Reign of Chaos - Chapter IV

As Espona watched the battle, he saw it was quite in favor of the Haorn. But he knew that the Raiek had more ships than this, and his ships would most likely be overwhelmed. He wanted to do as much damage as possible, if and when they were pushed back. He pulled back some. Then a compliment of Mother ships turned on their Sub-Space Emmitters, and plowed through the Raiek, annihlating much of it. A full fleged charge by the Motherships caused the Raiek to move back, and allow the Haorn to regroup.


Half the present fleet is destroyed with sub-space emitters, but then another 2000 ship fleet jumps in... beams at full..

Dont Believe me?
Just ask the Blind Man.. He Saw it all...
post sponsored by (url="http://"")Ipix Inc. Web Design(/url)

Day 46 - No sign of life. Sensors useless - the nebula is too thick to penetrate more than a couple dozen kilometers in any direction. No hope of returning to known space. Prepping crew for stasis.

Blaze, having completed the final entry of his ships log, proceeded to turn over control of the vessel to autopilot and join the rest of his crew in the cargo bay. They were conversing solemnly, not surprising considering their situation.

"Fellow freedom fighters -" Blaze began, "we knew it was a risky gamble to head out into deep space. We knew we risked getting lost, and never finding our way back. That is the situation we find ourselves in now. Our sensors can't penetrate the nebula, and we are only moving deeper and deeper into the clouds. Though we have enough supplies to last a year, we may be out here far longer. I have no choice but to put us all into stasis in hopes that we will someday be rescued. Let us pray that whoever finds us is more humane than Galactica."

Blaze assisted each member of his crew, twelve in all, into their stasis bays, turning each one on before entering his own and pressing the door control button. As the door slid shut, he took what might be his last look at his ship and his crew, already entering stasis. Slowly the door slid shut, and the stasis bay activated. Within seconds Blaze fell into a deep sleep - the first stage of the stasis process. Not even he knew when, and if, he would wake again.

OOC: And thus ends my part in RoC III - thanks for letting me drop by and play through 🙂

Ad Astra Per Aspera - "A rough road leads to the stars"

"Well," said Remos, "We are in a bad situation. 300 ships down, a Mothership severly damaged." "Yes. I agree." Said another fleet commander. "We cannot hold out forever." Added another. "Quiet, all of you!" Exclaimed Espona. "We must hold our ground until the other planets have been fortified. Until then, we give no ground! I have just recieveed word tht construction on a group of Destroyers is nearing completion, as well as a few Fleet Cruisers. We must hold until reinforcements arrive! Now back to the battle!"

As the Raiek reinforcements neared, the Fleet Cruisers launched their Energy Leecehs, and then a few Armor Leeches. They plugged up the weapons on many ships, and the Destroyers pounced on them, opening up with Sub-Space Beamers and Rift Generators. 200 hundred Raiek were destroyed, but the group that charged them was devestated, bringing down Haorn strentgh 200 ships. The Raiek were regrouping, and the Haorn pulled back again. The two fleets circled warily, waiting for one to make a move.

Planet fortification: 4 posts (Like I'll last that long :))


OOC: I did not get Thunder's part. What was he?


The work crews in Thrawn had discovered three planets, instead of one. Two were suitable for colonization, and one had a fair concentration of tucharium, an extremely dense element so far found on both Uosa'Nad, and now this planet. With enough, maybe ships could even be made out it; it was that dense.

Work on Helekar Station was progressing nicely, and it would be ready soon. Plans were also being made to expand Dimire Station into a full-fledged battlestation. Moiraine figured the Tribunal would need defense sometime...


In Ross 154, the fleet going to scout out the Sijak had almost made it there. They passed through one system identified as "Pria'Nor." The lead pilot had a sneaking suspicion, and directed the fleet one system south. There, indeed, was the charred remains of a planet formerly known as Pria, the home of the Prylak. There was still wreckage from the titanic battle between the Haorn and the Prylak twenty years ago. The Tribunal scouts continued on their way to Sija, slightly shaken by the sight of Pria...


Title: Machine Gun
ETA: 7 posts

Helekar Station: 2 posts

"Life's a bitch, but she's my bitch." -- Phoenix

Another set of almost 1000 Raiek reinforcements jump in, and the fleet fires at the Haorn with their Javelins and heavy beams, keeping enough distance so that the Raiek will be able to avoid most of the Haorn's weaponry. The Haorn take heavy losses, and the Raiek fleet swarm around several detached Haorn vessels, destroying them easily, then the Raiek Launch another large group of bombs, and charge the Haorn armada right after the bombs impact.

The several Raiek ships are incinterated by concentrated Haorn fire, but the concentrated heavy beams from the Raiek vessels incinerate a few fleet cruisers, which explode, damaging several nearby ships, and creating a lot of debri, giving the leeches trouble with targeting. The debri thrown out from the explosion, going at high speed, does minor damage to haorn and raiek ships with their shields down.

The Haorn charge, and is beaten back, the Raiek charge, and are beaten back. This goes on for hours, with both sides taking terrible losses.

Raiek reinforcements are flowing in slowly but steadily, and the battle is sliding more and more to the Raiek side...

Raiek Losses~ 3110 assorted (includes about 8% fighters)
Haorn Losses~ 2780 assorted

(I'll be adding a new charactor.. A fleet commander by the name of Ka'Ska. Will fly a heavily upgraded Warfrigate, (I mean HEAVILY upgraded), by the name of RSS LaCe. a really strong ship.)

Dont Believe me?
Just ask the Blind Man.. He Saw it all...
post sponsored by (url="http://"")Ipix Inc. Web Design(/url)

Admiral Tasina had decided that they needed a heavy cruiser-class ship. Fortunately, they still had the design for the old Daemon-class heavy cruiser, and it was still fairly current. With only minor upgrading, it would be very useful as a front-line ship. He would add machine guns, scorpion turrets, precision bombs, and probably mines.

Asriel was also getting some very good ship ideas. They had a nice supply of tucharium, and could almost start making ships out of it. If he could get the Sijak Engines from Carnotaur of the Alliance, he could make a fast, heavily armored, and heavily shielded fighter-bomber. The Preliator could then be converted to more of a light-fighter type ship. He also had plans for a fast heavy carrier-class ship. It could use the Plasmator's engines, as well as having a tucharium hull and good shielding. For defense, it could have a precision bombs, NPEs, and scorpion turrets. He was really starting to like this idea...


Asriel had, of course, run to Moiraine to tell her his idea. She liked it too, and rattled off a message to Carnotaur, asking for the Sijak Engines.

(To Carnotaur, Confederate Alliance)
(From Moiraine, Tribunal)

We are aware that you have engines acquired from the Sijak. We would like to trade with you for these. I have some technologies that you may find interesting. If you wish, I can send a diplomat to Dandresden or another system to talk with you. I await your response.


Title: Machine Gun
ETA: 6 posts

Helekar Station: 1 post
Daemon refitting with modern weapons: 6 posts

"Life's a bitch, but she's my bitch." -- Phoenix

OOC:Asriel,Thunder represented a very short-lived rebellion against Galactica.
Now,since Esponer has not MOD'ed Our idea,We will continue with it.
Also,Skraine SDUs are now "Guard Drones".They have WarGates,to get to trouble spots quickly.

In an empty sector of the Chau'Skria system,the superstructure for Citadel Starbase,which would eventually be taken to the EC-220 system,was under construction.

Meanwhile,as colony ships dropped the first prefab shielded domes on Bajro II and the first seabed construction bases on Paros II,a fleet of science vessels dispersed throughout the new sub-sector.
Under the command of Researcher Deirani, who reported directly to Councillor Karaze,the fleet was here to scan the sub-sector and search for evidence of previous sentient life.
One of the eight science vessels peeled from the fleet in the Bajro II system, going into orbit of the hellish world to determine the cause of it's destruction.
Another left to the Paros II system,to study the melting of the planet's ice caps.
Three of the remaining six,escorted by Storm wings,left to scan the other nearby systems,while the remaining three headed to the Paros system.
What will they find?Tune in to Shade's next post to find out!

ETA until EMP weaponry complete:3 posts
ETA until Generation-II warships complete:13 posts
ETA until Senn Colonies complete:4 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.


Originally posted by Shade:
Now,since Esponer has not MOD'ed Our idea,We will continue with it.

MOD: Consider your idea MODed, as you put it. Any wars in Eta Cassiopea were "put out", by the Senn, who, by the way, didn't go past the systems with their name on. The idea of a war in Eta Cassiopea is just impossible - before on shot would be fired, a Senn peace team would be upon them, and simple stop them, at whatever costs...


OOC:In an email a while ago you told me that while the Senn would not engage in hostilities,or aid another faction in hostilities,they would defend themselves from hostilities.
From this I concluded that the Senn would not interfere in a Bajroii/Parosii war, as it posed no threat to them.
Now I'm sorry if I was jumping to conclusions,but that was the data I gathered.
Besides,I wanted the archaeology idea.
The tech was not supremely powerful.
Now I'll just have to research Interphased Physics on my own,then,as I was planning to before I got the archaeology idea.
Oh well.The new colonies in the Senn Sector are now scrapped,as the main idea of putting them there was to introduce the remnants of the Bajroii/Parosii conflict,which now never happened,and probably,in light of recent developments, neither race ever existed anyway.
Here is the new direction of Skraine colonisation-the Andornik Cluster.

Long-range Whirlwind scouts,gathering data on the systems near the new colonies in the Senn Nebula,came across a hyperoute previously undiscovered in the Skraine's major exploration efforts,one hundred and fifty years after the Great Exodus.
Judging by basic stellar drift calculations,the two stars involved had only moved close enough for the link to form in the past 8,000 years.
The same calculations revealed that the group beyond it had been linked to the Senn Sector via Zerek until about 10,000 years ago.
But now the two stars were close enough,the link would not naturally break for another two million years.
The scout Whirlwind passed through the Rokynar system,going through several uninhabited systems before coming to the Cempak IV system.
This system had an abundance of everything a colony could need;two small,rocky ore-bearing planets close in to the star,two habitable worlds,one covered in wide savannah,criscrossed by deep canyons, the other humid and swampy; an asteroid belt holding veins of ores and heavy metals; beyond that,a large gas giant, rich in the raw elements used to make hyperspace fuel,and orbited by a dozen icy little moons; at the end of the system, a second, sparser asteroid belt,holding mainly ice asteroids and drifting rocks with no value.
The Whirlwind sent an urgent message back to Unity Starbase;this system should be colonised immediately,not only for it's abundant resources,but also as a springboard for colonisation in the Andornik Cluster.

At the new nerve center of Skraine expansion,Unity Starbase,Magistrate K'Sarragh read the report and smiled.
After the unexplainable disappearance of the Senn Colony expedition,the Skraine High Council had decided to be more cautious in their expansion efforts,but a system this rich ought to spur even the isolationist members of the Council into action.
The Councillors were hastily raised,regardless of time differences,for a conference via hyperlink.
The verdict was unaminous;this system,and it's resources,would be colonised extensively.
More discussion followed on how to colonise the system.
All worlds in the system would be colonised-the two rocky planetoids,the pair of M-class worlds,the asteroid belt,and the inner two moons of the gas giant-and,quite apart from Battlestations orbiting each of the four inner planets,one in the asteroid belt and one in low orbit above the gas giant,fuelscooping operations would be built,to supplement the stretched-thin production capacity of the fuelscoops in Kel'enn Ri.
A major starbase/battlestation,with large shipbuilding capabilities, would be constructed above the star's north pole,where it could literally sit at the hub of the system.
The system would also be opened for civilian colonisation,the first base to be opened for civilians since the Great Expansion one hundred years after the Exodus.

ETA until EMP weaponry complete:2 posts
ETA until Generation-II warships complete:12 posts
ETA until Cempak IV Colony complete in entirety:8 posts


(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

(This message has been edited by Shade (edited 11-28-2001).)

MOD OOC: Seema to me the Senn are like the Council. They dont communicate with any races, but intervene if something begins to happen they dont like. Obviously war is something they dont like.

Dont Believe me?
Just ask the Blind Man.. He Saw it all...
post sponsored by (url="http://"")Ipix Inc. Web Design(/url)

After the initial attempt to enter Andromeda, the Terrans had been quiet. Patrols in The Pocket had been greatly increased - but not one have ventured through the wormhole. Blade and Casene had both forbid it. The Prylak were far too dangerous. It was assumed that their battlecruiser could tear a Supernova apart, quite possible several dozen.

It was obvious that the Prylak would soon enter through the wormhole. Even if they did not have on record the sighting of a mysterious alien vessel, they would quickly find that the wormhole had been opened at the other side.

No-one could have known that they would attack so soon, or in so much force. The Terrans simply weren't prepared - they had not even drawn up the secondary designs for the Apostle Battleship by the time the attack came.

There was only one certainty.

This wasn't going to be fun.

- - -

The Pocket was being patrolled by a group of twenty Supernovas, more than usual, but it was right in between the shifting of two patrol fleets. Two Darkwings lay near the wormhole, taking advanced scans of activity beyond.

For some strange reason, they reported no energy buildups, no stress in the wormhole, absolutely nothing.

And then, the Devil was upon them.

Five vessels cleared the wormhole, and one Darkwing was sucked straight into the gravitional fields of the vessels. The other was ripped apart by five seperate gravitational forces.

The vessels were dark grey, almost black, with indigo patterns. They were still very sober vessels, made for war, and nothing else.

Even the infinity of space and the trick of perspective could not make an illusion of their size. Four of the ships were over two kilometres from front to back, and the head ship, almost as large as the Equinox, was almost ten kilometres in length. Four Prylak battlecruisers and a Prylak dreadnought had come to The Pocket.

The Supernova captains had no delusions. They turned their ships to flee the very second the Prylak strike force entered, outgunned and outmatched over a hundred to one. But there was no chance for them. The dreadnought opened up with a barrage of hundreds of coloured spheres, some red, some blue. Supernovas were vaporised from just a handful of them. The resistance was absolutely none. Four AM lances were fired before the Supernovas went down, and all four promptly exploded as a barrage of spheres reacted around them.

The short battle was over so quickly that the Terrans had not even had chance to send word to headquarters on Terra.

Deep space scanners from New Sol picked up the presence of the ships, however, due to the immensity of their energy output. The Terrans went onto high alert, for all it meant.

Two days later, the Prylak were in New Sol.

New Sol, however, was considerably better defended.

The moment the Prylak strike force entered New Sol, antimatter gun traps opened fire on the ships. The gun traps' cloaks, however, were ineffective, and they were soon swallowed by an immense display of of particle beam turrets, thirty from each battlecruiser and sixty from the dreadnought.

Then, the Prylak were swarmed upon by a hundred Terran vessels, ranging from Thunderhawks to Supernovas. Fighters were launched, and the battle began.

...and promptly ended. There was, unfortunately, absolutely no competition.

A barrage of AM lances from the Terran fleet was overwhelmed by a combination of particle beams and the antimatter and quantum pods the Prylak ships fired. That impressive array of firepower swallowed the first rank of the Terrans, Thunderhawks. Light enclosed those ships, but didn't subside. Energy readings were off the roof - no-one could tell that the Thunderhawks had ever existed.

Hundreds of antimatter and quantum pods cut through shielding, and vaporised anything smaller than a Supernova in one. More Thunderhawks were thrown into the artificial and natural gravity of the dreadnought, and were crushed against it's shielding.

In half a minute, dozens of Terran ships were simply gone , with no trace of them left. The battle ended decisively when the dreadnought charged and fired it's quantum modulator beam cannon, clearing the battlefield of opponents. And then, the weapon's fire stopped, and all was silent once more.

The planet of Terra sat in a perfectly serene star system, with five ships, neither damaged below 95% shields, slowly made their way towards the system, none firing their long range weapons, instead building up the tension, slowly...

Terra looked back at the Prylak, and feared. Lonely, the planet sat, awaiting it's certain doom. How could it be, one might ask, that the Prylak had managed to break into the heart of the Terrans in only two days, with the Prylak equivalent of a "small strike force"? How could it be?

And then, the silence was broken by the appearance of a large hyperspace exit from the direction the Prylak had come. A ship that made even the Prylak dreadnought look small appeared from the exit - the Equinox had finally arrived.

The Equinox, the most powerful ship in the Terran fleet, a match for the Terran fleet, went up against the Prylak, and it wouldn't be the last time.

The Prylak were taken off guard, and as a storm of AM lances broke through the shield matrix of one of the battlecruisers, finally causing some damage at all to the Prylak ships, the Prylak, shocked, attempted to turn and fend off the great BASE ship.

However, they had met their true match. Hundreds of antimatter bursts smashed into one of the battlecruisers, it's shields raining down constantly. The Equinox took heavy damage also, the equivalent of 50,000 shield damage in ten seconds. But even that could hardly scratch the Equinox.

The charged stasis generator on the Equinox encompassed two of the battlecruisers completely, blocking them out of the fight. The shield bubble around them blinked for a moment as the battlecruisers attacked it fiercely, before stabilising.

Meanwhile, one battlecruiser went down under the Equinox's fire, and another was disabled after a few minutes. And then, it was one on one, the Equinox against the dreadnought.

Such a battle had not been witnessed before. Antimatter bursts met beams of energy, seemingly in one huge mass between the two ships. It was almos as if nothing was actually happening.

The two ships just sat there, locked in combat, the distance between them too incredibly active for any munitions to be fired into it, until the dreadnought's fire stopped. After a minute, so did the Equinox's.

The dreadnought went out with a terrific explosion, and the Equinox was left to wait for the battlecruisers to escape stasis, and destroy them also.


Kenra pursed her lips thoughtfully. The Raiek wanted her help, did they? Well, if the Haorn exterminated the Raiek, then they would probably come after the Sijak, and if the Raiek defeated the Haorn, they would get angry for her not helping. She sighed. Why did she ever get involved in politics?

She sent out a message to 500 Ghosts, who would go and help out the Raiek. It was a token force, but perhaps the buzzing little fighters would help. She grimaced. They would have to build more Ghosts now. Well, they'd build Ghosts for awhile now until they were were back up again.


The commander of the fleet in Skraine space, looked over the coordinates they were sent. Upon hearing the name of the Prylak, even if not perfectly, his head snapped up. He quickly talked through the channel.

"You know who the Prylak are? Well, the Prylak reallly aren't there anymore, instead the Raiek are, who we do have apeace treaty with, no trading of techs or anything, but we just don't want them to exterminate us, you see? Don't worry, we don't talk to them much."

As the commander babbled on, the rest of the fleet were shocked too, for what was the name of the Prylak doing over here? And how had they been heard about?


The Sijak captain who was transporting the Raiek diplomats observed them with narrowed eyes. He didn't trust these Raiek, but he was ordered to take them to a goverment called the Galactica, and then explore the space around, so he would do that.

The captain growled out, "Alright Raiek, get aboard, were going right now, and if you cause even the slightest trouble, I'll eject you straight into space."

With that he turned on his heel and marched back inside. He took off and grumbled under his breath on having to transport Raiek, those who had recently destroyed one of there Interceptors.

Upgrade Sijak Engines- 9 posts.

Buiilding more Ghosts

Formerly known as

(This message has been edited by Kenra (edited 11-28-2001).)

The Confederate colonies in Eta Cassiopea continued to grow and to prosper as scouts were sent out to try and find more habitable planes to colonize. The colony in Dreden was also expanding at an amazingly quick rate as colonists from the Milky Way flowed in and soon all three big planets in the system were heavily colonized. The air was almost constantly filled with the sound of construction as engineers worked unendingly to complete the big cities, spaceports, and towns.


(Message to the Tribunal)
(From Admiral Scorcher of the Confederacy)
(Yes, we would be interested in trading technologies with you. Your disruption web would be useful, as would the specs for the engines on your frigate, which would greatly increase the speed of our Corsair. Come to Dreden and my Admiral Raven will discuss it with you.)
(End Message)


Command Station Project
Construction Project
ETA: 3 Posts


Anti-EMP Shields
ETA: 1 Posts

Chimaera Supercarrier
ETA: 2 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Espona listened to his fleet's transmissions from his bridge.

"Get those engines on-line!"
"Multiple Thron beam hits! Port side gutted, losing oxygen!"
"We are severly damaged! Pulling back!"
"A dozon, off to the left! Pull back the flank-...."
"Can't hold! This is impossible!
"Get the Fleet Cruisers to attack the fighters! Keep them back, now!"
".....Need assistance! We cannot.... Engines down....Can't......"

He listened to the harsh emotions, the yells. This would go on forever, until not one ships remained. He knew he wouldn't last much longer. Finally, the two fleets disengaged again, if but for a moment. Espona had gotten word reinforcements were on the way, he hoped they would arrive soon. With a Thoron Beam blast, the two fleets engaged again. Espona ordered that the Destroyers, use their Sub-Space Beamers, and the Fleet Cruisers launch all the Energy Leeches they had. At least 150,000 Energy Leeches flew out to the Raiek, the Sub-Space Beamers destroying any bombs in the way. 1,000 Raiek ships were disabled. Then the Destroyers let loose.Rift Generators, Sub-Space Beamers, everything.
The whole group of 1,000 Raiek were destroyed. The Destroyers desperatley pulled back to avoid retribution, but 500 were destroyed. Then, reinforcements. It was meager, 300 Fleet Cruisers and 100 Destroyers, but it broke a charge 800 Raiek were making on the right. Unfortunately, 300 Fleet Cruisers and 50 Destroyers were blasted to oblivion, and took 300 Raiek with them. But it saved the battered right flank from destruction. Espona made a note to give all on those ships posthumous awards when, no if the rest made it out alive.


(This message has been edited by Espona (edited 11-28-2001).)

WIthin a couple hours, Admiral Tasina himself was on his way to Dreden. It was a short journey, and he was soon there. He landed the Arjuni, his personal Pro'tas carrier, on Dreden, wondering what would happen now...


The scout fleet assigned to scouting out the Haorn arrived in Ho Norus, cloaked. Apparently, the Haorn had not heard of the concept of "fighters," judging from the types of ships in the system. The lead pilot, a Phantom, decided not to hail any ships; they were in no danger at all, as the Haorn's sensors could not detect their cloaks. They just orbited the planet for awhile, taking notes, then went on to Hor.


Meanwhile, another Tribunal scout fleet arrived in Sija. The Preliators and Plasmators had come out of cloak on the edges of the system, and the lead Phantom hailed a patrolling Ghost. "Hail, Sijak. We are of the Tribunal. We wish you no harm, and realize that you could easily destroy this scout fleet if you wished to. We wish to speak to your leader, Kenra."


Helekar Station was complete, armed with a rather large fusion beam, as well as a plentiful cache of precision bombs. Asriel noted that the Tribunal really needed a good long-range, fast missile. Some mines had been completed on the third planet of Thrawn, called Jan, and work was beginning on expanding Dimire Station.


Title: Machine Gun
ETA: 5 posts

Dimire Station: 3 posts
Daemon refitting: 5 posts

"Life's a bitch, but she's my bitch." -- Phoenix

Raiek Losses so far~ 4410 assorted (includes about 10% fighters)
Haorn Losses so far~ 3630 assorted

Espona, how many ships do you have in the system? You've moved in about 4400 total, so that leaves..
Haorn = 770 ships in Norad.
Raiek = Indefinate....

The Raiek curse about the Haorn's lucky streak, and pull off to reorganize. another 1000 ship (included fighters this time.. Confusing, I know) reinforcement wave jumps in, lead by the RSS LaCy and it's escorts, bringing the total in the system to 1430, the the Raiek ships quickly empty their weapons on the invaders, decimating 300 haorn, and losing about 350. Fighters are ordered to ram the haorn when their shields get below 5%, and although the fighters that try to ram are destroyed, their debri keeps the speed and rams the haorn vessels, damaging them greatly.

The RSS LaCy stays on the edges of the system, then, one at a time, Ka'Ska sends vulgar threats via hail channel to a specific Haorn vessel, and right as the haorn's blood gets racing, the RSS LaCy and it's escorts annihalate the vessel... This happens the length of the battle, swarming various haorn ships.

The remaining Raiek ships simply swarm the Haorn vessels, since all the ships except the recent reinforcements are out of secondary ammo, and the Haorn Primary weapon isn't TOO strong, so the Haorn lose another 300 vessels, with minimal losses to the raiek side....

(Espona, run away or the battle is over my next post, including a substantial retaliatory strike.)

Raiek Losses so far~ 4820 assorted (includes about 12% fighters)
Haorn Losses so far~ 4330 assorted

Dont Believe me?
Just ask the Blind Man.. He Saw it all...
post sponsored by (url="http://"")Ipix Inc. Web Design(/url)

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 11-29-2001).)

OOC:Good job,Esponer.Me scared of Andromedan Pry'lahk scumsuckers.

High Admiral Tereknor looked at the message on his screens.
"The Pry'lahk are not gone,Si'jahk."He said softly. "Even in their Rhai'ek guise they remain Pry'lahk.Five hundred years ago they destroyed the original five Skraine worlds-twenty billion Skraine.The refugees of that conflict escaped here, and waited for the chance to bring retribution to the Pry'lahk.The Skraine will not rest until every one of them is destroyed.
But you are devious to trick them so.We Skraine like that. I can see that this meeting could be beneficial to both races.
But Magistrate K'Sarragh,leader of the Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds, would like to meet you.
Please make your way to the Hoth V system;a small wing of Storm fighters will lead you there."

The first colony ships began to arrive in Cempak IV,dropping prefabricated domes onto the planets below.

OOC:What techs do the Tribunal have?

ETA until EMP weaponry complete:1 post
ETA until Generation-II warships complete:11 posts
ETA until Cempak IV colony complete:7 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

Admiral Tasina was quickly brought to the main headquarters on Dreden Prime (the first planet in the system). Escorted by three guards, Tasina looked around at the quickly expanding colony and base as ships zoomed here and there.

Entering the main conference room, Tasina saw Admiral Raven flanked by a guard and his aid. The other guards left and Tasina and Raven sat down at the meeting table. Raven spoke first. "It has come to my attention that the Tribunal is quite powerful and has a lot of interesting technologies. For instance, your disruption web, or your engines for the Tribunal frigate. Both of those would provide extremely useful to the Confederacy. So, I'm willing to make you an offer; you give us the two techs we want and we give you the Sijak engines." Raven picked up a datapad and pressed a button. "We're sending you the Sijak engines now. Now how about our techs? Once you given us what we want, you can go. We can even provide an escort of Corsairs if you wish."

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Though DSN-4386 had been hit hard by Galactica forces and the station destroyed, only 50 Galactica ships were able to retreat. Soon after more Confederate forces moved into DSN-4386 and secured the system, and began the construction of a second battlestation.

In DSN-8619, though Galactica had a lot of ships, the Confederates were still able to pour more of theirs into the system, pounding Galactica with 700 ships. As the last of the system defenses were destroyed and Galactica forces dwindled, the Confederate troop convoy entered the system.

As Confederate ships rushed to protect it, the Galactica fleet tried desperately to destroy the troops. They failed. Almost half of the Confederate fleet broke off to protect the convoy, destroying 200 Galactica vessels.

The remains of the Galactica fleet continued to get battered and blasted. When they tried to escape, Corsairs and Ravens surrounded them as Renegade Fighters blasted apart the last enemy bomber and fighter. The Galactica fleet made one final charge, with 50 of them just managing to escape.

As thousands of troops landed and Corsairs and Ravens flew through the atmosphere, blasting away Galactica troops, DSN-8619 was finally brought under Confederate Alliance Control.

Remaining Forces (from the battle):
Galactica: 50
Confederate: 550


Anti-EMP Shields


Now that the new Anti-EMP Shield was finished, the Confederacy could now work on a new design of theirs that would help them out a lot in the matter of system defenses. The new project; the Citadel Defense System.


Citadel Defense System
Description - Though Defense Pods and Battle stations were useful, they still did not provide an adequate amount of protection, especially since defense pods were weak and battle stations expensive. It works like this; in each system 3 types of drones are deployed.

Sensor Drones - Small but fast and advanced drones which help with targeting and counter ECM systems. They can move quite fast and are fairly well shielded, and even come with their own ECM systems to protect the other drones.

Missile Drones - These drones carry Citadel Missiles, powerful and long ranges warheads which can do a lot of damage and are very hard to jam, and provide artillery fire for the other drones. Like all Citadel Drones, these can move, and are armed with two short-range heavy laser turrets.

Citadel Drones - The most powerful and deadly of all drones, armed with the terrifying Citadel Laser Beamers that can tear through shields and hull armor. Also armed with two short-range heavy laser turrets, these are heavily armed and are quite fast. They serve as the close range fighters, and are also equipped with a small Trition Warhead. The purpose of this warhead; to be activated once the drone flies into a fleet of ships, which not only destroys the drone but many other ships around it.


Command Station Project
Construction Project
ETA: 2 Posts


Citadel Defense System
ETA: 14 Posts

Chimaera Supercarrier
ETA: 1 Post

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