Reign of Chaos 3 - Chapter I

Thor sped away, dumbfounded. His fleet had dwindled to 25 Crescent Fighters, 20 Aradas, 4 Laziras, a lone crescent warship, and his Lightning. "Ladon," he said through gritted teeth, "set a course for DSN-6008. It's time to plan a little revenge."

As he headed for DSN-6008, he messaged the pirate in charge there. By the time they arrived, a 'welcome party' would be awaiting them.

Oooh! Oooh! (url="http://"")A new flash game!(/url)
If the opposite of pro is con, what's the opposite of progress?
Kee kee, Draco, Smaug and Ladon!

K'Sarragh relaxed in his council chair.
The session was over,the Councillors had left.
He sighed,and stretched lazily.
"Magistrate?" K'Sarragh jumped from his chair,preador instincts kicking in.
"Relax,Magistrate.It's only me."
The Councillor for the WarFleet had stayed behind.
"Magistrate," the Councillor continued, "All is ready to send the first scouting fleets through the wormhole.
I did not want to tell you at the Council Session,knowing the objections of fools like the Councillor for Ri'aal."
K'Sarragh nodded. "Let the Return commence."He said.

In the Skrineen system,a fleet left the massive Sentinel Starbase.
One Cyclone,five Tempests,and a wing of Storms prepared to be the first to pass through the wormhole since the Exodus,five hundred years before.
Commander Thraize directed the fleet into the twisting knot of white light...

ETA until ECM complete:6 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

Mirava system

A jump point open into Mira's star system, showing the colors of hyperspace. From the point came a fighter design rarely seen outside the Northern Tip Belt, a Broadsword heavy fighter. It swung past the frieghters and other craft, flying with great speed and manuverabilty. Flying the Broadsword was a human by the name of Eric Carter, although everyone called him by his call-sign of Drake. Drake had been sent by the Council on a diplomatic mission to the Confederation world of Mira, as the Zacha had not had a representive to the mighty government in over a decade. They needed one now to work out a deal of sorts, but Drake was given the authoirty by the Council to make any decission Drake felt was necessary.

He swung by a Raven and reached Mira's outer atmosphere in little time. With a quick hit to the com console, he opened a link to the main starport. "Mira Control, this is the Zacha Broadsword Reave out of New Haven requesting permisson to land. I'm here on a diplomatic mission from the Zacha, and would also like to request an audience with one of your high-ranked officals."

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)

"Lythrawn, I have no loyalty to the Prylak anymore. I do not, can not, care what happened to them, either in Ross 154 or Andromeda. You are welcome to join the Tribunal, if you wish. We could use a gifted military commander like yourself. But, I cannot sympathize with you.

"As for the Milky Way situation, it has changed. The Tribunal is about 1/3 I'ase, and the rest is made up of refugees from all other races and governments. Galactica is still around, but a new power has risen to confront it: the Confederate Alliance. The Tribunal is enemies to both, but we are so small that we pose no threat to them...yet."


Tasina decided to send BattleDoctor a proposition against the Pirates.

(from Admiral Tasina, Tribunal)
(to Emperor BattleDoctor, Galactica)

I have heard that you destroyed a pirate world near your space. We have just done the same; Tribunal ships completely destroyed North Tip Station. We would like to ally with you against the pirates. I await your response; Tasina out.


Tasina also sent ships through Jumpgate 02. He picked the 20 best Phantom pilots, and sent them through the gate...

"Life's a bitch, but she's my bitch." -- Phoenix

(Message, Tau-3 encrypted)
To: Tesina, Tribunal
From: BattleDoctor, Galactica

I would gladly send aid in destroying the pirate menace. Where would you recommend we begin our campaign?

(End Message)

Galactica Weapons Researchers are making good progress with the new weapons. The bomb, designated the HM-7 Antimatter Bomb, has proved very easy to construct and should soon be ready to enter construction.

The Missile has been giving the researchers some problems. Existing stage synchronization computers are too fragile for the amount of vibration on this missile, and a new one has to be designed. The Missile will have 3 stages to it. The first one will be fuel efficient, and propel the missile for a great distance. The second one will speed the missile up a great deal, still propelling it towards the target. The last stage is just the large Gravity warhead and a powerful drive system, designed to propel the warhead into the target at extremely high speeds. It would cause great damage.

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

Thor was greeted at DSN-6008 by the pirate leader of that place, one Zak Vilda. Piloting a Crescent Fighter with a distinctly ironic Zacha paintwork, he swept his ship, the Ethereal , towards the Mjollnir.

"Welcome to the Nest, Commander Thor. I trust you'll find our establishments worthy of your presence," Zak stated over a with some irony.

The Nest, as it was called, was a huge construction, half asteroid, half station. Dozens of pirate ships circled the station, and obviously more were within.

Zak continued the message. "I've been planning something for a while, Thor. Maybe you should meet me in the Nest - coming?"

Meanwhile, Zak sent a data stream to Thor, about some of the basic plans of his operation, including the number of pirate ships he controlled - the figure was approximately three hundred, almost every pirate in the galaxy, and was said to increase when more "unhappy citizens" could be found.

The protection around the Nest was quite formidable. Not only was their substantial interference, making it almost impossible to scan the base, but many floating asteroids were home to small fighter-missile silos.


(To Emperor BattleDoctor)
(From Admiral Tasina)

I regret that I must withdraw my offer for now. I am deeply sorry, but there are more pressing things happening. Tasina out.


Tasina sat in his office aboard Phyrexia with the Tribunal's prime weapons designer, Asriel. "I need an upgrade to our sensors."

"I can do that, Admiral, but it will take a while..."

"Get to it, Asriel."


Forty Phantoms entered Jumpgate 02. Half of them immediately split off, and went towards Zeno III. The others blundered straight into Raiek space...

The pilots were relieved to discover that these ships' sensors could not detect them. They continued through this civilizations' space, heading towards the Sijak...

OOC: The Tribunal pilots don't know where anything is, they're just randomly traveling.

"Life's a bitch, but she's my bitch." -- Phoenix

(Esponer,you told me that the wormhole came out between Sijak and haorn space.
Now I find out it exits between Haorn and Raiek space,on the other side of the galaxy from the Sijak!Ah well...)

Commander Thraize looked out upon the stars of Ross 154.
Using the ancient databases,downloaded from the first ships of the Exodus,she recognised the stars which had originally been home to the Skraine.
Behind them was a green-grey nebula.On the old charts it was labelled:H'aa'run.
Thraize did not know what it meant.
The fleet upgraded to Code Alpha status,and settled down to sift through hyper transmissinos passing through the system.

ETA until ECM complete:5 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

After Thor acknowledged Zak's greeting and looking over the plans, the Mjollnir and the small fleet set down on one of the many docks. Thor strode out of the Mjollnir, and told the pirate that greeted him to take him to Zak. As they walked along the metal walkway, Thor admired the craftsmanship that must have gone into a project such as this. The locations where metal blended into rock were almost impossible to find. They neared Zak's office, and Thor happened to look into a doorway. Ladon was standing inside looking at something, scratching his head. Thor stopped and turned his head to where Ladon was looking. It was a small pistol. Ladon looked up, and noticed Thor looking at it.

"Hello!" he called, "I've been working on this for the past few days in my spare time. It's a sort of bomb. Here, let me show you." He pressed a small button on the gun, and stepped back. Thor waited several minutes, but nothing happened. “Well,” Ladon said apologetically, “it isn’t quite perfected yet.” He went back to work, fiddling with wiring inside the gun.

Thor turned back to the pirate, who had a bored look on his face. They set off again, and reached Zak’s office with no interruption.

“So what was this about an attack?” Thor inquired when he was shown in. “On the Tribunal? They are always getting on my nerves. Or if not, who?”


‘Pistol Gun’ Bomb
Can be set to detonate at any length of time. Can take out a fighter.
5 posts till perfected.

Oooh! Oooh! (url="http://"")A new flash game!(/url)
If the opposite of pro is con, what's the opposite of progress?
Kee kee, Draco, Smaug and Ladon!

High Admiral Fera stood in BattleDoctor's office. "Yes, sir?"

"I brought you here, Fera, because you are my most trusted admiral." explained BattleDoctor, "If I give you an assignment, I know you will be able to pull it off somehow. What we need to do is end this stalemate between us and those Alliance bastards. This war has gone on too long, and has claimed too many lives. I want you to begin drawing up plans for an invasion."

"Right away, sir." With that, Fera walked back to his office. He walked into the large planning room and said to his aides, "Here's the deal: I have direct orders from the Emperor to begin making plans for an invasion of the Confederate Alliance. Let's get to work."

The High Admiral and his strategists worked long and hard, and eventually formulated a plan. It would involve over 400 ships in all, and many more ships would be on standby should they be needed. 200 ships would move into Zanat, and lay waste to the colony there. At the same time, a bit more than 200 ships would attack Azdgari, one of the Confederate Alliance's Capitals. All of this would be done very quickly, and as soon as the Zanat invasion force was done they would proceed on to Tufel, and await reinforcements. They would then attempt to take the capital, Mirava, with whatever ships they had. The Azdgari invasion force would take and hold the Azdgari system, then await reinforcements and further orders.

Soon, the orders were being sent out and the warships began to assemble...

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

A science station was a good place to start research. Especially if that station was in a nebula, in the middle of the Haorn Empire.
"Greetings, good sirs!" Said the scientist moved toward Fleet Grand Admiral Espona and his officers. "To what do I owe this honorable visit?" Espona groaned inside. This one was always cheerful, always optimistic. Always annoying. "This visit is hardly honorable, scientist." Siad Espona. "I want you to start research on a new tyoe of ship. A small one, at least corvette size that must be effective against fighters. It is a divergence from our style of ship-building, but in order to combat the other races effectively, we need a way to stop any pesky fighters they might throw at us. It has cost us a price I consider too high." This price was a mere hundred ships in the last few wars a few years ago, but the Empire could not let any dent, however small, to affect their air of power and invinciblity. Also, this will further help to cause fear and despair in enemy fleets once they see a new ship annihalating their fighteer squadrons. "O-of course, my lord. We'll start right away


A science station was a good place to start research. Especially if that station was in a nebula, in the middle of the Haorn Empire.
"Greetings, good sirs!" Said the scientist moved toward Fleet Grand Admiral Espona and his officers. "To what do I owe this honorable visit?" Espona groaned inside. This one was always cheerful, always optimistic. Always annoying. "This visit is hardly honorable, scientist." Siad Espona. "I want you to start research on a new tyoe of ship. A small one, at least corvette size that must be effective against fighters. It is a divergence from our style of ship-building, but in order to combat the other races effectively, we need a way to stop any pesky fighters they might throw at us. It has cost us a price I consider too high." This price was a mere hundred ships in the last few wars a few years ago, but the Empire could not let any dent, however small, to affect their air of power and invinciblity. Also, this will further help to cause fear and despair in enemy fleets once they see a new ship annihalating their fighteer squadrons. "O-of course, my lord. We'll start right away."


As warships assembled for the strike on Zidagar, reinforcement efforts were occuring accross CA space. Stations were being equipped with enhanced armor plating and extra turrets and missile pods. Patrols were being beefed up and communication lines were being enhanced to help make sure that if one system was attacked, everyone would know about it.

CA forces preparing for the attack on Zidagar were assembling at Twyus and Namot. Among the attackers was the Alliance Flagship Invincible. It was to take part in the battle as well as help with the coordination efforts of the battle. The current plan was to take 85 ships from both Twyus and Namot, strike at Zidagar, capture it, then bring in the last 15 ships from Namot. Twyus was to remain guarded. Of course, an extra 35 ships pulled from all across the area would also be part of the fleet.

Two new major stations were also under construction; Chimaera Station at Mirava and Corsair Station at Azdgari. These two stations would serve not only as extra defenses, but also as extra HQs and shipyards. These stations would be operational at 2 posts, but not until another 3 posts later would they be fully complete and functional. Shipyard production was also boosted and several new shipyard stations were being built accross Confederate space.


PROJECT: Quantum Engines
ETA: 3 posts


Lythrawn back off a little and looked out a window into the void of space. "Your offer is.... Tempting, but I cannot take it. There is still much more to see of this galaxy, and of my home galaxy; Ross 154. I will come again, but for now, I want to continue to explore this galaxy. I bid you farewell." Lythrawn saluted slightly then walked out. He was soon beamed back aboard his ship, and his fleet moved away into the depths of space...

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

As Grunadulaters ship jumped into the Ragiar system, he saw the Prylak. He growled as his ship switched to combat mode. Turrets and connons sprung out everywhere. As he powered up his connons, the ships left. Confused, he landed on the planet to speak with Asriel.
Grunadulater ran into the office.
"Commander, what were those Prylak doing here?" Grunadulater said in a stern voice.
"Oh, and I would like to offer you the best captain your government has ever seen. Give me explanations and a job and I shall be on my way"

"Are you sure the powers off?"

Moiraine was fairly surprised to find an unshaven human standing in her office, and took steps to remedy that. Two soldiers grabbed Grunadulater, and dragged him out of the office. They then allowed him to enter a bit more respectfully.

"Human, what a Prylak was doing in my office is of no business to you. I am Prylak myself. If you want a job, however, we can give you that.

"You will be given a Preliator-class heavy fighter. I hope you can handle it. Your mission is to scout out the Pirate base in DSN-6008. Successful completion of the mission will bring you Lieutenant status in the Tribunal, a large amount of cash, and your old ship back. Failure...we won't talk about that here. Do you accept?"

"Life's a bitch, but she's my bitch." -- Phoenix

Grunadulater shook in fear
"Y-y-yes ma'am"He ran out of the office.
The new ship had a strange feel, especially when the cloak turned on. As Grunadulater blastd to the pirates, he turned on the cloak. He could see pirate ships floating around. The ship started collecting data about the area of space around him. Suddenly a pirate ship came very close to his. The computer said complete and Gruandulater flew out to a far spot in space. He hit a button which he thought was the hyperspace button. His ship uncloaked. The pirates shot immeadiatly as the Grunadulater groned and pressed all buttons.
"Target-Self-destruct-5-cancled-hypermap-refresher..."One button finially shot him back into Ragiar. He landed on the planet and walked into the office.
"In the ship Ma'am"he said then he fainted.

"Are you sure the powers off?"

"He'll be fine. If he figured out how to even get a Preliator off the ground without training, he's good."

Moiraine waited for Grunadulater to wake up. Eventually he did. He had, of course, been placed in an infirmary. Moiraine walked over to him.

"Don't worry, Lieutenant. You'll be fine. Our next mission requires you to be a little more covert. First, we need to test your reflexes, to see if you can fly a Phantom."

Over the next two hours, Grunadulater went through various exercises in a battle simulator, medics and techs watching his every move. The young Lieutenant proved that he was one of the few humans that could indeed fly a Phantom.

Moiraine addressed him again. "Lieutenant, you are able to fly a Phantom. For your next mission, you will get this man" -- she motioned to a man next to her -- "into the base at DSN-6008. All you have to do is get him to the landing pad at the base. He will know what to do after.

"Even though a Phantom is faster than a Preliator, it has fewer controls, since it has no weapons, and is permanently cloaked. I suggest that you get going."

Grunadulater hurriedly left the room, followed by the spy. He went to the waiting Phantom...

"Life's a bitch, but she's my bitch." -- Phoenix

Thor's conversation with the pirate was interrupted by a large beeping in his pocket. He picked up his message link, and listened for a few moments. Then he raised his eyebrows and gave the phone to Zak. "It seems that we are going to have a spy."


Oooh! Oooh! (url="http://"")A new flash game!(/url)
If the opposite of pro is con, what's the opposite of progress?
Kee kee, Draco, Smaug and Ladon!

(This message has been edited by draco_2488 (edited 11-12-2001).)

Grunadulater hopped intot he ship with the spy. They blasted off.
As the ship entered the system, Grunadulater played with the controls. He had flown the ship spinning and twirrling for hours. The spy was almost crying when the planet came into view. It was pretty strange, he hadn't seen very many pirates in this system. Ohh well. Grunadulater scanned the planet to a clear spot to land, and as he set the ship down the spy ran out muttering prayers. Grunadulater got back in the vessle and layed down. After regurgitating a few times, he flew the ship back to the office and went inside.
"He's there ma'am."Grunadulater fell to his knees and went to sleep the second he was out of the leaders view.

"Are you sure the powers off?"

(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 11-12-2001).)

20 Phantoms entered the Eta Cassiopea galaxy. They had entered a system inhabited by a strange race. The Tribunal ships went a few systems out. Suddenly, they happened across a system with an extremely inviting planet. (It looked somewhat like Earth, before the shockwave missiles) The lead Phantom sent back a long-range message to Raigar, saying only "We're ready."


"They're ready." Asriel said it with a profound sense of disbelief.

That was all Phyrexia had been waiting for. This was a secret project that only a few in the Tribunal knew about. They were leaving the Milky Way. Forever. All colonists who wanted to go were loaded onto Phyrexia, as were most of the Tribunal ships. Lieutenant Grunadulater, of course, went along as well.
Phyrexia started out of the system, towards Jumpgate 02...

OOC: The system that the Phantoms found is Hoth IV.

"Life's a bitch, but she's my bitch." -- Phoenix

(This message has been edited by Lord Asriel (edited 11-12-2001).)