Reign of Chaos 2 - Chapter III

Casene, the commander of the Terran assualt force, looked shocked at the sight as her small Terran force moved into Stror. Hyperspacing and remaining hidden at the same time was a slow process, and they had been moving for a while now, often circling around themselves to prevent any Galactica officials from seeing a direct path from F-25 to Azdgari.

No worries about being found out , she thought, although it was the very heights of optimism with which she almost forced herself to think that.

Eight thousand Galactica vessels were in Stror, fighting off 700 Zachit, mostly fighters, and a large number of the Mercenary Alliance were hidden in the background. From a UE stance, Zacha and Mercenary Alliance were friends, but at the moment all the Terrans cared about was incinerating the Azdgari.

However, they still considered M.A, and especially Carnotaur, friends, and thus Casene gave the order for a message to be sent. Casene smiled faintly as Terran sensors picked up a vessel highly upgraded, what appeared to be a flagship - no doubt the vessel of Carnotaur himself. She directed the message to that vessel.

-From (Unknown)-
-To Carnotaur-

This is Commander Casene of the Terrans. Our vessels are currently cloaked, we are offering our services. Do you need any aid - I repeat, do you need any aid?

-End message-

Casene sighed. She severely hoped she wouldn't regret this.


The first Supernova had been completed, came the reports. Lance was over the moon, and, indeed, out of the planet. He boarded the grand cruiser, which to any outside eye or scanner was merely an energy buildup, like the other ships the Thunderhawk and the Darkwing. The Supernova was the pride and joy of the Terrans; a warship that could open fire even while unseen, and disappear into the night quickly.

All it had to do to disappear from scanners and eyesight, was to slow down it's engines. During battles, the slightly eratic energy readings as weapons were fired would be overshadowed by all the energy readings from explosions, so no-one would see it.

The Supernova set off from New Sol, what was now becoming to be known as the Pioneer's Gateway - the hyperlink out - was opened, and with quick confidence the Supernova, complete with it's two Thunderhawk fighter escorts, set off to follow the other ships. Thanks to it's powerful engines, it would make it there much faster than the other ships had, and this time it wouldn't make any circles, it would go straight to follow.

The second the Pioneer's Gateway was opened, several messages, one from the Q'an, one from Galactica, and one from the Casene were all received. The first two were ignored completely, and the third studied.

It seemed a battle was going on in Stror. Maybe this would be the Supernova's first test.


Background Development
New Beginnings

A convoy of formerly Prylak freighters leapt into an uninhabited system that long ago had been colonized by a race called the Odine. They set down on a habitable planet, and the people aboard, the Sijak, began their new lives.

With the freighter flew a fighter as black as night, as deadly as death itself. The Sijak's secret weapon, which they had been building in secret, the Ghost fighter. Of course, although the Ghost was powerful, tremendously so, in fact, it was only one ship. But it would make the way for many more.

It was the first vessel of war the Sijak had ever made.

And a small Prylak fighter squadron, battered and pushed into flight, became it's first victims.

Metaphorically speaking, I'm metabolically challenged.

The huge Galactica invasion force had overwhelmed the Zachit ships, and only a few hundred remained. Once again, the BattleCruiser had proven its worth in battle. As the Zachit numbers continued to dwindle, High Admiral Fera ordered a few thousand of the ships to head for the planet.

"Planetary Bombardment Formation 3, and begin attack at will," ordered Fera, watching the action from the bridge of the Vorik." He turned to the comms officer and said, "Open a channel to the MA Fleet, voice only."

A chime indicated that the channel was ready, and Fera began to speak. "Mercenary Alliance Fleet, this is High Admiral Fera of the Galactica 5th Fleet... our quarrel is not with you, but this is a Galactica system now and I don't recognise your right to be here. Please leave now."


The Scout Frigate has been completed, and production has begun. It is faster than the Battle Frigate, and while it has less offensive weaponry it has more PD systems and a better scattering field. Relatively few are being built, and most of those are being requisitioned by Fleet Intelligence.

"It's pretty hairy in there sir, it's Charlie's point!"
"Charlie don't surf!"
Apocalypse Now

In the Stror system, Vaten viewed the massive battle in progress with disgust. Were the forces really that undisciplined, that they could ignore the Prylak to strike against one another? Someone had to stop this...

(From the bridge of the Nedra)
(To all forces in the Stror system)

This message is for both Galactica and Zachit, and anyone else that dares to fight within this system. You fools! You fight among yourselves, ignoring the Prylak. The Prylak just destroyed the asteroid known as the Rock. They have incinerated the whole north tip, and have performed raids on Galactica space: Mira and the surrounding systems. Do you really believe that fighting between yourselves will solve anything? To beat the Prylak, we need all the galaxy's forces, with each's strengths and weaknesses. Not this; not what is happening right now. Vaten out.

He then decided to send a message to Yoo Oe, current leader of the Alliance...

(From Sa'amo Vaten, I'ase Command)
(To Yoo Oe, Adzgari Emperor)

You call it an Alliance. What we need right now is a Federation, and of every single race. Not us against ourselves. What I see right now is the Zacha fighting Galactica, with the MA ready to join at any time. We have completely ignored the Prylak, who days ago incinerated The Rock. They are perilously close to your space, and yet you ally with the Zacha against Galactica. And for what? Ages-old squabbles that don't mean a thing right now. Maybe it's my race being the newcomers to this galaxy, but everyone has a common threat right now. I'll give you a hint: it's not Galactica. Vaten out.

Hopefully that would get them thinking right...


Title: Kavu
Time till completion: 3 posts

30 Daemons built
2 cities built on Keld

"My mind is like a steel trap: rusty and illegal in 37 states." -- forge

High Admiral Fera opened a channel to the I'ase. "I agree that the Prylak are a greater threat than the Zachit, at the moment. However, the Emperor has deemed that we can't fight the Prylak if we have these meddlesome Zachit to worry about. I happen to agree with him. If you want us to fight the Prylak, either help us get the Zachit out of the way or tell them, the Azdgari, and the MA to stay the hell out of Galactica space."

"It's pretty hairy in there sir, it's Charlie's point!"
"Charlie don't surf!"
Apocalypse Now

(The MA would like to purchase from you approximately 25 million credits worth of scientific and research equipment. We would also like you to give us any technical information you have in reference to tachyon or sub-space technology. Any cloaking technology you have would also be useful.)

The MA fleet did not respond to the Terrans immediately. Carnotaur was thinking. His fleet was no match for the Galactica fleet, even with help from the Terrans. He decided to, at least, prepare to retreat and act like they were going to retreat for the moment. While he was preparing to leave, he would figure out his plan...

(Azdgari, this is Chancellor Carnotaur of the MA. We are currently in the Stror system having a standoff with a Galactica fleet. If you could sneak in a fleet quickly, I think we can beat em up good if they turn hostile.)


Title: Ion Dampeners
ETA: 2 posts

Time till completion of Shipyard Refit: 3 posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 10-01-2001).)

Vaten was pissed now. BattleDoctor was showing a complete lack of reason.
He replied thus:

"BattleDoctor, you just don't get it, do you? You have ~7500 ships in Stror, I have ~4600, the Zachit have ~1000 total, the MA have ~2800 total, and the Prylak have...12000! If we fight among ourselves, all we will do is devastate our each other's fleets. The Prylak can then just come in for mop-up, destroying all of us. If need be, the MA and me can together crush your fleet in Stror, restoring you to reason. I don't want to do that. I propose a galaxy-wide alliance. It would include: Galactica, the MA, the I'ase, the Q'an, the Adzgari, and possibly the Terrans (though I don't think they want to get involved). They Prylak can easily defeat any one of us. The way to battle them is to use the best of our technologies and band together to defeat them. Vaten out."

(From Nedra)
(To Captain Torch)

We are willing to sell you our cloaking technology, but we do not currently have any other sub-space tech. Vaten out.

Title: Kavu
Time till completion: 2 posts

34 Daemons built (this is a total, not per post)
More shipyards being built on Keld

"My mind is like a steel trap: rusty and illegal in 37 states." -- forge

BattleDoctor was doing some important paperwork in his office when his intercom buzzed and his aide said, "Sir, I've got an incoming transmission that High Admiral Fera has relayed to you... shall I put it through?"

"Yes," replied BattleDoctor.

High Admiral Fera appeared on his wallscreen, and said, "Sir, we've pretty much obliterated any Zachit resistance in this system, and the planet is in ruins."


"...but, the I'ase sent us a transmission, and I think you should read it. Here it is."

BattleDoctor read the message, and thought hard about it for a moment. Damn , he thought, They're right!

BattleDoctor switched the link back to Fera and said, "Hold position in Stror, stop bombardment, return fire only, and wait for further orders."

BattleDoctor cut the commlink and began composing a reply.

(Message, Upsilon-8 encrypted)
To: I'ase Command
From: BattleDoctor, Galactica

If you would be willing to organize an alliance between us all, I would gladly join. However, until that time I will continue to consider the Zachit my enemy.

(End Message)

"It's pretty hairy in there sir, it's Charlie's point!"
"Charlie don't surf!"
Apocalypse Now

Sisay looked at the moons of Stror. Luckly the bombardment had damaged no populated areas and that was good. What pissed off the commander the most was the unprovoked attack on civillan targets. He opened a channel from the War room to Fera's ship. "Admiral, it would be best if you leave our space. You came into our borders and because of your blantant actions, you placed innocents at risk. To think that Igadzra would understand, but I guess otherwise. Tell your Emperor that we will not tolerate this action. Get the hell out of our space and we'll stay out yours. Oh and one more thing, the Prylak are a threat beyond your dreams but if you bombard civillan targets, you're no better then they. Sisay out!"

The commander touched the thin air and a display came to bear. With a few quick taps, he sent a message to the Galactica captital and BattleDoctor himself.

(Message, Three world array)
To: BattleDoctor, Galactica
From: Zacha High Commander Sisay

Let me say one thing, BattleDoctor. Because of you, the Zacha forces have been further depleted. You assault a colony of innocents who pose no threat to you for the simple pleasure of it. All the while the Prylak are closing in for the kill. Know that should you continue this foolishness, you or any other government won't stand a chance. My people are but a pawn in this game but if you get kicks from slaughtering men and women in cold blood you're no worse then the creatures we faught. Get your forces from my space and we say out of yours.

Sisay out

(End message)

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

High Admiral Fera reopened the channel to Sisay's ship and simply said, "You, and the Azdgari, and the MA, all of you stop firing on Galactica ships, and this won't have to happen again."

As Fera closed the channel, he punched in the orders on his keypad for the ships to retreat to DSN-1154. The ships came about, then jumped left the system of Stror.

"It's pretty hairy in there sir, it's Charlie's point!"
"Charlie don't surf!"
Apocalypse Now
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

::MSG TO: I'ase::
I currently have a small fleet in orbit around the Nedra. They will lead you to the silverstone for the deal. I repeat, we are ready to install the Nedra's Energy cloak.
::end msg::

::MSG TO: Galactica::
I have a hera in orbit around voinia ready to bring your best scientists to the Silverstone, to come up with a good galactica application to the Gluons.
::end msg::

The Galactica shipyards continues working on fighters non-stop
The Silverstone is mass producing Herras, 14.
Silverstone Base:
Construction:6 (more) heras (3 posts),
(next constructions: 6 zeus (10 posts) and two olympus, (8 posts))

Galactica Fighter Shipyard:
Construction:both classes of fighter.
Built so far:10 pegasus and 5 corsairs

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

Casene swore. "What the HELL?"

The message had been received by her fleet, that the Prylak had come to the Milky Way. Casene was lost for words. The Prylak were the scourges of the galaxy, and Casene had hoped they would never find their way to threaten the races here. She had a decision to make.

To fight the Azdgari, a race who had destroyed the Earth in fair combat, or to fight the Prylak, a race who had killed trillions heartlessly, a race who would torture in the blink of an eye. The Prylak were more evil than anyone could ever believe, and Casene personally did not believe that Ross 154 covered their entire empire.

Casene had been one of the main officers on the Garland back in those days. She was annoyed that Lance outranked her, having the rank of Fleet Commander over her Masters Tactical Officer aboard the Garland.

Casene had planned out raids against the Zeno, who were now another victim of the Prylak. It was Casene that had given the Terrans their cloaking technology, when it came down to it. Her quick mind had worked out what to do. Paladin was clever, but no leader can work on their own.

She had seen Ross 154 in many forms, while the Prylak moved around, creating the largest bloodbath she and any other human had ever seen. She had not only heard rumours of the Haorn, but the Garland had actually fought an unindentified Haorn vessel. The outcome was on the Garland's side, and not just due to size. The Haorn didn't have it, not compared to the Prylak.

Not compared to the reign of...the reign of chaos, that the Prylak created.

Casene's eyes were drawn, and after a moment she opened a wide wave message, that would be received even by the Azdgari, but not by the Prylak invaders, who were too far away.

"People of the Milky Way, I am Casene, a follower of Paladin. We have fought the Prylak, if not entirely successfully, and we recognise this galaxy's peril. Never underestimate them, they are the greatest foes you'll ever come across. The universe is threatened by their evil."

"My fleet is small, but it is all I have to aid you. I came with orders of a much different kind, orders I must disobey. For a mediocre fleet commander cannot understand how dangerous the Prylak are. They are more important than revenge, more important than hatred, more important than anything. Cast aside your former beliefs, for we go into battle. Together."

She was still frowning. This galaxy would never be the same again.

The Terran fleet began moving, heading towards the Zidagar system. A beacon signal followed them, so every nearby race knew where they were heading. A beacon and a short message.

"Come, my friends, and we shall discuss terms of this war."


Lance's Supernova leapt into the Azdgari system, almost undetected, where the Zachit were waiting for the Azdgari to realise the Zachit prisoners, where the Alliance Flagship was being produced.

Undetected, totally unseen, the beautifully deadly vessel swept forward, a snail's pace, towards the moon Dames. So slow did it move that not even the tiniest ripple was created in even the closest scout patrols.

An Azdara whipped past, almost coming close enough to finding it, but not quite. The Supernova continued, like a dog closing in on it's prey.

The Mercenary Alliance ships in the system was nothing Lance noticed - so intent was he on exacting revenge, that he missed it completely. Perhaps he didn't care. The dog was on the loose, and it was violent.

Metre by metre, metre by metre...


Background Developments
Eta Cassiopea - The History

Eta Cassiopea, a galaxy nestled beyond both the Milky Way and Ross 154, was once the home of a race known as the Senn. A race so powerful even the Prylak invasion fleet that attempted to defeat them - a fleet tens of thousands strong - was never seen again. The Senn defenders destroyed them, and the Senn records did not even show a battle occuring. As the Senn elder put it, "the battle was no threat to us, it need not be recorded".

To understand just what this means, you must first view the Prylak.

Ross 154 was a galaxy where millions of predators roamed. There was no balance of nature, anywhere. It was all war, fighting, fighting to survive. And when such a thing goes on so long, you get two things. One, several top predators.

And two, following the first, the Leech Races.

Nine races, the top predators in Ross 154, came up, and of course, to even exist they needed not just strong bodies, and strong minds, but slaves. They leech off the less violent races, using them to become strong, and use billions of slaves to do their bidding.

The Leech Races; the Odine, the Haorn, the Cazma, the Horrien, the Zeno, the Kalak, the Weir, the De'shou, and the Prylak, the prime of them all.

The Prylak outshadowed the others by far. As the Odine advanced socially, putting aside slavery to become an independant nation, the Haorn worked on finding the balance of the universe and molding it into weaponry, the Cazma and Horrien built temples to serve their One God, the Zeno went into serious research into hiding from their enemies, the Kalak and Weir worked on their own private projects, two races went aside from them, to prove they were real predators.

The De'shou and the Prylak, from the beginnings of their coming to power, continued fighting on, and on, and on.

The Prylak annexed the Kalak, the De'shou incinerated the Weir, the Prylak chased off the Odine, and meanwhile the De'shou took the Cazma out of the picture. Then came the showdown, between the two races.

The battle was long, lasting three years in total - one battle, one place, but no one ship went in from the start and came out at the end. At the end of it, the De'shou were annihilated.

And then the Prylak went on.

Meanwhile, the Garland and Savior, a human and a Zidagar vessel, accompanied by a small fleet, entered Ross 154 the same way the Odine had escaped.

Through all the disorder, they gathered many technologies from the Horrien and especially the Zeno, masters of deception, just before the Prylak destroyed them. Because of this, the Garland's technologies were in all sense unique, as it was a combination of Zeno and Horrien specialities.

By the time the Garland "returned", the Prylak had only one opponent left.

The Haorn.

It was the only fight they'd ever regret fighting.

Hidden inside the Wolf's Nebula, the Haorn could not be touched, yet from the time the Prylak attacked them, the Haorn fought back viciously like a cornered wolf - ironically, indeed - causing much pain to the Prylak.

The Prylak turned to other areas, to other galaxies. What happened there is mainly unknown, whether they succeeded or not no-one knows. However, when they entered Eta Cassiopea, we know they suffered one of their greatest failures.

Tens of thousands of Prylak ships, destroyed by the Senn defenders, who numbered only half a dozen, at most.

The Prylak, a race whose power seemed unstoppable, had found a race who outstripped from a thousand times over, a million, more.

However, the Senn's legend ended abruptly. The Senn, deep thinkers and psychic melders, did something spectacular. They transcended, to another plane of existance.

Or at least, so they think. Whether they really transcended or if they simply all commited suicide, none know.

Needless to say, the Prylak never dared enter Eta Cassiopea again.

The Senn are thus gone forever.


OOC: Now, now, how would everyone feel if I brought in the fact that the Prylak control 6 galaxies? Hey, hey! Put the crowbars down! I won't!



Metaphorically speaking, I'm metabolically challenged.

Mercenary Alliance Ship Count:
300 Ravens
6 Aurora Battleships
2,800 Ships Total

Mercenary Alliance Ship Production (per post):
1 Aurora Battleship per post
19 Ravens per post
30 Other Classes of ships per post
50 Ships Built Per Post


(Just recently, we have begun a large amount of research on numerous new technologies. However, even with the new research equipment we bought from the I’ase, we could still use some more research equipment to make it go faster and make it cheaper. So, we would be willing to buy approximately 15 million credits worth of research equipment, along with all information you have on Tachyon or Sub-Space Energy. Any help you could give would be appreciated.)


In the Prylak fleet, all Prylak ships that had a large cargo bay were being refitted to carry special ordinance for their final attack. The cargo bays would being modified to be able to drop either missiles, torpedoes, high explosives, or just about anything else on command. A sort of “Bomb Bay” that the Prylak could use for bombarding the planet. Since simply firing torpedoes and missiles out of the standard launchers were not fast enough, this would give the Prylak enough time to complete their mission.

Many of the ships carried firebombs; warheads that caused massive amounts of heat and fire on impact. The Prylak had already used these on several planets, turning them into massive infernos, some of which were still burning. Only 50 of these warheads could destroy a whole city. If you dropped at least 200, you could burn half a continent to the ground. Several of the Prylak Carriers in the fleet were also loaded up with some primitive nuclear weapons, which the Prylak found useful in creative longstanding consequences to the bombardment; radiation. Alongside the nukes were chemical weapons of many kinds. Some killed all plants, some caused massive burns, some created toxic fumes, and some spread special kinds of gas throughout the air. These special bombs had a very wide dispersion range, and after about 4 days, the chemicals would activate, killing anyone who had inhaled them.

During this, Lythrawn had a group of special engineers engage special modifications on his personal ship, the Dark Templar , and 6 other destroyers and carriers. No one knew what these modifications were supposed to do, except for Lythrawn, and the captains of the modified vessels.

The Prylak were ready.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 10-02-2001).)

MOD: Carnotaur, don't even try to count your credits. The figure is obscene. Galactica's figure is worse - let's just say it's in the dozens of billions and leave it at that.

Also, the Zidagar have no Tachyonic or sub-space technologies.

Metaphorically speaking, I'm metabolically challenged.

OOC: Everyone seems to be confused about my ship construction reports. Previously, they were totals, i.e. 34 Daemons total. From now on, they will be ships built in that post.

Redchigh, we may have to delay the cloak installation, for reasons in my message below.


(From Sa'amo Vaten, Nedra)
(To BattleDoctor, RMA, Yoo Oe, Lance, Rima, REDchigh, Carnotaur, Sisay)

I know that all of you have tensions against another race. I realize that fighting sometimes breaks out. However, you must realize that to defeat the Prylak, we cannot have fighting between us. We must band together into a true alliance of worlds, sharing technologies and secrets with each other. If we use the best of our combined weapons and ships, we can together drive off the Prylak. I propose a meeting held on Nedra, or any other place you all find convenient. I await your response.

(message ends)

There. Hopefully that would do it, to get them to agree with each other. In the meantime, The Q'an cloak would have to wait...but that was a small price to pay for a real alliance. Vaten eagerly waited for the other leaders' answers...

Title: Kavu
Time till completion: 1 post

6 Daemons per post
2 shipyards being built on Keld: 4 posts

"My mind is like a steel trap: rusty and illegal in 37 states." -- forge


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**MOD: Carnotaur, don't even try to count your credits. The figure is obscene. Galactica's figure is worse - let's just say it's in the dozens of billions and leave it at that.

Also, the Zidagar have no Tachyonic or sub-space technologies.

OOC: You could be a little less hostile in the way you said it...

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

"Mats, I want a ship that can fire while cloaked. Yes, I realize how much time this will take."

"Good, sir. I can either do this with an improved cloak, or a larger power core."

"I'd prefer both. We don't really have anything else to do right now, just wait for the Prylak. Oh, and I want a new primary weapon for the ship that will use this technology. Antiparticle blasters."

"This day isn't starting off so well, suddenly," Mats complained. "It will take months for all this work you're demanding to be completed. Oh well, did you want a new ship, also?"

"I have schematics for a variant of the Daemon--" Vaten was cut off by Mats' screaming.

"DAEMON? Are you out of your mind? The amount of work we'd need to do to let that ship fire under cloak is colossal! You didn't get this idea yourself, did you?"

"Actually, no, I didn't. Tsak got the idea. You don't have to go into hysterics, you know."

"When I find Tsak, I'm gonna--"

"Enough, Mats. Do your complaining later. I am asking for this: new primary, new cloak, new power core, variant of a ship we already have. Do it."

"Yes, sir," Mats grumbled.


Title: Light bending cloak -- this is a variant of the technology used by the Phantom.
Time till completion: 5 posts

5 Daemons constructed
Shipyards: 3 posts

"My mind is like a steel trap: rusty and illegal in 37 states." -- forge

The Hera around the Nedra loses it's patience, and goes back to the Silverstone.

::msg to: Rima of the Zidigar::
(highly encrypted)
Rima, I know there's no chance of an alliance between our peoples, but I propose that we make a non-aggression pact, to stay neutral to each other. Send a representative over if you agree.

REDchigh looks out into the Silverstone's hollow interior and smiles. The Ship count is growing steadily, soon the Q'an will once again be formidable....

The Galactica shipyards continues working on fighters non-stop
The Silverstone is mass producing Herras, 14.
Silverstone Base:
Construction:6 (more) heras (2 posts),
(next constructions: 6 zeus (10 posts) and two olympus, (8 posts))

Galactica Fighter Shipyard:
Construction:both classes of fighter.
Built so far:12 pegasus and 6 corsairs
(every few posts I'll add a total ship tally. Here's the first.)
Ship Total:
12(/30) Pegasus Light Fighters
6 (/20 Corsair Heavy Fighters
10(/12) Hera Class Destroyers
0(/6) Zeus Cruisers
0(/2) Olympus Flagships

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

As soon as BattleDoctor heard about the Terrans' beacon, he knew he had to go to Zidagar. He didn't have the time or the resources to fight anyone except the Prylak right now, and this all had to be resolved. "Have my BattleCruiser, the G.E.S. Clipper, be readied for departure. I'm going to Zidagar."

Within an hour, the Clipper departed from Galactica Prime. Accompanying it was the Emperor's personal escort fleet, made up of 4 BattleCruisers, 10 Carriers, 10 Battle Frigates, and 1 Scout Frigate. The Clipper itself was heavily modified, sporting extra weaponry, specialized shields, extra Point Defense systems, and a specialized scattering field array. It was an impressive ship.

As BattleDoctor hyperspaced towards the Zidagar system, he sent a message to the other rulers.

(Message, Delta-2 encrypted)
To: Qan, I'ase, MA, Zachit, Zidagar, and Azdgari
From: BattleDoctor, Galactica

I am headed towards Zidagar, as was requested by the Terrans to discuss the current conflict. I would advise all of you to head there as well.

(End Message)

"It's pretty hairy in there sir, it's Charlie's point!"
"Charlie don't surf!"
Apocalypse Now
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

Zidagar system

A lone jump point opened up to reveal the glory of hues that was hyperspace. From it lept a single Lazria, which bore no visible weaponry save for two cannons and a pursuit launcher. Closer scans revealed two emttiers which bore sionic energy readouts, indicating whitefire emmiters. The sensor cloak was down and weapons were uncharged yet shields were up. The readings of the ship indicated a Zacha IFF code; indeed it held one person whom had not been seen since the Battle of F-25.

Hawk Kael sat in the command chair of the Lazria, his hand working the command console. He opened a channel to Zidagar Command and said, "This is Captain Kael of Z.A.S. Kisal here to see to the meeting that the Terran Casene had called. While I'm not as open minded about this as some others, I do agree that we should work together. I would also be gratifying to be working with Paladin's people. I would seem to owe it to him. Kisal out."

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

The MA representative on Dames picked up some new design schematics then headed off to his ship, the Repulse. The Raven took off gracefully and then sped towards the MA fleet, which had moved a little closer to Dames.

As the representative sat in his captains chair, he barely noticed the small ripple of the Terran Supernova slowly cruising forward...


The research on the Ion Dampeners was completed, and all ships in MA space put into port at one time or another to be upgraded with the new technology. Ships from the main MA fleet had to do it themselves without a port.

Research then commenced on the DWEM (Distance Weapons Energy Modulation) Device; A device which modulates the amount of energy put into the weapons to change the range and firepower of the weapons. Energy is modulated to allow for greater range but less power sometimes, and other times with less range but much improved firepower. It was fairly simple, and would only take a week or so (2 posts) to complete.

Meanwhile, the refit on the shipyards was nearily completion. Already most of the shipyards had their refits finished and were up and running. Only two or three more had to be fixed.

Another version of the Raven was designed, this one with an improved power core (which allowed for more emergency and standard power to all systems) and a new shield system which slightly improved the ships regeneration rates. This accompanied an enhancement for the Bladerunner Fighter, which now had much improved shield regeneration, greater speed and turning, and a new firing system.

Research has begun on designing a ship similar to the Raven, but smaller, more compact, and utilizing a new experimental cloaking device that the MA hope to start researching soon. The new ship will be called the “Specter” Class Assault Frigate, and have some interesting weapon systems and technologies.

Title: Ion Dampeners

Title: DWEM Device
ETA: 2 Posts

Time till completion of Shipyard Refit: 1 posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
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