Most Likely a Dumb Question

People probably see this one alot, but, what are the central objectives of the game?

And another question, this one's open to opinions, but, what are generally regarded as the 'best' plugins... now by that I mean: what plug-ins add the most to the game without sacrificing the balance of the game? thanks alot.

'go team'

I'm not too good with the Central Objectives, but as for plugs...

Galaxy's Edge (more realistic then most)
F-25 2.0

You'll see a lot of people raving about Frozen Heart, and it's twin, Femme Fatale. I don't really like those, but that's just my opinion...

"I may detest what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

Don't worry zorconclop, there arn't "dumb" questions. Just ask away! 🙂 Welcome to the boards! 🙂

There you'll find:

Reign of the UE
Reign of the Voinians
F-25 2.0
Frozen Heart
Femme Fatale

there's MUCH more....

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
rookie's smiles:(url="http://"")Cool Smiles(/url)(url="http://"")Cooler Smiles(/url)
AIM: Overrider720, Ferazel17 or WhiteStreak7
(url="http://"http://htttp://")The Purple Haze Bar-(/url) Bar at Ferazel that's been here since April

basicly there are many objectives. Depending on the role you chose, you might make up your own.

Trader- Trades large amounts of goods to get money. buys trading ships with lots of cargo space. Mostly runs from renegades.

Bounty hunter- hunts out renegades. Does missions which involve seeking out renegade vessels.

"X" Specialist- Does missions for X Government. Loyal to government.

Renegade- Disable and steals from diasabled ship. Flees when big "Good Guys" show up.

Mercenary- a little of all of them 🙂

My personal favorite plugins
-frozen heart--Awesome
-Femme fetal- addon to frozen heart-Awesome
-Babylon 5 Newest version- Good, but some flaws in the graphics


Nice Shuttle--Where are the Rockets
-Rebelrunner when a fleet of shuttles attacked him

There are a couple of major central objectives ... For the UE and Voinians, they're different. For the Strands, it's the destabilization of the balance between the Strands in the war. And then there's the exploration of the nebulae. Here they are:

  • UE -- you get to push back the Voinian frontier with the help of Admiral McPherson and the Emalgha and Hinwar

  • Voinian -- this isn't technically a central objective, and naturally you can't do this at the same time as the UE one, but this mission string ends with the destruction of Verril Prime.

  • Zidagar -- this mission string ends with an attack on the Chak system with the help of Commander Sassone, and naturally can't be done (technically) at the same as the other Strands

  • Igadzra -- after an attack on Outpost Terapin, you will have to finish off a fleet to win the Strand objective, assisted by the spymasters Melody and Accompaniment

  • Azdgari -- with Commander Eniret and Firebird Squadron (made of (url="http://"")Azdaras(/url)), you will finish the string with an attack on Outpost Terapin

  • Explore the nebulae -- with the assistance of a Miranu team, you will explore the Proxima, and then the Ji, nebulae

I'm pretty sure that's it for the central objectives, though you can do missions for both groups of renegades, other (url="http://"")UE military missions(/url), (url="http://"")UE shipping missions(/url), and many others. Hope this helped. 🙂

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"The onion you are eating is someone else's water lily." -- actual fortune cookie

The Frozen Heart is the best plugin ever made, hands down. It's sequel, Femme Fatale is not up to the same level, but is still superb. After that, its less agreed upon. I personally loved the babylon 5 plugins, Beyond The Crescent, and Reign of the Voinians/UE.

If at first you don't succeed, use more duct tape.

I agree with shayborg's central objectives, but i believe the zachit string is one too.

If at first you don't succeed, use more duct tape.

To clarify what Shayborg said:

There are three central objectives:

  • UE - Working with the UE, push back the Voinian frontier.

  • Strand War - Working with either the Zidagar, Azdgari, or Igadzra, shift the balance of the Strand War.

  • Explore the Nebulae - Working with the Miranu, explore the two nebulae in the game.

Additionally, there are some other missions you can do:

  • Working with the Voinians

  • Kirrim Prime

  • Zachit

  • North Tip renegades

  • Human renegades

  • Free Huron

  • UE Cruiser

  • Variety of Miranu missions

Note that you can only do one Strand mission string, and I don't think that you can help the Voinians and the UE in the same game.

We make no destinction between terrorists and those who harbor them. - President George W. Bush, 9/11/01
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(This message has been edited by Starkiller (edited 10-06-2001).)

Well on completing the 'central objectives,' you are told "Congratulations (pilot name), you have .... blah blah... and completed one of Override's central objectives."

And the only 3 mission strings that tell you that are:
the UE vs. Voinian string - not the other way around
the Azdgari / Igadzra / Zidagar strings
the Nebula penetration string.

Anything else is less central :).

Actually, Starkiller, you can do the Voinian mission first and then the U.E. missions, without modifying the game or your mission bits. 🙂

Hey, Look who's coming! It's Payback! Hahahahahahahahaha!!!

where do you start the ziggy missions?

I take it you mean the Zidager missions.

Well i'm a little rusty but I belive you need to go to Pozdag-3 in the Pozdag system. Then you'll kill North Tip Renegades for a while

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
rookie's smiles:(url="http://"")Cool Smiles(/url)(url="http://"")Cooler Smiles(/url)
AIM: Overrider720, Ferazel17 or WhiteStreak7
(url="http://"http://htttp://")The Purple Haze Bar-(/url) Bar at Ferazel that's been here since April