Bar Latte II

Hell Shade, we don't make tables out of wood in 2001, let alone whenever this is. They're highly comtempary affairs with lots of steel and glass. Are you still hunting with spears?

Shopping, sleeping, drinking, bitching. It's a hard life.

Phantmrain, still holding a grudge from being killed numerous times, walks into the bar yet again. Listening to bob marley he strides into the bar with a joyess smile and blood shot eyes, the grudge seems to be passing. He glances over to the decapitated alien cats, and wonders why the floor seems to be moving about in funny spirals. He then decides to sit down and cure his cotton mouth with a whole bottle of tequilla and drink it the 3 headed worm.

"To Live is to suffer, to survive, well thats to find meaning into your suffering."

(This message has been edited by Phantmrain (edited 09-04-2001).)

Originally posted by Jess:


Hell Shade, we don't make tables out of wood in 2001, let alone whenever this is. They're highly comtempary affairs with lots of steel and glass. Are you still hunting with spears?

It ought to be 2150,like the start of EVO.
Tables are so made outta wood!Just not in Britain or wherever the hek you live.
No,we no longer hunt with spears,.
We hunt with a little gizmo known as a "double barreled shotgun".
HeHeHeHe...blast those rabbits...

Get some."-Me

Phoenix carefully arms his gun.

"Tell Shade I'm coming, and Hell's coming with me."

He smiles lightly, and raises his hand and then fires the gun.

Shade blasts Phoenix's gun, though, and Phoenix drops the gun and grips his bleeding hand.

Shade sneers.

Phoenix then spins around and pulls out his Shard Gun.

Sparkling shards of crystals blast into Shade and cut him horribly.

Phoenix cleans off his hand and whistles the "YMCA" melody.

He bows and then extends a hand to Shade and offers him a Medkit.

-Phoenix Avalon

(Oh, Jess, thanks for the picure link)

Fashion knows no season.

(This message has been edited by Imperial Phoenix (edited 09-06-2001).)

Asriel's CF lands, and he walks into the bar. Noting the duel in progress, he declares that he will bet anybody in the bar 100 credits that Shade will win. πŸ˜„

He then goes over to the bar. He orders an At'chta, and pulls a gray sphere out of his pocket and puts it at the bar. It starts to spin. (Nope, it's not a ShadowKat.) After thinking about it, he pulls out a Scorpion Blaster and shoots Phantmrain's head off.

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept

(This message has been edited by Lord Asriel (edited 09-06-2001).)

Shade's nanites quickly repair his body,and he jumps onto the bar,bulling out a second Triple Barreled Flak Rifle(TBFR) from his pockets.
He aims both of them at Pheonix,and fires.
Explosive Flak rips through Pheonix's flesh,but Pheonix manages to quickly regenerate himself.
Raising his Shard gun again,Pheonix attempts to fire,but ShadowKat jumps at him and wraps his halo around Pheonix's neck,throttling him.
Shade carefully fires again,making sure to miss ShadowKat while inflicting terrible damage to Pheonix.
Your move,Imperial Pheonix.

Get some."-Me

Asriel whips around and fires a few scorpions into Phoenix.

Asriel's Orb suddenly begins to change shape, turning into a small Shai-hulud. (Hehe, if anybody's read Dune , beware...) Small in this case means about 2 meters long. Shai-hulud immediately attacks Phoenix, biting him after carefully removing ShadowKat and placing him and Shade's shoulder.

A shai-hulud is a giant worm with many, many teeth. And scales. πŸ˜„

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept

Shade fires his TBFRs down the Shai-hulud's gaping maw.
"Push off,Asriel.This is our fight,not Yours."

Get some."-Me

Shai-hulud merely glances at Shade, then goes over to a table and bites a chunk out of it. Asriel goes back to the bar and sips his drink. He pulls out a few more Orbs and tosses them onto the table. One is black, one blue, and one red. They start spinning.

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept

Dune, I've read every single Dune book, I think. Colours asks Lord Asriel if he would be kind enough share some Spice, I394 is in need of feeding his addiction. He pulls out his contacts, revealing blue-black eyes and smiles. Since Lord Asriel seems to be the local Dune merchandise supplier, I394 also asks for a Laza Tiger to play with Ka'aat.

I like EVO! Anyway...

OhmigodOhmigodOhmigod! Phoenix was actually on! You gotta come on more often Phoenix, I got nobody to talk to!
Ya, I read Dune. I started Dune Messiah but it was a bit crap.

I despise false modesty.

Phoenix summons a portal behind Shade.

The blue light whips around Shade.

Phoenix raises a Browning A-bolt with support tripod and fires.

Shade is shot backwards into the portal.

He appears in space, and is disintegrated.

The bar members cheer.

Fashion knows no season.

Heh, this bar is only in it's 2nd season. The one over on the EV boards has seven...

Corey starts parading around the bar, and calling out, "Latte Bar! Please bring proof of membership! That's right, Happy Hour from 00:00 to 23:59!!!" Everyone turns and blasts him, but not before he manages to teleport to an obscure corner of the bar πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„

CoreyΕ‚ (Cubed)
Are you a fan of HHGG? Play the original text adventure (url="http://"")here(/url)!

Phantmrain once again regenerates himself, and walks into this commotion. All he wanted was a drink, and he got his head blown off...many times. He then pulls out a Neutron Mini-gun, and unloads on Lord Asrial and his worm. Asrial is all but a piece of lint, and his worm is a puddle of what looks like giant vomit. He then turns to the the stupid spheres and sends them FedEx to the planet of F-25. Noticing he will probably be killed in the next post, he turns on his personal shield generator after suiting up with an armor suit. After a few seconds, his good friend, Lestat, comes in, he is strangley pale and his skin very reflective, nobody seems to notice.

"To Live is to suffer, to survive, well thats to find meaning into your suffering."

Phoenix looks sorry.

He gives Phantraman a free round of drinks.

Fashion knows no season.

Shade reassembles his molecules,helped by the powers of the Holy iMac he gained in the original Bar Latte.
Reappearing behind Pheonix,he pulls out his two Triple Barreled Flak Rifles and blasts him into a pulp.
He then sits down and orders a beer.

Get some."-Me

Since Lord Asriel is not delivering, I394 creates his own Dune portal, gets some Spice, and acquires a Laza Tiger. He returns and lets the tiger and Ka'aat outside to play and fixes himself a Spice Beer.
I didn't cheer when Shade was blown through a portal. I'm not sure who I'm for yet.

Jess, or whoever started Dune Messiah, did you read the original Dune first? You could have also tried House Harkonnen and House Atriedes, they're not quite on par with those by Frank Herbert, but still interesting. And they only create one conflict, I think.

I like EVO! Anyway...

Aha! Phoenix smiles tightly.

I have an image stored in my computer.

Designed to blow your mind. You can't stop me.

WARNING: Anyone under age 21 should NOT view this image. It is G-rated fair, but it's so........ strange.

But then, I have always valued strangeness.

Scroll down.








Posted Image

Isn't she cute?

(This message has been edited by Imperial Phoenix (edited 09-07-2001).)


Get some."-Me


Originally posted by Shade:


Don't get him started. Phoenix isn't actually as scary as ya think. Aren't bold italic capitals fun?

Yes, I read Dune and it was fantastic, but Dune Messiah was strange. Well, I was 10 at the time, but you know.

Jess drinks and drinks and drinks, then turns on rap music because I like it.

I despise false modesty.