet.

The Confederates were ready for a defensive battle.


Ship production was rushed as the Confederates began to churn out ships quite fast. As several more shipyards were built in new colonies to aid the process, the Confederates were slowly catching up to Galactica.

And as this happened, all accross Confederate space the Confeds were working on deploying trans-phasic bombs in the hyperspace link exits. Several new battlestations were also built, and outposts were only always on a constant state of alert. Renegade Fighters also proved quite useful in defense of systems, seeing that they could close the distance between fleets in mere seconds and it was practically impossible to hit them with missiles and gunfire since they were so fast.


Command Station Project
Construction Project


With the three big base stations finished, the Confederates were now working on a new engine technology; Anti-Gravity Engines. Though a ship can be extremely fast and can turn very fast as well, as in the case of the Sijak Ghost, it still has the problem of intertia. Intertia is everywhere and greatly hampers the maneuverability of ships. However, by using an anti-gravity field to counter the effects of intertia, a ship can virtually switch directs suddenly without taking time to turn. In essence, a 0 degree and 0 second turning. A ship can suddenly move backward just as fast as it was going forward just a second before.

Though the Anti-Grav Engines would take a while, they would give the Confederacy an advantage unheard of in maneuverability and warfare. What was even better was the fact that the same technology could be used for missiles and torpedoes, making them extremely hard to evade. And then there was the final good point; the new engines were only somewhat effected by the Anti-Gravity well, seeing as they produced an anti-gravity field around the whole ship.


Chimaera Supercarrier Upgrade Project
Upgrade Project
ETA: 5 Posts


Citadel Defense System
ETA: 10 Posts

Anti-Grav Engines
ETA: 14 Posts


(Message to Kenra of the Sijak)
(High Level Military Encryption)
(From Carnotaur of the Confederacy)
(We have had a lot of problems with our arch enemy; the Galactica Imperium. They are cruel and oppressive, and we could certainly use your help. In return we'll give you our Anti-Gravity engines, once we're done researching them of course. What do you say? If you do help, send ships through Jumpgate 2, and my ships will then escort you to Emalghion where a major battle is to take place soon.)
(End Message)


With Jumpgate 02 now once again open, the Confederates had the problem of keeping the Raiek out of the Milky Way again. So, under orders from Admiral Scorcher, a major construction project would take place in DSN-8689. It would involved building a massive superbattlestation, and several other smaller battlestations, as well as twice the number of defense pods. This would all take quite a while but the Confeds needed it since they couldn't spare any other ships to protect against alien attacks. The whole project would take around a month (13 posts).

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 12-02-2001).)

Galactica forces have moved into Fridion, Niot, and Kraali. The area has been secured and buoys have been dropped. The large Galactica fleet in the area is reinforcing defenses in those systems. No further attack is being made at the moment.

The Galactica Battlestations in Gadzair and Leka have been finished. They are heavily defended by large fleets, and upgrading the stations has begun. Soon, they will both be fitted with large Gravity Emitter arrays.

To counter the Confederate Alliance's new carrier, Galactica shipbuilders have drawn up plans for a new type of Galactica warship. This revolutionary new ship, the Hyperspace Carrier, would be able to deploy a large number of fighters to the battlefield aftr jumping in. Once it disgorged its fighter wings, it would then go back into hyperspace. However, it can stay stationary in hyperspace and when the battle is done, reappear. For this to take place, the ship will be mostly fuel tanks. Much new technology will have to be researched for this. ETA: 12 posts.

Work on enhancing antimatter containment continues. ETA: 4 posts.

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 12-02-2001).)

A secure courier,a refitted Support Cruiser, light on weapons, but faster and heavier shields than normal arrived at the Skraine Diplomatic station, with a very important message.

(Secure protocal Alpha-d-gamma-9)
(Message to:Skraine)
(From:Galactica High Command)
Recently a race calling themselevs the Raiek arrived in one of our systems. Being engaged heavily in battle with the Confederates, we have not tried to destroy them. They have offered us a hand of friendship against the Confederates, and we have decided to accept it after some thought. We recognise them as the Prylak, but they have offered to attack the Alliance. We see no problem with them attacking the federation, as it would save us the trouble. Would you not like a great enemy of yours, and those who have shown hostile intentions blast away at each other?

"We will let them kill each other."
(Message End)

In the Milky Way, a new message went out to the Raiek, in the form of a courier pod:
"We have changed our minds. If you can prove your worth against the Confederates, we will look to better relations. We suggest attacking a system in Azdgari space, all recent Confederate reinforcements being on the other side of the galaxy. Unfortunately, so have ours. We do have a fleet nearby, but it is protecting some new stations. We will send about 50 ships along, all we can spare.

"We will not treat as the best of friends, since you are responsible for our downfall. Prove yourselves, and we will reconsider"


The battlestations gravity emitters are now operational, and are being fine tuned, and tested for proper functionality.

The fleet in Niot has moved up to DSN-7617 to improve defensive depth, and ahs begun construction of a battlestation, using some of the last of the current supply of prefabricated station components. Orders have gone out to construct more.


Enhanced Antimatter Containment Systems. ETA: 3 posts

Hyperspace Carrier. ETA:11 posts

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

"Are the ships ready, Fleet Admiral?" asked Admiral Fera, talking to one of his Fleet Admirals over a commlink.

"Yes, sir. The ships in DSN-4743 and DSN-2061 are prepared. We will move forward on your signal." responded the other Admiral.

"Very well. Order your Support Cruisers to go in and dispose of those minefields, then we will begin the attack.

All was quiet in the Emalghion system. There were over 1,000 Confederate Alliance ships in orbit of the planets, and extensive minefields in place aorund the jump points. Of course, all of that was about to change.

With no warning, six Support Cruisers entered the system with fields of debris in tow. As they smashed into the mines, they caused a chain reaction taking down a good portion of the field. Two of the ships were destroyed immediately, but as they were nowhere near the weapons range of the Alliance ships the rest had time to spare. They began to throw the mines around with their Gravity Emitters, and the debirs that they had in tow smashed into the rest of the minefields. Their primary objhective completed, they emptied their Standoff Missile stores into the Alliance fleet as they made the jump to hyperspace.

While the Alliance fleet was still puzzling over what had just happened, a fleet of 700 Galactica warships from DSN-2061 jumped in. As there was no minefield, they fired reverse thrusters and began to further exaggerate their ranged advantag, all the while pounding the Alliance defense fleet with Standoff Missiles. They destroyed many Alliance ships while the Confederates were doing their typical charging maneuver.

Just as the Confederate Alliance fleet, already battered, reached weapons range, the Galactica fleet had a little surprise for them. Another 700 ships, from DSN-4743, jumped into the system. These began to destroy Alliance ships with their missiles, and the Alliance ships could do nothing to stop it.

Would the Alliance choose to concentrate on one section of the Galactica fleet and get battered by the other part, or would they choose to split up and try to combat both at once. Either way, Galactica had the upper hand.

Antimatter containment enhancement ETA: 2 posts

Hyperspace carrier research ETA: 10 posts

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

the Raiek Diplomats nod, but instead of going to Molar, they go to Namer... where they are joined by one more lazerus. Then the entire fleet heads toward Molar, but stops in KavKax. Sort of Lingers for a few seconds, before 2 wormholes appear. The Lazerus launch 50 of their gunships, and the gunships and one lazerus go with the frigates through one wormhole, and the other Lazerus' go through the other. (Wormhole exits are undetectable, and since the confeds dont know me well enough, they have no warning...)

Confeds are buzzing about Molar, minding their own business, when a wormhole appears. The 3 lazerus' enter realspace, and fire their Thoron beams almost immediatly, vaporizing any confed ships caught in the fire. The Stationary defences launch what they can at long distace, but the fed ships gang up on the Lazerus' and destroy about 15 gunships

Before the Lazerus' take any major damage, the other wormhole forms, closer to the planet, taking out the planetary defences without major losses. The 90 vessels storm the fed fleet, leaving them stuck between the 3 lazerus, and the missilefrigates, destroying most of the fed fleet in less than 30 minutes, with only 30 missile frigates and 25 gunships lost.

The Gunships and M. Frigates finish off the defence fleet, with the lazerus' and remaining missilefrigates fire on the planet, with the missilefrigates annihalating bases with their missiles, and the Raiek Thoron beams scouring the planet surface, creating lines of flaming devastation easily seen from high orbit.

The Lazerus' create another wormhole, and the fleet enters it, heading of towards galactica space, right as Confed reinforcements jump in... Directly into a giant cloud of more than 3000 space bombs. The first reinforcements are incinerated, and the Raiek and galactica vessels make it back to Galactica space, in more of less one piece.

"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 12-02-2001).)

In the old IA space, below Miranu space, above UE space, Galactica forces where less in number than Galactica would have liked. The Offence in old Voinian space had taken a lot of ships though, and ships where heading to near old Azdgari space, to defend the stations newly built. The DSN designate systems had been drawn from heavily, and the new fixed defences where no replacement. Old derilicts and hulks had been towed to the systems to hide the fact, but any attacker might have better luck than they would think. It was hoped the offensives against the Confederates would keep them off guard for now.


The newly built battlestations now have fully operational gravity well projectors, and more hull material, weapons, and shield generators are being brought in to upgrade them all the time.


Enhanced Antimatter Containment Systems. ETA: 1 post

Hyperspace Carrier research. ETA:9 posts

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 12-02-2001).)