Reign of Chaos 3 - Chapter III

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Chapter III
Moderated by Esponer, Battledoctor and Rima

(url="http://"")Milky Way(/url)
(url="http://"")Ross 154(/url)
(url="http://"")Eta Cassiopea(/url)

(url="http://"")Chapter I(/url)
(url="http://"")Chapter II(/url)

Galactica and the Alliance have reached a breaking point. Hundreds of ships have moved to join in the battle, and the long stalemate may be coming to an end as the situation becomes ever more desperate.

Meanwhile, the exiled Prylak Lythrawn continues diplomatic relations with the Sijak and the Terrans, threatening to unbalance the power scale of Ross 154 by providing Prylak tecnological superiority.

After a failed assualt on the Haorn stronghold of Darken'Ra, the Raiek had sent a scouting fleet through the wormhole to Eta Cassiopea, where the mysterious Skraine pushed them back, destroying their fleet. Now, the Raiek are caught between two enemies, and still seek an ally...

Meanwhile, the semi-insane pirate leader Zak Vilda continues his exploits, and is now poised to attack Hrekka.

Reign of Chaos 3, Chapter 2

The Raiek are trying to prepare for the inevitable attack by somebody...

There are about 300 ships in various small fleets in raiek space.

Construction is going full steam.

Work on the wormhole generator is doing well, but the Raiek engineers are trying to decide which method of wormhole generators. One would be stationary, and warp a fleet anywhere in Ross154 or the jumpsystem of any galaxy. Second choice is ship based, but can only be used to jump about 4 systems away, and would take a few minutes to charge. Work will be done to help decide.
Operation: Lazerus
ETA:17 posts

Dont Believe me?
Just ask the Blind Man.. He Saw it all...
post sponsored by (url="http://"")Ipix Inc. Web Design(/url)

OOC:My ship is always cloaked unless it is alone in a system or only with other Tribunal ships. And of course if I say it's uncloaked. Also, It's Grunadulater. G-R-U-N-A-D-U-L-A-T-E-R. No "O".
P.S.:Can you fire when your cloaked?
Grunadulater was talking with the officer.
"Sir, I may have come to negociate for the Tribunal, but I'm Independent. Even though the Tribunal are still neutral, I will help you in any way I can."

"Are you sure the powers off?"

OOC: Shade, I have two words for you; you idiot. I almost always build battlestations, and I can build them fairly fast. My ships are more heavily armed, I looked at your stats. I bring in more ships into Eta Cassiopea constantly, and so now have 150 ships in each system. 😛


The battle raged on in Horon'Chars as a group of 25 more newly built ships arrived and began to hammer the Skraine even more.

As was done in Romit, a group of 4 Aurora Battleships took up position around the battlestation. The battleships and the station merged their shields, creating just one big superpowerful shield grid. The planetary shield was also extended, and some defense pods were towed in.

The Confederates were using their Corsairs and Renegade Fighters to keep the smaller Skraine ships busy while the bigger Ravens, Aurora Battleships, and Chimaeras worked on destroying all of the larger Skraine ships first. With most of the larger warships destroyed, the rest of the ships could work on blasting away the smaller ones easily.


Then the Confederates in Krraali made an unexpected move.

They began to set up a series of two battlestations in the system, turning Krraali into a new border post to replace Romit. As reinforcements from across CA space began to arrive (like, for instance, 10 ships were taken off each defense fleet), DSN-1156 was given back its ships. Now DSN-1156 had 100 ships, and Romit had 340 some ships, as well as two new battlestations which were being rushed into completion...

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

REDchigh decides to leave a mission on the mission computers through Ross154 space, looking for a mercenary pilot. (Grundulater, this means you!). Pilot should come to Zeno III, where he will recieve his mission. Payment will be generous.

Work on Wormhole design has been leaning towards stationary projectors, to go to anywhere in Ross, and borders of Milky way, eta cassiopea, and andromeda. Stationary ones would be built in Zeno and Raiek, but projectors would be built on the two lazerus' when they are done. Work on the first stationary warpgate will be done in 5 posts.
Operation: Lazerus
ETA: 16 posts

Dont Believe me?
Just ask the Blind Man.. He Saw it all...
post sponsored by (url="http://"")Ipix Inc. Web Design(/url)


Originally posted by grunadulater:
**OOC:My ship is always cloaked unless it is alone in a system or only with other Tribunal ships.

I'm not positive, but I believe the Tribunal cloak cannot be kept on all the time like that. If not, I'll have to ask Asriel what it's weakness is (all cloaks need a weakness).

Also, Galactica sensors can see through the Tribunal cloak.


(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 11-19-2001).)

A few prototype command modules have been built for the Laser Frigate, and testing is being done on which method of jettisoning is the most effective. The method that is working the best right now involves placing a small charge between the weapons section and the command module, which would be set off when the command module needs to jettison from the rest of the ship. ETA: 6 Posts

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

A small beeper on Grunadulater belt went off. It was from the ship.
"I'm sorry, I must leave. If you have any further questions, please contact me via holonet."Grunadulater walked to his ship.
His ship spoke when walked into it;
"Greetings, I have found a mission that you might want to attend."Grunadulater read the briefing and shot into hyperspace. His ship reached the wormhole and dissolved into it. As he arrived at the other side, he flew toward Zeno III. As he landed, he was snached up by the Raiek police, and brought to the office building, very heavily guarded.

"Are you sure the powers off?"

Esponer led Ravaer into the fighter bay, where he let the Haorn on the Darkwing - bemused that he barely managed to get through the hatch.

Grinning, he showed Ravaer the tight quarters within the Darkwing.

"Not exactly the epitome of comfort. Hey, I'm sure the actual pilot won't mind - care for a spin around the system?"

- - -

Casene paused. The idea of Prylak technology was an exciting one, and indeed, with one designs the Terran R&D; department had been pouring over, some certain aspects of Prylak technology would be very useful.

"Well...we were thinking about working on a certain project. For it, designs for the Prylak's shielding, and perhaps your engines, would be extremely useful. In return...well, I've seen the cloak you're using. What do you think of having a better one?"

Casene still didn't trust him, but she'd be getting the better out of this deal, if it went through.


Grunadulater quietly spoke to his computer through the comlink while he was waiting.
"Computer, see if you can alter the cloak so that its frequency is different from any others."
"Yes sir."
Cloak Remodeling_
Adjust the cloak so that it is undetectable by any known ship
Estimated time=20 posts

"Are you sure the powers off?"

Espona, still waiting for the preojects to be finished, thought about their next crusade. All in this galaxy would have to be considered enemies, and that meant the Skraine as well as the Raiek. Aggresions would have to be taken against them.... He would think about it.



Firebird rushed through the hospital. He had just been informed that his dad, Admiral Intimidator, had had a heart attack, and the doctors didn't think he was going to make it.

Entering the room as the doctors left, Firebird kneeled alongside his fathers bed. Intimidator looked at him and smiled. "Firebird... Firebird, my friend..."

"Friend?" the Confederate admiral chuckled. "I know I'm your friend, but I'm your son too!"

Intimidator slowly shook his head, making Firebird frown. Intimidator put his hand on Firebirds and spoke. "Years ago, when you were only 9, I rescued you from the Voinians. You had been left behind on a frieghter and was nearly killed, but I saved you and took you aboard my ship to be my adopted son. I never told you about who you really are, and about your real past.

"I hid this fact from you all your life. No one knew about it, except for me, your mother, and Carnotaur. But now, that I'm going to die, I want to tell you about your real past.

"And your real family."

Firebird stuttered. "M-my... f-family??"

"Yes," Intimidator continued. "Your real father was Admiral McPherson, one of the most famous admirals of the UE, killed in battle with the Voinians. Then there was your mother, Anna Balashova, died giving birth to you and your twin sister."

As Firebird began to cry, he gasped at the word and tried smiling. "My s-sister? I have a sister??"

Intimidator nodded. "Yes, her name is Casene. Casene McPherson, co-leader of the Terrans. I'm sure you've heard of her. And your real name is actually Jason McPherson. I, I hope you don't hold this against me..."

Firebird shook his head and smiled through the tears. "No, no dad. I'll always consider you my father. I love you dad."

Intimidator smiled, and Firebird left.

He was informed shortly afterward about Intimidators death...


Carnotaur looked over some paperwork as Firebird walked in and told him about the news, and about what Intimidator had said. "I'm sorry," Carnotaur said. "I'm very, very sorry. Intimidator was one of my best friends. I will most definitely miss him..."

Firebird suddenly spoke. "Sir, if you don't mind..."

"Yes?" Carnotaur asked.

"I would like to have permission to go into the Ross 154 galaxy to meet Casene. I know you need me here sir but..."

Firebird was cut short by Carnotaur. "Permission granted. You can leave with the Raven Battlecruiser Remington immediately. Use your cloak at all times though, the Skraine don't seem to like us any more."

Firebird brightened at Carnotaur's response. "Thank you sir," Firebird said, and ran out to his ship...


Several days later the Raven Remington went (cloaked) through the Eta Cassiopea access point and headed off for Haru'El...

OOC: The Remington has very very large fuel tanks specially installed, so it can stay cloaked the whole time I travels to Haru'El. Oh, and another thing; it didn't go through any Galactica system, so they didn't see it. 😛

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

REDchigh meets Grundulater personally.
Soon Grundulater slips about how he is trying to upgrade his private cloak, and, on a whim, REDchigh sends a servant to his library, and he returns after a few hours with four books, written in Prylak.
1. The Prylak Student's Guide to Light and Radiation Science.
2. Cloaks and you- A guide for young Prylak pilots.
3. Starship Technical Reparations guide, Military warship edition.
4. UV, Wavelengths, and Infrared: Techniques for Cloaking.

REDchigh holds the books out to Grundulater, and lets him flip through them.
"Grundulater, I will give you those books, along with a translater, on one condition. You sign this three mission contract. You will also get as many Javelin turrets as you can hold on your ship, and rearmament for life. I will also give you several slaves to help you work on your ship, and help work on your cloak. Accept?"
Operation: Lazerus
ETA: 14 posts
Operation: Space Funnel (warpgate)
ETA:12 posts (for a gate to be built around Raiek prime. Gate will be armed with 15 heavy Thoron beams. (haven't decided on mines yet)
Dont Believe me?
Just ask the Blind Man.. He Saw it all...
post sponsored by (url="http://"")Ipix Inc. Web Design(/url)

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 11-19-2001).)

OOC:I talked to Red about this on AIM.
Grunadulater signed the paper and ordered the slaves to go outfit his ship with the weapons provided. Red spoke;
"Your first mission is to find someone to ally with the Raiek. Someone very strong."
"How about the confederates?."Red looked horrified.
"What about Galactica. Theya are big and strong."
"Well...Okay."Grunadulater walked back to his ship with some Raiek diplomats. For the next 3 days read the books and ordered slaves around. Soon, his cloak was almost done. He could complete it on the flight to Vonia. He needed it so that the Galactica ships wouldn't sense him.
As he entered the system, he waited for Galactica to notice him. They didn't. Puting on a face systecizer, Grunadulater landed and walked to an office building. He asked to see the president of the town and was lead to him.
"Hello, I represent the Raiek. I have beed monitoring your movments and and must say that my race has been looking for an ally like yours. You will speak with the diplomats. The diplomats and the officer walked into a room and talk for about 2 hours. They then motioned Grunadulater to go back to his ship. He took of and 2 days later, landed on Zeno III, waiting for the next mission.
"Are you sure the powers off?"

(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 11-19-2001).)

(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 11-19-2001).)

Lythrawn thought over Casene's request. It would be quite interesting to have such powerful cloaks that absolutely no one could detect. Perhaps Lythrawn could modify them and make them even better. He nodded in agreement. "I would like that very much. I will give you our engine and shield matrix technology in return for your Zeno Cloaks installed on ALL of my ships. However, i would note that I would especially appreciate some weapons technology if you have any."

Then Lythrawn turned to Kenra and smiled. "And, of course, I would be willing to trade some of our technology with you as well. But, I would note that not all of my technology is availible, and you're lucky I'm giving away any technology at all; I'm not too keen on trying to upset the balance between major powers. I'm doing it to you and the Terrans because the Terrans have a small navy and you have only fighters. What do you say?"


Commander Lairos on Lythrawns battlecruiser peered at a consol. It read that there was an incoming message from Raiek space. Something about making contact. He informed Lythrawn of it via comlink, and was told to avoid contact with the Raiek at the moment.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Kenra paused in thought. The Prylak had many things, but what could she add of this technology to a fighter? Armor would slow it down, their fighters were the fastest, and they weren't going to be building warships.

"Well, I don't exactly know what a race that builds fighters could get from the Prylak. We build all fighters, so many things we could not use. We have better engines, and we have a few other things we might like to trade, but it really depends on what you have to trade."

She shrugged, and waited to see what this Prylak had to offer.

Formerly known as

The spaceport director asked the Raiek diplomats to please wait, while he walked into another room. He looked to one of his aides and said, "There are diplomats from another galaxy here! A race called the Raiek. What should I do?"

The aide's eyes widened and a scared look came over his face. "Intergalactic diplomats? This has never happened before... what's the procedure?"

"I-I don't know! What should I do? They look kind of like those Prylak invaders from 20 years back."

"Well, uh, call up the Emperor!"

BattleDoctor sat in his office, playing a violin. These human instruments amused him greatly, and whenever he could get a free hour he would sit and play. His violin playing was disturbed as a tall Miranu with a Foreign Relations Department patch on his coat walked in.

"Sir!" said the Miranu as he saluted. "I've just received word from Garlor City Spaceport on Voinia that a group of alien diplomats has arrived at the director's office."

"And by aliens you mean... what? Skraine? I'ase? Qan?"

"They call themselves the Raiek, sir."

"Send word to the director that they are to be sent here immediately. I want to talk to them"

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

"What an honor it is to finally meet you Battledoctor. We are from the Raiek government as your ensigns probably already told you. We wish to have an alliance.

Yes, we are Prylak in Race, but relax, we do not share the PRylak values, we aplit off from the Prylak government about 20 years ago. We fight the Confederate Alliance and the Haorn. Have you heard of either of them?"

"I've heard of the Confederate alliance, but please continue."

"Sure. Anyway, Our technology is based around killing our enemies before they kill us, so we have crappy ship defenses but excellent firepower. Our light thoron turret is a primary beam weapon, and our Javelin turret fires fast, warhead packed, projectiles from a turret. Our Space bombs are small, weak, but nearly impossible to evade, and all these are decent, but our pride and joy is our thoron beam. This beam is quite an item, about 6 can destablize the crust of a planet within hours. Our Fighters are decent, Our Warfrigates are decently shielded (compared to our other ships), our Carriers carry 10 bombers and gunships, and our dreadnought.. well, our dreadnought is powerful. nothing else can be said about them.

The Raiek are working on two projects. One, is building a Warpgate above our homeworld. The other, is the research and construction of a few extremely powerful warships.

And that, in short, is the Raiek. Now, Battledoctor, your turn..."

On Zeno III, REDchigh checks off a detail on his list.
"Ok, Grundulater, job well done. Your next mission is to scout out and tell me everything you can about the Haorn. Any info on their Armor, Ships, current research, shield frequencies, weaknesses, weapons, Anything at all. If it's not enough, then I'll find you a new mission. Also Capture as many Haorn as you can, but be prepared, Haorn are stronger than any voinian could ever hope to be.

These are the collected ships:
49 bombers
32 gunships
61 warfrigates
56 carriers (10x each gunships and bombers.)
32 dreadnoughts

Operation: Lazerus (ship)
ETA: 13 posts
Operation: Space Funnel (warpgate)
ETA:11 posts

Dont Believe me?
Just ask the Blind Man.. He Saw it all...
post sponsored by (url="http://"")Ipix Inc. Web Design(/url)

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 11-19-2001).)

MOD: I think I missed something.

a) Which route did Grundadulater take to Raiek space? (!) Jumpgate 02 is closed and guarded by pirates.

🆒 You can't just sit there in your ship, Grundadulater, and make yourself a better cloak. You need a research centre. Post revoked.


Carnotaur, I PROTEST!
You did not state you built a battlestation;therefore,you do not have one.Q E D.
You did not state you are constructing more vessels,or that more have been moved into Eta Cassiopea.Ergo,you have 225 alone. Q E D.
And I realised something else;your "Tempests-charge-the-"battle"station" idea is impossibe.
What would have happened in the battle is;


"The 50 Confederate ships respond by launching fighters and missiles.
The missiles are destroyed by Plasma Pulses,or deflected by the new ECM.The Confeds still have their primary weapons,however,and open fire with those.
Their tactics are futile,however,because whenever they come close to destroying a Skraine warship,it WarGates out,and continues to fire Plasma Torpedos from outside primary firing range,covered by the Cyclones which naturally hang back,launching their fighters and Torpedos into the fray.
Many Skraine Tempests and Whirlwinds are,however, taken down by concentrated enemy fire,waiting too late before activating WarGates
Unlike the Confederate vessels,who are aiming for maximum destruction,the Skraine are not murderers,and aim to disable the Confederate warships.
However the Skraine,while humane,are also practical,and fighters make sure that the Confederate's turrets are blown from their housings,and their drives slagged.Many fighters are however destroyed while doing this.
Two Tempests use their WarGates to get within a kilometer of the "battle"station,and unleash their Plasma Blasters,Plasma Turrets,Plasma Torpedos,and Plasma Webs on the "battle"station.
The "battle"station responds with a hail of ion disruptor fire,battering the Tempest's shields.
However the Skraine have Plasma Shields,which are stronger,and the "battle"station takes heavy damage before it manages to destroy the Tempests.
When the containment feilds of the Tempests' power cores fail,the explosion rips away the "battle"station's remaining sheilding.
As the blast destroys the "battle"station's power core,a huge blast destroys the "battle"station,as well as any ships in the vicinity."

You see?Even if your reinforcements arrive,my 250 warships are still no match for the 50 that logic dictates you must have in that system.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.