Reign of Chaos 3 - Discussion Topic

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Discussion Topic

Reign of Chaos 2 has ended, and shortly Reign of Chaos 3, the last in the trilogy, will begin. I'm trying to make it as easy as possible for new players to join, even though it's the third in a series.

Firstly, the number of ships is scaled down, and secondly, chapters will be 100 posts long, and then we'll move on. They'll also be a discussion bar following along with it for any questions or problems to be addressed. for general plot.

I'll post it later. 🙂

Ask any questions, whatever. We (RoC veterans) can answer any of your questions, and I'll write up a summary of the previous happenings. Please, don't be shy of asking or joining in - but even more importantly, don't put yourself down in the final player slots if you're not going to post. 🙂



(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 10-18-2001).)

You´re Esponer! Slaps myself


Reign of Chaos 1
The Miranu developed the technology to create a fairly stable warpgate, which they tested in orbit of F-25. However, when they built this, an alien race with only a few dozen ships appeared - apparently the warpgate was open from both sides. This race, the Odine, had fled from the galaxy of Ross 154, a galaxy of constant war, seeking a place where they could live.

Before even that, though, the UE-Miranu-Zidagar alliance had spawned a new race, the Imperium Alliance, based on stations between UE and Miranu space, designed to act as a diplomatic and research base for the allies. However, it failed - the new government broke off and became independant, using their powerful technologies to wreak havoc.

• Voinian, Igadzra and I.A allied.
• Azdgari allied with the Odine.
• UE began construction of a series of supercruisers, and the Voinians developed dreadnoughts.
• A peace treaty was called between the UE and Voinians.
• Increased Strand combat.
• Azdgari fired missiles at Earth, of a type that destroyed Earth completely. :frown:
• In secret, a pact was made between the UE and the Azdgari (yeah, yeah) to attack the Voinians at the same time. The UE massed and attacked the Voinians at Pokoren while the Azdgari raided Svass Station.
• UE assualt failed, two supercruisers were destroyed, the other fled the battle, damaged.
• Voinians and Igadzra began taking over UE space.
• The UE melded their battered supercruiser, the U.E.S Sephiroth, together with the U.E.S Garland, another craft of the same model they were constructing. With a single ready ship, and with the Last Hope, a large colony ship, they fled UE space.
• Paladin, leader of the UE, set traps all over UE space, trying to defend his home as best he could. He set traps at Paaren Station, and planned to die there, but a mercenary named Carnotaur "saved" him, and "saved" Rima, forcing them onto the Garland and the Zidagar's city ship, the Savior, before they set off through the warpgate.
• The might of the Voinian, Igadzra and I.A, combined with the clever politics of Thunder of the Igadzra and BattleDoctor of the Voinians, brought them to Zidagar, where they forged together their powers, and formed a new government. By political trickery, BattleDoctor made himself Supreme Emperor of the new Galactic Empire, or Galactica.

The Garland and the Savior entered Ross 154, where they met the race the Odine had fled from - the Prylak. However, the Prylak were busy fighting off other threats, other alien races. Ceasing the opportunity, the UE-Zidagar co-operation moved around Ross 154 in secret, avoiding detection, getting their hands on any technologies they could. Ten years later, battered yet ten times stronger, they returned through the warpgate, at a slow speed, while they prepared their new technologies to take back their homes.

Reign of Chaos 2
The UE and Zidagar returned to a much changed galaxy. Galactica ruled almost everywhere, except for some pockets of resistance. Carnotaur had gathered mercenaries and renegades from everywhere, creating the Mercenary Alliance. The Azdgari had also revolted, breaking off from Galactica and continuing their fight for freedom. The Miranu who rebelled lived aboard the Ragnarok, a city ship they had built for the Zachit to use against renegades. Now, the Ragnarok was home to the remnants of the Miranu and Zachit rebel forces.

Crescent boundaries were broken down by Galactica, but no new hyperjumps were found - until, an alien race appeared from beyond, the I'ase. And a small mercenary fleet of another alien race, the I'ase's enemies, the Q'an.

• UE and Zidagar forces appeared in the Ji Nebula, destroying an enormous Galactica watch-fleet and station. The Garland was disabled in the battle.
• Galactica blockaded off the area.
• UE-Zidagar attacked the blockade in a huge battle, and were victorious, destroying thousands of Galactica ships.
• A lone Zachit Arada, piloted by Zacha Hawk of the Zachit, passed through the blockade to meet the UE.
• Galactica formed a tighter blockade, and then moved in for the kill.
• Hearing of this, and taking all information in, the I'ase moved to go to the UE-Zidagar's aid, and M.A. ships moved to help also.
• In a tremendous battle, the UE were all but destroyed. They sacrificed their last lives to allow the Zidagar to escape with six hundred ships to Mercenary Alliance space. Paladin of the UE was captured, as was Zacha Hawk.
• A few thousand humans survived on F-25 where the Garland was left, wrecked. They began the Terran Colony, a race who only sought to live and prosper.
• From beyond, a warpgate was created, and the Prylak came through to the Milky Way. As xenophobic as they were, they sought nothing more than to kill all life in this galaxy. They quickly took several North Tip Galactica systems.
• In Tmidor the Prylak and a force comprised of Galactica, Azdgari and MA fought, old emnities put aside to fight the deadly Prylak. The Prylak were beaten back, but more reinforcements came through.
• The I'ase built the Nedra, another city ship, to match the Ragnarok's glory.
• Zachit demanded Zacha Hawk be returned, and was granted that.
• Q'an allied with Galactica, and also made peace with the I'ase, while the MA, Azdgari, Zidagar and Zachit became closer. Q'an and I'ase settled down in Sirabor.
• Terrans began unlocking some key secret technologies on the Garland they had not been able to unlock before, and thanks to a Mercenary Alliance technology, the sub-space inhibitor, they were sealed off from everyone else to live in peace - and were given the key to opening and closing the hyperlink.
• Paladin requested that he see Earth, and Galactica let him. While hovering over the planet that was an ocean of lava, Paladin killed the captain of the ship, and dived into the ocean, killing himself.
• Word of this got out to the Terrans, who sent out some of their new ships, using cloaking technologies they had unlocked, to attack the Azdgari, their anger at them renewed.
• Zidagar colonized an Azdgari planet with permission.
• At Stror, the Zachit had settled down. Galactica attacked them after the Prylak were beaten back for the first time, but the Prylak entered again, attacked, and left. Meanwhile, the Terran strike force to hit Azdgari met up with the other races, and hearing of the Prylak they offered their aid.
• At the Galactica system, formerly a system of the Imperium Alliance, the Prylak appeared for a showdown with Galactica. No other races were involved. In the end, Galactica exploded their capital station, Galactica Prime, and with tremendous losses, defeated the Prylak invaders.
• A race called the Haorn, from Ross 154, came out of their nebula and attacked the Prylak, with tens of thousands of warships. The Prylak capital was destroyed, and their government split into two weak sides. The Haorn returned to lick their wounds in their nebula, while a Prylak slave race, the Sijak, found freedom...
• For (some) reason (ask Redchigh) the Q'an sent cloaked ships, towing Q'an reactor cores, to Voinia to destroy the planet. The Azdgari, using the same missiles that had destroyed Earth, stopped them.
• Azdgari attacked the old Q'an base at Sirabor, but an accident with energy cores resulted in the destruction of most of the Azdgari fleet.
• Mercenary Alliance took over Azdgari space with Zidagar support, forming the Confederate Alliance, which opposed Galactica.
• The Zachit, who had formed into the "Commonwealth" dissipated, giving their space half to Galactica and half to the Zidagar, before leaving aboard the Ragnarok into the depths of space.
• The I'ase seperated into three sides - one supporting the Confederate Alliance, another supporting Galactica. The third, with the Nedra, pulled back from the battlefield, neutral to both sides...for now.

The Confederate Alliance and Galactica fought for many years, the Alliance gaining ground for a while, until Galactica were able to recover from the Battle of Galactica in which they had defeated the Prylak, and the battle became a stalemate.

With the new balance of power, a new reign of chaos awaits...


(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 10-18-2001).)


Originally posted by Opalius:
You´re Esponer! Slaps myself

Yup. iEsponer. uPlay? 😉



Esponer, I'm interested in participating in RoC III, but don't know how much posting I'd do. It may take me a while to get into the flow, cuz everything seems pretty frickin' jumbled right about, but I can learn that pretty quickly. But if I don't know how much I'll post, should I not be involved?

-Payback37 (url="http://"")Biggles Productions(/url)
Treat all the world as the world deserves,
With love or with hate but never with harm,

--an excerpt from The Seafarer , an Anglo-Saxon poem translation


Originally posted by Payback37:
**Esponer, I'm interested in participating in RoC III, but don't know how much posting I'd do. It may take me a while to get into the flow, cuz everything seems pretty frickin' jumbled right about, but I can learn that pretty quickly. But if I don't know how much I'll post, should I not be involved?


Well...with chapter 100 posts long, and summaries at the end, it's best to get involved. Just don't take a ruling part, okay? 🙂

If you can't post, you can't post. If you can, I get to jump up and down like an excited rabbit. <grins>



(quote)Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**Well...with chapter 100 posts long, and summaries at the end, it's best to get involved. Just don't take a ruling part, okay?

(quote)Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**If you can't post, you can't post. If you can, I get to jump up and down like an excited rabbit. <grins>****(/quote)

Thanx Esponer. I'll do my best.

-Payback37 (url="http://"")Biggles Productions(/url)
Treat all the world as the world deserves,
With love or with hate but never with harm,

--an excerpt from The Seafarer , an Anglo-Saxon poem translation


+ to the summary of Reign of Chaos 2:
• Some Prylak remnants went and hid in the Proxima Nebula.

Oh, yeah, and take nothing for granted until I've told you. <smiles> Reign of Chaos 3 has changed a lot since it was EV:O.

Government data?
Maybe later.

God, I crack myself up. 😉



hits Esponer Bad Espy. Your not supposed to do that to all the poor people. It's not as funny as you think anyway. And to all those that don't know already.... The Sijak are MINE! mine, mine, mine , mine. ok, i'm calm now. i just had to make sure you all knew that the Sijak are mine. Also new character, Kenra. Kenra's 19. The Sijak are also a race of fighters. There. I gave some info.

I posted, happy now Esponer?

Of course Women don't work as hard as men....They do it right the first time.
My AIM is Rima17456


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
• Some Prylak remnants went and hid in the Proxima Nebula.

Esponer, unless you're planning to do something with this, it isn't important, since Carnotaur sealed them off with a sub-space field.

And, yes, I killed my leader. I wasn't planning to, but it was to hard to do the split with him still in the way. So he "left." 😄

What alien races, exactly, will there be from Ross 154?

"I may detest what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

<sniff> Okay, I admit it, I've been pestering people into posting. I just like to think that people are actually interested. 🙂


Ross 154? Hmm....Haorn and Sijak, definately. Raiek, depends if we get players - I'll post about them in a bit.



Asriel,to the best of my knowledge the aliens from Ross 154 are:
The Haorn.
The weakened Prylak.
The Sijak.
The Raiek(I think)
SilverDragon was agreed to put in my Skraine,in Eta Cassiopia, the Ghost Galaxy.
The Skraine are mine!I will be appearing as Magistrate K'Sarragh of the Skraine Coalition.
If anyone wants Skraine cultural info etc,I can post it.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

Weakened and split Prylak = Raiek

Some Prylak refugees over in the Milky Way, and the major armies in other galaxies.



Oh,so the Raiek are actually the new Prylak.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

ok, Sijak description. They have silvery skin. There eyes can be any color you can imagine. yes, any, well, maybe not puke colored. All of the nice colors. There below what would be average human height. There hair color can be black, silver, or white. There eyes are wide, and it makes them have an innocent looking face. That's all for now.

Of course Women don't work as hard as men....They do it right the first time.
My AIM is Rima17456

Well, I think...ladida....blah blah blah....doobedoo...
true. What do you guys do anyway?

Yes, I am childish. I've got my whole life ahead of me to be mature.

Esponer: Since I haven't seen you for a while, I guess I'll have to tell you here. Could I join Reign of Chaos 3? As a mercenary? If not, its okay... I was just wondering.

Naughty Notice:
Do not click (url="http://"")here(/url). Remember, I warned you!
The middle ages Freeport bar: just head yourself to (url="http://"")http://www.ambrosias...ML/003139.html#(/url)

I think I'll be in, but I'll probably just watch for the first few few posts to get a feel for the style and story, and develop a character idea

My other ship is a Battlecruiser!

Magistrate K'Sarragh has been inn communion with SilverDragon via E:Mail.
He am getting AIM soon for faster data reply rates.
We are the Skraine-we will not be overcome!

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.