Reign of Chaos 3 - Chapter I

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Chapter I
Created by Esponer
Moderated by Esponer, BattleDoctor and Rima

(url="http://"")Milky Way Map(/url)
(url="http://"")Ross 154 Map(/url)
(url="http://"")Eta Cassiopea Map(/url)

Website -unfinished-

The Galactica Imperium and Confederate Alliance of Worlds are caught in a seemingly unbroken stalemate, while the Tribunal, comprised of remnants of the I'ase and those neutral to the Galactica-Confederate war, begin consolidating power, their goals unknown.

Pirates roam the galaxy once more, and Galactica's seemingly invincible border has been breached.

Meanwhile, in Ross 154, the Haorn have finished licking their wounds from their fight with the Prylak, and are now looking for more. The Raiek Dominion is slowly spreading, controlling almost half of the Prylak's space in Ross 154, and meanwhile the Sijak, previously Prylak slaves, are beginning to grow and grow.

During all of this, the Terran Free League is investigating a rift in the first jumpgate ever created, beyond which there is said to be a wormhole that leads to Andromeda...

...and the Andromedan Prylak.

Reign of Chaos 3, the last in the trilogy

Rules and Guidelines

• You control your character, and sometimes some other characters that have a lower rank than you and are "in the same boat", so to speak. You cannot control the actions of other characters or players.

• Battle posts are over a shorter timeline than normal posts, although normal research can take place. Any battle that is even remotely close cannot take place in only one post, i.e. you may NOT post the beginning and end of a major battle in one post.

• Technologies are subject to moderation before or after their research.

• If a moderator says "no", this usually means "no".

• Players are automatically recognised to be skilled, and will thus be among the last to fall in a battle, and will often escape, but they cannot wage war alone, e.g. one player can't go off in a frigate and destroy a planet.

• "Supercruisers" as the word is allowed, the type of ship the supercruiser is banned. A supercruiser is any ship which could lay waste to an entire fleet. To note, large city ships like BASE ships may be given hundreds of turrets and be extremely powerful, but these weapons are purely for defence, not for seeking out battle (unless a moderator allows).

• Note that the better the quality the post, the more likely moderators are to feel sorry for you and not revoke it. 😉


(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 11-11-2001).)

Terra, New Sol, Terran Free League
Casene looked around the table, observing Blade, co-commander of the Terrans, who sat at the opposite end. The table was otherwise occupied by Blade’s four admirals, the first officer aboard the Equinox, a variety of rear admirals, and officials in each department.

She noted to herself that Blade, at what was to him the manly “head” of the table, was taking in the meeting very well, nodding now and then to all the various reports. Casene, in fact, was only taking in what was being said subconsciously, and she secretly worried she wasn’t quite succeeding in that. Looking back, she remembered... The sanitary department of Terra is not being assigned enough funding, in my personal opinion; as we see from a quick look, the cities are... Casene found a huge gap in her memory at this point, and noted to herself to check up on sanitary conditions before anyone asked her to write out any paperwork. She also hoped no-one would ask her any questions in that area in the meeting - her son had already made a fool of her enough with his childish play in a shuttlecraft.

Casene quickly brought herself back up to date with the situation. They had now moved on to discussing the colonies on New Centauri, and the military situation along the border.

“...only ten or so ships in some of the outer colonies...” rear admiral Elcon complained. “With possible threats from alien races as close as twenty light years from some of those colonies, this figure is unacceptable. There are far too many ships in New Sol and New Centauri, where they are completely unnecessary.”

Casene nodded to Rear Admiral Elcon’s words slightly, agreeing. She noted that Blade also agreed, and that was a relief. It was embarrassing to have to correct her younger partner, especially in front of other people. This time, however, she decided to speak before Blade. “Granted, Elcon,” she said quietly, her voice carrying. “You have permission to take as many ships as you need from those colonies to the fringe worlds. Please remember, however, that our military vessels are more to protect the people’s mind than their bodies lately - to take all ships out of New Sol is to incite a riot on Terra itself.”

Blade added his own comment shortly after. “Officially, I believe seventy ships in each of the four mining colonies will be sufficient. That leaves two hundred and twenty ships among New Centauri and New Sol to keep the people at ease.”

Casene sighed silently. He’d totally missed scouts and ships in repair. Perhaps he’d counted that as obvious, but still, he should mention them in reports. Blade was extremely proficient on the battlefield, but was still going through his zealous stage, and thus sometimes added too much to his words, while missing the most important of details.

Realising that the conversation was heading towards the ecological impact of the construction of military vessels. Boring, she thought. She had found that she could get away quite well with ignoring that type of thing, and thus did so whenever possible.

Lapsing back into her “interested” look, she sat there, doing nothing except shiftly her gaze to whoever was speaking and occassionally speaking up. The meeting carried on for hours.

- - -

The S.S Dragonfly, a Terran Supernova class light escort cruiser, continued regular scans of “The Pocket”, a mysterious area found beyond a rift in the New Sol - New Centauri jumpgate, more commonly known as Jumpgate 01.

The Jumpgate had a “gap” in it, like another way to exit it. When moving through this gap, Terran ships came out in a mysterious area they labelled “The Pocket”. It was a bright area, surrounded by mysterious nebulae, but with no apparent star or stellar object. Further out from this area was a mass of energy which was thought to be another jumpgate, but it was impossible to enter through it.

Thus, the Terrans had placed ships on scouts through The Pocket, in the form of their Supernova light cruisers and some specially designed Surveyer class scoutships.

For now, The Pocket was silent, but research was being looked into to try and open the wormhole. Tests had already shown that the wormhole most likely led to the galaxy of Andromeda, but no tests could show what might lie beyond.

- - -

The Terran Free League was a strange government. Money had failed them, and so had war. They now lived in an almost perfect union, working together to live out their own free lives.

They did, of course, still have a military.

Five hundred vessels strong, the Terran Militia was powerful, if not as powerful as neighbouring races. Every Terran ship was cloaked, as was every Terran base. Their flagship, the Equinox BASE ship, had taken fourteeen years to construct, and now stood at the heart of the Terran Militia.

The Equinox was Casene’s ship, and Blade led the Terran Militia. The Equinox in itself was almost a match for the entire militia. Armed with hundreds of antimatter disruption turrets, and the stasis generator, it could destroy a hundred ships in an hour, while another hundred remained in a motionless stasis.

The Terrans had become strong again, although their might was not up to match against many other races. They were strong enough to survive, though, and that was what mattered.

They controlled New Sol, once called DSN-6160, and five systems beyond - New Centauri, their second capital, Centarus II, their main shipbuilding industry, Corosant and Rodendar, mining bases, and New Saalia, a thriving colony.

They had seen, briefly, the blue-grey vessels of the Raiek, only two systems away. But their Zeno Cloak was better now, and the Raiek had missed them. Raiek sensors could pick up Zeno-cloaked ships better than most, but they couldn’t see right through them like the Prylak had been able to do.

Still unseen, the Terrans were continuing their lives, hoping that the Raiek would not find them in their quadrant of Ross 154, which had once been the cursed lands of the Odine.


“Delta Wing 3, Wing 1 and 2 are in position, awaiting your orders.”

“Delta Wing 1, we are in position, ready for the assault. Begin on my mark...


“All Ships, decloak and open fire!”

“Commencing assault! Weapons barrage fired!”

”G.S.S. Horian, this is the Rattler! We are under attack by Alliance forces! Preparing to...AAAAHHH!!!”

“Rattler? Rattler? Battle Wing 4, this is the Horian; we just lost the Rattler. Engage enemy ships and fire cluster missiles, NOW!”

“Commander, encountering fortified enemy positions! They’ve taken up a Reef Formation!”

“Try and flank them!”

“Commander, we’ve been hit in the rear engine section and are on fire... BOOM!!!”

“Commander, loosing ships on all sides! Will try and break through their formation!”

“Ahhhhh! We’re hit bad....”

“Firing cluster missiles.....Nooooo!!”

“Sijoran to Hasken; we’re engaging a Galactica Cruiser but require assistence!”

“Sir! We’ve suffered severe casualties, but Confederate Alliance forces are withdrawing!”

This was just one of many surprise attack raids on Galactica positions by the Confederate Alliance. Though this one may have seemed easily won, on the whole, the situation between Galactica and the Confederates was poor. It was a total statemate, no one could advance, no one could break anyone elses lines, attacks were matched raid by raid, offensive by offensive, assault by assault.

But that could all be about to change...


Fleet Admiral Firebird of the Confederate Alliance strolled through the hospital on the main capitol city on Mira. He had just been to see his father, Admiral Intimidator, who was not only old, but very sick.

As he walked to his ship, the Blackbird , a Raven class vessel, Firebird suddenly noticed Captain Specter. Specter was a rather mysterious person, and many believed that he was a former assassin. Only Carnotaur and Firebird knew that Specter had truely been an assassin for over half of the races in the Milky Way.

Firebird walked over to him. "Well if it isn't the ghost," he said, using Specter's nickname. "What brings you here?"

Specter displayed his arm in a sling. "Broken arm. Got in a raid with a Galactica patrol fleet." He paused. "How's your dad?"

"He's not improving, but it hasn't stopped him from being the happy old guy he always is. Sometimes the doctors find him working on his portable computer doing some paperwork."

Specter smiled. "That's good to hear. Well, gotta run, cya man."

As Specter walked off, Firebird returned to his Raven. He was due for a meeting with Carnotaur and Specter soon, and he didn't want to be late...

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 11-11-2001).)

The Ghost swept a quick scan around the system, the fighter barely seen as it patrolled the borders. With a quick turn around, the pilot saw another Ghost head her way. With a quick grin, she sped forward, testing the other pilot. When the noses were almost touching, the other pilot sped upwards.

Kenra, leader of the Sijak, 19 year old daredevil girl, and probably the best pilot of her race, grinned. She quickly opened a channel with the other ship, after which she was treated to a few minutes of swears. She laughed at the poor pilot. "Now, Now, Meralk, We both have escape pods, so it wouldn't really matter, now would it?"

No answer came, except for a few more swears and then finally he spoke."Kenra, get back on the planet. Your not a regular Ghost pilot anymore, your the Leader of the Sijak. Stop acting like a teenager, and get back home!" Her silvery laugh filled the channel again. "But father, I really still am a teenager!" she exclaimed.

With a sigh as her father started to lecture her, she went back down to the planet, and into the capital's HQ. There were a few reports, but most were just the regular things. But everyone had tensed up lately. It was in the very air that something would soon happen.

Kenra, after going through the reports, slipped out of her quarters through the airduct, and into a bar. A few of the patrons grinned, for they knew that she had again escaped supervision. She quickly grapped a few things from her waiting pack and ran out the bar door.

She skidded to a stop as Gerana stepped out in front of her. "Going somewhere daughter?" She grinned at her mother. "Nowhere at all." She sighed, and went back to her quarters.

She looked up at the sky through her windows, remebering when she had been up there, practicing the battle manuevers. Her life was so boring now. One day, though, she knew that she would have too be a good leader. Soon, perhaps, her life wouldn't be so boring. She looked up at the sky, lost in her thoughts for the future.

Formerly known as

(This message has been edited by Kenra (edited 11-11-2001).)

a Raiek bomber/gunship squadron is escorting a freightor convoy full of young slaves through Mon Calroni....

"This is Gunship alpha one, bombers, check in"
the gunship commander listens as every fighter checks in, and then the freightors.
Suddenly a bomber on the west wing of the formation hails the gunship...
"Sir, I'm picking up strange energy signals on this side of the system.. looks to be a zeno cloak..."
"Another one? Dont worry about it.. just scan in what you can and leave it. We never can get a lock on the zeno cloaked ships. We dont know what race they are, but they never attack us. Just leave it be, it's probably way too intimidated by this gunship to even come any closer. Just ignore it."
"Yes, sir."

After recording the location of the zeno cloaked ship, the fleet forms a tighter formation, and slips into a single jumpstream, on it's way to Raiek II.
A war fleet, lead by a Raiek carrier, is scouting systems around sinja, where there are reports of haorn fleets... Nothing is known about the Haorn, though it seems the Haorn do not even know the Raiek exist.... Raiek custom shows that any time the Raiek are more than two jumps from their space, ship security is activated, and that includes powering up weapons, so the fleet is already powered up...
REDchigh is in his office, when he notices something odd about the latest zeno reports... the ships that are zeno cloaked seem to be getting closer to Raiek inhabited space. Their locations seem to be random around the edge of the galaxy, so it would be too much trouble to find the source, but still...
if the zeno ships get much closer something might have to be done.....

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

A Terran Darkwing entered the Shale system silently. A few Raiek ships were patrolling the system as usual, including a Raiek Carrier, which was slightly disturbing. The two Darkwing pilots were confident that they were unseen, although it was unnerving.

Thanks to the Darkwing's very high efficiency cloak, it wouldn't even be noticed. Terran Command had reported that the Raiek might be able to detect the presence and general location of slow moving Supernovas, but Darkwings were quite safe.

The Darkwing came to a complete stop at the edge of the system, and it's two pilots went back to their beds, taking in reports. They would remain in the system for a week before returning to their base at Centarus II.

Scans were being made all over Raiek space to find a way "past". Entering a Raiek system, even with a Darkwing, could be extremely dangerous, and thus they were looking for another way through. From the number of ships patrolling, they believed passing through Shale was one of the only safe ways.


Casene was annoyed. Apparently , Supernovas had been sent out moving too fast around Raiek space, and there was the dangers that they had been detected. Blade had "forgotten" to mention this, and thus Casene was even more bad tempered. She had ordered that all Supernovas remain in patrol of Terran space, and only very slow moving Darkwings be used in scouting.


While the Milky Way continued in its massive struggle for power, as the people of Ross 154 tensed up and prepare for the inevitable conflict, as the Skraine from Eta Cassiopea prepared to start a massive expansion...

...Lythrawn had been watching... Waiting... And now it was his time...

As his blue, glowing eyes watched the viewscreen and at the newly discovered wormhole, he gave his orders. "Captain Tretheck, engage to full impulse speed and head straight for the wormhole."

Captain Tretheck, Lythrawns most trusted captain, nodded as the Prylak battlecruiser Dark Horizon and its escort warships cruised forward into the wormhole...

It was an actual natural wormhole, just an artificial one Lythrawn had semi-created. He had found a microwormhole to the Andromeda galaxy, and, using a one-use device much like his Slipstream Drive (that he used to escape the Milky Way) he turned the micro-wormhole into a full-size wormhole capable of transporting whole fleets.

The Prylak travelled through the wormhole, anticipating a somewhat startled reception by their Andromedan brethen. Finally, they exited at the other side of the turbulent, blue glowing wormhole. The Andromedan Prylak on the other side were, as you might expect, extremely confused by the appearance of these ships. Hailing one of them, Lythrawn opened a channel. The captain appeared on the viewscreen and spoke first. "Who are you? State your identity!"

"I am Fleet Admiral Lythrawn of the Prylak 7th Expiditionary Fleet, last contacted shortly before the fall of Pria, during which I was busy in Operation Deathstrike in Zone 7."

The captain just stood their, stunned.

"I demand to see the new Prylak emporer immediately."

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

The captain of the Prylak Battlecruiser Black Spectrum listened to the words of Fleet Admiral Lythrawn, then replied.

"You of all people should know that you do not hold that right, Admiral," the captain replied. "Would you please follow me to the Starfortress Eliminator , where you will be debriefed on your operation."

In the system there were two more Prylak battlecruisers, which made quite an impressive site. By chance, Lythrawn had messaged the leader of that squadron, one Lieutenant Keraner.


Lythrawn's eyes glowed white with anger. "If you didn't notice, lieutenant , I am a Prylak Fleet Admiral. If you ever want to get anywhere with any kind of promotion except to that of cannon fodder, I suggest you follow my orders. I will follow you to the Elimininator , but only if I am allowed to meet Emporer Verken personally. My escort fleet will stay here."

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Keraner growled. "Things have changed, Admiral," he said, turning the off and turning his battlecruiser round, leaping out of the system.


DSN-1188 was the home to a group of criminals who had broken off from Galactica. At their station, Blackheart Rest, they had been organising their patron pirates over the last few months, in prepation for a major raid on a Galactica planet. Large numbers of pirates had chosen to come and "join in", mainly for the money they would get.

They would raid the Riden system. Over a hundred pirate captains had made the perilous trip to Blackheart Rest - not actually very perilous, since most "pirates" were independants in all reality.

One hundred and fifty pirate vessels stormed into Riden, not entirely knowing what they were coming up against. The ships were all heavily upgraded Crescent vessels, but they were definately not up to government standards.

In a few seconds, fifty pirate ships were eliminated, before they even fired off a single SAD or fighter-missile.


“Contact, grid one-three-four, two-nine-seven, five-five-three. Range 100 kilometers. ETA 4 assault ticks.” The dry voice of the Weapons Officer rang out across the quiet bridge of the Strike Cruiser, G.E.S. Gerana. “Engaging IFF protocols... target confirmed as an Alliance MS-112 Medium Freighter. Awaiting orders.”

The G.E.S. Gerana was returning from a raid on an Alliance weapons convoy which had been open to attack after its escort stopped to refuel. The raid had been short and easy, and the Gerana’s cargo bay was full of captured armor plate systems. Six freighters had been destroyed or disabled, and only one Galactica Fighter-Bomber had been destroyed in the fighting.

“Can you get a reading on the cargo type?” Asked Captain Heraba Fermaszy, an Azdgari whose wide eyes and gaunt features made him look something like a walking corpse.

“Negative, sir. 50 kilometers. Awaiting orders.”

“Activate missile pods and load all tubes. Give me EMP warheads. Arm all Miniguns and power outer shield layers. Fire at will.”

“Freighter is now in weapons range.” The officer turned to the navigator. “Give me a quarter turn to c-grid five-five-six.” The navigator did as ordered, and the Weapons Officer began to rapidly push buttons on his console. “I have weapons lock. Weapons are launching.”

4 Mass Missiles streaked forward out of the Gerana, leaving a glowing trail behind them like a comet as they neared the Alliance Freighter. As the missiles reached their terminal attack phase range, they accelerated to huge speeds and peeled off towards various areas of the Freighter.

The Freighter’s shields flickered and died as the first two missiles hit them. At such speeds, the nonmilitary shields on the Freighter were nearly ineffective. The missiles slammed into the side of the freighter, the first one fracturing and then the second one puncturing the armor, causing a hull breach. The third missile slammed into the engine nacelles with even greater force, not slowed down by the shields. A burst of point defense chaff and some clever maneuvering from the freighter sent the second missile shooting off into deep space.

“Missile 4 has not made impact,” noted the Weapons Officer, still with the same dry, nonchalant voice. “Freighter is nearly disabled. Firing Miniguns now.” The Ion Miniguns spun up, then sent their bright blue-white rounds hurtling at the Freighter. The turrets kept firing until the Freighter’s engines failed and the massive cargo ship was disabled. “Captain, are we boarding?”

“Yes. Navigation, bring us in on approach pattern 4A, 3 second thruster interval.”

“Yes, sir... Docking is now complete.”

“Team ready?” yelled Lieutenant Mor, a muscular Voinian.

“Ready for boarding,” confirmed the team. “Weapons are loaded.”

A computerized voice came over the airlock speakers and stated, “Ten seconds to boarding.” The troops, mostly Voinian with a few Igadzra mixed in, shuffled and checked their weapons one last time. They were using the latest rifle technology, Inferno Assault Rifles. The now outdated ship-to-ship weapon had been miniaturized and approved for personal use.

With a loud hiss of air being transferred, the airlock opened to reveal a darkened corridor onboard the disabled Freighter. “Alright, soldiers, Vision Enhancement Systems on.” ordered Lieutenant Mor. “Team A, come with me and let’s get to the bridge. Team B, the hold. Team C, secure what’s left of engineering and set some antimatter charges.”

The soldiers poured out into the hallway, all going their separate ways towards their destinations. Team B was the first to reach their destination, the cargo hold. “2 targets, upper catwalk,” one team member whispered to the team commander.

“Got ‘em.” The commander leveled his rifle and squeezed off a few bursts of glowing orange Inferno bolts. The 2 people up above didn’t have time to react before they were incinerated by the weapons of the Galactica boarding team. As the soldiers fanned out around the cargo bay, they began to look for signs of what was in the multitude of metal crates.

“I’ve found a cargo manifest,” said one of the soldiers. “Looks like this is a medical freighter. Plovar’s vaccines, medicine sprays... even some Tracker’s syndrome stuff.”

“Good job,” replied the team’s commander. “I’ll radio the lieutenant as soon as we verify that.”

Team A waited with the lieutenant in the corridor outside the bridge. “Looks as if they’ve engaged a backup generator somewhere on the bridge... the crew managed to shut these blast doors when they realized we were here,” one soldier noted. “Let’s go ahead and set up a breaching charge.”

The lieutenant nodded and motioned for a few of his troops to go and set a small shape charge on the door. As they finished, they waved the rest of the team down the hall as one of them pulled out a remote detonator. “Everyone clear?” The team nodded and the explosives technician continued, “Three, two, one...”

The heavy bridge security door flew inward and smashed the nearest control panel, sending sparks flying towards the large viewscreen. Following the door closely, 6 large Voinian troops poured onto the bridge, guns blazing. The air was thick with the noise of Inferno Rifles on full automatic, the yell of elated Voinians, and the screams of the helpless Alliance Freighter crew. The metallic terminals and railings on the bridge melted under the intense heat of the weapons fire. Soon, the bridge was charred and blackened, and strewn with the corpses of the crew, who had apparently taken refuge in the bridge after the troops had boarded the freighter.

“Lieutenant? This is Sergeant Gerra. Come in, Lieutenant...” The voice crackled over the radio in Lieutenant Mor’s pocket.

“Yes?” replied Mor.

“We’ve determined that this is a medical supply ship. Looks like it’s headed for civilians. Shall we order Team C to remove the charges and pull out?”

“I’m inclined to say no... we have no obligation to leave their medical ships alone. Besides, we’ve already taken care of the crew. I’ll radio the Gerana.” Lieutenant Mor switched channels on his radio and then said, “Captain Fermaszy, my men have determined that we have a medical barge here. Do I still have permission to detonate my charges?”

“Go ahead. I’ve been informed by High Admiral Fera that all Alliance craft are to be destroyed if possible, after determining if the cargo is worth taking. Get back here and we’ll detonate the charges.” responded the captain.

A few minutes later, the system was empty save for debris as the G.E.S. Gerana jumped into hyperspace.

Such was the way that the war went. For the most part it was a stalemate, with each side taking losses fairly equal to that of the other. Galactica’s Support Cruisers formed an impermeable border between the inner worlds of the Galactica Empire and the hostile Confederate Alliance. Strike Cruisers and Fighter-Bombers participated in raids on Alliance shipping, which also helped gather information of Alliance fleet movements.

The Emperor, BattleDoctor, spent most of his time either on Voinia or on Galactica Station. His medical condition restricted him to areas that could be kept hot and dry, like his native environment. Occasionally he would make visits to other places for short amounts of time, but it was hard for him. He hated the Alliance with a passion, and wanted more than anything to see them destroyed.

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

New Haven, North Tip Asteriod Belt

Through countless asteriods and pieces of spinning rock and ice, the fighter soared. It dodged past mile sized stones in a great speed and great skill. Aboard the ship were two people, both of them human. One was a young woman in her early twenties and pilot of the fighter. The other was a man nearing the age of 28 and a high ranked fleet commander in the Zacha fleets. The older one was known as Sojin Whitehawk, named after his father who had died twelve years ago. Sojin was as good a pilot as his father had been but he did not fly as much because his rank demanded much of his time aboard the Ragnarok. That was soon to change however, for he was to head a mission unthought of for nearly a decade.

The fighter brushed through the field until it came into a clearing...and into the veiw of New Haven, home to nearly a quater of a million people. New Haven was an asteroid 5 miles long and 3 miles wide and with a standing orbit. Collions were nothing to worry about for it was protected by a defensive shield that kept out such objects. But that was not drew the commander's attention; his eyes gazed towards a ship he had never seen before, one that was to fast become the new ship that would replace the aging Falcon cruiser. Her hull was a graceful emerald and silver color and over three hundered fifty meters in lenght. She was also faster then most ships her size and could go head to head with a Falcon and win.

"There she lies, sir: the Akira. She's one of eight ships in the fleet, all designed and built here since five years ago. Twenty-six decks and three hundered men and women serve aboard, all trained crewers. You'll not find another ship like her in the galaxy. She's all yours, sir." The pilot's voice woke Sojin from his gaze and he looked in her direction.

Giving the pilot a smile, he nodded and replied, "I'm fully aware of her capabilties, ensign, but thank you. I've never looked at one in person though and she is a beauty. I here she'll make class six in hyperspace by the end of the solar day. Too bad warp theroy is still only a dream because I'm sure she'd be better then most. I hear she's the test bed of our new sensor cloak and eon pulse emmiters. It would be needed for her upcoming mission, in case we meet any hostiles." He sat back in his seat, taking in a more better veiw.

The pilot nodded and after a moment asked, "So it is true then. You think it can be done? Can she be reached at all?" Sojin looked at her and smiled faintly.

"Terra has fast become a myth, unreached since all links were cut two decades ago. I intend to find and reach that system and hope to make contact with Terra, as rumor says the world is called. We haven't heard a word since the Alliance was formed and I intend to change that." That finalized the end of the discussion and the fighter hurled towards the ship and prepared to dock.

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

Lythrawn grinned and ordered Captain Tratheck to set a course that followed Keranar...


The Dark Shadow bursted into the nearby system, and beheld a massive and impression site; the Prylak Starfortress Eliminator. Lythrawn had served on one or two of these massive vessels, and had always wanted to command one.

On a given signal, Lythrawn was beamed aboard the Eliminator. After being led through a few hallways and security checks, Lythrawn walked into a conference room. There were two other officers inside, along with Emporer Verken.

Lythrawn saluted slightly, then spoke. "Emporer Verken, I am Fleet Admiral Lythrawn of the 7th Fleet, reporting for dutey."


Firebird entered the conference room and saw Scorcher and Carnotaur already there. Firebird sat down and Carnotaur spoke. "I want to start work on building up an offensive against the Galactica. We can't keep this stalemate forever. Scorcher, our options?"

Scorcher looked at the map and thought for a while. "Zidagar."

"Zidagar? Wouldn't that be heavily defeneded?" Firebird asked.

"Yes, but it doesn't matter if you pull enough ships into a fleet and attack it using good strategies. We'd first attack using cloaked Ravens. Once enough chaos was caused, the main fleet would jump in. With our opponents being so busy with the Ravens, we could move in without fear of much missiles and blast them to smithereens. We might also try multiple vector attacks, which tend to be more effective."

Carnotaur and Firebird nodded. "Where can we get ships from?" Carnotaur asked.

Firebird looked at the map again. "We could get a pretty sizable fleet if we pulled away ships that defend planets behind the border. That, along with some increased ship production, should give us enough ships. We could also pull some ships away from surrounding border systems as well as marauder and rogue class fleets*."

Carnotaur nodded in approval. "Very well. Start work on this immediately. In the meantime, Scorcher, I want you to start work on assembling an armada to take control of the Hrekka system. I consider Jumpgate 02 very very dangerous to the Confederate Alliance and I want it under our control, not under Prylak control."

"Sure thing," Scorcher replied, and Carnotaur stood, officially ending the meeting...

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 11-11-2001).)

On Zeno II...

"People, our dictator has ordered us to get information on the new Zeno cloak, after several cloaked ships were detected near our space. We believe these cloaked ships are descendent from the terrans we drove out of this very system years ago. We need to learn about this "zeno cloak" and hope what we find out can be used to detect the new versions around southern raiek space. Understand what I just said, slaves?"
"Now you all know what happens if you hold out information, right?"
"So get to work!"
"Ok" (the slaves look up (the Raiek sign of subjectivity. Showing the vulnerable part of your throat is a sign of mercy, all slaves are supposed to do that as a closing gesture) slaves rush off to their individual labs to research)
the lead scientist, a full-blooded Raiek, had barely sat down, when one of the slaves comes rushing back in.
"What do you want? You dont barge in here like that... You better say something smart..."
"Um... I was going to say, dont you think we should search the zeno system? The Raiek destroyed a Terran station there.. maybe we could find the wreckage of it.."
"Wow.. I'm impressed.. That was smart enough to spare you. "
"Thank you sir.." (the slave turns and leaves)
the master pulls out his pistol quietly and tells the slave to turn around. as soon as he does, the slave falls to the ground, bleeding heavily.
"You forgot to show your neck! You KNOW better than that!"
(the master finishes the slave, and calls for the janitor..)

a few hours later, a war-frigate is in the zeno system, scanning the planet for remains of the station. they find nothing. The Frigate is about to leave, when they see a shadow against the blanket of stars. The Frigate powers it's weapons, but soon realizes it is just a piece of debri. Looks to be Terran....

the next day the frigate commander is congratulated for finding a broken down Zeno reactor, in decent condition.
REDchigh looks at the economy reports.. the Raiek dominion is doing suprisingly well.

A dreadnought commander enters his office. "Sir, I've been reading in the Archives, and our ancestors, the Prylak, had done a lot of research on wormholes. We have some old texts that tell us what they knew... wormhole technology would increase our ability to get from one side of our space to the other in case of an emerency..."

"Sounds good. Send a message to our scientific bases, including ZenoII, tell them to concentrate on researching and building wormhole generators. Tell them I gave you authorization."

"Yes, sir"

The Scientists put away the Zeno reactor for the time being, and begin the wormhole research. Research will probably take about a month, (9 posts) and another month to actually build each of the two generators- one over Raiek, and one over ZenoII.

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

A ship of about 50 meters glided into the system Raigar. Its wings were kind of like the shape of a T and it was long and skinny. It had classified itself as a Dark-type ship names the Dark Voyager. It landed on the Docking bay and Grunadulater walked out of the door. He walked up to the capital biulding and asked if he could speak to the leader in private.
His ship made slight groning sounds as the small drone started to refill it. IT was completely smooth on the surface showing no weapons at all. Then the drone accidentaly shot a small spark at the ship. A tiny wave apeared in the shield. A turret flipped over on the ships side, where the drone was, and blasted it to oblivain...

"Are you sure the powers off?"

MOD: Redchigh, it was the PRYLAK who destroyed a ZENO station, not the Raiek who destroyed a Terran one. 😉

- - -

Emperor Verken looked down on the former Fleet Admiral Lythrawn.

"Operation Deathstrike. You failed us, Lythrawn," Verken states. "You are not a fleet admiral, you do not deserve that rank. You may stay within your ranks if you wish...and will be sent to Zone 3 for duty. Your battlecruiser is not worthy of you - you will be supplied with a storm-frigate, one of the common ships in that area."


Lythrawn growled. "It wasn't my fault. I did all the damage I could possibly do. I tried constructing a becon to call for help, but I was undersupplied by my superiors. I tried fighting back and doing raid missions, but I was given no experimental cloaks, cloak scanners, or any technology that I desperately needed. I did a lot of damage, I assure you. I did all that I could. If my superiors back in Ross 154 had listened to me, I could have won! I was undersupplied! It wasn't my fault! You of anyone should know that!"

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Verken spat. "Say one more word to me in that fashion and you shall die a thousand deaths, Colonel Lythrawn."

Two large Prylak guards stepped towards Lythrawn, both armed.


Lythrawn growled. "I do not want to be in the Prylak Empire anymore, Verten. Not when it is so corrupted by mindless superiors like yourself who don't know what the actual people who fight the wars and battles actually need."

Lythrawn turned around and walked out, speaking as he left. "One day I shall return Verten, and maybe then you won't be so mindless and ignorant."

Lythrawn, after threatening the transporter operator, was beamed back onto his ship, which then made a very prompt and quick exit from the system.

When Lythrawn entered the system he came from, he hailed the fleet to move out. As Lythrawn and his fleet exited the wormhole on the other side, he fired a torpedo into it. The explosion caused a chain reaction which obliterated it entirely.

Lythrawn looked out into the void of space, heartbroken. It was odd for a Prylak to be "Heartbroken", but Lythrawn had changed over the years away from the Prylak Empire, the Milky Way, and everyone else. He had come to see the viewpoint of other races, not just of the Prylak. He had grown more compassionate, and more understanding.

Captain Tretheck approached him. "Your orders sir?"

Lythrawn thought for a moment, then finally answered. "Plot a course... To the edge of explored Milky Way space. Exact coordinates; Mirava system."

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).