Reign of Chaos 2 - Chapter III


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
But, whatever.

Terran numbers: 14, around
Qan numbers: 8, around
Zidagar numbers: 600, around
Azdgari numbers: 2500, around


Of course we wont attack anyone until our fleets are built up, and im thinking if we work together, our shipbuilding should go faster, when we share resorces...

Silverstone has been mostly hollowed out, and had air filters intsalled, and been filled with oxygen, so it is now able to support life (just barely), but the civilians have already gotten to work at building a ore refinery to process the asteroids, and the two corsairs have already been sent out to scout and mine an ore-rich asteroid in-system.

Shipyard- 2/4 posts

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

-Message to Q'an Command-
-From Galactica Command-
5 construction ships have been sent to help you. They are also towing a small shipyard along, to allow you to build smaller ships, such as fighters, right away.
-Message Ends-

-Message to Terran Colony-
-From Galactica Command-
When the Prylak forces have been dealt with, Galactica would like to talk with you about the Azdgari, and your relations with them. If you require any help until then, please reply.
-Message Ends-
The improved Frigate is ready for use, although the Scout version of the Frigate is going to take a bit longer, since the scattering field is being tuned and enhanced for it specifically.

The Cluster missle is great at tearing ships apart when their shields are down, but it is very bulky, mainly due to the seperate warheads that split off and then accellerate to great speeds. If the engines used for the final attack run are replaced with grav drivers however, the size can be reduced considerably, without reducing the hitting power. It will take some time to work out all the details however, but the final product will allow it to be launched faster, more missles to be carried as well, and allow the new Frigate to carry it even easier if needed.


MOD: I repeat, only GNN signals are received by the Terran Colony. Their attack force is unnoticed, for now.

Metaphorically speaking, I'm metabolically challenged.

Emperor Yoo Oe himself met the Zidagar, Zachit and Mercenary Alliance engineers on Dames.

"Friends, today we begin work on the Alliance Flagship, a weapon designed to defend us against Galactica, a race who we all know will seek to destroy and annex us all," Yoo Oe began.

"However, something in the name of the ship, you may have recognised."

"When the Zacha came, they mentioned 'Alliance project', not 'Alliance Flagship project'. Well, friends Zacha, you were more correct than you could imagine," Yoo Oe smiled. "I suggest that our mighty races bind together to form that Alliance, the Alliance Flagship as their lead ship."

"For fish stand more chance in groups than alone, and the shark will soon finish on it's meal the Prylak. We must be ready!"

"So, I ask you, send word to your leaders, and tell them of what I have said. Let us hope we can truly form together, into a new, strong nation."

"For now, however, let us begin on the Alliance Flagship."


The frame of the Galactica Dreadnought had been noted, and now the first one was being modified, to make the first Alliance Flagship.

Plans were being gathered, and each race present had a representitive to suggest which of their technologies should be incorporated into the Alliance Flagship.

Also, word was sent to the I'ase, asking if they would attend.

Metaphorically speaking, I'm metabolically challenged.

REDchigh is delighted when the Galactica shipyard arrives. The Construction ships are sent to finish mining on the asteroid nearby, and the fighters dock back with the hera. REDchigh also decides to set the silverstone shipyard to build 9 heras and 5 zeus' first, then begin work on the standard qan ship to strike fear into the entire galaxy... the mighty OLYMPUS! 😉

msg to: Galactica.
From: REDchigh of the Q'an.
Thank you much for the shipyard and contruction ships, the Q'an need all the help we can get before we attack the Adzgari.
:end message:

The Galactica mobile shipyard immediatly begins producing Q'an fighters.
Silverstone shipyard construction- 1/4 posts.

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

The MA representative looked over the latest designs for the Alliance flagship. He sent them back to MA space to see if the engineers there could think up anything to help improve the design.

Meanwhile, 12 Ravens and 38 other support vessels were stationed on the edges of the Azdgari system. The MA weren't really worried about anyone attacking, at least thats what they said to everyone else. The MA were worried, and somewhat paranoid. The Prylak were running amuk, tensions between the Azdgari and Terrans were sure to arise, and the MA never trusted their Qan neighboors. Scorcher and Firebird were even pushing for Carnotaur to attack and destroy the Qan now and get it over with. Carnotaur had refused, but he did send a message to Rima about the matter...


(Rima, it has come to my attention that you are helping the Qan alot recover. I have no real problem with this, however; if I feel that the Qan are a threat or will be a threat to the MA, I will destroy them. And if you get in my way, I'm sorry to say but I will attack you as well. I don't trust the Qan, and right now this is what i must do to protect the Mercenary Alliance. Carnotaur out.)


After this, the MA fleet headed out to Neeg. They would stop there, then head out to Zidagar.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Rima read over all her messages. The Qan urging her to strike the Azdgari, the MA warning her against the Qan, and then the scientists giving her a splandid little report. She looked sadly at the Qans message. Before she would have considered it but now, the Azdgari had lent her a planet full of Shipyards, in which ships were being built at top speed.

She smiled softly at the Carnotaurs message, slightly amused, since soon the Qan might take her as an enemy or at least a neutral. She needed the Azdgari's help, and with this new ship of theirs, they might have a chance of getting a few of her planets back.

She considered what too say, and first she sent a message to the Qan, to explain their reasons.
Message sequence engaged
To: The Qan
From: Rima of the Zidagar
I'm sorry to say this, but We cannot strike against the Azdgari. Horrible things they have done, but so have many races. We are also accepting aid from them. They help us, we help them. We cannot ally against them. And if you battle against them, and they ask us, we may have to battle against you. We will not fight you mif we do not have too, but we cannot backstab the Azdgari.
end message sequence

She sighed. Hopefully the Qan wouldn't decide to try against the Azdgari soon. She regretted that she and the Qan couldn't still be allies, but now it was almost impossible. She composed a message to Carnotaur explaining there would be no need for them to battle.

begin message sequence
To: Carnotaur of the Mercenary Alliance
From: Rima of the Zidagar
Do not worry about us and the Qan. If you battle the Qan, we won't get in the way. Because of recent devolopments, The Qan and the Zidagar are no longer on very friendly terms. If you destroy them, we will not get in the way, and unless the Qan declare war on us, neither will we help.
end message sequence

She sighed again. Hopefully, the Qan would not declare war against them, and they would accept she was allied with the Azdgari. She reviewed the Alliance Flagship plans and smiled. It would be a nice ship.

She sent a small message to her scientits and engineers to not hold anything back. They were a wandering race with no home, they didn't have the luxury to hold anything back.

Of course Women don't work as hard as men....They do it right the first time.
My AIM is Rima17456

(This message has been edited by Rima (edited 09-30-2001).)


Originally posted by Rima:
Message sequence engaged
To: The Qan
From: Rima of the Zidagar
I'm sorry to say this, but We cannot strike against the Zidagar....

Hmmmm Rima? maybe you should edit that..

IC: The Qan get the message from the Zidigar... and they curse... there just HAS to be yet another enemy, doesn't there? Ah well, the Zidigar will be taken care of in good time, the Adzgari are the primary targets. The Qan decides to send a short message to the Zids....
::message to: Rima::
From: Q'an
Rima, neutrality will be greatly appreciated, please let us at least keep our element of suprise, you will not my prosecuted by the Adzgari, for they will not know that you held back info, and I know there is still some hatred left from the centuries of strand wars.
:End Message:

Finally! The Silvewrstone is complete, and has begun processing the Ore! The Galactica shipyard has already made two light fighters, and now the silverstone begins mass producing both heavy fighters and heras...

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

Sojin looked at the plans of the new Alliance Flagship and rubbed his left arm. It seemed that nothing was there, but indeed there was. Had anyone been at F-25 when Galactica soldiers tried the innital overrun of the Garland and the weapon that Hawk Kael had used, one of similar design was worn by Commander Sojin. There were very few of them, and only privlaged few knew how to make them or even dared to use them. Sojin had been one of the top five people sent to Dames because he knew better then anyone the workings of whitefire technology.

He looked up at the Azdgari scientist who worked near him and said, "We could place a whitefire emmiter at these three points. Also it could be posible to increse shield effiency by placing multi-layered emmiters at these eight points." Sojin pointed at the holo-image and the places he had specified glowed white and green. "I would include a sensor cloak on this ship, but that technology is fast becoming outdated." He looked at the Azdgari and smiled, then went on making more suggestions.

Sisay sat in his office aboard the Mira, hot coffee on his desk and reports stacked up high. The Ragnorak was coming along fine with the help of I'ase aid and as new ships were being built, cloaking technology was being implemented. Reports came in on the progress of Sirabor and Stror colonies. It was in all simply boring, other then the fact that he took pride in the Ragnorak's recovery.

Sisay took a sip of his coffee and took up another report, this one from the relocated Zacha R&D; department, which was temporarly assigned to a Falcon cruiser. He was about to throw it aside when he caught something. With a new intrest he looked it over and saw it was a new idea and blueprint for a weapon.

It was called a pulse cannon, which was capable of firing bursts of plasma and sionic energy that could deal good amounts of damage. It would be a bit slow like that of an old Voinian neutron cannon. However it would go a good deal of distance and as such was a good thing to research fully. He tapped his desk computer and opened a channel to the Falcon Discovery. "Doctor Javer, you have permission to work on the new pulse cannons..."

Somewhere in MA space, a lone destroyer sat on patrol. The crew was weary and ready for R&R; at Emalghia. The captain sat in his quarters, off duty for the night. She was reading up on the latest events when the ship shook with force. She dropped the pad and garbbed her com unit. "Bridge what is going on up there?"

There was a response from her XO. "We're under attack, captain! The ship just came out of nowhere and our sensors are having trobule picking up on its IFF code or even the ship itself. Wait, we got something. Oh dear lor..."

There was nothing more to say as the MA destroyer was hit one last time and was blasted into a burning debirs. Few lifepods were launched and the only sight they saw was a vanishing image of a sleek black ship jumping to hyperspace. The crew had managed to get some damage in, but their destroyer had become a burning hulk.

When a MA scout would pick up a distress signal and come to the rescue, they would find traces of weapons reisdue on the debris of the destroyer. It was sionic in orgin and only one weapon used sionic energy that was known of: whitefire cannons.

7 Falcons
8 Sedrans
20 aradas/fighters

Project Name: Pulse cannon/turret
Project Class: weaponry
Time til completion: 5 posts

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

MOD: Gah, can no-one be conformative about their alliances? <smiles> Zacha attacking MA now... I think we need a filter.


Emperor Yoo Oe heard the report from the Mercenary Alliance, and swore.

"I can't put up with wars between us. If the Zacha are attacking the Mercenary Alliance, they go," Emperor Yoo Oe assured the M.A scientists.

"It seems no-one gives a damn about the Alliance...well, I hope you care, because we both have enemies, and we need help against them. Would you be so kind as to relay a message now to your leader, that I want an alliance?"

The Zacha scientists on Dames suddenly found themselves surrounded and apprehended, and were taken down to a prison sector of Dames, until "galactic wide problems could be clarified".

Metaphorically speaking, I'm metabolically challenged.

::msg to:Galactia ::
::From:REDchigh, galactica portable shipyard, based in orbit around the silverstone::
Greetings. I have heard about your years of war against Adzgari, and I, as a Q'an, know that the hatred is still there. I know you do not propose to be allied with the Adzgari forever. I am asking you for an alliance, to help annihalate the Adzgari. If you refuse, I'm begging you not to tell the Adzgari. we (qan) have to have the element of suprise.
::end message::


The Galactica shipyards continues working on fighters non-stop
The Silverstone is mass producing Herras, 8 in all, already built one.
Construction:7 heras left
built so far: 1
Construction:both classes of fighter.
Built so far:3 pegasus and 1 corsair

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 09-30-2001).)

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 09-30-2001).)

Sisay stood in the holodeck of the Mira, shaking his head. He had heard of the attacks of the ships by this 'unknown' ship. GNN had put a brief explanation about this on the air, and Sisay had figured it out only a few hours ago. The ship was a Sedran cruiser, one of the first to be built. It had been stolen by a Zacha captain who had deemed all other governments to be unpure. The captain however was predictable: it was time to put an end to it. He had estimated the next system the ship would appear in and the Zacha would be ready.

Kitrak system

A Galactica frigate was patroling the Kitrak system, or so it seemed. This had been by reports a flagship for them. A jump point opened up and from it jumped a sleek black ship with her weapons charged. The crew were loyalists to the Zacha, and deemed all others not under their banner unpure. The captain's crew were loyal to him and him alone. Too bad it had to end, well at least in their eyes.

As the Sedran fired the whitefire beams at the frigate, the frigate wavered and vanished. It had been a drone fit with holo-emitters; it had been a trap. And it was too late.

Three vessels shimmered into veiw, all of them Falcons. They possesed more fire power then one Sedran and their fighters gave them an edge. The battle was short and simple; no Sedran could stand against a Falcon and win. The Sedran was disabled, boarded and commendered with little reistance. After that it was attached with grapples and the four ships were into hyperspace and headed towards Emalghion.

An Echo destroyer jumped into the Azdgari system, her weapons down and targeting sensors offline. Her captain hailed the moon of Dames and a voice spoke up. "This is the Zacha ship Avalon to Dames. We come with the knowledge that you hold our people against their will. Release them and we will depart. If that is not the case, then we can wait for a very long time."

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

-Message To Q'an Command:REDchigh-
-From Galactica Command:RMA-
The Azdgari are currently leaving us alone, and we have no intention of fighting with them until the Prylak are dealt with. When the Prylak are dealt with however, we believe they will attack. We will enter into an alliance with you. We would appreciate anything you could give us.
-Message Ends
The cluster missle has been upgraded to use a Grav.Engine. While it hasnt reduced the size of it, it has increased its hitting power and range.

Work has been started on a new project, encompassing many things. It will not be ready for a very long time, but the groundwork is being layed. The project name is Ghost Rider.(NOTE:I'm just posting this for groundwork)


REDchigh reads the message from galactica and smiles. He orders one of the newest hera's to take a nuclear core, and a ton of gluons (carefully now!) to the edge of galactica. RED also sends RMA a msg...
::message to: RMA::
From: REDchigh of the Qan
RMA, I welcome an alliance. I wish for you to send a few scientists up here to silverstone to research uses for my gluons. I cannot send them to you because they are so volotile.
:end message:

The Galactica shipyards continues working on fighters non-stop
The Silverstone is mass producing Herras, 8 in all, already built one.
Construction:6 heras left
built so far: 2
Construction:both classes of fighter.
Built so far:6 pegasus and 2 corsairs

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

Colonel Mavrose slept in his bed, taking a short nap now that his battlesquad was back from patrol. Suddenly, there was a loud blaring alert sound, and a lieutenant rushed in. "What the heck is going on?" Mavrose yelled, getting up.

"MA Fleet Command sir! They just put the entire fleet on alert! All alerted battlesquads are to report to all border systems! We're to move out in 2 hours! The main MA fleet under Carnotaur's command has also been alerted and is heading towards Stror to have a word with the Zachit."

As Mavrose walked towards the bridge of his Raven, his second-in-command breifed him on the situation. All of the MA fleet was on alert, and no non-MA ship was to enter MA space without a close inspection and scan. All Qan vessels were forbidden from entering MA space, and the all captains were advised to use all necissary force to follow their orders.


A squadron of Ravens (9 ships) suddenly decloaked around the three Falcons and their Sedran captive. "Zachit ships, this is the MA Raven Warlord. We have been ordered to escort you to MA space. Do not resist."


The MA fleet burst into the Stror system, guns armed, shields power. They advanced towards the planet. "Zacha High Command, this is Chancellor Carnotaur of the Mercenary Alliance. I suggest you explain yourself and why your vessels, renegade or not, have been firing on the MA."


The MA representative on Dames looked over the report from the MA engineering corps. So far, they had come up with numerous ship structural design improvements, as well as some other small ideas for armor and shields. The MA also suggested a multi-power core system, in which instead of one single main power core, there would be something like 4 different power cores, 2 of them capable of easily powering the Alliance Flagship on their own. Each generator would also be capable of being ejected in case of a possible explosion, and would be protected by 4 layers of heavy armor. The idea also called for a similar plan for the shield generators; 8 different shield generators across the ship, each with regenerative capabilities and protected by 3 layers of armor.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 09-30-2001).)

The lead Falcon opened a channel to the MA squadron and her captain said, "Mercenary fleet, this is Delta Fleet. We acknowledge your request and will comply. We also have a present for you. I would believe a Zacha fleetcraft was responisble for the destruction of two of your destroyers. We have crew and ship in custody and ready to hand them over to you for trial. Delta out." With that the link was cut and the Falcons macthed course with the Ravens.

Sisay walked onto the bridge of his ship and saw what had dragged him from his bed. The fleet of the Merc Alliance was in Commonwealth space, weapons armed. When he heard the message from Carnotaur he ordered full alert.

All Zacha vessels in space settled around the MA fleet, weapons armed and targeting scanners locked on. A link was opened from the Mira to Carnotaur's vessel. Sisay stood on his bridge, face red with anger. "MA ships, you have entered Commonwealth terriotory with weapons powered. This is a blantant violation of our laws and it would be considered an act of war. Right now, I don't have to even think twice about ordering open fire on you, but for past sakes, I will oversee this incident. As for demanding, don't ever do so at the end of a charged weapon in my space. If you want answers do it in person, otherwise get the hell out of Stror and stay out. Mira out!"

The channel went dead, but the Zacha ships were still about the MA forces, waiting for their next move. It would be in all consideration like a standout.

7 Falcons
8 Sedrans
20 aradas/fighters

Project Name: Pulse cannon/turret
Project Class: weaponry
Time til completion: 4 posts

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

High Admiral Fera's fleet of over 8,000 ships, including several hundred BattleCruisers, was currently in the system of Namer, just one system away from Commonwealth space in Stror. "All ships," said Fera flatly, "Jump Attack Formation JA-9. Prepare jump engines and fire on my mark."

The Fleet assembled into formation, and their engines began to glow a bright blue-green as the engines powered up. When all the ships were ready, High Admiral Fera said, "Now!" In an instant, the system was empty and the ships were in hyperspace, heading at full speed for their surprise attack on Stror.

With a bright flash of light, the fleet entered the Stror system. The formation was disrupted as anti-collision systems engaged, but the ships began their attack anyway. Myriad missiles streaked towards the Zacha ships as BattleCruisers launched missile pods and Fighters scrambled from Carriers. The attack on the Zachit had begun.


The Battle Frigate has been completed, and the improved Cluster Missile has been integrated into the design. It is much faster, much more maneuverable, slightly more powerful, and better shielded and armored than the previous version. Production of the old Frigates has stopped, and Battle Frigates are being made part of the Galactica Fleet.

The Scout Frigate is nearly completed, amd all that is left to be done is the custom Scattering Field.

"It's pretty hairy in there sir, it's Charlie's point!"
"Charlie don't surf!"
Apocalypse Now

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 09-30-2001).)

Carnotaur was, needless to say, enraged at the Zachit. He was even more astonished when the Galactica fleet entered and opened fire on the Zachit. Carnotaur decided that the best thing, at the moment, would be to back off a bit and only help later on.


Lythrawn turned to Captain Tratheck. "Tratheck, take a battlesquadron to DSN-2131. Evade the patrols as much as possible, destroy the outpost there, then get back here. Our scans indicate that a Galactica fleet just engaged another alien government in Stror, so they should be fairly preoccupied. You'll also have a nice head start on them. Good luck."

The Prylak battlegroup (4,000 ships) broke off from the main fleet and headed instantly towards DSN-2131. Evading or destroying the patrols, the Prylak fleet moved quickly. When they finally arrived at DSN-2131, they wasted no time in opening fire in a murderous hail of gunfire and torpedoes. As the Galactica defense fleet fled, the Prylak opened fire on The Rock. Within moments, the defense field had fallen and as asteroids smashed into the outpost, weapons fire continued to be poured into it. Soon, nothing was left but rubble.

Tratheck quickly turned back, using a different route to confuse any pursuing ships, and soon rejoined the main Prylak fleet. When he met Admiral Lythrawn, the admiral grinned. "Very good. Now they'll think that the Prylak are still in the North Tip Area. That should give us enough of a window of opportunity to move in and make our final strike."


Meanwhile, the MA research department had been working on several new technology ideas. The first of which was to be implimented was an Ion Dampener system which would completely mask the engine trail of a ship, rendering it untracable.

Title: Ion Dampeners
ETA: 3 posts

Time till completion of Shipyard Refit: 4 posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 10-01-2001).)

a lone hera jumps into Galactica space, and hails voinia.
"We are ready to take your scientists to Silverstone, for the 'Gluon Project'."

A hera, 4 pegasus, and two corsairs jump into the Nedra's system, and hails the Nedra. "We are rready to escort you to Silverstone for your Energy Cloak. Dont forget the Trade"

OOC: Note to Esponer:
I have a shipyard planet built, does that justify a place on the map? I'll remind you (bug you) when I see you on AIM...
The Galactica shipyards continues working on fighters non-stop
The Silverstone is mass producing Herras, 8 in all, already built one.
Construction:4 heras left
built so far: 4
Construction:both classes of fighter.
Built so far:8 pegasus and 3 corsairs

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 10-01-2001).)

High Admiral Kwer sat on the bridge of her BattleCruiser, looking very perturbed. Fera had taken her fleet, and now she was stuck here in Blaga with a mere 500 ships. As she idly twirled her hat on her finger, the communications officer said, "We've got a priority message coming in from Qerid."

"Put it on screen." ordered Kwer blandly.

A panicked looking Voinian appeared on the viewscreen, "The Prylak have attacked, Admiral!" he yelled. "They attacked The Rock, with about 4,000 ships."

Kwer cursed, then cut the commlink as the Voinian ran off somewhere away from his communications unit. "It's pointless to send any ships... They'd be gone before we got there." She looked to her communications officer and continued, "Inform DSN-1154 that we'll be arriving shortly. Tell them I need 2,000 ships in system. It's a shame to abandon the North Tip, but it's too sparsely settled to be denfensible. The capital must be protected at all costs."

"It's pretty hairy in there sir, it's Charlie's point!"
"Charlie don't surf!"
Apocalypse Now