Reign of Chaos 2 - Chapter III

MOD: Carnotaur, I didn't mean to be insulting, but I'm getting sick of people making economy reports.

Asriel, a cloak like that would need a LOT more work than 5 posts, I'm afraid to say. And as you know, a weakness. I'm not sure if it's even worth the effort - just remember, an entire race put 100% effort into cloaking technology, and came out with the Zeno Sensor Cloak. I can't see you doing the same in 5 posts. πŸ™‚

It's getting annoying with cloaks, I must say. I think for RoC 3 techs will be simplified down (say, pick four of all those techs and keep them). Probably more than four, though.

Carnotaur, your device is okay, but I'd say the difference would be 150% at the most in range, with 50% damage, and 50% range for 150% damage.

Metaphorically speaking, I'm metabolically challenged.

REDchigh receives the message, and sends a small fleet (2 corsairs and 2 heras) to Zidigar.

The Asteroid minong operation is going smoothly, and there are mining camps on several asteroids within the Ji Nebula.

REDchigh also sends a message to the Shipyard in orbit to get the corsair ship count up, and also to halt further constructions until the Q'an has better large-ship power.
(devote small shipyard to corsair building, and also will build 2 Zeus and one Olympus, before Hera constructions resume.)

The Galactica shipyards continues working on CORSAIRS non-stop
The Silverstone's construction of 2 heras has been mothballed until two zeus and one Olympus has been constructed (8 posts)
Silverstone Base:
Construction:one Olympus- (4 posts)
(next constructions: two Zeus (4 posts) two heras (one post), four zeus (10 posts) and one olympus, (4 posts))

Galactica Fighter Shipyard:
Construction:corsairs now...
Built so far:12 pegasus and 8 corsairs

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 10-04-2001).)

MOD again: Red, where are you getting all these resources from? Also, the Olympus takes 4 posts to build, the Heras 2 each. 8 for all of them.

Now, I need to make an actual post...

Metaphorically speaking, I'm metabolically challenged.

Rima looks at the mnessages and ecides to answer the Qan later. Right now she needed to go to Zidagar to see the Terrans. She looks ponderously at Savior and decides to leave it where it is. She takes Silverwing(her Kizat incase you don't remember) and 1 each of the other ships.

She checked to make sure everyone was secure and none of them had old ships and she ordered them all to Zidagar. Soon they would be on there way to hear what the Terrans had to say.

Of course Women don't work as hard as men....They do it right the first time.
My AIM is Rima17456

OOC: Good point, SD. Forget the cloak, for now. I'll do that later, if I ever get around to it...


The Nedra lumbered out from Keld, towards the depths of space. A point opened, and the Nedra was off, towards Zidagar...

Title: Scorpion antiparticle blasters
ETA: 5 posts

5 Daemons built
One shipyard complete; 2 posts for other one

"My mind is like a steel trap: rusty and illegal in 37 states." -- forge

Nobody seems to be posting, so I will.


The Nedra entered the Zidagar system, and cruised towards the planet. Soon it would be in orbit...


There was a motion in the Council to establish small bases on asteroids in Stror. Just some docks, and maybe a shipyard or two. Also, some asteroid mining would commence. The motion passed, 14-7, and a small fleet exited Nedra to return to Stror and begin construction.


Title: Scorpion blaster
ETA: 4 posts

7 Daemons built
Shipyard: 1 post

"I may detest what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

Azdgari System

"Oh yeah! We're in range!" Lance grinned, laughing. The Supernova was indeed in close orbit around Dames, now at a complete stop. Any closer would be suicide.

A bombardment of proton blasts wrecked havoc across the moon, and Azdgari ships quickly moved to intercept the invisible vessel. But the Supernova, however slowly it moved, had still moved to a different location by the time the Azdgari reached the former one. Trying to track anything invisible in a 3D enviroment such as space was extremely difficult.

The base where the Alliance Flagship was being worked on was severely damaged.

(Carnotaur, if you would please continue the Azdgari defensive?)


Zidagar System
Casene's fleet entered the system after the Zachit, I'ase and Galactica. Just after, the Zidagar had entered. No signs of the Mercenary Alliance approaching had come.

She sent out a message to everyone in the system.

"I beg of you, please ensure that all races attend - all races except the Prylak. This is important, we must prepare," she stated simply.

She was extremely frustrated. Everyone seemed so cocky, so damned confident that they could handle anything. If the MA didn't come, she'd go over to their capital and blast it to shards, just to show that the situation was serious - this wasn't a time to play around. Every race had to meet together, and forget about their pet projects, about their little emnities, and get on with fighting.

Some scattered reports showed that most governments were working on this, or that. It made Casene mad. This was no time to be researching technological advancements, pouring millions upon millions of credits into it. They should be fighting a war, not sitting around like ducks waiting to be killed!

Her Darkwing and the other fleets in the fleet moved down to Zidagar itself, still unseen despite the communications they sent out to the others as a greeting, and requested permission to land.


I'm making this post if you like it or not

The Prylak presence in the Milky Way was strong, and it might become even stronger. An incredibly powerful signal beacon was being created, which would send a message only to the Prylak to come to the Milky Way to provide aid. This was the easiest galaxy to conquer, after all.

Of course, no-one yet knew if there were millions of Prylak on other galaxies, seperated by the Haorn incursions, who could come to aid. But if there was, the races in the Milky Way stood no chance. The Prylak's power, if they just conquered one other galaxy, would be unstoppable.

The beacon was being created, but it would take 20 posts (my posts) to complete.

OOC: Generally, guys, I'm giving you a countdown. Don't go slow, or the Prylak are going to come and blast you all to heavens. That beacon is in a Prylak Carrier in the Prylak fleet, and if you don't blow it up (consider it blown up only when you've blown up all the Prylak fleet) the Prylak WILL come and render you pretty metabolically challenged.

Post! πŸ˜‰

Metaphorically speaking, I'm metabolically challenged.

Wow. You really want this to move along, don't you... πŸ˜‰


Vaten had received a message from an invisible fleet. Well, almost invisible, anyway. The Phantom's sensors could pick up very vague energy readings from a certain sector of the system, but he had no idea what kind of ships or how many there were.

He did know, however, that they were Terrans. They were only missing the MA, now. However, the MA had possibly the best technology of any race besides the Prylak right now. They had to be here...

(From Sa'amo Vaten)
(To Carnotaur, MA)

Carnotaur, what the hell are you waiting for? We're waiting on you, at Zidagar, and you're in Adzgari space...? Get here, ASAP. We don't have time to wait. Vaten out.

Vaten and the Councilmembers went down on a Frigate, escorted by assorted fighters. They requested permission to land...


Title: Scorpion blasters
ETA: 3 posts

10 Daemons built
Asteroid bases in Stror: 4 posts for two shipyards

"I may detest what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

Lythrawn turned to one of his more trusted commanders, Captain Daeron. "Daeron, take Resiliant , about 100 other ships, and leave."

"But, why?" Daeron asked, puzzeled.

"Because, the survival of the Prylak counts on it. We need to keep that beacon safe while it is constructed. Don't engage anyone, just run, hide, flee. If you are about to be destroyed, follow these instructions carefully," Lythrawn said, handing Daeron a datapad.

Daeron looked at it, then slowly turn his head up to look at Lythrawn. "We've never tested this before."

"I know."

"Are you sure it'll work?"

"We will see."

"Are you sure there's no other way?"

"I'm sure, captain."

Daeron sighed and walked off to his ship, while Lythrawn turned to stare out into space...


Suddenly and without warning, 200 Ravens decloaked over the skies of Zidagar, along with two heavily modified Voi'Nek Cruisers. A hail was sent to the planet. "This is Chancellor Carnotaur of the Mercenary Alliance. Request permission to land."


Title: DWEM Device
ETA: 1 Post

Time till completion of Shipyard Refit: COMPLETED


With the new shipyards in place and up and running, the MA was now able to produce considerably more ships than they were before. Not only did this increase the amount of ships produced, but it also helped the speed at which they were produced as well as the effeciancy of the shipyards. This saved credits which could be used elsewhere.


The Azdgari base commander on Xarnes immediately ordered all ships to deploy. However, instead of consontrating them all at one point, he spread them out over a very large area to try and detect the cloaked Supernova.

Suddenly, he had an idea. He ordered all nearby frieghters to move in and dump their cargo out into space in a certain pattern. The commander hoped that this cargo would bump into the Supernova, allowing them to get a fix on its location.

Meanwhile, the MA decided to stay uninvolved in the battle...

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 10-06-2001).)

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 10-06-2001).)

Casene was not at all impressed by the Mercenary Alliance show, and repeated her request to land at Zidagar.

She also sent messages to all other forces to meet there once Galactica gave them permission.


Lance swore as his Supernova was revealed. His short, sharp curses were broken off as his ship rocked from weapon's fire.

He quickly tried to get it out of the system, relying on it's speed.

Metaphorically speaking, I'm metabolically challenged.

2 Corsairs, 2 Heras and 8 Pegasus fighters (outfitted on Heras) suddenly jump into Zidigar, and stay in orbit.
::In-System Broadcast::
The Qan have arrived. Now lets get this party started!

Silverstone Base:
Construction:*one Olympus- (3 posts)
(next constructions: two Zeus (4 posts) two heras (one post), four zeus (10 posts) and one olympus, (4 posts))

Galactica Fighter Shipyard:
Construction:corsairs now...
Built so far:14 pegasus and 8 corsairs

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

The Emperor BattleDoctor has decreed that all non-Galactica governments may send 5 ships through Galactica space to meet at the convention in Zidagar. Upon entering Galactica space they will transmit the code phrase 'Steel Haze' to the local security patrol. They will then wait for a BattleCruiser escort group to arrive at which point they will be given a jump path to the Zidagar system. Any deviation from the path will result in immediate destruction of the ships by the escort. Upon arrival in Zidagar, which is Galactica space, they will hail the Terran forces there and ask for further instructions.

"It's pretty hairy in there sir, it's Charlie's point!"
"Charlie don't surf!"
Apocalypse Now
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 10-07-2001).)

Every race was now on Zidagar. Galactica had prepared a meeting room for the various races. Casene was alone there, with none of the other thirteen Terrans on the planet with her.

She addressed the people.

"Welcome, friends," Casene began, nodding her head to the people present. "I've asked you here to discuss how we plan to attack the Prylak. Now, we all have powerful ships, some of which are really quite impressive from the looks of them. May I first of all note the power of the I'ase Nedra and the deadliness of the Mercenary Alliance Ravens. You all have incredible designs, of which you must be very proud."

Casene smiled faintly. "You know what I'm going to say, don't you? That your designs are nothing to the Prylak, that to win we must all work together. Well, in a way you're wrong. Maybe Galactica alone could destroy the Prylak. Maybe even the Mercenary Alliance could. But tell me, how many ships, how many lives, would you lose? Too many, I say."

"So let us work together on this."

"I advise the following. We send scout squadrons, preferably cloaked Ravens and I'ase...what did you call them? Shadows, Wraiths? I know not. Well, I suggest you send these ships all across the north tip, and locate the Prylak. I'm afraid our cloaks are ineffective against Prylak sensors, but that's not to say yours are."

"We need to locate the Prylak now, and then gather to destroy them - together."

"Just to end this, no, I will not give the plans for the Terran cloak. I'm sorry, but that is not something I can do."

Casene frowned, wondering if this would be successful. "Are you with me?" she asked...

I'm so sorry it happened. I should have done more...

Hawk Kael stood in the back of the crowd of people, listening to the words of the Terran woman who spoke. The Kisani found that humans were unpredictalbe in their events, including Casene as she spoke. She was right of course. Unless the factions stopped bickering over such things, the Prylak would destroy everything in its path. Saddly enough, even with a united front there would be much damage and destruction and carnage.

Hawk stepped forward and addressed the crowd. "The Terran is right in what she says. We've been bickering and fighting for years and it would seem as good a time as any to put it aside for now. The Prylak have already laid waste to more then one world and killed millions in doing so. We've lost too many warships for anyone to go up against the Prylak alone; not even Galactica could do so despite the fact of its massive navy. The Zacha will stand besides the Terrans and any others to drive out this threat. As said some few times before that we must stand together against this reign of chaos and overcome it. Besides, this galaxy is our own and only we have the right to screw it up."

He stood silent for a second before speaking again. "The Zacha will send out into hyperspace two dozen of our best scouts to seek the the Prylak and alert them of the postion. We may not hold cloaking technology, but they are just as good as any other faction or race. In the time they are gone, I will marshal the fleets of the Zacha and prepare them for the battle. The Ragnorak is nearly repaired and is undergoing refitting as well. She'll be ready for battle by the time we find and assault the Prylak."

Sisay looked over the holo-image of the Ragnorak from his quarters aboard the Solin, a Falcon. He had changed ships when the Mira was opted for remodifactation to test out the new pulse weaponry. The Solin was more spacious but it lacked the grace of a destroyer. The massive carrier was also being implemented with the new pulse weaponry as she underwent repair. Soon she would be fully operational once more and ready for combat if need be. Sisay turned from the holo-image to his veiw screen to overlook something else. When the I'ase had begun picking out asteriods, the Commonwealth decided to do so as well. Already one large asteriod had been set up for mining and a shipyard and things were going smoothly.

Asteroid Base completed
12 Falcons built
25 aradas/fighters built
4 Sedrans undergoing refiting

Project Name: Pulse weaponry
Project Class: weaponry
time til completion: 2 posts

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

BattleDoctor stood up and began to adress the crowd of the most powerful people in the galaxy. "I, too, will help in the search for the Prylak. As soon as I get the chance, I will personally send out the order for 100 Scout Frigates to begin scanning the North Tip. Since they are currently untested in battle, I do not know whether the Scout Frigate's scattering field will be efffective against the Prylak, but I am sure they will prove to be invaluable nonetheless."

BattleDoctor's voice took on a very serious tone as he continued speaking. "The Prylak must be stopped, for they have already nearly depopulated the North Tip. No more will be allowed to die at their hands. As soon as any of you locate them, just give the word and I can have ten thousand of my best ships upon them. If we can all cooperate, we can destroy the Prylak with ease."

"It's pretty hairy in there sir, it's Charlie's point!"
"Charlie don't surf!"
Apocalypse Now
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

Carnotaur laughed. "Haha, I very much doubt the Prylak are anywhere NEAR the North Tip by now. They're obviously quite smart and want to stay hidden, and staying in the North Tip is not the way to do it.

"I'm not sure where else they may be hiding, but the North Tip just doesn't look like a very good spot to search. But, as for the rest of the plan, I'll go along with it. Just remember that my Ravens aren't just good as scouts, they're good for heavy fleet combat as well."

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

The Q'an liten to the Terran's moving speech, and allows carnotaur and galactica to speak, then the Q'an representative rises.
"The Q'an agree that the Prylak are probably planning another strike, and have moved from north tip. However the Q'an will not be able to aid the galaxy's search for these space-based terrorists. We have far too few ships to spare more than a few pegasus, and even together, if they found the fleet, they would likely be destroyed before they could send a message. Our ships do surpass the Prylak's, but we only have 32 ships. We would gladly spare a fleet if a government could let us borrow a few shipyards to enlarge our fleet, but as of now, we cannot help search, and we will heavily depend on everyone's good will to help protect our space if we are attacked by the prylak."
Silverstone Base:
Construction:*one Olympus- (2 posts)
(next constructions: two Zeus (4 posts) two heras (one post), four zeus (10 posts) and one olympus, (4 posts))

Galactica Fighter Shipyard:
Construction:both classes of fighter.
Built so far:12 pegasus and 10 corsairs
(every few posts I'll add a total ship tally. Here's the second.)
Ship Total:
12(/30) Pegasus Light Fighters
10(/20 Corsair Heavy Fighters
10(/12) Hera Class Destroyers
0(/6) Zeus Cruisers
0(/2) Olympus Flagships
(I think this is right, might be off a fighter or two)

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

OOC: Where are the Prylak, anyway? I seem to have forgotten.

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a HabaΕ„ero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

Senator Vaten was pleased at the Terran's speech. As one of the non-human races present, he was sometimes surprised at the humans' resourcefulness, even though they did seem to quarrel a lot.

"Terran, your speech moves us all. I will send out as many Phantoms as necessary to locate the Prylak. There are over 450 on Nedra alone, and more throughout the North Tip right now, hunting."


Title: Scorpion blasters
ETA: 2 posts

Mining commences on Ceres
8 Daemons built
Shipyards: 3 posts

"I may detest what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

The Q'an fleet quickly leaves Zidigar, and heads back toward the Silverstone, leaving a message pod in orbit around Zidigar.
"Sorry we had to go, but our biggest warship is almost completed, and it urgently needs all the escort it can get. If anything else comes up, send us a message."

Silverstone Base:
Construction:*one Olympus- (1 post)

Galactica Fighter Shipyard:
Construction:both classes of fighter.
Built so far:14 pegasus and 11 corsairs
(every post I'll add a total ship tally.)
Ship Total:
14 Pegasus Light Fighters
11 Corsair Heavy Fighters
10 Hera Class Destroyers
0 Zeus Cruisers
0 Olympus Flagships

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 10-08-2001).)