Reign of Chaos 3 - Chapter I

Grunadulater had been sitting for hours, waiting. He got up and then left, telling the guards to get the leader to message him.
As his ship shot through hyperspace, he examinded the scales of powerful governments over the last 20 years. He then knew where he would go, to the Confederation HQ of Mira.

"Are you sure the powers off?"

Sorry I'm late!

Skraine Command,Ka'Skria System
Magistrate K'Sarragh,twenty-third Magistrate of the Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds, brought his hammer down on the Council table.
"Order! Order! The proposals of the Councillor for Ri'aal will be duly considered."
K'Sarragh's Councillors looked relieved,all barring the Councillor for Ri'aal,who smouldered,giving K'Sarragh a dark stare.
K'Sarrage stood from his chair at the head of the table.
"Has the Councillor for Science anything to say?"
The Councillor for Science,an older Skraine known as Karaze,stood and gave a short bow.
"Magistrate.The researchers report that our newly developed Plasma Pulses,while now outfitted on all WarFleet vessels,are ineffective against our own Plasma Torpedos."
A pause. "This was tragically shown in the Sector 18 insurgency last year.
One of my scientists has come up with a plan for an ECM System,which will be able to be tuned to jamm the tracking systems of torpedos,wether they be ours,or...other."
Karaze was known to be a proponent of the move back into Ross 154.
"Very good." K'Sarragh said. "See it done.Has the Councillor for the WarFleet anything to state?"
Councillor (can't remember his name right now,sorry) bowed.
"Our fleets operate at good efficency,Magistrate.All is becoming ready for The Return."
The Return was K'Sarragh's most controversial proposal.
The Return to the systems the Prylak had driven them from five hundred years before.
Revenge for the spilled blood of millions of Skraine civilians.
"This Council session is now closed."

Research begins on ECM System:ETA:7 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

Sorry I'm late too.

Thor looked up from the paper tiredly. Born as a pirate, he now called himself honest, but he still plundered ships by the dozens. Now, threatened by the pirate-hating Galactica, Confederate Alliance, and the Tribunal, he was pressed from all sides. He already had received reports of trouble, but this was the worst yet. Ten of his best pilots had been captured by BattleDoctor, and Thor knew that the information that they held could lead to the loss of his many spies. There were three options. Abandon Hrekka, one of the last stronghold of pirates in the galaxy. This was impossible. No other port would accept them. The only other options were to stay, knowing that there was almost no chance of success, or to continue plundering ships. Shaking his head sadly, Thor spoke to his fleet, telling them to prepare. The upgraded antique ships powered up. He boarded the first Lightning, the sleek Mjollnir, sat down in the captain’s chair, and began planning his next raid.

Oooh! Oooh! (url="http://"")A new flash game!(/url)
If the opposite of pro is con, what's the opposite of progress?
Kee kee, Draco, Smaug and Ladon!

Sojin walked down the corridor of his new ship, joy in his heart for commanding such a vessel. The ship was the sixth Merlin to be built and everything indicated that she would be ready for launch off tomorrow. He had viewed everything on the ship, from engines to the Broadsword bay, which held the Zahca's finest fightercraft. The Akira was to be sent out to find Terra and there was no telling what they would encounter once they exited the jumpgate. The routes to what was now called New Sol had been cut off decades ago when the Terrans wished no trouble from the outside galaxy. Only could it be reached by a jumpgate that led to unknown space, and Sojin wanted the best pilots for his fighter squadron should anything go wrong.

The commander rubbed his left arm as he went, aching a bit from his father's legacy. Few people knew that he wore a weapon of great power that was biologicly linked to him and his genetic code. Only a few people ever wore them and they were very rare; it was said that Hawk Kael had worn one and had been buried with him in space. Sojin had been given his by his own father and it was rebound to his genetic structure, although it gave him discomfort from time to time. Sighing, Sojin turned right and into a lift ordering for deck eight and his quarters. He wasn't alone.

Besides him was the pilot who had flown him from the Ragnarok earlier this day. It turned out that she was the Akira's new helmsman and second officer, her name Alexa Monroe. Monroe stood to attention as Sojin entered but he motioned for her to be at ease; it was thing on duty to be formal but off duty was something else. "Good evening, commander. I trust every thing is ready to go for tomorrow's launch off."

Alexa nodded and responed, "Yes, sir. Although our CMO is complaining that he's missing a box of munb leaves, I reassured him that they're on his way. I'm also sad to report that Major To'san will not be signing on as first officer. He was given command of the Isai and couldn't refuse such an offer. Falcons are still good ships, sir. The Council has asked you to pick a new XO and was given a list..."

Sojin shook his head. To'san, a Miranu and good friend of his was a good officer. He had long been awaiting command of a ship and although Sojin was sad to see him go, he was happy for the major. He turned to Monroe and said, "Commander, I need no list now. To'san was the best I could pick from the list I was given, so my choice is simple. Alexa Monroe, you're the XO of this ship now. You'll have the job of helmsman too, because you're the only person who can fly this ship right."

Before she could answer, Sojin was out the door and into the hallway. He wasn't one for thanks and all that. He quickly turned down the corridors until he reached his quarters. The door opened and he walked in. The bed called...

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

Grunadulater touched his ship down and walked to the nearest mission computer. He began scrolling for something that might look interesting.

"Are you sure the powers off?"

OOC: Sorry I'm late! I was away yesterday.


As Grunadulater scrolled the mission computer on Mira, he noticed something very interesting. There was an encoded message there, addressed to him, from Admiral Tasina of the Tribunal. Apparently, they wanted him to go back to Raigar...


The government of the Tribunal was a strange one. It was headed by a group called the Assemblage, like the I'ase Council, but not. Chief of the Assemblage was, in actuality, Warchief Moiraine. Tasina, while the highest-ranking military commander, deferred to her in any and all aspects of running the government. Stranger yet, Moiraine was a Prylak. She had escaped from the Battle of Galactica and gone to Stror, where the I'ase were based, for help. When the Tribunal was formed, they took Moiraine in, per their policy. The Tribunal accepted refugees from any government or background. Within months, Moiraine had proven her worth, and was now running the show.

The Tribunal owned four systems. It was, however, their nature to be nomadic. All of their ships were built for speed, and raiding. In fact, there was soon to be a raid on the Pirate system of Hrekka. It was getting a little to powerful for the Tribunal's liking.

The Tribunal's greatest pride was their BASE ship, Phyrexia. Originally built by the I'ase as Nedra, it had been renamed after the I'ase disintegrated. Phyrexia was armed with a couple hundred scorpion beam turrets, as well as 100 Negative Plasma Emitters and a massive fusion beam. The fusion beam could obliterate most ships in mere seconds.

Today, however, Moiraine was wondering what Grunadulater had wanted. She decided to send a message to him...
OOC: That message is the one at the Mira mission computers that Grunadulater sees.

"Life's a bitch, but she's my bitch." -- Phoenix

As the sleek black Prylak fleet guided through the North Tip Asteroid Belt, Captain Tretheck approached Lythrawn. "Admiral, we've analyzed the map we found on the derelict ship. We've detected the I'ase, now known as the Tribunal. Their capitol is on Raigar. That's probably where Moiraine is."

Lythrawn nodded. "Set a course for Raigar, maximum speed."


In the Raigar system, all was peaceful. Why shouldn't it be? There was a strong Tribunal defense line and the Pirates were taking a break at the moment.

As dozens of patrols flew through space, suddenly, Lythrawn and his escort group hyperspaced in. The escort fleet (made up of Lythtrawns battlecruiser, 2 carriers, 2 light cruisers, and 6 frigates) made quite an impressive and terrifying sight.

A Tribunal lieutenant rushed to his commander as klaxxons and sirens blared. "What is it?!" The commander roared.

"The Prylak sir!"

"WHAT?!!? Prylak!! Impossible!"

"Look for yourself sir!" the lieutenant said, pointing to the Prylak fleet on the viewscreen.

"My gosh..." the commander said, swearing. "Where did they come from! Send a message to all outlying systems!" the commander ordered.

"Can't sir! They have a jamming field in place!"

As the Prylak moved into an orbit around the planet, the lieutenant noticed something. "Sir, their weapons aren't armed. Sure their shields are up, but all weapon systems are definitely not armed. And, um, I think we're being hailed..."

Lythrawn appeared on the viewscreen. "Greetings, I'ase. I am Lythrawn. I wish to speak with Moiraine immediately. I'm sure you know who she is, and I'm sure she knows who I am. I promise I won't open fire."

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 11-12-2001).)

The commander had been scared out of his wits by the mysterious appearance of Lythrawn and his escorts. He rushed to get Moiraine...


Moiraine's face suddenly appeared to Lythrawn. She was aboard Phyrexia, in the Raigar system, and did not look a bit afraid.

"So, Lythrawn, we meet again. You don't look so well yourself. Did those Andromedans cause you problems? You do realize, of course, that this ship, Phyrexia, could blow your escorts away in about two minutes." Phyrexia fired its fusion beam very close to the Battlecruiser, as if to prove her point.

"So don't do anything. Now, what was it you wanted?"

"Life's a bitch, but she's my bitch." -- Phoenix

Lythrawn grinned. "Impressive Moiraine. I must admit I was skeptical of your abilities to get to a command position, much less of a large government. However, please do not underestimate my fleet. It may be small, but it can do a lot of damage.

"What do I want? To return to the Milky Way. Yes, the Andromedan Prylak turned me away, but that is none of your concern. No, I don't look any worse than I did when I first left. It's very hard to tell when a Prylak ages, didn't you remember?

"But, quite frankly, I would like to meet you in person, Moiraine. Mind if I come aboard?"



CONFEDERATE ALLIANCE SIG TECH: Advanced Shield Manipulation Technology
DESCRIPTION: The Confeds have long sinced understood the importance of both making ships last for long periods of time in battles as well as the advantage of advanced shield manipulation. This is why the CA has developed highly complicated shield grids. They can be expanded to encompass two ships in case one ship looses its shields, they can be expanded to cover whole fighter wings (like an Aurora Battleship protecting a bunch of Corsairs or Renegade fighters). They can also be used to regenerate the shields of other ships quite fast, allowing the CA to help its ships last much longer in a big battle.



If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 11-12-2001).)

There was a small celebration on New Haven, one of farewells and wishes of good luck. For the Zacha, this mission was unique, as they had never launched a mission of exploration in over 300 years. The Council made a great speach and the First Zacha made one as well, recalling word for word a speach that Hawk Kael made long ago. In a booth above the main bay stood the command crew of the Akira, a Merlin class crusier modified for deep space. At the end of the speach the crew were directed to the airlock port that led to the Akira. One by one, all left to board the ship except for Sojin and Lt. Commander Monroe. Sojin looked out over the docking bay and sighed. With that he turned about and left, Monroe behind him.

After a matter of moments, they entered onto the bridge and all officers stood to attention to salute the two ranking officers. Sojin smiled with pride, for he had chosen from the most qualified of people to serve aboard the ship. It would not be an easy mission but at least they knew the risks. Nodding to Commander Monroe to take her seat at the helm, Sojin walked down the bridge to his command chair to sit down; it had been a while since he sat in such a chair and he missed it. A word from the comm. office gave the word that all stations were ready and the docking clamps were released; it was good enough for the fleet Commander.

Looking at Alexa he said, "Take us out, Commander. Let us be underway." Alexa aknowledged and hit the controls. The Akira glided gently from her berthing point to a safe distance within the clearing and her thrusters ignited. The light of a star hit the hull of the ship and she shone a bright silver and emerald.

"Plot and course laid in, sir. We'll be reaching Jumpgate 02 in no time, all we need is your order and we'll make the jump." Sojin nodded and gave the word. A shimmering jump point formed before the Merlin cruiser and with a speed and grace she lept into hyperspace.

The mission to find Terra had begun.

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)

BOOM! A battlegroup of Corsairs blasted into the Niworm system, weapons charged. They were on a special mission from Scorcher to go through Jumpgate 02 and see what was on the other side. They had been equipped with special scanning technology for the mission, and they were about to jump into the Hrekka system.

The ships blasted out, and shortly after blasted into the Hrekka system. Not wasting any time, they immediately hyperspaced out before the Pirates could notice.

Soon, they jumped to Jumpgate 02.

Almost instantly after, they found themselves in Jumpgate 05 in the Ross 154 galaxy. After a quick recalibration of sensors, and after a quick look around this new galaxy, the battlegroup of Corsairs moved into the O'Di'Kro system. They detected a few Raiek ships, though at the moment the Corsairs didn't know who the Raiek even where. Seeing that they were probably hostile, the CA ships hyperspaced out and into a nearby system; RC-108...


OOC: Red, when you post what the Raiek do next, just remember that the battlegroup consists of 35 Corsair Assault Cruisers. These are extremely fast warships capable of outmaneuvering any warship in your whole fleet. They are also extremely well armed.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

"Of course you may come aboard, Lythrawn. Beam yourself over."

"Life's a bitch, but she's my bitch." -- Phoenix

(This message has been edited by Lord Asriel (edited 11-12-2001).)

Moiraine had also given orders to Tasina, to launch a large raid on Hrekka. He sent twenty Preliators, ten Plasmators, ten Pro'tas, and five Phoenixes.


In the Hrekka system, it was moderately quiet. The Pirates were doing their normal business...

Suddenly, 5 Tribunal Phoenixes entered the system. The Pirates wondered what was going on, and moved to attack the ships. The Phoenixes backed out of the way as the pirates approached. Suddenly, forty more ships materialized, dashing the pirates' hopes. Praying Mantis drones began zooming around the battlefield, wiping out pirate ships left and right. The Preliators used their mines very effectively, dropping one in front of a pirate ship, then moving past. The Pirate would then slam into the mine.

The Plasmator frigates began to move up, using their three beam turrets, and rockets, to wipe out most of the Pirate fighters...

"Life's a bitch, but she's my bitch." -- Phoenix

"Riden defense fleet, this is Rear Admiral Heral, let's get these pirates out of here. Form up into Encirclement Formation EF-12C and give these bandits hell." Heral cut the open channel then leaned over to his Communications officer and said, "get me some reinforcements from Otid. Fast."

The Galactica defense fleet was well organized and strong, due to the fact that they were in such close proximity to the pirates. The fleet was centered around 2 Support Cruisers, and 38 assorted other craft were in system at the moment. The ships had formed into a crescent shape, with the Support Cruisers in the center. Striker Cruisers were advancing and keeping the enemy at a distance while the other ships pounded them from long range.

"Target the largest ship of their rabble." ordered Rear Admiral Heral.

"Heavily upgraded Crescent Warship, sir. It's right in the middle of their forces."

"Weapons officer, you know what to do."

The Pirate flagship began to launch missiles, as it came within range of a pair of Fighter-Bombers. Much to the crew's surprise, the missiles began to slow, then stop, then began to slide back towards the ship. Several smaller ships flew towards the Crescent Warship, and smashed into it as the pirate ship's hull began to buckle. An arada was pulled through the Crescent warship, and both the ships became nothing but debris.

"Excellent application of the Gravity Emitter. A Class-5 well was the perfect choice." commented the Admiral to his officer.

"Reinforcements have arrived. We've now got a Warcruiser and 4 more Strike Cruisers."

"Good. Continue launching missiles and have the Strike Cruisers and Fighter-Bombers flank them."

The battle was over within minutes. The Warcruiser sat back and launched missile after missile and shell after shell at the pirate raiding fleet. The Support Cruisers and the Warcruiser continued to dominate the battlefield with their Gravity Emitters, and soon the pirate fleet was reduced to space dust.

"Get me a long range scan on their base." ordered Read Admiral Heral.

"There's almost nothing there... 50 ships at most, all old Crescent ships, with upgrades."

"Prepare to make the jump to DSN-1188. We'll wipe out these pirates once and for all."

The small Galactica Fleet made the jump to the Pirate system, to find just a token resistance force. The battle was over before it began, and troops soon were deployed to take over the settlment. DSN-1188 was a Galactica system now.

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

Kenra sighed and then she looked out at the sky again, and she brightened. The Sijak defended their systems well, but they only knew vague things about what was around them. They needed scouting fleets, in every direction. Kenra stood up, almost knocking over a chair in her haste.

She quickly reviewed the pilots of diffrent ships and nodded. She would sent 6 ghosts for each fleet. If they came upon a populated system, they were too take quick scans and jump out of the system. In no way would they involve themselves in fighting, and if they were followed they were to head in the opposite direction of home.

She quickly arranged four scouting fleets. Only 24 Ghosts would be out there all together, but hopefully they'd get some information about what the space around them was like a bit. She watched as the pilots lifted off in their ships and jumped out.

Formerly known as

"REDchigh! Sir! An race called the confederacy has jumped into this galaxy!"
"What system?"
"Sir they jumped into through Jumpgate 05 into O'Di'Cro, but after they saw our patrols they ran to the RC-108 system."
"What do the confederates want? What is their purpose?"
"We dont know, sir.."
"Fine... Pull warships from Drhagd, Lacet, and Norad and use them to heavily reinforce O'di'kro and Zeno III. Pull 2 dreadnoughts and a carrier, and jump them into RC-108 to hail the Confederacy. Make sure the Dreadnoughts understand NOT to fire the first shot, try and figure out who these people are, what the technology is,what they want, and if the confederates open fire... see if they would make good slaves....

Tell the fleets in ZenoIII and O'di'kro to jump in at the first sign of the confederates opening fire. Also get any other free patrols to guard our base on Zeno. Make sure we have patrols in Jumpgate 05 after this is over."

"Yes Sir"
as soon as the surrounding systems are secured, 2 dreadnoughts and a carrier jump into RC-108 with their secondaries powered down, primaries armed, and shields up, they send a hail to the Confederates...
What do you want? Dont worry, we wont fire until you become a threat... heh..
Anyway, Tell us about your Government... the Raiek are usually solo, but we sometimes do other governemtns 'favors' if it's in our best interest....

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 11-12-2001).)

Galactica Weapons Reaserachers are looking into creating a versatile yet heavy bomb that could be dropped from fighters or launched from bomb racks on larger ship. Preliminary plans have been drawn up, and the blueprints call for a bomb with no propulsion, little guidance, and a whole lot of antimatter explosives. The antimatter would allow for a large area of effect, while retaining a freat deal of damage at the point of impact.

The Researchers are also looking into producing a large missile, which would have several stages to allow for extremely long range. The warhead would be large, and would either be a gravity warhead or antimatter. This would be used against enemy capital ships, and hopefully a sophisticated guidance system will be fitted to it. Unfortunately, the missile may be too large to fit into even the versatile Missile Pods.

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

Just as everything seemed hopeless, the pirate flagship, the Mjollnir, jumped back from one of its daily raids. Thor took everything in at one glance, and messaged the defense fleet at DSN-6008 for help. Then he told what was left of the 125 Crescent Fighters, 75 Aradas, 40 Laziras, and 10 Crescent Warships to get their butts moving. His Lightning attacked, and pieces of ship flew everywhere. Every once and a while, it latched onto a ship with its multiple tractor beams and brought it inside its bay without disabling it.

Eventually the battle ended. Around half of the pirate ships had been destroyed. The Lightning was still at 55% shields. Thor looked disdainfully at the semisuccesful raid. "And I thought that raids were my specialty," he remarked to his admiral, Ladon.

Oooh! Oooh! (url="http://"")A new flash game!(/url)
If the opposite of pro is con, what's the opposite of progress?
Kee kee, Draco, Smaug and Ladon!

Tasina was moderately annoyed. "Send in the reinforcements!" he msged back to Raigar. The Tribunal forces had retreated to DSN-1597.

And then the reinforcements arrived. Not wanting to take chances this time, Moiraine had sent 25 more Plasmators, as well as 25 Preliators, to wipe out Hrekka once and for all.


The 70 Tribunal ships re-entered Hrekka, surprising what was left of the pirate fleet. After a quick battle, pirate forces were decimated. The Tribunal fleet moved in for station bombardment.

A burst of precision bombs put all station defenses off-line. The Tribunal ships proceeded to throw everything they had at North Tip Station. After a couple hours of this, the station shuddered. The Tribunal ships backed very far away, into the corner of the system.

With a massive explosion, North Tip Station ceased to exist. The Tribunal ships were rocked by the shockwave, but none were destroyed. Drones raced around the battlefield, collecting lifepods. The Tribunal ships then left, to report back to Raigar...

"Life's a bitch, but she's my bitch." -- Phoenix

The Confeds armed their weapons and targetted the Raiek ships, but only to keep from being caught off guard. The captain hailed them back "We are from the Confederate Alliance in the Milky Way. We've only come here to explore. Who are you?"


Meanwhile, the Confederates had begun work on upgrading the range of their Trans-Phasic Missiles and Photon Torpedoes. Sure, they had a good range, but they needed a much better range in order to compete with Galactica's superior missiles. Research was started immediately, and would take approximately 4 posts.

TITLE: Quantum Engines (for missiles and torps)
ETA: 4 Posts


Lythrawn was beamed onto the Phyrexia, and was escorted to where Moiraine was. Lythrawn was the first to speak. "I want to speak alone with Moiraine," he said. The guards hesitated, and Lythrawn gave them a threatening growel. They quickly exited.

Lythrawn turned around and slowly walked around the room, eying its contents and Moiraine. "You've made quite a name and position for yourself..." Lythrawn spoke, continuing to walk around. "So, how is it? Being away from Prylak and all? It can be quite.... Disturbing, to some." Lythrawn stopped and then turned to face Moiraine, just inches from her face. "Well? Moiraine? Is it disturbing to be alone from your own kind? It is disturbing to see your own people get slaughtered by the thousands? Is it disturbing to see millions of innocents get massacred just for the sake of trying to preserve your own race?!"

"Your point?" Moiraine asked.

"My point is that the Prylak are doomed because of their evilness. Sure, I was like them. I myself killed over 10 million Zeno, Odine, and other races. But during my time of isolation, I saw the truth. I saw that we can't just go on in mad power struggles and wars. What do you think?

"And please, tell me, what has happened to the Milky Way since the Prylak invasion?"

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 11-12-2001).)