Reign of Chaos 3 - Chapter III

As the Haorn fleet neared the halfway point, the fleet prepared for their inevitable, and unstoppable, onslaught. Weapons hummed with power, and engines were going full blast as the attack force, nearly 5,000 ships strong, moved rentlessly onward to Norad 4....


OOC: I don't think so Shade. 🙂 Esponer clearly stated that, for now, the Renegade Fighter is THE fastest ship in the galaxy, even better than the Sijak Ghost and all other Sijak ships. 😛

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

MOD: Carno, you ended the battle in Smott in one post. You went from "The Flagships killed the Laser Frigates", which is fine, to "The Alliance beat the Galactica fleet" in about 2 paragraphs. That's not allowed, you can't do battles like that. If you had pulled out at that time, you would have left almost all of my ships alive... I was doing well in that battle and you can't just end it in one post.

I'm going to say that 125 of my ships pulled out of Smott alive, and that you ended the battle with 350 ships. If you want to say that you bombarded the planet, that's allowed. You still won the battle, I'm just making it a tad fairer.

The battle in DSN-8619 raged on, with Galactica and the Alliance both having about the same number of ships. The Confederate Alliance's 400 warships were being kept at bay by Strike Cruisers and Laser Frigates while Support Cruisers, Missile Frigates, and Warcruisers hammered them with missiles. However, Galactica had called for reinforcements earlier in the battle, and as 200 ships arrived from the surrounding systems, the Alliance fleet began to slowly lose ground. Laser Frigates continued to fly straight into the middle of the Alliance forces, firing their beams at full blast before jettisoning the Command Module and overloading the Weapons Module. This new Galactica tactic wrought havoc in the Alliance fleet. Unless the Alliance could bring in a lot of reinforcements, and fast, it wouldn't be overly hard for Galactica forces to fight off the Alliance ivasion fleet.

In response to the Alliance attacks, Galactica had pulled over 200 warships from reserve fleets across the Imperium to make a series of raids on the border systems which the Alliance had left nearly undefended during their raids. First, the Galactica raiders moved into DSN-4386. The Galactica ships ripped apart the nearly completed station and the construction crew, along with the token defense fleet. Taking a scant 15 losses, the fleet moved on to DSN-3930. The story was much the same there, and after the raids were over the fleet was still 150 ships strong. Their missions accomplished, the raiding fleets pulled back into Galactica space before the Alliance could respond.

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)