Reign of Chaos Bar

Esponer nods slightly. "I liked the Elenium - read it six times, I think. The series you're thinking of there is the Tamuli, also good. Belgariad and Malloreon were two earlier series', which were, admittedly, a little immature in some realms. Robert Jordan, now...don't read it if you're a teenager. Too much depression already."


(quote)Originally posted by Jess:
**Damn.;) Not that I'd be leaving her for you, understand, but if SHE decides to leave for someone else, well it's only natural for me to want to seek solace with another woman...not at all like the situation with Kitty's dad, no. 😄

Coreył (Cubed) | (url="http://"")Plugsł(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url)
/me checks his digital watch...I should start thinking about warning the islanders about the impending lava flow...

Belgartiad and Mallorean are good for your soul. Besides, I use books to fuel my imagination. Elenium and Tamuli barely stirs my imagination. I always skip the middle book. I love Wheel of Time. Depression is good sometimes. Besides, it's fun to see how stupid Rand will be next. My sister loudly complains about how stupid he is and I just laugh.

Of course Women don't work as hard as men....They do it right the first time.
My AIM is Rima17456

Well,in accordance with the name of the bar
The second Reign of Chaos is over,but the saga is not yet complete.
I look forward to playing in RoC 3,Esponer.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.


Originally posted by Rima:
**Belgartiad and Mallorean are good for your soul. Besides, I use books to fuel my imagination. Elenium and Tamuli barely stirs my imagination. I always skip the middle book. I love Wheel of Time. Depression is good sometimes. Besides, it's fun to see how stupid Rand will be next. My sister loudly complains about how stupid he is and I just laugh.


Wheel of Time = not very deep

Fahrenheit 451 = very deep

I'd much rather read Fahrenheit 451 than Wheel of Time; it makes me think so much more than the Wheel of Time series. The Wheel of Time books have almost no plot, and the little that they have is confusing.


Naughty Notice:
Do not click (url="http://"")here(/url). Remember, I warned you!
The middle ages Freeport bar: just head yourself to (url="http://"")http://www.ambrosias...ML/003139.html#(/url)

Harry Potter flies into the bar and casts an invinibility spell around himself, then he orders an explosive latte with napalm

...the napalm blows up the idiot (also known as Harry Potter). The galaxy then throws a far grander party than that of Barney's death. Then...

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon
(url="http://"")Alien Invaders(/url) | (url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

Shai-hulud eats Harry Potter's remains, then has some more spice liquor.

Dune supplier's list
Spice Liquor
Pundi rice
Paladan melon
Laza tiger

"I may detest what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

Good i'm not the only one who hates him

could I join

Several people are drawn to the window as a green whirlwind forms outside the bar, and lasts for several seconds, but hmm.. nothing happens.. it dissolves again after a moment, and an explosion rocks the station as a white beam rocks the station back and forth. The station vibrates, and several people lean against the wall for a massage.

a Q'an 'silverstone' decloaks, and the asteroid ship is larger than anything else in the system. five corsairs and ten pegasus fighters zoom out and destroy every ship except the base ship, then the Silverstone opens fire on it. Esponer runs out and jumps in his ship, and a firefight begins, with the 15 Qan fighters overheating, melting, and welding shut the fighter bays of esponer's ship.... the firefight ensues.

a pegasus docks, and the REDchigh clone asks esponer's clone (made to serve drinks) what exactly ARE the Qan techs out of RoC III?

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

Redchigh,I've been following the final days of RoC 2,because i intend to join RoC 3,and I'm pretty sure that A)The Silverstone was destroyed by Yoo Oe's Shockwave missiles,and B)You only escaped with the bridge of a Hera,not the silverstone.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

I've become obsessed with making the perfect bump map weave in AppleWorks for Mechanisto where I'm making a cornucopia for a table my mom's decorating at a library dinner, and I don't even know why.

When seen from the fetid black hole which is my bedroom, time is slowed until it is infinite. Why bother doing that homework right now? You've got all eternity to do it.

Blah de blah...

A Prylak Starfortress appears, and suddenly an Edien Dreadnaught from Golden Horizon appears too.

They blast Redchigh to stardust, and then a have a firefight.

The Starfortress doesn't open fire, just sends out it's fighters (I say fighters, it's actually a fleet of battleships and dreadnoughts) and beats the **** out of the Edien Dreadnought.

"So...anyone think the Prylak are too strong? And no, they aren't dead. They have, like, seven galaxies in their control."


Mechanisto isn't that bad once you get to know it...

Draco: Farenheit 451 is good... it raises issues no one really wants to adress...


"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-

Elenium and Tamuli were fantastic, Belgraid and Mallorean were pretty good. I love Anne McCaffery's dragon series. Katherine Kerr is also very good. Roger Zelazney is great, Lord of Light was amazing, but Creatures of Light and Darkness scared the hell out of me. Raymond Feist is ok, I liked the empire series, but the other books about the rift wars were pretty boring. Terry Pratchett is great. And of course, Tigana is brilliant ;).
Jess watches Esponer and Red with minimal interest.

I despise false modesty.

Oh my. Too many books series. Well, Dragonriders of Pern series is my favorite, and that's that. I have never come up to a book I hate. I'm a readaholic, if there is such a thing. I read in school, I read in the morning, I read after school, I read at night, and I read at other times too. I'm glad my sister is (hopefully) moving out next year, because I need a new book shelf. I've been putting books in bags because I have too many. And my parents bookshelves are full to. From Flinx, to Xanth, To the Black Gryphon. So I exit this arguement, in the fact that as long as I like a book, no ones going to change my opinion. Though, if anyone still wants to say that Anne McCaffrey is a sucky author, I can give a nice long speech that's barely legible. Have a nice day! Back to barness!

Of course Women don't work as hard as men....They do it right the first time.
My AIM is Rima17456

Heh Heh...
The Prylak won't be too strong in RoC 3.
Not after the Skraine have the Senn on their side.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

Senn dead, Shade! Senn dead!

Prylak, honestly, don't cross 'em.



Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**Prylak, honestly, don't cross 'em.

From all of the comments like this, I'd have to assume that the Prylak are very powerful, and you probably play them.

"Anybody read Xanth books? By Piers Anthony? How about Tolkien? ;)"

(I'd hope that that is a given)

Naughty Notice:
Do not click (url="http://"")here(/url). Remember, I warned you!
The middle ages Freeport bar: just head yourself to (url="http://"")http://www.ambrosias...ML/003139.html#(/url)