Reign of Chaos 3 - Chapter III


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**Casene looke deeply into Firebird's blue eyes, a strangely familiar site. "Yes, of course," she replied after a minute, not entirely knowing why she said it. Dismissing herself with an apology, she guided Firebird into the adjoining chamber. The second they had both entered, she turned to him.

"You can't be."

Firebird looked deep into Casenes eyes, somehow sensing a discinct similarity between him and her. "Yes, I am."

Casene looked at him, unbelieving. "My mother died at childbirth, and I know that I had no siblings older."

Firebird nodded thoughtfully, and somewhat sorrowfully. "Yes, that's because.... I'm your twin."

Casene didn't say anything for a long time, she didn't even seem to have any reaction at all. Turning around, she walked to the outer side of the room, where the stars were visible. "I will verify this later, of course...but for now..." She turned around, a smile on her face. "What's your name, brother?"

Firebird slowly walked over to where his sister was standing. "Jason David McPherson."

Casene nodded. "I'm afraid I've long since dropped the McPherson. Very few people here use their sirnames here anymore. It's not necessary." Smiling, and reverting naturally back into her childhood, she hugged her brother.

Firebird began to cry as he hugged her back. As his life he had wanted a brother, or sister. Sure there's was Intimidators nephew, Captain LoneIgadzra, that Firebird had done a lot with as a child. But he was never the same as a real brother or sister.

Firebird spoke after a long silence. "What happened to you when you were evacuated as a kid?

Casene shrugged. "I went aboard the Last Hope. I guess I was lucky, or maybe Paladin thought I was important because of my parents...I don't know. Once I'd reached adulthood I began working on the Garland as a systems operator, then later as one of the main officers."

Firebird nodded. "I was nearly killed after I was left on an abandoned frieghter, which got attacked by a Voinian frigate. Then Intimidator, by foster dad, saved me and brought him aboard his ship. There I stayed for years as a mercenary pilot, then joined the Mercenary Alliance along with my dad." He paused, beginning to cry again. "But I only learned about you just recently when Intimidator told me about who I really was..... just before he died."

"I never knew about you...maybe you weren't picked." She began crying too. "How could they seperate us, though? Brother and sister...I sometimes dreamnt I had a brother, but I never believed it."

"I don't know... Maybe I was picked but the crew of the frieghter abandoned ship. I was too young to remember anyway." He paused. "It's..... it's so good to see you and to know that I have a sister. I always wanted a sister or brother..."

Wiping a lone tear that threatened to fall down her face, Casene struggled to retain her composure. "Well, we've met now, and there are people in the other room wondering where we've gone. I don't want them getting the wrong ideas..." Standing up straight, she started to go back to the room, then stopped, and turned back. "Jason, do you want to see Terra?"

Firebird shrugged. "Sure. That would be interesting, especially since last time I saw it was just before I sealed it off. I'd also like a look at those inhibitors. I'm worried that they might fail; they've been up there for 20 years now."

Casene smiled. "I'll take you there right away. And don't worry about the inhibitors, we replaced them eight years ago after reverse engineering the designs."

With that, they both walked back into the conference...

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

this is EVO you talking about? or is a different game.

Average PC but fast emulation

This is a webstory, where someone makes up a story and people roleplay in it. It is sorta EVO.

"What happens when the timer reaches 0?"


Originally posted by dudz:
**this is EVO you talking about? or is a different game.


OOC: It started off as EVO, but we've taken it over 1200 pages of A4 text from there, and's a little different. 😉


The Laser Frigate is nearly finished. A prototype, the G.E.S. Berserker, has been built and it has done very well in combat simulations. There is one small glitch with the Laser Conduit Selection computer, but that is being worked on by weapons researchers and should be gone soon. The Laser Frigate will soon begin construction. ETA: 1 post.

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a HabaƄero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

"Day Five: No sign of ships. No sign of asteroids. No sign of anything - just more nebula, hour after hour, day after day..." Blaze read his own ship's log, looking for something - anything - to pass the time. For the first couple days there had been Galactica ships in the distance, but none had detected them, or if they had they had decided against following them into the depths of interstellar space.

Normally it would take about fifteen to twenty hours to make a hyperspace jump, depending on the length of the jump. Lightyears passed in mere minutes. In realspace, it would take years, even decades to go from one system to another, and navigation (especially in the nebula) was difficult to say the least. Sensors did little good in the depths of the nebula; Blaze had resorted to an ancient human tradition - navigation by the stars.

After leaving Akrayhek and entering the nebula, Blaze had turned his ship toward the galactic north, heading deeper and deeper into the murky clout that was the Proxima Nebula. His crew consisted of only seven people, and they had enough supplies to last over a year, though he hoped they would be able to return to an inhabited system before then - that is, if they managed to find their way back.

Ad Astra Per Aspera - "A rough road leads to the stars"

"Status report, commander," said Captain Ferna Nahga, a Zidagar with the Galactica Research and Development Department. Laser Frigates have begun construction, and the first combat test has been scheduled in a raid on an Alliance convoy.

"Command Module to Weapons Module cable links are optimal, Ion Miniguns charged, shields are up and layer cycling computer is booting, Detonation generators are charged, and ammunition banks are ready," replied the G.E.S. Berserker's second in command.

The Berserker was participating in the commerce raid along with 2 Missile Frigates and 2 Fighter-Bombers. A Strike Cruiser on advanced reconaissance had located what looked to be a weapons convoy protected by a Raven, an easy target for a suitably equipped Galactica strike force.

"Sir," said the Berserker's second in command, "We are entering realspace in 10 seconds. The Green and the Harrier have okayed the attack plan and are sending the fighters forward to bomb the freighters."

"Alright." Captain Nahga turned to the Navigator and said, "You know what to do."

With a flash of light, the 5 ships entered realspace and began to maneuver. The Fighter-Bombers began to jet towards the Alliance freighters and one of thembegan to launch Mass Missiles. One of the freighters was destroyed quickly, a light freighter which was lagging behind the rest of the convoy. The Missile Frigates launched Standoff Missiles at the Raven, staying out of its weapon range using their superior speed. Once they had weakened its shields, they held position and began firing Mass Missiles as the Raven grew closer.

The G.E.S. Berserker was rocketing along the outskirts of the system, avoiding the Raven and attempting to get close to the freighters. "Closing in on the freighters, captain. I'm ready to fire when ready."

"As soon as we are in range begin firing sequence."

"Roger that... deploying 2 charges into the chamber and locking. Antimatter charge is at 95 percent... 98... and we are ready to fire. Engaging detonation."

The port opened on the Laser Frigate G.E.S. Berserker's forward beam conduit, and from inside the ship a bright white beam of light flew towards the freighters. It punched through the shields of one ship and as it passed through the hull and flew out the front the ship shattered and became space debris. The beam still had power, and destroyed a second freighter in much the same manner.

"Two freighters successfully down. Closing on the last one, preparing for broadside."

The Berserker flew alongside the last freighter, its shields absorbing a few shots of fire as it opened up with a broadside of beam fire from its starboard beam conduits. The freighter was destroyed, and the Laser Frigate began to fly behind the Raven. A Missile Frigate and a Fighter-Bomber took a final blast of weapons fire and blew apart just as the Raven took a beam blast up one of its engine exhaust ports.

The Raven was destroyed along with the entire convoy. The Laser Frigate, a ship with the power and shields of a capital ship but the size and speed of a frigate, had proven its worth.

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a HabaƄero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

A little different,Esponer?More like a BIG lot different.
Good to see you back,BattleDoctor.Now,a few posts ago I requested the aid of the Galactica in desigining new weapons;the Skraine would value any missile scientists you could spare.I do NOT mean actual techs,but the Skraine don't know much about missiles.The Confeds sent us files on missile propulsion,but we also need on-the-spot advice from trained professionals.
Esponer said via email that there's a nebula in that blob of empty space in the south-east of Eta Cassiopea;I intend to make use of it.

Den'Char System
In the uninhabited systems south-east of the Hoth Sector, a lone Whirlwind drifted.
Deep in a hitherto unexplored nebula,backdropped by the deep blue taspestry of interstellar gases streaked with red threads,four planets spun around a standard yellow dwarf star.
The closest in was a barren,lifeless rockball,cratered from eons of asteroid impacts.
The second,in contrast to Den'Char Prime,was a verdant sphere,odd to find here in the depths of the nebula.Thick jungle sprawled over all it's three equatorial continents, covering small,though still viable,ore veins. Two rocky,airless moons orbited it in a complex dance.
Between the second and third planets was a sparse ring of asteroids,remnants of the system's formative period which had never managed to accrete into protoplanets.
They bore heavy concentrations of ore,as did most asteroids(I just love asteroids). The third world was a large and turbulent gas giant,wracked by century-long lightning storms.Twelve small,barren moons circled it in intricate orbits which swung around the gravitational centers of the other moons(IE,they move around too much to make good bases).
The fourth was habitable,but locked in a permanent ice age.Asteroid scars had left many small circular lakes of ice.

The Whirlwind moved out of the nebula's communications-impairing grip,and sent a message to Unity Starbase.
This system should be colonised immediately.

ETA until EMP weaponry complete:11 posts
ETA until Sign-Out party:8 days.w00t!
(See,Esponer?Only doing one thing right now. now can I start research on those missiles?)

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

(Message, Beta-7 encrypted)

To: Skraine Command
From: Galactica Space Navy R&D;

It has come to our attention that you are consorting with the Confederate Alliance. It is possible that if we aid you, some of our information might slip into Alliance hands. Also, if any of our scientists were to come in contact with Alliance, personnel, that would not be a good situation. Regrettably, because of these facts we are currently forbidden by Galactica law to aid you with technology. If you were to contact the Emperor and attempt to convince him, possibly something could be worked out.

(End Message)

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a HabaƄero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

(Level White-Alpha Encryption)
(To:Galactica Space Navy R&D;)
(From:Skraine University of Stellar Technology)
(We requested files on missile propulsion from the Confederates;they were, despite recent events,willing to aid us.
We fail to see how requesting and receiving standard files on missile propulsion is in any way "consorting with the Confederates."
The Confederates,as we have regrettably now seen their vessels in battle,were the only ones we knew of who used missile technology;we knew little about your projectile technology,having never seen it.
And we do not ask for your secrets in this field of design;we simply need help with the basics,things the Alliance already knows,as we have never utilised missile technology before.
We can assure you,as no Alliance members are currently in the Skraine Core Worlds,that your researchers will not come into contact with Alliance members.
-Councillor for Science Karaze,Skraine University of Stellar Technology)

Magistrate K'Sarragh received the report on the Den'Char system,and smiled briefly.
Who could have guessed that such eminently habitable worlds lay in the heart of such an inhospitable nebula?
Quickly he routed a message through to Skraine Command;a mixed fleet of Colony Ships,Construction Vessels and Science Vessels,guarded by a small squadron of Tempests,was to depart for the distant Den'Char system immediately.

ETA until EMP weaponry complete:10 posts
ETA until Sign-Out Party:8 days.w00t!

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.


Research Styx Bomber
ETA: 2 Posts


An engineer ran over to Carnotaur with some tactical reports and, more importantly, the latest technology reports. The Styx Bomber still had a way to go, but it was nearly completion, and the Trans-Phasic Bomb had finally been completed (though it would still not be of much use, it's only use till the bomber was done was minefields).

The upgrade for all Renegade Fighters to the new Sijak engines was also started. This would take about 3 posts. While this was begun, the Confederates would start work on creating a new type of shield that would protect their ships from EMP warheads. This would be quite useful against Galacticas EMP warheads, which were causing a lot of problems.

In the meantime, 500 ships had been assembled at Krraali, 300 at Priat, and another 300 at Dewe. The ships were assembling, waiting, for a new offensive...


Anti-EMP Shields
ETA: 6 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 11-23-2001).)

OOC: Carno, you don't control Romit anymore. How can you have 500 ships there?

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a HabaƄero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

OOC: Oops. I meant Krraali. Sorry bout that... /goes off to edit post

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

There were now over 725 Galactica ships in the Romit system. Newly constructed ships had enabled this amount. A counterattack was expected soon, and the fleet in Romit had been placing Defense Drones and Missile Buoys throughout the system. Antimatter bombs had been placed at all jump point exits, except the exit from Chen. These were armed, and served as mines against any Alliance ship that tried to come through. There were 25 of the new Laser Frigates in the fleet, a small number which would stay protected in the middle of the fleet until the time was right.

A Battlestation is being constructed in Chens, to guard against a possible Alliance attack if Romit were to be recaptured. There are a mulititude of construction ships in the system, as well as about 200 warships.

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a HabaƄero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

Thor finally pulled out of the Nest. The Lightning had taken much too long to repair. Valuable time had been lost. That time couldn't be gained back, unfortunately. The ex-pirate king shook his head and headed for an appointment with Zak.

(url="http://"")New flash game(/url)-(url="http://"")Good Smilies(/url)-(url="http://"")Awsome Smilies(/url)-(url="http://"")My Smilies(/url)

MOD: Battledoctor, don't you have missile buoys, not battlestations?

Carnotaur, that is unreasonable.

  1. Ugrading Sijak engines? You simply aren't that advanced to even UNDERSTAND them... (and they don't work on warships -at all-)
  2. That ship would take longer.
  3. That EMP-warhead would take longer.
  4. You can't research all three at once.


-To:Skraine University of Stellar Technology-
If you can confirm that no Alliance members will be within several systems of our scientists, we are willing to help you with your work on missle systems, with the proviso we have access to all data produced. If you wish, we will provide a demonstration of our missle technology, which is several classes above the Confederates designs. Please come to Q'ros if you wish the demonstration to proceed.

We are also willing to help with warheads, such as conventional, antimatter, gravitational, and EMP.
-Message Ends-
A signal went out to Confederate space, with 2 real time images, and further images relating to each. One image showed the wasteland that was left of Zidagar, remote drones sent to the surface showing the massive, radioactive craters. The other showed the pristine world of Kayia. Not much else could be said for Zidagar, but further images of Kayia City showed it being rebuilt, masses of Imperium construction vehicles being kept busy.

Along with the images came text:
'Those who say the Galactica Imperium is ruthless, and that the Confederate Alliance is kind and merciful, look at who does what. The Alliance bombards and wipes out whole worlds, which contain those who had no part in the war. Galactica destroys only its enemies, and protects its citizens against those who would destroy. Those intent on killing are hard to stop, but the Imperiums navy does its best, despite traitors.

'We ask you take a careful look at those who rule you, and decide.'
The damper effect shown by the Confederacy against gravitonic weapons is disturbing. However, the method used looks extremely simple, and should be easy to counter, with the far more advanced knowledge of gravity the Imperium has. The recent experiments with gravity should actually provide a boost over the current effectiveness of Galacticas gravity weapons, despite the counter measures the Alliance has gained.
ETA:4 posts
Edited again to change 'molten planet' to 'wasteland'. Also note that Galactica isn't in the habit of using massive destruction missles on planets it would like to keep. It uses EMP warheads. Places that need bombardment get introduced to gravitonic warheads, or just plain kinetic missle strikes, both of which leave an area pretty habitable, especially as the gravitonic warheads are only used in the atmosphere to wipe out enemy fighters(or whatever else may be up their). If you disagree(Esponer, talk to me first), prepare for Galacticas bombardment of all its planets, since they might house troublemakers. You can never be sure after all.

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 11-23-2001).)

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 11-23-2001).)

The wormhole penetration device had finally been completed, after almost half a year of solid research.

Meanwhile, the Destiny's Edge had returned with Firebird to Terran space. They entered the system of New Saalia, a fairly small mining camp and settlement, after two weeks of travel. There, Casene landed, and was pleased to find that Blade had received the messages of her arrival and was there to meet her.

"Casene!" Blade shouted, leaping down off a balcony at the New Saalia HQ, and falling into a sprint down to where Casene was.

Casene laughed. Blade was a child at heart, and yet he was also the co-leader of the Terrans. The irony of his lack of maturity was not lost on her.

"'morning, Blade," Casene replied, taking his hand. "Any news?"

Blade grinned. "We finished with the WP device. All we need now is a Darkwing to go through - we haven't found anyone to pilot it yet."

Casene smiled ever so faintly, so faintly that Blade didn't even notice. "I know just who could do it..."

- - -

And thus, a week later, Esponer found himself aboard the Darkwing he supposedly co-piloted, alone. Turning on short range depth scanners once within a short distance of the wormhole, Esponer was able to pick up the Prylak battlecruiser deep within the mass of swirling light.

"Dammit, this is frightening..." Esponer muttered to himself, scared out of his wits. Instant vaporisation if the WP device failed, and perhaps even worse danger if it didn't.

Esponer knew, however, that this operation was his step up to becoming a pilot. He already had 45,000 points of an necessary 50,000 to pass training, and he was confident this one mission would give him at least 50,000 points alone. Still, he wondered slightly if it was right that his own mother had sent him into this.

"Esponer, you must do this. You can't live a life of finery forever, you need to find yourself. And I know for a fact that although you may like the finery and the flirting, you are at heart a fighter. You can do're a McPherson."

He still remembered those words. A McPherson? Perhaps the old family name Casene held years back, he thought. He had not checked up on U.E. history, but intended to do so after he had completed the mission - he had actually intended to check it up before, but he had, in the end, spent the entire evening with a young systems operator called Kirsten.

He shook his head. What was he doing wasting his life away? "You're a McPherson" meant nothing to him, but one thing that his mother had said earlier meant a lot. "You're yourself - act like it". It'd left him wondering. Just who was he?

He didn't know how long he just sat there in the Darkwing, almost in a trance, thinking. But finally, he came to his senses, and decided it was time.

Steeling his heart, he turned on the main engines and the afterburner. He heard a distinctive roar behind him - he'd accidentally clicked on hyperspace.

At insane speeds, he was thrown through the wormhole.

What he didn't know, was that if he hadn't entered hyperspace, and followed procedure, was that his ship would have been vaporised, just like the last.

- - -

When his Darkwing came back into realspace, Esponer blinked. From the viewscreen, he instantly realised that this nebula dominated galaxy of Andromeda was a very unusual place. Hundreds of planets orbited four suns in this star system alone, it seemed, and three of the suns seemed to orbit the largest one. This galaxy obviously appeared to have some very strange properties - such as the mini-suns that spun around the larger suns, like the planets.

On first sensor sweep, however, Esponer realised something more important than that.

A ship identical to Lythrawn's, a Prylak battlecruiser, was roaming throughout the system. It had suddenly changed course, directly for Esponer's Darkwing, strange blue and red modules launching out, extending towards the Darkwing at incredible speed.

Swearing colourfully, Esponer turned the Darkwing right back around. Modules crashed into the shield matrix, and Esponer was shocked to see that it took only two to wipe the shields out clean.

He attempted to go into hyperspace, but there was no time.

And suddenly, it was all over.

Performing another sensor sweep, he found no sign of a Prylak battlecruiser, only stardust. A strange purple-grey ship, about the same size, was in the process of leaving the system at hyperspace.

He picked up a ship transponder code only.

"Drakal Hades Battlecruiser"


Well, it is almost finished. Espona was near bursting with excitement. His fleet was almost ready. Very soon, they would be finished. All that was needed was the Mothership to be finished. The Battle Station was being mass procuced, two in each system. Only twenty men would be needed to man the staion, since it was controlled mostly by a computer. The Station was protected by Spectral Armor, as always. Two Rift Generators, one sub-Space Beamer, and one hundred Energy and Armor Leeches. Upgrades were planned for the Station to be capable of carrying Corvettes.

Time to cover all systems with Stations: 25 posts
Upgrade: 10



Originally posted by Espona:
Time to cover all systems with Stations: 25 posts
Upgrade: 10

OOC: More like 12 posts for the stations.
