Bar Latte II

Phantmrain notices that the Bar is getting a little too mellow for him. Either its the excessive amount of drunkidness in the bar (yes, thats a real word...mispelled but real) or that extremly rancid smell. Either way he pays off his tab from the stolen money he acquired off of various dead corpses, and makes his way out. Not after shooting the bartender in the chest giving him an extremely large, ugly, and bloody chest cavity. "Payback my friend, payback..." He then takes off in his gunship and just before jumping to the nearby system, he has an android regenerate the bartender.

"To Live is to suffer, to survive, well thats to find meaning into your suffering."

After sitting quietly for a while and observing the goings-on, I394 decides to make his BIG MOVE! He stands up, walks over to the bartender, and orders another Saalian brandy, "Gotta love them Saalian brandies," he says. "Oh, a big move, right." He sits at his table doing some hard intoxicated thinking. "I know!" he shouts, and passes out. The Ka'aat, in it's cute Terran feline form, walks over to Kitty and rubs her leg. I394 starts talking in his unconciousness, something about needing an asprin.

Go to for the homepage of all anti-htjyang sigs. Help support this pathetic movement.

As Pheonix would say,w00t!
I have been stuck at my cousin's place for 2 days,they are so primitive as to not even have a computer!!!Ak,ak.
Now I'm back.
Shade pulls a small red sphere from his dressing gown and puts it on the bar.
no-one shoot it,please!

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21

I'm just posting this to stop the bar from falling of the bottom of the page.
Why is noone posting?

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21

Phoenix calmly points a gun at Phantmrains heads and blows it off.

"Next time, don't shoot the decoy."

He goes and resumes his normal space at the bar.

He glances at Phantmrain.

"That man needs medical help, stat!"

He goes over and operates.

"Chainsaw, please."

His droid assistant hands him a chainsaw.


"Grenade launcher."

"The patient is stable."

I'll let your imagination run away........

Fashion knows no season.

Shade laughs at the sight of Phantmrain with a grenade for a head.
He pulls a triple-barreled flak rifle from his dressing gown pockets.
Phantmrain is torn apart in a hail of sharpened tritanium metal blades.
Shade's Orb,in a strange thing possible only because I wasn't listening in Physics,begins to blueshift and goes a shimmery dark blue shade.

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21

I394 finally awakes from his drunken unconciousness and thanks the person that didn't get him an asprin for being an @$#@.

In response to Shade's question a while back about the Ka'aat:
It's kind of a long story, but I'll paraphrase. I394 shot his black hole rifle so many times that the universe became a single tiny super-ultra-mega dense black hole. He returned to it's previous state, with the exception of a few anomolies. The Ka'aat was one of the anomolies, he picked it up and now takes it with him wherever he goes. The end.

Anyway, I394 decides to avoid drunkeness for a while. He and the Ka'aat play the William Tell game with Saalian brandy bottles and Phase pistols.

Go to for the homepage of all anti-htjyang sigs. Help support this pathetic movement.

Thrawn trains his blaster on Shades orbiting ball and contemplates if he should shoot it.
Ahhh screw it. It's seems important, I'll just let it sit there defying physics.

Thrawn then tries to get everyone drunk again.

Doesn't anyone feel sorry for Phantmrain, he is getting bugged a lot.
I sliced his head off, and Imperial shot him.
Well it's all fun 😉

Why is Star Wars so addictive?

Shade thanks Grand Admiral Thrawn for not shooting the Orb.
It continues to glow brighter and brighter.
Shade borrows a large eggcup from Pheonix to put it in.

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21

I guess if Overrider and Phoenix are here it's ok for me to sort of be aroundish.
Jess sidles over to the bar looking fairly self-consious (how do you spell that?) and talks quietly to Phoenix while sipping a vodka.

Shopping, sleeping, drinking, bitching. It's a hard life.

I394 looks at the orb, "Very interesting," he mumbles. He lets his Ka'aat sniff it out. Welcome to Bar Latte II, Jess. Ie bieleife iut iss sppeled unconcious.

Go to for the homepage of all anti-htjyang sigs. Help support this pathetic movement.

::docks his Komusai Custom at the spaceport with nary a hitch, noting the many casualties due to other people's recklessness::

::strolls casually into the bar, translation device at hand::

"Mrowesuom, noxin rof etov.....Oro?!"

::fiddles with the settings for several minutes::

Translator: "Salutations to friendly mustard."

::beats it with a two-by-four and tries it again::

"Would you happen to know where the nearest MacDaniels is?"


All of a sudden,Shade's Orb explodes in a flash of blue light.
When the haze clears,there is a small kitten with blue-black fur,blue eyes and a glowing blue halo sitting there.
The ShadowKat blinks happily,and climbs up Shade's back to sit on his head.

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21

Jess jumps up and runs over to pet the oh-so-cute little kitty. She gets out several thousand credits and waves them at Shade, 'I want one I want one I want one!!'

Shopping, sleeping, drinking, bitching. It's a hard life.

Shade takes Jess's money,realizes she's several hundred thousand credits short,realizes that currency has no value in the bar,and pulls a glowing greenish sphere from one of his pockets,handing it to Jess.
Note:The colour of the Orb usually denotes the eye and halo colour of the ShadowKat,however I changed my mind and blueshifted mine halfway through.
Another Note:My ShadowKat's name is ShadowKat,so you'll need to name yours somthing different.
Shadow|Cat maybe?

Shade goes to find a salty chilli-flavoured Italian cheese for ShadowKat.
Man,you gotta love that salty cheese

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21

)Edited because of my stuffups with UBB code)

(This message has been edited by Shade (edited 09-01-2001).)

'Thankyou!!' Jess sits down at the bar and waits for the little thing to hatch. It's a cute little grey kitty, which I am going to call fluffy. Jess pets fluffy and gives her some coconut milk to drink. Unfortunatly it is mixed with rum, and Fluffy falls off the bar drunk.

Shopping, sleeping, drinking, bitching. It's a hard life.

ShadowKat jumps down from Shade's head onto the floor and walks over to Fluffy(Ak!Ak!).
As ShadowKat is a teetotaller,he sees that Fluffy has consmed too much alcohol.
ShadowKat climbs up the wall to swing from the lampshades.
Shade wonders where most everyone is.

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21

Excuse me, but what do you mean by Ak! Ak!?

Shopping, sleeping, drinking, bitching. It's a hard life.

"Ak" means, "I am a foolish insect. Kick me, and put me out of my deluded life."

Therefore, let us start kicking him.

Fashion knows no season.

Ak!Ak! means that I think Fluffy is a demeaning name for a ShadowKat.
Please don't kick me,or ShadowKat will kill you.

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21