Reign of Chaos 3 - Chapter III

OOC: Everyone is getting battlestations! Oui!

Ship production is decreased to speed Lazerus project.

The Diplomats wait for Kenra, but are getting really restless.... They want to ally the Sijak, but the looks the Sijak are giving them.... The horrible, horrible look in their eye... The growing urge to wring the necks of the Sijak that walk by...

Work on the lazerus is progressing streadily...

Dont Believe me?
Just ask the Blind Man.. He Saw it all...
post sponsored by (url="http://"")Ipix Inc. Web Design(/url)

w00t!the Andromedan Prylak have some DARN powerful enemies!Go Drakal!
(Tell me more,please.Are the Drakal just as evil as the Prylak?)

(White-Alpha Encryption)
(To:Galactica Space Navy R&D;)
(From:Skraine University of Stellar Technology)
(We can assure you that our relations with the Confederates remain tenuous at best.No Confederate vessels have been in the Skraine Core Worlds since the original contact fleet was escorted to Hoth V;we do not expect them to be there.
A demonstration of your missile technology would be much appreciated,as would any aid you could give us in warhead design-our new weaponry is EMP-based,EMP Cannons,EMP Beams,and the like.
We are hoping to have missiles capable of doing damage to armour,as our EMP weaponry will do little damage against armour(although we expect it to wreak havok on circuitry).
A science vessel,escorted as is mandatory by a small wing of Storms,will be heading to Q'Ros soon.
-Councillor for Science Karaze,Skraine University of Stellar Technology)

Several civilian vessels had followed the Den'Char colonisation fleet,mainly to see what was going on.
Although most of them had faltered and turned back at the edges of the nebula,a few persevered in the hope of finding some source of riches.
Magistrate K'Sarragh intercepted a civilian message passing to Ri'aal;civilian prospectors had investigated the Dreth'Val system more closely than the scouting Whirlwind,and had discovered that the sole large rocky planet in the system held immense ore deposits.
This was balanced by wild temperature extremes,heavy vulcanism,and an atmosphere composed of choking sulphur and carbon monoxide.
Still,ore deposits of the size mentioned ought to be valuable
K'Sarragh sent the scouting Whirlwind,now in the Y'Nok system,back to investigate closer.

Meanwhile,in the Den'Char system,the colonization fleet dispersed.
Colonists were landed on Den'Char II and Den'Char IV,while construction vessels carved out bases in the asteroid belt,and began to construct three battlestations,one in orbit of Den'Char II,one above the plane of the ecliptic,orbiting near the asteroid bases,and one above Den'Char IV.
The Science Vessels began to scan local hyperspace,seeking out any hyperlinks, which could hide notoriously well in nebula regions.

ETA Until EMP weaponry complete:9 posts
ETA until Den'Char fully operational:3 posts
ETA until Sign-Out Party:7 days.w00t!

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

In Q'ros, the Skraine science ship arrived, with its escorts. They where instructed to head to a specific set of coordinates, and hold position, and the demonstration would then begin.

A few minutes after the Skraine ships where in position, a Galactica Missle Frigate began demonstration of the basic mass missle. An asteroid, fully shielded, was pummeled by antimatter warheads, quickly becoming nothing but space dust. Laser warheads speared through shield systems on another asteroid, chopping it into pieces. EMP warheads bracketed another asteroid, wiping its shields out, but leaving the asteroid otherwise untouched. Kinetic strikes where then demonstrated, smashing the asteroid into rubble.

A Strike Cruiser began demonstration of the cluster missle, essentially a small pod with engines, that then launched mass missles, providing a longer range. Similar targets got smahed up.

A WarCruiser then began demonstration of the Standoff Missle. Compared to the mass missle, which already outranged every other basic missle or torpedo, or even the cluster missle, the Standoff Missle was an ICBM to a catapult. The Gravitonic warheads tore the shields and mass of several asteroids to nothingness. The next test showed a pure kinetic strike, the energy transfer too great for the asteroid to even try absorbing, smashing most of it into its component atoms. An antimatter warhead smashed straight into an asteroids shields, exploding as the kinetic impact vaporised the warhead and buckled the shields, wiping the asteroid out.

Galactica hoped the Skraine where suitably impressed, and opened communications

'This concludes our demonstration of our missle technology, and we are now ready to begin work with you. We hope work into EMP weaponry proceeds quickly. Armour can dampen EMP effects, but a sufficiently powerful blast, or concentration will burn through anything, rendering sytems useless.

'If you wish, we will arrange demonstrations of other of our weapons technology. We would also like to discuss further colonisation of this galaxy by our forces, in light of the area claimed by the Confederates. We look forward to further talks.'
All 3 systems claimed by the Galactica Imperium where now busy systems, with fully intergrated defence networks. The local fleet base in Ecrosneson was kept busy with new ship production, and keeping patrols going. The new colony in Deneba was growing quickly, being the primary stopover point for patrols wanting to relax outside of the smaller colony on the fleet bases nearby moon.
Systems along the Galactica border are now being reinforced by newly built Laser Frigates. When they are finally introduced to the Confederates in a large battle, they are expected to perform well.
Retuning Gravity Devices:3 posts


(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 11-24-2001).)

As research on the Styx Bomber came close to completion, and the upgrade to new Sijak engines was almost done, a large amount of Trans-Phasic Mines had been deployed in Krraali and even more in DSN-1156.

There was now a total of 400 ships in Priat, with another 150 in Holmm. On a special command, the fleet in Holmm set off to attack DSN-8619. As the Holmm fleet attacked, the fleet in Priat jumped into Priat and opened fire, weapons ablaze. With the new quantum engines, trans-phasic missiles and photon torpedoes streaked into the Galactica fleet and pounded them repeatedly as the main fleet charged in. There were four Flagships this time, and they were all clustered together but prepared to move away at a moments notice. As their massive escort fleets protected them, ion disruptor beams lanced out and blasted away ship after ship.



Research Styx Bomber
ETA: 1 Post

Anti-EMP Shields
ETA: 5 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(Heh heh,I have discovered that by changing the direction my keyboard and monitor face on my desk,I can use my computer without having to get out of bed. This is heaven.:) )

(In-System Link,White-Theta Encryption)
(From:Skraine Coalition Science Vessel Ion Angel ,Q'Ros System)
(To:Galactica Imperium Base,Q'Ros System)
(Very impressive,friends.Your kinetic and pure kinetic warheads particularly interest us.
As to your further colonisation of this galaxy,your faction has been most polite in this matter.
I have been given authority on this matter by Magistrate K'Sarragh.
I am authorised to offer you all the systems north of Q'ros and east of Del'As'Mir, excluding of course the systems of the Andornik Cluster.
Not all of these systems have any strategic or natural importance,of course.
Would this be satisfactory?
-Councillor for Science Karaze,Skraine Coalition Science Vessel Ion Angel , Q'Ros System)

The scouting Whirlwind returned to the Dreth'Val system,and conducted in-depth scans of the planet.
Dreth'Val Prime was indeed a huge source of ore,for all it's other properties.
Magistrate K'Sarragh ordered the planet colonised,and a battlestation constructed to protect it.
A battlestation would also be constructed in the EC-104 system,to guard the pair of systems from intrusion.

ETA until EMP weaponry complete:8 posts
ETA until Den'Char and Dreth'Val fully operational:2 posts
ETA until Sign-Out Party:6 days.w00t!

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

Kenra looked around, and then she stood up. She had traded techs, and she had listened, but she wasn't going to leave Raiek down on her planet for that long. She looked around the meeting room and shrugged. They would message her if they wanted to talk more with the Sijak.

Kenra swept down onto the planet and quickly had an official lead her to the Raiek. The Raiek seemed to be behaving, but her own people were glancing at the Raiek oddly, and they all were fiddling with weapons.

Kenra swept her gaze around to her people and they all quickly stopped touching there weapons and went on there way. Kenra stepped up to the Raiek with a polite smile on her face.

"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, I was in another diplomatic meeting. Now, I've only got a few brief reports, so why don't you tell me about why your here, details please."

Kenra glanced around, her diplomatic face on. If they could get a peace treaty with the Raiek, that did fix up one big problem. Though she doubted her people would be happy with it at first, but they would get used to it.
The fleet had managed to get to the Eta Cassiopea Wormhole. The leader blinked, and stared for a minute or two. He shook his head and shrugged. With a quick transmission, the fleet went through the wormhole.

The Ghost pilots scanned the space around them, and they leaned back in their seats. They were in a new galaxy, it seemed. The Ghosts hovered in space, scanning the space around them, and wondering what they should do now.

Formerly known as

the Raiek glance at Kenra for a moment, relieved that she's finally there.

"It's great to finally meet you, Kenra. We're impressed with your technology, it's advanced considering you've been a free government less than 20 years." The Raiek diplomats suddenly semi-panic about their mistake of bringing up the Sijak's past.. They change the subject..
"Anyway, as we both know, our races are in danger of attack at the hands of the Haorn. We should have an alliance for that reason alone, but a few weeks ago, a scoutinng fleet I sent through to Eta Cassiopea was destroyed by a race called the Skraine, who mistook our ships and diplomats for Prylak conquerers. To put it bluntly, We would appreciate a ride through to Eta Cassiopea..."

Dont Believe me?
Just ask the Blind Man.. He Saw it all...
post sponsored by (url="http://"")Ipix Inc. Web Design(/url)

REDCHIGH,the Raiek have only met the Skraine twice.On the first occasion,the Skraine revealed their identity,and their hatred for the scum Pry'lahk mudsuckers.
The Raiek have no proof,but from this encounter,due to proximity to the wormhole,the Raiek may have guessed that the Skraine came through the wormhole.
On the second encounter,the Raiek sent a small fleet of sixteen vessels through the wormhole.The Raiek did not hear of it again;they have no knowledge that it has been destroyed,although by their long absense the Raiek may have guessed that something went wrong.

Kenra,Ghosts have cloaks,right?
If not,a large force of 150 Skraine vessels have just WarGated in to surround your Ghosts,and are conducting deep-level scans,as well as hailing you.
If they do have cloaks,then High Admiral Tereknor is currently swearing as his Wormhole Fluctuation sensors begin malfunctioning again,showing jump readings while nothing is there.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

OOC: Ghost do not have cloaks, but you can't do deep level scans on a ship with shields up. About all you know is what you see of it. Also, a cloaked ship does not MAKE a reading of any sort when entering a system or through a wormhole.

- - -

Esponer returned to Terra, quite stunned. When he landed on the planet a few days later, he heard that Casene was up in New Saalia still. However, he quickly got in contact with another admiral, named Admiral Tsen.

"So...a Prylak battlecruiser, like the one in the wormhole?" Tsen asked curiously.

Esponer nodded. "A very formidable ship, may I add."

Tsen nodded. "Look, I've received word from Casene and Blade both. You're assigned to your own Thunderhawk now, cadet."

Strangely, Esponer didn't feel a need to leap out. He managed a polite smile, but somehow it didn't mean much. The encounter with the Prylak and the strange Drakal ship were more important.

Noticing Esponer's quite behaviour, but ignoring it, understanding, Tsen continued. "Your ship will be fitted with a higher level cloaking device. We want you to go back to Sijak counter the Prylak threat we are going to construct a new style battleship, and even if Sijak engines aren't designed for warships, it might just be possible to learn something. Up to it?"

Esponer nodded. "I'll do it."

- - -

OOC: Yes, Carnotaur, I said that the Sijak engines you had wouldn't do anything for capital ships, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't try and reverse engineer the engines and devise your own version of Sijak engines that work on larger ships. The advantage would be too great (it would make an Alliance Flagship faster than an Azdara).

- - -

Apostle Battleship
Stage 1: Gaining Sijak Aid

Meanwhile, basic design specs will be drawn up.

- - -

(From Blade of the Terrans)
(To Lythrawn)

Please come to Centarus II, now marked on your map. We have cloak generators built for your ships - at least, we hope they will work correctly.

Also, we need help on a project to fight the Prylak, and must tell you that we have successfully breached the wormhole.

(end message)


OOC: sigh Esponer, I never said I was EVER going to upgrade my Sijak engines. I was always referring to upgrading the Renegade fighters with new Sijak engines.


Lythrawn looked at the message and shrugged. He had finished installing the Sijak engines on all of his Fighters and Wraiths, and his technology trades were all finished.

Lythrawn turned to Captain Tretheck. "Prepare to get underway. Where's Ravaer?"

Tretheck's eyes widened as he struggled to think up an answer. "Ummm.... I think he left with Casene sir. He went along with Esponer to be precise."

Lythrawn understood and smiled. "Oh well. We can catch up with him now. Set a course for Terran space. Go to full tactical alert. If any Raiek ships approach us, don't respond. If they fire, obliterate them."

"Yes sir!" Tretheck said as the Prylak fleet slowly moved away towards Terran space...

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Zak Vilda had set a huge minefield down in Hrekka, making the system almost completely impossible to assualt. Also, he had finished constructing an enormous defence platform, defended with four dozen proton turrets and several fighter-missile silos.

The defence platform was placed deep within Hrekka, armed with several repulsor beams both to deflect asteroids and any attackers.

When anyone, the combination of a fighter-missile barrage and a minefield would get the better of them. The defences meant that not one pirate ship had to be in the system, and yet the defences were outstandingly powerful.

- - -

Back at the Nest, Zak was finalising the designs for a technology he had been working on, the Hyperspace Cruise Drive, or HCD. It would eliminate the need for using hyperlinks completely. The technology was thanks to a certain corporation he had taken over, that had developed an access device to Eta Cassiopea.

Using it, Zak intended to go as far as Emalghion (or rather, far enough outside Emalghion that he wouldn't be noticed).

After that, they would test another HCD drive as far as the Proxima Nebula, and then to the co-ordinates where the access drive to Eta Cassiopea could be used.

- - -

A lone Crescent Warship entered cruise hyperspace in DSN-6008. Travelling at effortlessly high speeds through areas of hyperspace previously totally blocked off, it came out of hyperspace in an area a light year from Emalghion, out of sensor range.

The test was a success. Now, the long journey to the Proxima Nebula would take place...

- - -

Zak Vilda had organised his pirate forces into something verging on a government, be it called the Renegade Legion. Despite it's name, it had nowhere near the thousand ships of a legion, but since the last battle in Hrekka, more recruits had poured in. Anti-proton technology from the Alliance and cluster missiles from Galactica had come with a number of defectors. Zak hoped to gain even better technology later on, but he knew that with his HCD device, the Renegade Legion already had a huge advantage over everyone else.

They could hide between systems, where no-one could travel, or travel right past frontier worlds to less defended core worlds.

With five hundred Renegade Legion vessels being outfitted with government technology from both Galactica and Alliance, and the capability now to strike where they want, when they want, Zak was about to become one of the most powerful men in the universe.

At this point, even a full Alliance armada wouldn't be enough.


In DSN-8619, the first defensive test of the mass missles with laser warheads had started. Volley after volley smashed into the Confederate fleet, obliterating a score of ships. The Confederate fleet was the right size to go up against a fleet with just the old mass and cluster missles, but the new standoff missle and newer, more powerful warheads did far more damage than they had allowed for. When the Confederate fleet closed into their own missle range, the Ion Miniguns began shooting down missles and torpedoes, the point defence mode working perfectly.

Then, for once, just as the Confederate fleet was getting close enough to use its primary weapons, the Galactica fleet changed heading, straight for the Confederate fleet. The Antimatter Railgun Batteries pounded the Alliance ships, and then the Confederates where within range. Massive damage was done to the Galactica fleet, but then a new weapon was introduced to the Allaince, in the first real battle since its test. The Laser Frigate opened fire with its gunports. All of them. Right in the middle of the Confederate fleet. It didnt help them much that Galactica had several of them. The combined fire of them pierced multiple shield grids, blasting through armour, blowing up scores of ships. The Confederate fleet was in dissaray. Its formation had been shattered. The Galactica missle ships pulled away, while the Laser Frigates showed what happens when an antimatter fueled laser beam hits at point blank range.

The Laser Frigates stayed with the Confederate fleet, their fast speed meaning the Confederates couldnt escape with their more powerful ships. The crew in the command modules watched their shields steadily fall from return fire, and waited to eject. The explosion of a destroyed Laser Frigate would come as an even nastier surprise than its weapons.

With countless ships in the Confederate fleet shieldless, standoff missles began kinetic strikes, their gravitational warheads activating as they punched throguh armour, destroying whole ships. The Confederates fleet was a poor sight, while the Galactica fleet had only lost 30 ships.

At that point, a Laser Frigate lost shields. The command module shot off, and seconds later the ship exploded, taking down the ships which had killed it. The shockwave damaged the other ships in the Confederate fleet, along with the other Laser Frigates, but that just made it easier for the Laser Frigates to break through enemy shields, killing their engines. Their primary target was enemy engines, so they couldnt move. Since they where right in the middle of the enemy fleet though, porcupine mode was engaged, hitting every ship surrounding them.

Galacticas fleet hadnt been damaged since its initial pass through the enemy fleet, and it now badly outnumbered the Confederate fleet. The Alliances superiority at close range had been annihilated, and ship after ship was being destroyed from long range. Only Reinforcements could save them, but more galactcia ships where on the way.


In Smott, the battle wasnt going as well for the Federation. Heavily outnumbered, the fleet had fled as quickly as possible, while the Laser Frigates hihad d in one of the many ECm drone clumps littered about the system. The Confederate fleet had gone straight for the Galactica ships, as per normal, to get into close weapons range. It then found itself being torn into from behind by a number of Laser Frigates, all focusing their lasers on engines only, crippling many of the ships in space. Its priamry mission this time would be to ensure not too many ships could go after the main fleet. It dove into the Confederate fleet, ready to die, and take the enemy down. Its main targets where the Flagships, to cripple their engines. Any target would do though, and the Laser Frigates shook with the power exploding inside them, lancing into the enemy. 2 Laser Frigates went after each Flagship, and then they where in range. The Flagships couldn't outrun the Frigates, and then they opened fire on the Flagships.


Reinforcements sped for the trouble systems. The Alliance would not be allowed to get away with this attack.


In Eta Cassiopea, Galactica began a survey of the systems newly allocated to it, and new colony bases where brought in, ready.


Retuning Gravity devices:ETA 2 posts

The messing about with gravity well generators has shown a new promise. The ability to create a gyroscope that can change direction instantly, with no movement penalties is exceptional interesting. The only problem is that the sudden direction change is too sudden for normal lifeforms. As such, it has been decided to update the mass missle even further. The new Gyroscope missle will make it impossible to dodge, as well as giving a slightly longer range due to gravitational effects. ETA:10 posts


With recent defections from Galactica, security at all facilities is increased, and all security passes are being reviewed.


A note to those on the Laser Frigates effectiveness. I talked to esponer about it, and he said he didnt mind. Add the fact the Alliance has always done its best to close to a position where its weapons can do the most good. Also add in the fact the Laser Frigate does several factors more damage than any other primary weapon.

Also, Carno, remember, when a Laser Frigate explodes, it explodes big time. Have fun with your flagships, since they cant outrun one, and they've already closed from behind.


(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 11-25-2001).)

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 11-25-2001).)

OOC: You little jerk! I don't frekain care whether or not your laser frigates have a big explosion. A flagship could EASILY turn 4 Laser Frigates to slag within moments. Three of them clustered together could easily take on 12 or more.


In DSN-8619, Galactica wasn't doing as well as they thought. About 50 more ships had arrived, and these extra reinforcements now blasted apart ship after ship. The Galactica fleet was simply being overwhelmed, though the Alliance did suffer casualties.

As trans-phasic missiles lanced out, the weapons of the Galactica ships were unable to hit any of them; they simply moved too fast (trans-phasic missiles are VERY fast).

In Smott, the Confeds were doing even better. The Laser Frigates that were pursuing the flagship were turned to slag in mere seconds from the combined firepower of the flagships, which were barely stratched by the following explosion.

Soon, the Galactica defenders were blasted into oblivion as troops landed and secured the planet as Renegade fighters* flew overhead and pounded Galactica positions. Once Smott was in Confed hands, the fleet in Smott hyperspaced out towards DSN-8619.

In the meantime, as research continued and Styx Bombers started to be produced, a new base was set up in DSN-3930 and another one in DSN-4386.

With research into the Styx Bomber completed, the Confeds are now researching a new design for the Chimaera Carrier to allow it to be able to carry the bomber.



Research Styx Bomber
ETA: Completed

Anti-EMP Shields
ETA: 4 Posts

Chimaera Supercarrier
ETA: 5 Posts


On Terra, Firebird walked around the main spaceport and trying to find Casene. When he found her and heard about what happened to Esponer, he started to look over the log and what happened during the trip.

Whoever the Drakal were, they were native to Andromeda, and they were quite powerful. The thing is, they didn't know whether the Hades Battlecruisers was their equivilent to a corvette. If so, what about their battleship? Firebird assumed, however, that the Hades was just about the largest ship the Drakal had, and all other ships were smaller.

But whoever the Drakal were, they were powerful and a MAJOR threat if they ever decide to attack, which hopefully they wouldn't. He suggested (in his report to the Terrans about his evaluation on the Drakal and Prylak) that they should send another ship through, but this time with a superpowerful cloak. Hopefully it would protect the pilot from the Drakal and Prylak.


    • The Renegade fighter, now with the new Sijak engines, is THE fastest ship in the Milky Way, Eta Cassiopea, and Ross 154 galaxies (SilverDragon said so). Even better than the Ghost. So ph33r Galactica! Ph33r! 🙂

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Espona was nearly bursting with excitement. The fleet was ready. His men were ready. Now, all that was needed was a single word, and they would start their great cleansing of Ross 154 of their enemies! The ebtire fleet, with the exception of 500 ships to defend the borders. A route was planned. They would take the outlying systems first, then drive on to X'Rath and then New Saalia. After that, they would take a southeren route to Ricon, then plow into the Raiek homeworld, Raiek! The massive fleet moved out, with Remos, Espona's most trusted commander, heading it. Espona himself was on the flagship, the Mothership Bloodwrath, which was in the fleet as well. The Battle Stations would be more than enough with the 500 assorted Fleet Cruisers and Destroyers, with 2 Motherships, to protect their "chokepoints". With Espona's command, the great fleet moved out, to destroy the Raiek, and anyone else foolish enough to try and stop them.


OOC: Sorry for the absence; my schedule is rather tightly packed right now. I may have to drop RoC III, but most likely not.


One of the biodomes on Uosa'Nad had exploded. All research had been cancelled and all commanders had been recalled to Keld. A work crew had gone out to see what happened, and a new dome was being built right now...


Asriel sat in his office, making sketches of things. He finally came up with one that looked viable. It was a cannon that fired enormous shells. You might call it a railgun...but it was so much more. One of the cannons, if produced, would have the rate of fire of a few regular cannons (think Disco Bison Machine Gun). He ran to tell Moiraine...

"Life's a bitch, but she's my bitch." -- Phoenix

The Confederate Alliance had bitten off more than it could chew. They had attempted a ground assault on a Galactica world, a dire mistake indeed. The heavily armed and fully entrenched Voinians in power armor shredded the Alliance soldiers as they attempted to advance. Hovertanks from city defense garrisons incinerated the Alliance troops as they flew overhead, taking pot shots at the outnumbered and outgunned troops.

To make matters worse for the already losing soldiers, the Alliance fleet had pulled out of the Smott system. This left a fully armed, if a little battered, Galactica fleet in orbit and in control of the skies. Where Confederate Alliance troops had landed in unoccupied and open areas, the Galactica fleet bombarded them with low-yield anti-personnel orbital bombs. These cluster warheads rained small explosives down upon the hapless enemy soldiers, wiping out hundreds of soldiers at a time.

Fighter-Bombers from both local airbases and warships in orbit flew sorties over the Alliance troops, strafing them and dropping Antimater bombs when they had the chance. Mass Missiles proved extremely effective at taking out several Alliance tanks at a time. The Alliance was fighting a losing battle. Within a few hours, Galactica was once again in firm control of Smott.

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

Kenra looked at the Raiek dubiously and then shrugged."We'll give you a ride through they're space if we can, but we are currently just going into that space.

"If we find there is a good enough reason the Skraine don't want you through, then we'll have the Ghost turn around. Oh yes, the ride will be going there, but you might want to find another way back."

Kenra gave them a sheet of paper that told them to go to one of the spaceports where a ship would be waiting. She walked off to see if there were any messages from the scouting fleet.


The commander of the fleet was taken aback as the Skraine vessels surrounded them. He sent out a hail to the surrounding ships.

"Greetings, we are the Sijak. We don't mean you any harm, we are just explorers from Ross 154, we found a wormhole in our galaxy and came to see what was in it. We mean you no harm."


Kenra sighed. No reports yet. She shrugged and then thoughtfully looked out at the spaceports. Not that many people had her engines, perhaps it was time for an upgrade.

Kenra grinned and quickly sent a message to the Engineering Department. They would of course, get right on it.
Research: Upgrade Sijak Engines
10 posts.

Formerly known as

OOC: Just as a note, BD, I would have NEVER left any ships alive in Smott. Also, your troops aren't invincible. But oh well. I'll kill you anyway. 🙂


It was at that moment that ships from Priat that had been left to guard the base (about 100 ships) jumped into Smott and opened fire on the small and battered Galactica fleet.

The battle was one-sided and ended quickly. As the last of the Galactica ships were destroyed, Corsairs and Ravens flew into the atmosphere as frieghters loaded with assault troopers landed. Galactica bunkers where blasted into just a few carbon atoms by Ion Disruptor Beams as Corsairs flew low and blasted away whole troop collums (sp?).

Within just a few hours Smott had been fully recovered by the Confederates, and 5 Corsairs were left behind along with 15 fighters to guard the area while the rest of the ships went on to DSN-8619, where Galactica was getting heavily beaten by the combined force of over 400 Confederate ships.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

The Raiek Diplomats listen, thank Kenra, and head toward the dock.

The First Wormhole is almost done, just a few more posts....

Dont Believe me?
Just ask the Blind Man.. He Saw it all...
post sponsored by (url="http://"")Ipix Inc. Web Design(/url)

Asriel,good to have you back.We never knew you'd colonised Uosa'Nad and Dimire;We'll go mark those on Our map as colonised now.
Carno,your Renegade Fighter with Sijak engines is not the fastest thing in the Void.The Sijak hold that title still.
Esponer,howcome you're giving the Renegades the HCD when you denied Us Our Fold Drive as a sig tech when the Fold Drive is nearly identical?
Esponer,Casene and Magistrate K'Sarragh ought to meet sometime.Their views on the Prylak are nearly identical.
RMA,We'd appreciate it if you'd state which systems in the gift-holdings We gave you you are colonising,so We can mark them on Our map.

In Haru'El,Tereknor relaxed.These were not more Pry'lahk.
"Greetings,Sijak.We are the Skraine.Welcome to Eta Cassiopea.
A diplomatic starbase is situated in the Hoth V system,the route to which we are sending to you now.
But if you are an ally of the Pry'lahk,prepare to meet your doom!"

In Q'Ros,Councillor Karaze waited for a reply from the Galactica.

In Dreth'Val,work on the new base and battlestation was proceeding nicely,as were colonisation efforts in Den'Char.

ETA until EMP weaponry complete:7 posts,I think.
ETA until bases complete in Den'Char and Dreth'Val:1 post
ETA until Sign-Out party:6 days.w00t!

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.