Reign of Chaos 3 - Registry

(quote)Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**Heh, just don't be a tyrant, and I won't threaten to become a renegade..

(quote)Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**Hmmm... Well, I do understand the time that goes into planning a webstory. Battle for Sol III has been under "construction" for the past three or four months, and probably won't be starting for another few weeks. Believe me, I can relate.

Then don't put down GH, simple as that.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

If Carnotaur would help me with a map or two, Reign of Chaos 3 will be out soon. For BattleDoctor to be around when it's out, I think I'll make it Sunday, like with Reign of Chaos 2.

Everyone who's heard me mention BP (Battle Power) on AIM; forget it. I'll use mostly private figures now.

Oh, moderators...I'd like to try out the Reign of Chaos veterans as moderators, since they can answer anything. RMA, I'm afraid I might have to dis-include you. You'd make a great moderator...for a webstory that was more realistic. Plain and simple, you're a realist, and we're mostly fantacists. 😉

Rima or BattleDoctor, you both have extensive knowledge about Reign of Chaos, so if you want you can both be moderators.

Sorry Carny, but you never made me moderator in GH anyway!!! 🙂 Nah, I hold no grudge...really...believe me! 😉


Espy,I need tech modificatons.
I've just realised that the Plasma Blaster acts like EV's Neutron Blaster compared to the Proton Cannon.
It was meant to act more like the Deuton-Fusion Gun from Pale.
I.E. Long range,low speed,very slow reload rate,BUT it can kill any fighter in 2 hits.
And,as with all Plasma weapons,it's a sorta glowing greeny-yellow colour.

But I've now got some other characters:
•Karaze,the Skraine Councillor of Research.
•High Admiral Tereknor,the Skraine Councillor for the Fleet.
•Commander Thraize,a Skraine Tempest captain,in charge of operations in Ross 154 once aforesaid operations begin.

ALSO we never did finalise Skraine ship counts.
AND can you explain to me how the shipbuilding process works in RoC 3?
I'm used to BFS III,you see.

Perhaps we should meet on AIM again to discuss.
American Tuesday(today),same time as our last AIM conference,perhaps?

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.


Originally posted by The lead moderator of RoC III:
**If Carnotaur would help me with a map or two, Reign of Chaos 3 will be out soon. For BattleDoctor to be around when it's out, I think I'll make it Sunday, like with Reign of Chaos 2.

I could do a map if you can't find Carno.


Originally posted by Someone... I keep forgetting his name.. Simon i believe..
Oh, moderators...I'd like to try out the Reign of Chaos veterans as moderators, since they can answer anything. RMA, I'm afraid I might have to dis-include you. You'd make a great moderator...for a webstory that was more realistic. Plain and simple, you're a realist, and we're mostly fantacists.;)

Rima or BattleDoctor, you both have extensive knowledge about Reign of Chaos, so if you want you can both be moderators.

Hmm you're confusing. Do you mean RoC veterans? or Rima and battledoctor? the ARe other veterans, I just can't think of any other ones... 😛

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen


Originally posted by -REDCHIGH-:
**Hmm you're confusing. Do you mean RoC veterans? or Rima and battledoctor? the ARe other veterans, I just can't think of any other ones...:p


I mean the people in from the very start of RoC. To my memory, they were:

I think Gwydion

RMA I explained, AP, Thunder and Gwyddy are busy, and voila, that leaves...

Rima and BattleDoctor and myself.

As for the map, thanks, I'll see how it goes. 🙂


Shall we AIM or what?

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

Don't ASK, just GET ON AIM... 😉

Here's a nice idea.

When you're on Internet, go on AIM. 🙂



(quote)Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**Lucky you weren't in Dark Tide. I was an evil emporer;)

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the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon
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Esponer,I am on AIM RIGHT NOW!
Speak to me!!!

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

Sure, I'd be honored to accept the position of a moderator for the story.

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

Right,I AIMed Esponer at about the same time I posted that last thing,but he had to go to bed so we didn't get anything decided.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

I was in RoC I

I'm 85% sure I was anyway...

Well, here are the Raiek Techs:

Thoron light turret and cannon: Standard armament of the Raiek. excellent damage, good range, good accuracy.

Thoron Javelin: (bring back memories?) Unguided Projectile... Great accuracy, Great Damage, Great Speed, decent reload.

Thoron Javelin Turret: Javelin mounted on a 360 degree turret. Faster Reload than standard launcher.

Thoron Bomb: Standard bomb, no launcher required, small angines used to halt movement after launched, Small size, but good damage and nearly impossible to avoid, when released, seem to form a veritable cloud of explosives, doing damage to and ships that pass through. leak and self-destruct after about a day. Useful for taking out enemy fighters.

Thoron Beam: Extremely powerful beam weapon. Takes only a few minutes to charge up, Drains fuel ever so slightly. Can fire to a 180 degree arc to the front.
(planetray bombardment- destroys a planet in 4 hours IE few battle posts)


Raiek Bomber: Falsely named, the bomber is the only Raiek ship that can be called a fighter, but even so, it's maneuverability doesn't compare to other races. poor shields, poor armor, arrmed to the teeth with 1 thoron cannon, and one javelin launcher w/ 8 javelins.

Raiek Gunship: Poor shields for it's size, this ship is mostly used for destroying marauding fighter craft. Armed with 2 Thoron cannons, 2 Javelin launchers, usually around 15 javelins.

Raiek Warfrigate: Maneuverable and Well shielded compared to other Raiek ships, but still poor. Ship that the bombs were designed for. Maneuverable for a raiek ship, but still sadly lacking. 3 Thoron turrets, 2 Javelin turrets, 40 Javelins (room for 45), 50 bombs.

Raiek Carrier: Designed to deliver Bombers and Gunships to the front lines. Carries 12 bombers and 7 gunships. Also light defence in the form of 3 Thoron turrets, 25 bombs to protect fighters, 1 Thoron beam (not used for ground assualts), and 3 Javelin turrets w/ 30 javelins, but it's poor maneuverability depends on protection from frigates and it's carried ships.

Raiek Dreadnought: Ship to be feared by all enemies of the Raiek. The Only Raiek ship with decent shielding. Debated to be most powerful ship in the galaxy (excluding base ships). Causes total chaos with 8 Thoron turrets, 7 Javelin Turrets, 85 Javelins, 2 (independent- one for ship defense and one for planetary bombardment) Thoron Beams, 60 bombs.

Raiek have immensely powerful weoponry, but lack heavily in shields. Raiek Philosophy is: "I'll kill you before you can get a hit off."
bombs are realeased as a defensive measure more than offense, and with several frigates in a system, mines fill the system quickly. Offensively, the engines can be taken off for no less damage, but to make them drift toward an enemy from parent ship's enertia..
Weopons are more dangerous than they sound.

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen


Originally posted by -REDCHIGH-:
**I was in RoC I

I'm 85% sure I was anyway...

Well, here are the Raiek Techs:

Thoron light turret and cannon: Standard armament of the Raiek. excellent damage, good range, good accuracy.

Thoron Javelin: (bring back memories?) Unguided Projectile... Great accuracy, Great Damage, Great Speed, decent reload.

Thoron Javelin Turret: Javelin mounted on a 360 degree turret. Faster Reload than standard launcher.

Thoron Bomb: Standard bomb, no launcher required, small angines used to halt movement after launched, Small size, but good damage and nearly impossible to avoid, when released, seem to form a veritable cloud of explosives, doing damage to and ships that pass through. leak and self-destruct after about a day. Useful for taking out enemy fighters.

Thoron Beam: Extremely powerful beam weapon. Takes only a few minutes to charge up, Drains fuel ever so slightly. Can fire to a 180 degree arc to the front.
(planetray bombardment- destroys a planet in 4 hours IE few battle posts)


Raiek Bomber: Falsely named, the bomber is the only Raiek ship that can be called a fighter, but even so, it's maneuverability doesn't compare to other races. poor shields, poor armor, arrmed to the teeth with 1 thoron cannon, and one javelin launcher w/ 8 javelins.

Raiek Gunship: Poor shields for it's size, this ship is mostly used for destroying marauding fighter craft. Armed with 2 Thoron cannons, 2 Javelin launchers, usually around 15 javelins.

Raiek Warfrigate: Maneuverable and Well shielded compared to other Raiek ships, but still poor. Ship that the bombs were designed for. Maneuverable for a raiek ship, but still sadly lacking. 3 Thoron turrets, 2 Javelin turrets, 40 Javelins (room for 45), 50 bombs.

Raiek Carrier: Designed to deliver Bombers and Gunships to the front lines. Carries 12 bombers and 7 gunships. Also light defence in the form of 3 Thoron turrets, 25 bombs to protect fighters, 1 Thoron beam (not used for ground assualts), and 3 Javelin turrets w/ 30 javelins, but it's poor maneuverability depends on protection from frigates and it's carried ships.

Raiek Dreadnought: Ship to be feared by all enemies of the Raiek. The Only Raiek ship with decent shielding. Debated to be most powerful ship in the galaxy (excluding base ships). Causes total chaos with 8 Thoron turrets, 7 Javelin Turrets, 85 Javelins, 2 (independent- one for ship defense and one for planetary bombardment) Thoron Beams, 60 bombs.

Raiek have immensely powerful weoponry, but lack heavily in shields. Raiek Philosophy is: "I'll kill you before you can get a hit off."
bombs are realeased as a defensive measure more than offense, and with several frigates in a system, mines fill the system quickly. Offensively, the engines can be taken off for no less damage, but to make them drift toward an enemy from parent ship's enertia..
Weopons are more dangerous than they sound.


I'd go with a constant beam - better at planetary bombardment.


Sounds like a lot of fun guys, lot of fun.

ZidAz: Zidager + Azdigari = ZidAz.

Plugin Design Director, Eternal Flame Ltd.

The Thoron turret and cannon is also a beam weopon, just with no drain.

Second thought, the beam on the carrier is usually used for ground assualts, and the carrier has an extra turret.

Dreadnought has three beams.

The Javelin can take out most fighters in one shot.

Bombs do good damage to shields and armor, but are chemical, not energy based. Work decently well at destroying energy leechs. 8-10 can take out a fighter or light trade ship easily. Used for damaging large numbers of ships rather than destroying a few.

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen


Originally posted by -REDCHIGH-:
The Javelin can take out most fighters in one shot.

Bombs do good damage to shields and armor, but are chemical, not energy based. Work decently well at destroying energy leechs. 8-10 can take out a fighter or light trade ship easily. Used for damaging large numbers of ships rather than destroying a few.


Your javelins would be just a little weaker than that. Bombs sound okay, but we'll see.

I have an idea for a We can discuss it on AIM.

(and to note, your shields are really lacking, your weapons and this make up for it)


OMG,both my enemies are much more powerful than the Skraine.
Esponer,we need to discuss tech upgrades for the Skraine,otherwise they're going to get mauled.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.


Originally posted by Shade:
**OMG,both my enemies are much more powerful than the Skraine.
Esponer,we need to discuss tech upgrades for the Skraine,otherwise they're going to get mauled.


AIM now?


No can do right now(darn).
I'm on a school Microserf machine right now,you see,and they don't let us download stuff.
So no AIM until I get home,in about 7 hours.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

I'll be a mod, if you still need another one, though I warn you not to expect immediate moderations, especially because my whole family is sick, I've had a light bearable sickeness for two weeks, and now were all getting a bug...Flu perhaps, not sure. I wasn't getting it till this morning, and now I feel like I'm going to throw up. Now that I've given you all a nice report of my sick problems, yes, I wouldn't mind being a mod in RoC3.

Formerly known as