Reign of Chaos 3 - Chapter III


If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 11-21-2001).)

BattleDoctor's aide rushed into his office and said, "Sir, we have a problem."

"What now?" asked BattleDoctor, slightly annoyed.

"There's a situation in the South Tip... a group of rebels has escaped from Kayia, and they're headed for the Proxima Nebula. We've got Admiral Hrekka in pursuit, but they're outrunning his warships."

"Weren't they bombed?"

"The rebels' leader and a few others escaped the bombing, and a few pirates showed up to aid them."

BattleDoctor made an annoyed noise and snapped, "I knew I should have ordered the whole planet carpet bombed." He turned to the aide and said, "Our sensors can cut through the nebula's interference, correct?"

"Yes, sir."

"Then I want 200 ships in there, combing that Nebula. Shoot on sight orders."

The Laser Frigate is nearing completion. ETA 2 posts.

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

Sorry Carnotaur,Esponer.I didn’t know you could do stuff without notification.
In that case,the remaining Skraine vessels make a hasty retreat,and the ships in Hoth III withdraw to Hoth V.
No Carno,they do not tow away the disabled Confederate vessels.That ploy was meant because I didn’t want to slaughter them,so I was going to establish a penal colony on one of the moons of Cardasria.
In that case,the asteroid base Watchstone should have been completed about a post ago.
Consider it complete.

K’Sarragh,upset over his loss in the Horon’Chars system,sends out a rapid message to the Confederates.
“Confederates.It seems we underestimated your strength in combat.You are indeed worthy foes.
However this message comes with a request for peace;we will leave the Confederates to your systems in the galactic south-east.
We were wrong to seek to dominate you militarily,and we will no longer fight you.All we ask is that you do the same,and let our two nations grow in peace and isolation.
-Magistrate K’Sarragh,Magistrate of the Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds.”

He then sent a message to his military commanders in this region of space.
The situation in the Hoth Sector was volatile,and the Skraine needed more holdings in this sector if they were to remain effective.
More asteroid shipyards would be built in the Hoth X system,as well as a battlestation to protect them.
Unity Station would be renamed Unity Starbase,and upgraded to Battlestation status,a powerful one.
Also,new military bases would be constructed in the EC-103,Kling’Dret and Ancros systems.

EC-103 had no planets,and a battlestation would be built there,which would also serve as a fighter construction center.

Kling’Dret had one small airless planetoid orbiting close to it’s parent star,one side perpetually facing the hot orange star,the other always looking into the depths of space.
A fortress-base would be constructed at the northern polar terminator,where cometary impacts had left sufficient water ice,and a battlestation would be constructed in geosynchronous orbit over the light-side equator,also acting as a solar power collector.

The Ancros system was further than the others from Hoth V,but it held a strange asteroid belt whirling in a figure-eight orbit around the binary red dwarf stars Ancros Alpha and Ancros Beta.
On these asteroids had developed remarkable colonies of space-faring multi-cellular organisms,forming vast forests of black-photosynthesising lifeforms on the asteroids surface.
Large shipyards and mining centers would be constructed here,as well as a research base to study the space organisms,and two medium-sized asteroids would be developed into battlestations.

(See?That’s the sort of notification I was expecting,Carnotaur)

K’Sarragh then sent a message to Researcher K’raia at the Skraine University of Stellar Technologies(SUST),asking her to cancel work on the Tornado.K’Sarragh had discovered,the hard way,that the old-style warships of the Skraine were little use against the warships of other factions.
K’raia’s face dropped when he told her,but she seemed more interested when he told her that all Skraine ships were getting a major replacement project,which he’d like her to work on.


K’Sarragh was hoping that the new ships-the Spark Light Fighter,Flare Gunboat,Blaze Light Frigate,Firebolt Missile Cruiser and Fireblade BattleCruiser would prove more effective against the other factions-although they did not plan to fight again for a long time.
The Spark would be a small fighter,very fast,and would be carried on the Fireblade and Firebolt.
The Flare would be a larger fighter,about the speed of a Storm,and would act to take out destroyers and frigates.
The Blaze was loosely based on the abortive Tornado,in that it had two WarGates,and would thus be also used for hit-and-run attacks.
The Firebolt would hold a large stock of the missiles K’Sarragh hoped to develop,and,although fast,would hang back in battle,launching missile salvoes into the combat at long range.
The Fireblade would be a great heavy warship,carrying a group of up to fifteen Sparks,but it would also be moderately fast.
It would become,in time,the main vessel of the Skraine fleet.
All the vessels would be simple to build,and could,therefore,be repaired almost from slag using new modular parts.

Then K’Sarragh sent a message to Councillor Karaze,on board the Science Vessels currently heading back to Skrineen.
The Skraine needed new weaponry.
K’Sarragh,seeing the sucess of the new ECM,had wondered if it would be possible to create new primary weapons,based on Electro-Magnetic Pulses.
Karaze assured him it could be done;the researchers would start researching on the new EMP weaponry as soon as they returned to Skrineen.
K’Sarragh decided that designing of the new ships would begin when the new weaponry was not completely complete,so that the ships could be put into production as soon as possible.

K’Sarragh then sent a message to the Galactica.
“Galactica friends,we have suffered defeat at the hands of the Confederates in the Horon’Chars system.
This has led to our decision to replace our warships and weaponry.
We would be very grateful if some of your own researchers would make the journey to our space to aid us in designing new missiles for our new vessels.”

K’Sarragh then sent his final message on that day,to the Tribunal.
“Tribunal.In our galaxy and our affairs you remain enigmatic;your purpose is unclear.That is fine,but you have yet to respond to our hails.Are you afflicted by anything?Do you require our assistance?”

ETA Until EMP Cannon/Turret/Beam complete:15 posts.
Notes:EMP weaponry will be hell on sheilds,and will do nasty stuff to circuitry when shields are down.It will be next to innefectual on Spectral Armour.
Ship designing will take 15 posts,and will commence when EMP research has undergone 10 posts.
Missile research begins soon,if the Galactica will aid us by sending weapons scientists.
The new bases in Ancros,Kling’Dret,and EC-103,as well as the new shipyards in Hoth X,and the upgrading of Unity Station to Battlestation status,will take 3 posts.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

MOD: Post (s) revoked, Carnotaur. You can't just make up new characters to control, that's a set rule. Anyway, all those pirates would be under Zak's rule anyway.

Shade, you need to post ETAs for your ships and technologies, both of which will take quite a while, obviously.


(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 11-21-2001).)

Esponer,I did post ETAs.
The weaponry will take 15 posts until it is complete,the ships will take 15 posts until they are complete,and the ships will begin construction when the weaponry has undergone 10 posts.This is the Skraine's way of figuring out what systems the weapons will need,then designing the ships while the weapons are still undergoing fine-tuning,so it takes less time.
Nothing new will appear in actual duty for 25 posts.
The new missiles(there will be two,1) the Dart,which is a tiny thing launched in swarms on around 50.It functions like an old Dispersal Rocket does(remember,it detonates before hitting the sheilding,so the flak does lots of damage to shields),but instead of flak there's a swarm of tiny missiles.They are carried in tubes,which are launched like rockets,but detonate after launch and the Darts go off.And 2),the Lance.It's fast,fires in salvoes,does reasonably good damage(medium+),and has good guidance)will begin designing when or if Galactica helps me by sending some weapons researchers.If they don't,it will take longer to research missiles.
The missile research will run alongside the EMP research,but there's no way it will be finished later than the ships.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**MOD: Post (s) revoked, Carnotaur. You can't just make up new characters to control, that's a set rule. Anyway, all those pirates would be under Zak's rule anyway.

Shade, you need to post ETAs for your ships and technologies, both of which will take quite a while, obviously.

OOC: Yeah well, blah...


As research and upgrade protects continued, the colonies in Eta Cassiopea were going nicely. Once the Styx Bomber was finished, there would be a massive upgrade project for the Chimaera Carrier, as well as a smaller one for the Alliance flagship to equip them with the bays capable of holding these deadly attack bombers.

And once the research of the Galactica Mass Missile was finished, its technology would be incorporated into the Trans-Phasic Missile and Photon torpedo. This would give them a lot more range, possibly even enough range to out-do the Mass and Cluster Missile. That would give the CA a major advantage.

As for the Anti-Graviton Physics, the information gained there would be used later on in a new technology that the CA were planning that would also give them a great advantage...

Now that they were all militarily secure, they could now work on expanding more, making more cities, improving the cities, making shipyards, industrial ports, skyscrapers, etc.

In the Milky Way, this was also happening. Tufel, Lontri, and Villian had all been colonized for large colonies and industrial centers. No battlestations, no major fleets. The Confederates needed to expand their industrial power and their economy, and this was one of the better ways to do it. Besides, Galactica was already quite expanded. They needed to match them.

As the fleets in Krraali and Priat readied, Admiral Firebird still continued on and on through the Ross 154 galaxy...

OOC: You know, I would like people to post a bit more often. It's really annoying when you have to wait for ages for someone else to post a reply to your battle post.


(We are glad that we can once again make peace between the two of us. This would also mean that we can now continue to bring our ships through the access point, correct?)



Reverse Engineer Mass Missile
ETA: 3 Posts

Research Styx Bomber + Trans-Phasic Bomb
ETA: 3 Posts

Anti-Gravity Physics
ETA: 1 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Grunadulater grew impatiant, so he wrote a holomessage for the diplomats to give to the leader from him;
"Hello, I represent the Raiek. We have been monitering your status and would like to sign a treaty with you. Togeather, we may protect eachother from the Hoarn(I think thats it, to lazy to go and look), the alien ships that attacked you today. The diplomats will carry out further diplomacy."Grunadulater left the diplomats and the message for the leader to read. He ran to his ship and shot off toward the wormhole. As he was in hyperspace, he sent a message to the Raiek;
To Raiek_
Slightly encrypted
"I have finished the contract and will be returning to the Eta Galexy. Goodbye."
End transmission_
When Grunadulaters ship came into the Hoth IV system, he landed to talk with Moiraine. He walked into her office.
"Greetings, Moiraine, I have some armour I need you to reconstruct. Would you be willing to do this?"

"Are you sure the powers off?"

It's Haorn, Grundy. I never attacked the Skraine!

At last, the research for the Armor Leech and Destroyer construction was completed. Motherships almost finished,and soon the Battle Station would be complete. All ships will be outfitted with the Armor Leeches. Espona had made his decision. An attack fleet would be sent out once the projects were finished.

Completion ETA 3 posts


MOD: Grunadulater, please report to the OOC Bar immediately.

Everyone else, continue your normal lives, and feel free to undo his entire history.

- - -

Zak's attack on Hrekka continued.

The Alliance had brought 75 more ships in, by which time, they had lost 100. Their numbers, now at 150, were beginning to look devastatingly outmatched.

Zak's pirate fleet numbered 430 ships, and the two battlestations had been damaged beyond repair. Pirates swarmed upon the Alliance ships, and between passes, they opened fire on the battlestations, causing even more devastation.

By this time munitions were all used up, and the pirates had fallen back on proton weaponry and (enhanced) phase.


Carnotaur,both RMA and BattleDoctor are unable to post on Wednesday and Thursday.I know this because RMA mailed me to ask if I was willing to keep things running for them on those days;unfortunately,I have Maths School Cert on one of them,so I've gotta study on the other.

K'Sarragh looked at the heavily encrypted Confederate message.


(We are glad that we can once again make peace between the two of us. This would also mean that we can now continue to bring our ships through the access point, correct?)

He was pleased that the Confederates had decided to agree to peace.Now perhaps the two factions could grow peacefully.
He sent a reply to the Confederates:
(Of course you may bring vessels through the access point.Our blockade there has been lifted,and I'm not sure if we could have stopped you anyway.
Also,following our defeat in the Horon'Chars system,we have decided to upgrade our warships and weaponry.Would you feel comfortable sending us files on the propulsion systems of missiles?)

From Skrineen,Karaze and K'raia reported that a prototype idea for the EMP weaponry was underway.

In Hoth V,the central docking ring of Unity Station had been enlarged.

In the EC-103 System,the main docking ring of the Battlestation had been constructed.Work progressed on the solar plates and the main body of the station.(see my Starbase,in my station set,on my site,through my sig,to see what a Skraine battlestation looks like).

In the Hoth X system,work on the new Battlestation,as well as on two new asteroid shipyards,was at a similar level of completion.

In the Kling'Dret system,the main fortress-base was being carved from the polar rock.The geosynchronous battlestation was under construction.

In the Ancros system,megaminers had begun to carve out the shipyards,mining facilities,battlestations and research base which would eventually compose the base in that system.

In the Del'As'Mir system,the WarFleet had finally stepped in,to establish a military base on the planet,as well as a battlestation.
The stockpiles of ore on the southern continents would be left to grow until the new vessels were complete,and required the ore.

In the Hoth III system,Commander Thraize returned after a long and twisting route through the Milky Way.
She say,to her suprise,ships of the kinds she had seen in the other galaxy.
Soon,Magistrate K'Sarragh appeared on her viewscreens.
"Welcome home,Commander.Head over to the starbase in the Hoth V system-you have a lot to catch up on."

ETA until EMP weaponry complete:14 posts
ETA until new bases complete:2 posts
ETA until Sign-Out Party:9 days.w00t!

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

The Battle in Hrekka was leaning towards the Pirates, but they would loose a lot of ships in the process.

The Confederates charged them, using their heavy close-range weaponry to blast through dozens of ships. Ion Disruptor Beams lanced out and blew apart ship after ship. Though the Confederates suffered heavy losses, and the battlestations were damaged, they fought on.

The battlestations spewed out tons of weapons fire which blasted apart a squadron of fighters as Corsairs charged into the fray, their Ion Disruptor Beams tearing through shields and armor.

Soon the Confederates had lost another 50 ships, but they had taken down 30 Pirate ships as well, many by simply ramming them. But at that point they realized that they could not win, and so hastily retreated back to Dewe to reassemble and prepare for a counterattack. But as they left and the Pirates swarmed the two battlestations, the remaining crews set the cores to overload. In massive explosion and fireball, 45 Pirate ships were incinerated and many more severely damaged.


(Yes, we are now sending you the basic features of missile propulsion and general missile technology. However, we will not be able to share with you our Trans-Phasic Missile technology; that is far too secret. - President Carnotaur)



Reverse Engineer Mass Missile
ETA: 2 Posts

Research Styx Bomber + Trans-Phasic Bomb
ETA: 2 Posts

Anti-Gravity Physics


With Anti-Graviton Physics finished, the Confederacy now only had to wait for their other two projects to end to begin a new project that had to do with Anti-Gravitons. Preliminary design sketches were made up, and research would start shortly...


The Confederate Raven Remington , after a long are quite boring journey, finally arrived in the Sija II system and decloaked. The Sijak were quite surprised at the appearance of this new vessel, they had only seen the Corsairs before, and this new ship had just decloaked in their system!

Admiral Firebird hailed the Corsairs, reported the situation, and then was beamed onto Casene's Supernova by Lythrawn. Seating himself at the table with the others, the original Confederate commander nodded and was sent back to his ship. Once had gone, Firebird leaned over to Casene. "Not to be rude, Commander, but may I have a word with you alone in another room? I have something quite urgent to tell you. What it concerns I cannot say at the moment."

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

MOD: Partial revoke, Carnotaur. Zak wouldn't have fallen for the explosions so much.

- - -

The pirates had lost one hundred and twenty ships in the battle, their fleet now only 380 ships strong. Many of the lost ships would hopefully be scrapped and re-constructed from salvaged parts.

Meanwhile, the pirates were pulling in mines that they had unsuccessfully laid in DSN-4647. When the Alliance ships returned, they would have a surprise in store for them.

Meanwhile, Zak was trying to find ways to recruit new followers from Galactica and the Alliance, to gain their technological superiority. He had planted agents within the cities of both sides, and was searching for any possible defectors.

- - -

Casene looke deeply into Firebird's blue eyes, a strangely familiar site. "Yes, of course," she replied after a minute, not entirely knowing why she said it. Dismissing herself with an apology, she guided Firebird into the adjoining chamber. The second they had both entered, she turned to him.

"You can't be."


(Yes, we are now sending you the basic features of missile propulsion and general missile technology. However, we will not be able to share with you our Trans-Phasic Missile technology; that is far too secret. - President Carnotaur)

(We thank you for your files on missile technology.We do not ask for your secrets,only the basics.We know very little about missiles,and we need to learn.-Magistrate K'Sarragh)

K'Sarragh was happy that the Confederates had sent them the files on missile technology.
The files were forwarded to the SUST on Skrineen,where researchers would begin work on two new missiles,the Dart and Lance.

In Hoth V,the work on Unity Station was nearly complete.

In Hoth X,the new asteroid bases,as well as the Battlestation,were nearly complete,and Skraine technicians went through the corridors,laying down the wires and communication conduits that would run throughout the bases.

In EC-103,the shell and decks of the Battlestation were complete,and the fighter shipyard was being constructed.

In Kling'Dret,the main body of the battlestation was complete,and the fortress-base was undergoing wiring and defence emplacements were being put in.

In Ancros,the carving out of the multiple bases was nearly complete,and the painting and flooring of the corridors had begun.

In Del'As'Mir,the military prefabricated barracks was almost complete,as was the orbiting Battlestation.

ETA until EMP weaponry complete:13 posts
ETA until missiles complete:8 posts
ETA until new bases complete:1 post
ETA until Sign-Out Party:9 days.w00t!

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

Battledoctor, I have another way to contact you.

A lone Raiek gunship lands on a Sijak port with shields and weapons down. A diplomatic team disembarks, and waits to talk to Kenra , and waits for a ride toi Eta Cassiopea.

Dont Believe me?
Just ask the Blind Man.. He Saw it all...
post sponsored by (url="http://"")Ipix Inc. Web Design(/url)

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 11-21-2001).)

In Dewe, the Confederates were preparing a large task force to try and take out the Pirates. Though numbers on the Pirates were sketchy and they could easily try and bring in reinforcements, scouts would be sent in. Maybe even a few bombers would be sent in as scouts and to chuck a few bombs into the fleet. Then would come a large strike force of Bombers that would hurl as many bombs as possible into the fleet, then the main fleet would arrive.



Reverse Engineer Mass Missile
ETA: 1 Post

Research Styx Bomber + Trans-Phasic Bomb
ETA: 1 Post

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 11-23-2001).)

ooc: ahem, who, REDchigh? Well, I'll just pretend you said Kenra, since I already agreed on all this stuff.

An official comes out to greet the Raiek, a bit warily though. He quickly explains that Kenra can not meet them at the moment, since she is busy with other things, but should soon be done.

The official waves them towards a building where they can stay. It's a good building, and well taken care of. The official starts making plans to transpot the Raiek diplomats to where they want to go after they have had a meeting with Kenra.
The scout fleet that had been exploring randomly jumped into Sija, it's report quickly whisked away and examined. It had found a wormhole, presumably leading to a diffrent galaxy. The Sijak quickly assembled a team to go through the wormhole. 10 Ghosts jumped out of the system, headed towards the wormhole.
Kenra looked thoughtfully at the Confederate commander that she was trading with. "We will trade you our engine specs, if you will trade us your Trans-Phasic Missiles. Is it a deal?"

Formerly known as

(This message has been edited by Kenra (edited 11-21-2001).)

The Confederate commander thought for a moment. "Yes, we would be happy to trade our Trans-Phasic Missile specs. We are sending them to you now," the commander said, pressing a button on his datapad.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Kenra nodded and took out her small device again. With a few presses of the buttons she sent the engine specs to the Confederates. While waiting she quickly looked at her reports and her eyes widened slightly. She looked around and sighed. Hopefully she could get out of this meeting soon.

Formerly known as

MOD: Shade, you can't start missile research until you finish researching the other two. Limits.


But I need the missiles to finish the ships!
After I finish the EMP weaponry then?
Kenra,do you mean to say the Sijak have found the Eta Cassiopea wormhole? (w00t!More friends!)
REDCHIGH,BattleDoctor and RMA are away today and tomorrow.

In the Hoth V system,Unity Station was now Unity Starbase,a powerful Battlestation.

In Hoth X,there were now three asteroid shipyards,and a battlestation to guard them.

In EC-103,the battlestation was complete,and was beginning to assemble fighters.

In Ancros,all the myriad bases were compete.Mining drones began to mine out uninhabited asteroids,the researchers gathered samples of the space organisms,and over it all hung the two asteroid battlestations.

In Kling'Dret,the heavily fortfied fortress-base and it's battlestation were complete.

ETA until EMP weaponry complete:12 posts
New Base construction complete
ETA until Sign-Out Party:9 days.w00t!

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.