Ski-lift mission help! please!

I'm trying to accompish the ski-lift mission on Kirrim Prime.

I've done the first two missions, but now I'm stuck.

I'm on the salvage mission where I find the cargo ship that was damaged. I have scoured the universe; I have went to hell and back and still have not seen this ship!

Where am I missing it? What am I looking for? I think the dude (Marvin?) said the ship was last seen near Mira but... jeeez.

please, can someone help me? thank you very much. 🆒

Lee Barnes

It's one jump to the south of the Miranu core worlds as I recall. Whichever system has Pimwat station, I think it's one or two jumps to the SW of that.

Smott.It's there.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

That's correct. And watch out for the hostile Miranu Crescent Fighters that come after you there - they can do more damage than you might think :).

Really?I've always managed to avoid them in my Arada.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

Oh okay... I guess I was thinking in terms of the crew of one challenge :). That's how I was playing last, about 6 months ago....

thanks everyone for your answers, i'll give it a try later.


And watch out for the hostile Miranu Crescent Fighters

no kidding! those little things can pack quite the punch, esp. if they swarm.

...just testing out my sig, sorry for the spam.

How many times must we start again
The creation of the world from beginning to end
What will it take before we learn
We gotta wake up now and show some concern