Reign of Chaos 2 - Chapter III

The Prylak fleet continued to battle the Galactica fleet. However, in the midst of the chaos, a lone Prylak carrier, loaded with 14 nuclear warheads, screamed towards Galactica Prime. In a massive ball of fire, the Prylak vessel rammed the striken station, setting off a chain reaction which knocked the primary reactor offline, as well as the massive fusion beam. As a few extra generators tried to kick in, the Prylak barrage continued as damage vessels continued to ram the station.

Meanwhile, an outer ring of Prylak vessels fought outward to try and stop the barrage of missile fire. By firing nuclear warheads into a group of ships, and then detonating them, they were able to annihilate whole hoards of vessels.


Construction continued at high speeds in all MA shipyards. Apparently the MA were gearing up for something, but no one really knew what yet. Admiral Scorcher was assembling his own strike fleet of about 800 vessels total at the moment, with many more in construction.

In addition to that, research was commenced on Nanoprobe Hull Plating; Hull plating which can be quickly regenerated by billions of tiny robots which either repair the hull armor themselves or become part of the armor themselves. Quicker than standard armor repair work, and much simpler than putting into port to be repaired. This would give the MA a considerable advantage in combat, and would eliminate almost entirely the need to put into port to be repaired. The research will take 4 posts (or 5 posts in the mods think that 4 is a little too short).

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Tensions were starting to form in the I'ase government. Some supported Galactica, in its apparent quest to conquer the galaxy. Others detested it, and supported the Alliance of the MA, Adzgari, and Zachit. Still others wanted to remain completely independent, and didn't give a damn what happened to the two major forces.

Vaten, for one, was on none of the three sides. He supported a full-fledged alliance against the Prylak, with every race included. He firmly believed that it was the only way the Milky Way could survive. Most of the other Councilmembers, with the notable exception of P'rek, supported the Alliance. P'rek, power hungry as he was, favored Galactica.


Vaten wondered what was taking Red so long. He ordered squadrons of Phantoms out of Nedra, to investigate the system...

Title: Drone fighters
ETA: 5 posts

14 Daemons built

OOC: I don't really know what forces are in the Alliance, so if I was wrong, someone tell me. Vaten is going to die. I don't know when, and as of now I don't know how. But it will happen.

"I may detest what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

REDchigh is overjoyed when the I'ase jump into the system. Cargo drones quickly rise from the planet with the plans, and bring the I'ase plans back to the Silverstone.

::msg to: I'ase Nedra::
I'm sure if you focus to the edge of the system you'll notice my glorious flagship- the Olympus. as soon as my fleet is outfitted, I'm going to send the bulk of it to the Warzone to help galactica. It's firepower is excellent but it wont hold up to the Prylak weopons. Can you wait? The Silverstone is at your disposal to help outfit your ships, Can you wait and let us make a coordinated assualt?

Ship production halts and the outfitting of the ships with the I'ase cloaks is started. Just the Zeus' and olympus are outfitted with the wormhole Generaters, and the outfitting should be done by next post...

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

Klaxons sounded all over the massive station, Galacitca Prime. The areas where the hull hadn't yet been compromised were filled with government and military personnel, heading towards the docking bays. One person, however, was not rushing towards the docking bays. Rear Admiral Rannaf, a Voinian officer hardened by years of combat experience both in space and planetside, pushed against the throng of scared people, heading for the station's auxiliary command station.

Almost at the center of the spherical station, the auxiliary command center was a place where important officers could retreat to if the station's hull integrity was damaged. The auxiliary command center had it's own power system, shields, and armor. As Rannar opened the heavy blast doors and stepped inside the large main room of the command center, High Admiral V'narei, an old Igadzra, looked up from a command terminal and asked, "What took you so long?"

Rannar leaned against a file cabinet to catch his breath, then replied, "Communications were knocked out in sections G through Q. Hell, I don't even know if section H is still there. Anyway, I had to send some troops to do the job."

"I assume you carried out my orders?"

"Yes, sir. All I-class documents are gone, on the evac freighters. I found some engineers to rig the power systems like you specified."

"Good," said High Admiral V'narei, not even looking up from his work at the terminal. "Those bastards have knocked out the R1 power core, but AR cores 3 through 10 are still working. We should be able to pull this off, still."

Rannaf paused for a few seconds, thinking back on his long and decorated career in the Voinian, and more recently Galactica, armed forces. Then he said, "Good, sir. We're all ready when you are, all personnel non-essential to this are off the station."


The Shields officer typed away at his console, switching shield layers as the G.E.S. Vorik took a Prylak weapons burst head on. The situation was grim... the Prylak fleet's stunt with the warheads had hit the Galactica defense forces hard. High Admiral Fera collected himself and tried to look presentable as a message came in from the station.

High Admiral V'narei appeared onscreen looking extremely serious. "Get your forces a good distance away from the station," he ordered, not wasting any time.

"But... V'narei, we can't do that. Kwer and I need to defend the station! We can't pull back!" replied Fera.

"Just do it, Fera. We don't have the time to argue."

Fera looked at the Igadzra for a while, thinking. Though officially the two were the same rank, V'narei had been in military service for much longer than Fera had. Fera eventually backed down, and said, "Yes, my friend. Good luck to you, and farewell."

High Admiral V'narei nodded, and cut the connection. He looked over to Read Admiral Rannaf. "Too late to go back now, Rannaf. Do it."


As the Galactica Fleet pulled away from the station, the Prylak fleet began to close in on it. More ships began to ram the station, and as a particularly large wave of suicide ships closed in, the station disappeared into a huge burst of white light. View enhancement systems on the Galactica Fleet darkened the windows of all the ships as a light brighter than a sun illuminated the fleet. When it cleared, a huge number of the Prylak ships had been incinerated.

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

The Nedra's sensors focused on the edge of DSN-2791, and indeed, there was the Olympus. Quite a massive ship it was, far larger than anything except Nedra itself.

Technicians swarmed onto Nedra to start installing the radiation cloak. Likewise, I'ase techs were busy installing their cloaks on Q'an ships, including the Olympus.

The Council had deemed that 142 Daemons was enough for now, and that I'ase shipyards could once again start making all types of ships. Daemons would still be produced, but in smaller amounts (3-5 per post).

Title: Drone fighters
ETA: 4 posts

"I may detest what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

The Prylak fleet (which really wasn't so damaged by the explosion, they had been ordered to stay as far away from it as possible), now that the station was out of their way, threw the full force of their mighty firepower against the Galactica fleet.

As Prylak quantum torpedoes and trans-phasic missiles flew through space, Prylak warships ganged up on Galactica warships and took them down one by one. The Prylak had been specially trained to create large amounts of confusion and chaos in the enemy fleet while keeping a very organized attack force in their own fleet. This worked well while fighting in a large fleet battle, which gave the Prylak a very large advantage.

Whenever the Galactica fleet amassed a defense line, the Prylak simply fired one or two nukes into it or detonated some other kind of large explosion, which destroyed a lot of ships. Then they charged it with a large force of ships, wiping it out and keeping Galactica forces from organizing a stable defensive or offensive position.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Rima looks out gravely at space and sighs. All there ships were wandering around. It was time for the fleet to all be in one place. She sent a few key messages to the diffrent leaders of the regiments of the fleet. With a sigh, she ordered Savior and the rest of the Zidagar fleet to Tollb. They needed all there ships in one place, and it was better for them to be where they were being built. She sighed and wondered deeply if her race would ever be alright again.

OOC: Asriel, you forgot to mention the Zidagar in the Alliance.

Of course Women don't work as hard as men....They do it right the first time.
My AIM is Rima17456

double post, keep scrolling down

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 10-15-2001).)

OOC: Really, Carno, that's a very difficult to believe post. You are trying your hardest to destroy the station, sending ships ramming into it, and yet the bulk of your fleet has been told to keep their distance? Nobody's weapons have that kind of range, not far enough to be attacking the station and still survive the explosion. Bah. Also, since when did you have these nukes? I don't recall you ever having them before this battle.

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)


Originally posted by BattleDoctor:
OOC: Really, Carno, that's a very difficult to believe post. You are trying your hardest to destroy the station, sending ships ramming into it, and yet the bulk of your fleet has been told to keep their distance? Nobody's weapons have that kind of range, not far enough to be attacking the station and still survive the explosion.

Simple explanation; I said that they were ordered to "Keep as far away as possible". That means to stay as far away from it as you can while still being able to fire on the station. But eh, I guess it really doesn't matter.


Originally posted by BattleDoctor:
**Bah. Also, since when did you have these nukes? I don't recall you ever having them before this battle.

Lythrawn saw no need to use them beforehand. Besides, who says I can't just come to the Milky Way with them in the first place? Or maybe the refugees brought them? Or maybe I mined enough uranium from the planets I breifly held to build a few nukes. Also not that a lot of the explosives I use are instead just power cores rigged up to explode.


Meanwhile, deep in the Proxima Nebula, the Prylak refugees had set up a small colony on Selhara, a planet they discovered hidden deep within the Proxima nebula, hidden even more than S-570. The Prylak refugees then set up a series of sub-space disruption nodes to keep their system sealed off from anyone else.

OOC: I did that to simply get the Prylak refugees out of RoC 2 and RoC 3. No one can find them, and no one can do anything about or to them.


The MA fleet speeded through hyperspace on their way to the Galactica system. However, Carnotaur soon ran into a major problem; he ran into the 100 ships that Lythrawn had sent out to divert the Galactica fleet. Though they would normally not be a problem, the MA were forced to give chase to the meager Prylak fleet, drawing them away from Galactica Prime...


Title: Nanoprobe Hull Plating
ETA: 4 posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Sisay looked grim as he stood before the council and the govenernors of both Sirabor and Stror. As acting leader, he gave final orders and could overrule the Council's decisions at a whim. Yet this deceisision had also been sanctioned by Hawk Kael as well, and it was one that they had not come to lightly.

With a clear tone he spoke. Years of command experince had honed his patience and calm. "You are sure that this is the best course, Lord and Lady Govenerners? Once the Zacha have left and the Commonwealth gone, we can't start over. The Ragnorak will vanish without a trace and all remaining Zacha ships will go with her. The only ships left to defend will be..."

A human woman stepped forward, bearing the standard of governess of Sirabor. "We are all aware of what has become here. It was I who proposed it in the first place, and it took hard work to convince others. We will respect your last order, Commander, but it will come to the matter that your leadership will be questioned. Those who have made Ragnorak home are already being transported back to her as we speak. We know full well what we do and we accept it. Better to surrender then to see a loss of life."

Sisay nodded. "Very well then. Sometime after this meeting, I will send the message to all Galactica worlds and to the Zidagar. Sirabor will be relingushed to the Zidagar and the colony worlds of Stror will secede to Galactica. After that, all Zacha ships will come with the Ragnorak and all information regarding Zacha tech will be erased from the databases completely. The only thing that will remain will be the whitefire planetary defense systems."

Galactica System

As the Prylak and Galactica forces fought tooth and nail, a single prinpoint of light opened to reveal hyperspace. From it came a sleek black vessel of Zacha design. It was the Sedran, the first ship of her class and the only one to bear the name. She came through with weapons firing, but not at the Galactica vessels. She headed straigh for the Prylak fleet...or more to the point the command vessel itself.

The Sedran headed straigh for command vessel itself.

Her weapons blazed across the massive fleet and she thrusted forward at full speed and maximum burn, as if in one last brave act of defiance. She reached the command vessel and in an act of astonishment, rammed the vessel full on. The Sedran tore through shields and and such and smashed into the Prylak hull. In a glorious multi-hued spectecal, the Sedran exploded as her core went critical and she went into memory.

18 Falcons built
35 aradas/fighters built

All data has been wiped from Commonwealth systems on all Zacha technology and ship schematics. All remaining are within Ragnorak's database and Zacha hands.

Project Name: Pulse weaponry
Project Class: Weaponry
ETA: Finished

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

(This message has been edited by Captain Whitehawk (edited 10-16-2001).)

OOC: Carno, just know that any ships within weapons range, and many beyond it, would be toast. The explosion released by a station of that size would be incredibly large.

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

MOD: Prylak have no nukes. Not their style.



Originally posted by BattleDoctor:
**OOC: Carno, just know that any ships within weapons range, and many beyond it, would be toast. The explosion released by a station of that size would be incredibly large.

Sorry, my mistake. But please remember that there were many other ships not engaging the station that could have easily survived the blast.

SilverDragon; okay, replace all nukes with reactor cores rigged to explode.

Whitehawk; bleh. Lythrawn actually isn't even in the system, but no one really knows that, and the Prylak aren't paying any attention. Instead, another admiral which came along with Lythrawn is doing his job.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

" Damnit!" yelled High Admiral Fera as he saw what had happened to the station. Yes, the station had taken a great deal of the Prylak fleet with them, and Fera had really appreciated the supporting fire from Galactica Prime's weaponry. As the Prylak regrouped, shaken by the attack but still able to fight, they began to head straight for the Galactica fleet. Fera opened up a comm channel to High Admiral Kwer, the other officer in command of the defense of the Galactica system.

A Zidagar appeared onscreen and said, "Yes, Fera?"

Fera was about to respond, but he was forced to leap into his chair and grab hold as an explosion rocked the G.E.S. Vorik. Once the ship's dampeners kicked in, he replied, "Any ideas, Kwer? We're destroying a good deal of their ships, but we're taking heavy losses."

"Sorry. They're just too good. As soon as I try to pull something on them, they change their formations and we have to pull back a bit. We outnumber them at the moment, but not by much and that could change. I recommend we pull out and wait for reinforcements."

"Retreat is not an option, Kwer. We have to stop the Prylak before they can destroy yet another of out worlds... you saw what they did to the North Tip."

Kwer was silent for a second, then turned from the viewscreen as someone behind he said something. Fera could just barely make out, "We've got a Prylak warship on a collision course! Beginning evasive manuevers!" Kwer looked back at the viewscreen, a look of horror on her face. The officer in the background continued to yell, sounding more and more urgent. Fera heard proximity alarms go off on Kwer's ship, and then the commlink went dead. Fera held his head in his hand, and sighed deeply.

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

Prylak and Galactica ships battled it out among the stars, and after a while, tactics were thrown away, as each one was useless. Eventually, the two forces just fought, and the battle raged on for hours. Each side barely knew when they took losses, as every ship was forced into engagement with each other.

Eventually, the huge energy readings around system Galactica, that had disrupted sensors, began to subside, like mist subsided to reveal the outcome of a battle on ground.

The Prylak forces were pretty much incinerated. As for Galactica...quickly, Galactica high officers counted the figures to find, that 838 of over ten thousand Galactica ships remained.

A few Prylak vessels, two dozen, moved to flee, and all that remained of the battle was to see whether they escaped -- it was unlikely, battered as the Galactica ships were.

Galactica station was destroyed, Galactica itself was crippled, and within only two days, the greatest threat to Galactica had changed.

The Prylak were gone, and the Mercenary Alliance now outnumbered them...

Thus ends one of the central goals of Reign of Chaos 2 -- the Prylak have been beaten back

CD: Reign of Chaos 2 is now drawing to a close. There's one more important battle to take part... Oh, and by the way, CD is "creating developer". I stole it from somewhere, really. Whitehawk will know where. Any post in this is about the webstory itself. <smiles>

IC Azdgari:

Two thousand Azdgari vessels, under order of Emperor YooOe himself, set off from Azdgari space. Galactica space was almost empty, but that was not their goal. In retribution for repeated hostilities, their target, was the Q'an...


(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 10-16-2001).)

BattleDoctor's personal BattleCruiser and it's escort fleet exited hyperspace into the Galactica system. For quite a while now, they had been waiting in a neighboring system, waiting to see if they would be able to return, or if they would have to flee. But finally, the message came in from High Admiral Fera that the system was clear.

As the ships' reverse thrusters fired, BattleDoctor looked out upon the system. What had once been the home of a gigantic station was now a mass of debris, from both Galactica and Prylak ships. The silence on the bridge was only broken when the ship's point defense systems fired at a ruined communications dish that had drifted just a little too close.

"Sir," said one of the bridge officers meekly. "A shuttle has docked. High Admiral Fera is coming up to meet you."

After a few minutes, a middle aged, tall Igadzra walked onto the bridge. He saluted and said, "Sir!"

"Nice job, Fera," said BattleDoctor, reaching up to pat Fera on the shoulder. "You did it."

"Thank you, sir. However, we've got almost no ships left. 838 to be exact."

BattleDoctor sighed, then said, "Yes, and that is a horrible thing. Tens of thousands of loyal Galactica citizens died today. There will be a monument to this war built on Voinia."

"A fine idea, sir. I recommend you go there. It is safe at Voinia, and we are open to attack."

"I don't think anybody is going to be attacking us at the moment. We saved their hides as much as we did our own."

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 10-16-2001).)

REDchigh releases a deep breath.. finally the trade is finished!
The ships are outfitted!

REDchigh sends a message to the Nedra
::to: I'ase::
Good afternoon! Im sure you recieved word that the galactica battle is completed, and the Prylak have once again been driven off. I invite you to join our festivities celebrating Galactica's win, and our vigils honoring those lost. You are welcome on Silverstone anytime.

The message is sent.

Total ship count (COUNTING carried fighters)
75 Pegasus Light Fighters
25 Corsair Heavy Fighters
10 Hera Class Destroyers
2 Zeus Cruiser
1 Olympus Flagship

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

(From Senator Vaten, Nedra)
(To Redchigh, Silverstone)

We would love to join in your celebrations. However, dissent is starting to erupt on Keld. After the Battle of Galactica ended, some officers on this ship wanted to help Galactica rebuild. Some supported the Alliance of MA, Adzgari, and Zidagar, to wipe out Galactica once and for all. Hell, we could kill Galactica now, if we wanted. But that's not the point. There is a major rebellion in process on the surface of Keld, and we must return to quell it. Thank you for your invitation, regardless. Vaten out.

With that, the Nedra lumbered out of the system, back to Stror...

OOC: When Hawk said that all colony worlds in Stror secede to Galactica, I don't think that included Keld. Just a note, so nobody thinks my world is theirs. 😉

Title: Drone fighters
ETA: 3 posts

"I may detest what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

The Celebrations and Vigils die down, and the Q'an try to Decide what to do...
The Alliance vs Galactica- the alliance will surely win, and the Q'an HAVE to be on the winning side, if just to survive. The latest reports said that Galactica only have about 200 ships left (you know casualties are miscounted right after a disaster- look at the trade center bombing for proof), not to mention the Fact that I'ase are part of the aliance and are sure to attack galactica soon, and who knows? maybe the Adzgari will take this as a sign of the Qan wanting peace...

A few days later the majority of the Qan fleet hyperspaces out of orbit of the Silverstone, with a Zeus towing the Galactica shipyard full of live Qan Reactors (hooked into the shipyard's shields. Genious, huh? weopons fire will overheat the shield gens, and start a chain reaction to overload the reactors and start the self destruct 🙂 )....
(Sorry Espy, but this seems like it will be more...... fun? Especially if the Adzgari chase me, especially if the dont 😉 ) Using wormholes, the Q'an fleet will be there in another post.
Oh, keep in mind they are all cloaked, and will only jump into Voinia when they are sure there isn't any debri in the space.... I hope this doesn't ruin your plans TOO much esponer, but I will die. not the Empire, but just my fleet 🙂

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen