How do I get the Kirrim Prime missions?

Im trying to play the Reign Of the UE missions but i need to do the Kirrim Prime missions first. I tried going to the bar on Kirrim Prime but i didnt get anything. How do i get these missions?


I believe you have to go to the bar on Priat Station to get them.

Captaintripps: Newest Member of Pseudodeities Anonymous
(url="http://"")VoxHumana(/url) -- Comedy of the Future

One more quesion. How do u get alien missions? I've been to every bar and never gotten a strand mission or anything.


This is what I recall:

Mission - Location:
Igadzra - Kitrack
Zidigar - Pozdag 3
Azdgari - South Tip Station
New Calcutta - Himgro
Ski Resort - Kirrin Prime
Voinian - Pax
North Tip Renegades - Hizdriar
Human Renegades - Iothe Prime, "offender" status
Nebula - Miranu space


"Prejudice is silly. There are so many perfectly good reasons to hate people on an individual basis "

Thanks Z but I dont need to know where to get them. I mean I've been to those places but I haven't gotten any missions. So whats up with that? And also, how are you supposed to get missions from the voinians when they hate u from the start?


I think you need at least a noteworthy combat rating. The Voinian mission you can get, if you take it the before the defector mission. (note... you can get both at the same time, playing for the Voinian and the UE)

To get missions form the Voinians, kill a bunch of UE ships, then go to Pax (?). If the missions don't pop up, change your mssion profile: I.E., they are randomly placed there and changing the missions you do or do not have will reset that probability.

-Payback37 (url="http://"")Biggles Productions(/url)
Treat all the world as the world deserves,
With love or with hate but never with harm,

--an excerpt from The Seafarer , an Anglo-Saxon poem translation

Does anyone have an answer to my original question or an explanation as to why I can't get alien missions? And it isn't because of my combat rating for sure.



Originally posted by catbert7:
**Does anyone have an answer to my original question or an explanation as to why I can't get alien missions? And it isn't because of my combat rating for sure.


How do you know that? What is your combat rating?

- Gavin Dow, upholder of truth, justice, and the American cheese.
(url="http://"")EV Upcoming Plug-Ins Directory(/url) | (url="http://"")Don't Hate Me(/url) | (url="http://"")The Spaceport Bar(/url) | (url="http://"")Infinity Forums(/url)

My combat rating is ultimate very early in all of my characters. It's hard to take lots of big escorts without destroying quite a few ships in the process. And I have to have my escorts. 🙂


To get any missions for the Strand War, I assume that's what you mean by 'aliens' :), you first have to do the Diplomatic Relations missions with the Miranu, i.e. you've been to Mira, taken the message back to Earth, and been back to Mira. Then the Azdgari / Igadzra / Zidagar missions are always available in the bars on the planets as said by Z! A noteworthy combat rating is required but clearly that's no problem :).

The Kirrim Prime missions start right there. I believe a Dangerous combat rating is required, along with the diplomatic relations explained above, and also the joining of the Miranu Trading Conglomerate - introductory mission on Blaga, in the southeast of core Miranu space. The starting Kirrim mission is not always given, but if you don't get it from the bar: go to the mission computer; accept any mission; abort it; go back to the bar.. and repeat the process if necessary. This resets the planet, i.e. mission computer, bar - as if you hadn't landed yet :).

On the Kirrim missions it tells me to find a disabled miranu cargo ship, where is it?

Please help me................

Well, how do i get those Diplomatic Relations-missisons ? I hear about them all the time, but i can't find them ! :frown:


Originally posted by IlErnesto:
Well, how do i get those Diplomatic Relations-missisons ? I hear about them all the time, but i can't find them !:frown:

Go to Mira



Originally posted by Captaintripps:
**I believe you have to go to the bar on Priat Station to get them.


Do you mean Station Pybin? :confused

(ignore top one)

Did you mean Station Pybin, Captaintripps? 😕

Never mind ... 🙂

It's in an empty system a few jumps south of the Priat system.


Originally posted by Dark Bahamut:
On the Kirrim missions it tells me to find a disabled miranu cargo ship, where is it?

Captaintripps: Better than martin most of the time.
(url="http://"")VoxHumana(/url) -- Comedy of the Future

Yes, I did. Thanks for the correction.


Originally posted by scifiguyTR:
**(ignore top one)

Did you mean Station Pybin, Captaintripps? 😕**

Captaintripps: Better than martin most of the time.
(url="http://"")VoxHumana(/url) -- Comedy of the Future