I need some help...

Hi everyone, I have some questions about EVO and figured perhaps you guys could help.

A. I've been trying to start the Igadzra mission string but I have absolutely no idea where it begins. I looked through some of the topics here and read one post where it was stated that it begins on Kitrak, but I go there and I get nothing. My Combat Rating is "Deadly"... I haven't completed any mission strings for any other Strands, either. So what could it be?

B. I'm stuck in the Zidagar mission where they want me to destroy an Azdgari Raider Fleet. I don't really know why I'm asking seeing as this is a very straight-forward mission, but I just can't do it. Those 15 fighters or so kill me before I can even figure out what's going on. Any tips? I'm really at a total loss here. I have the same problem with the UE missions of destroying renegade fleets in Pariah and Troub. My ship is a Lazira, which has a pretty strong shield (plus I have one shield enhancor) and I bought a Dospect Armor from Paaren Station (but it made very little difference really - my expectations of having Voinian-level armor were not met, unfortunately). Is there any other way to enhance my shield/armor? Or should I start working on my offensive now instead?

C. Is there some way to get the cloaking device, again? Because I lost it when I traded my Arada for the Lazira (I knew I was gonna lose it, though), but it was real fun to fly around Voinian Space in total peace. It's not very important, though, I'm really just curious...

Thanks in advance!



Originally posted by Dror:
Is there some way to get the cloaking device, again?

I'm afraid not, unless you use a plug-in.

David Arthur
(url="http://"http://members.aol.com/darthur1/talon-ev/")Talon Plugin for the original Escape Velocity(/url)
(url="http://"http://members.aol.com/darthur1/mc/")An Upcoming EV Override Mission Editor(/url)

Hi Dror.

A. I can't answer this question, because I haven't played the Igradzra strand missions.

B. I hate missions that require me to go against Adzgaris and their Azdaras. The cloaking device could help, but you don't have it any more... If you have enough money, hire a whole lot of Cresent Warships. They -usually- provide enough distraction for the Azdaras and at least you won't be facing the entire swarm. Might not always work though, because sometimes they go off after the ships that launched the fighters, simply passing by the fighters. After you're done with the mission, you could just release the warships from servitude (they cost A LOT).

As for UE missions with the renegades, getting those Crescent engine, thrust, and RCS upgrades really helps. I have a Lazira too. After getting wiped by the swarm of kraits several times, I got the upgrades, went back, and it became less of a problem (just fly away and shoot back with turrets, aka "Monty Python Maneuver". When they catch up, I break in the other direction and continue swatting kraits).

The armor upgrade makes a difference, although not noticeable at times. The Lazira doesn't have very good armor to begin with. Unless you work for the Vionians, you can't get any better armor for a Lazira. With shields, I max mine out to four shield enhancers, using up a huge amount of weapon space.

C. The only way to get back the cloaking device after you sold the ship that had it is to get a plug-in (from the EVO website, go to add-on files, then go to cheat plug-ins, and look at the descriptions - you'll find it)

Hope this helps, and hope someone can answer your first question. Good luck.

Windows CE + Windows ME + Windows NT = Windows CEMENT
So eXPerience the CEMENT.

Have you completed the miranu trading mission? You need it to play any strand missions (sorry, I'm clutching at straws here)!

It's not pining, it's passed on! This parrot is no more! It has ceased to be! It's expired and gone to meet it's maker! This is a late parrot! It's a stiff! Bereft of life, it rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed it to the perch it would be pushing up the daisies! It has rung down the curtain and joined the choir invisible! This...is an ex-parrot!

I believe the reason you can't get the Igadzra missions is quite straightforward: you are already working for the Zidagar. You can only work for one strand per pilot - or two if you know the way :). The Igadzra missions do start in the bar on Kitrak, after you have done the Diplomatic Relations missions with the Miranu - provided you haven't done any missions for the Zidagar or the Azdgari!


Originally posted by Sykotiklad:
If you have enough money, hire a whole lot of Cresent Warships. They -usually- provide enough distraction for the Azdaras and at least you won't be facing the entire swarm.

I guess that's my next best move. I have plenty of money to spend and no way to spend it (since I can't yet buy any better ships than the Lazira) so I suppose I'll try this...


As for UE missions with the renegades, getting those Crescent engine, thrust, and RCS upgrades really helps. I have a Lazira too. After getting wiped by the swarm of kraits several times, I got the upgrades, went back, and it became less of a problem (just fly away and shoot back with turrets, aka "Monty Python Maneuver". When they catch up, I break in the other direction and continue swatting kraits).**

Yeah I have all three upgrades already but it still doesn't work! I use the "Monty Python Maneuvar", as you call it (heh), all the time against all sorts of ships, but this time they are much much faster and there are way too many. And before I can even hit TAB quickly enough to get to those in front of me I'm already dead. Maybe I need some cannons, but I don't have the weapon space... maybe I should try hiring some escorts here as well.


The only way to get back the cloaking device after you sold the ship that had it is to get a plug-in (from the EVO website, go to add-on files, then go to cheat plug-ins, and look at the descriptions - you'll find it).

Hmm, I think I'll try this without plug-ins first, since I only started playing a week ago. No need to complicate things just yet... 🙂 Thanks a lot for your help!

MartiNZ - damn, that kinda sucks. So now I'm stuck with the Zidagar, eh? I suppose I'll try to make the most of it, then. But why did I read some comments on this board saying you can work for both the Zidagar and the Igadzra, and this in contrast to any other Strand mixes? Hmm. Another plug-in?

Evil Homer - "Beautiful plumage!" 🙂



For some reason they only let me hire six escorts, which were hardly enough to fight the Azdgari. That, and your prediction came true, Sykotiklad, they went for the big ones while the fighters wiped me out very quickly. So I decided to try the UE Renegade missions instead. I sold all my turrets and bought three cannons. I tried all three types I know available - the blaze cannon, the neutron cannon and that other one - the yellow one, can't remember the name. Of all of these, the neutron cannon worked best against the Kraits, and yet, even with three of these, four shield enhancers and ten dispersal missiles (which I don't think helped much anyway), they managed to kill me. I'm just not fast enough. I swear, speed is the key to winning in this game. That's why I opted for keeping my Corvette and not buying a Kestrel in the first game. Maybe I should just start from scratch and this time work with the Azdgari. But I did so much already... damnit.

Oh, and after all these experiments I now have 3.5 million credits less. :frown:

Since apparently I can't start any other mission strings with the other Strands, I think I'm kinda stuck. Doomed to travel the universe delivering cargo from place to place instead of doing more interesting things. Well this pilot is. Too bad for him.


Originally posted by Dror:
I can even hit TAB quickly enough to get to those in front of me

Hmm, big mistake there. In combat, hit the "R" key; it automatically selects the closest hostile target. This makes things much easier, when taking out fighters using turrets.

(url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
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Originally posted by EVula:
**Hmm, big mistake there. In combat, hit the "R" key; it automatically selects the closest hostile target. This makes things much easier, when taking out fighters using turrets.

Aww, ****, I wish I'd known that before I traded in my Lazira for that slow-ass Crescent Warship. Thanks for the tip, I'm sure it'd be much easier now...

A: The Izgadra missions start at Kirrim prime (I think). It's the one with the urple river eels...

B: Work on your offencive. Concider equiping with dispersal rockets. Then trick to deal with Azdaras is to kill them fast. Their shields regen. in seconds so you have to kill them in one go.
Dospect armour is very useful in the strand, as phase weapons find it very hard to damage it. Personally I wouldn't bother with the escorts, go for speed upgrades in stead. Fly in the direction of the Azdaras and hold down "a" when shooting. I can't remember then stats for the Lazira, but if it holds more guns than turrets go for swivel phase turrets so you can stock up on other weapons.
In a CW, just keep firing and pick them off one at a time.

😄 Nope.

Hope that helps!



The above post can be concidered
"Parlez vous sans mon derreire"
As the french probably wouldn't say.

You can work for 2 strands. You have to pick up 2 strands recruitment mission before you finish any of them. Then complete them before time runs out. This is very easy withe the Ig. and Zi.. Start at kitrak (picking up the mission), then go to pozdag3. Defend the planet (the mission) , land continue on the Igadzra. This can be done in a 2 day jump ship. The other which is the Iz. and the Az. is harder. Same concept but start at kitrak, go to southtip and continue on to finish the missions. Must be done in one day jump ship and must be careful about your route and stops.

Why are there no maroon ships?