Reign of Chaos Bar

Seeing two dead corpses,
Io chiamo un'ambulanza,
Voglio di un caffč Corey while you wait for the ambulance?

I sit on a banch and aske the waiter for a glass of vodka.

Salutations ŕ la vie

Making an exception, Esponer gives Nelson some vodka. He then grabs Azdara and disects him slowly, as he writhes in pain.

"Corey, yes. Jess, no. We worship her here. NO killing Jess!" He looks around evilly, blood splattered on his face, to the other patrons. "Comprendo?"

"Oh, yeah, I'll be away a week," Esponer says.

He grabs Azdara's remains, and drags them over to Lincoln (holiday destination - wow, how great) to play with some more, leaving an eye or two behind, all the while laughing manically.



Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**"Oh, yeah, I'll be away a week," Esponer says.


Oh fine just bugger off, don't tell me , don't say goodbye or anything like that you stupid prick!. Jess stomps off.

Yes, I am childish. I've got my whole life ahead of me to be mature.


Originally posted by Jess:
**Oh fine just bugger off, don't tell me , don't say goodbye or anything like that you stupid prick!. Jess stomps off.


Hahahahah! You might worship her, but I don't think it's mutual mate!
Azdara shoots silver dragon in the head and wonders why he is going nuts dissecting a blow up Azdara doll... some people are strange...

Jess, once again you have my apologies, if only to stop esponer from dissecting me... hahah! This is a bar, people get killed... a lot of times to.


"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-

Jess has a sudden thought. 'While the cat's away...'
She regenerates corey.

Yes, I am childish. I've got my whole life ahead of me to be mature.

"Didn't he notice that there was a bomb in his food? I guess not." Posted Image
Draco presses the remote detenator. A muffled explosion comes from outside, and pieces of Esponer come flying in. One of them, one of Esponer's hands, hits Azdara on the head.

Naughty Notice:
Do not click (url="http://"")here(/url). Remember, I warned you!
The middle ages Freeport bar: just head yourself to (url="http://"")http://www.ambrosias...ML/003139.html#(/url)

oh, so sorry. I'm back. I switched Internet providers so everythings been running slow. I'm back and nice to see you all again. OV waits to figure out what's happening. (What!? You really expected me to read all that! ;))

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
All quiet on the western Front. But not for long.... OH SAY CAN YOU SEE!!!!!!!!........
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)
AIM: Overrider720, Ferazel17 or WhiteStreak7

Azdara peels the item that knocked him off his bar stool from his face. It is a hand... esponers hand. Azdara then throws the hand at Draco, who falls to the floor, rippin off one of coreys arms in the process and winging it back at Azdara. Azdara swings to throw the arm but accidentally hits overrider who says "That wasn't funny!"
Then someone yells "Body part fight!" and the bar is filled with flying arms, legs and the occasional head.


"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
And...erm...Red...I'm not gonna bring the Q'an Empire in, anymore. <gulps> Or if I do, they'll be locked in combat with a slightly better Prylak force. 😉

All of RED's ships suddenly shrink into nothingness...

RED looks at esponer coldly... Posted Image
Posted Image

Posted Image _____________ Posted Image

Simon.... when did this decision happen?
and are there any governments left without a leader?
(if not, red Leaves the bar, steals a fighter and flies off)
(If so, red stays to drown his sorrows)

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 10-20-2001).)


Originally posted by -REDCHIGH-:
< lots of scary pictures>

One word: "That's gotta hurt."
Conclusion: Redchigh is violent.
Summary: I could go on and on.

Naughty Notice:
Do not click (url="http://"")here(/url). Remember, I warned you!
The middle ages Freeport bar: just head yourself to (url="http://"")http://www.ambrosias...ML/003139.html#(/url)

My my, I've been gone only a day and I get killed several times over... 😛

Heh, now that ol' Spoony is gone I can hit on Jess all I like and there's not a thing he can do! BTW, just who is Jess Snyder, anyways?

/me makes a mental note to add IrritatedBee to his buddy list next time he's on...

Coreył (Cubed) | (url="http://"")Plugsł(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url)
/me checks his digital watch...I should start thinking about warning the islanders about the impending lava flow...

Captaintripps walks in after months away, takes his usual spot in the corner, lights up a smoke under the no smoking sign and waits.

Captaintripps: Brahma to your Vishnu
(url="http://"")VoxHumana(/url) -- Comedy of the Future

redchigh walks behind the bar, and finds a stove. Several minutes later a wonderful smell drifts through the bar. After about 15 minutes, Redchigh brings Jess the crumble with custard, no charge.

took me the longest time to figure that out. you english people are so confusing 😛
REDchigh also gives the bowl to anyone that wants to lick the rest out.

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

Captaintripps eagerly takes the bowl proferred to him by REDCHIGH.
"Mmm, this is tasty."

Captaintripps: Brahma to your Vishnu
(url="http://"")VoxHumana(/url) -- Comedy of the Future

I394 smashes corey and jess in the back of the neck with a crowbar, cutting off their nerve cord. He arranges them in a very touching Romeo and Juliet position and powers up his chainsaw. He smiles deviously as he piles limbs in front of their faces for their viewing pleasure. He rearranges their faces with his Do-It-at-Home Plastic Surgery Kit and uses them for conversation pieces.
"My shrink said I just needed to let it out," he says. He adds the liquidated limbs to the body part fight.

When seen from the fetid black hole which is my bedroom, time is slowed until it is infinite. Why bother doing that homework right now? You've got all eternity to do it.


Originally posted by -REDCHIGH-:
**redchigh walks behind the bar, and finds a stove. Several minutes later a wonderful smell drifts through the bar. After about 15 minutes, Redchigh brings Jess the crumble with custard, no charge.

took me the longest time to figure that out. you english people are so confusing 😛
REDchigh also gives the bowl to anyone that wants to lick the rest out.


Yay! 🙂 🙂
Colours, what did you do that for...?
Posted Image
It's not like I did anything! And I have no idea who Jess snyder is, who is she?

Yes, I am childish. I've got my whole life ahead of me to be mature.

(This message has been edited by Jess (edited 10-21-2001).)

You don't know who I am? Thats it you ****ing bitch! Your going down NOW!

Jess Snyder grabs colours' chainsaw and hacks off the top of Jess's head. She then feeds Jess her own brain, by roasting it on REDCHIGH's barbecue.
"Try that for crumble you ditzy tart!"
Jess Snyder pauses to hack off REDCHIGH's head for being such a pussy. She then cuts up the barbecue, steals Captain Tripp's cigarette to smoke and storms off yelling **** yas all! Bastards!

Apparently, this is Jess Snyder:

Posted Image

I think so, anyways...

Coreył (Cubed) | (url="http://"")Plugsł(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url)
/me checks his digital watch...I should start thinking about warning the islanders about the impending lava flow...

Yeesh, getting a bit violent here, aren't we? And brains don't even taste good...

If the opposite of pro is con, what's the opposite of progress?
Do not click (url="http://"")here(/url). Remember, I warned you!

Jess waits expectantly for a while, then realises that SilverDragon isn't here to stick up for her, and she's going to have to survive on her own for a week :frown:
She hides under a table.

Yes, I am childish. I've got my whole life ahead of me to be mature.