What ships are good in EV/EVO?

It all depends on the strategy you're using. If you prefer to slug it out toe-to-toe, then a warship has its advantages there. However, if you have a fighter type (like the Azdara) then it's wholly inappropriate.

Better to out-run the missile than be hit by it, I say.
But that's just my opinion, let's not get into a 'best ship' flame war. You guys seem to be more mature than most of the other boards out there (and most of them are almost dead anyway) but if we get into a flame war, then all that goes out the window. Face it, if you're flaming on one point, you'll start flaming on other points.

Agreed. It's all a matter of taste anyway. I don't know with Americans, but the Germans have a saying that goes "Taste can't be discussed." (or if you want the German version: "β„–ber Geschmack lдяt sich nicht diskutieren.")

What ship should I get to destroy the Voinian Dreadnought? I've tried several times with my UE destroyer with one turret changed in for a Voinian turret and a layer of Voinian armor and I die each time. Any hints?

I dont know about kiling the drednought (never got that far) but my favorite ship is the arada with thrust, engine and RCS upgrades and 4 front swivel phase turrets and what ever else I feel like giving it.

πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜„

If I remember right, the big UE ship is best. I can't remember the name, but it's the one you have to complete the mission sequence to get. It may not be the best ship when it comes to weapons and shields, or whatever, but it has enough crew to make it easy to capture Igazras. There's very little in the galaxy more dangerous than six Igazras.

I could be wrong. It has been years since I played that game.

You mean the UE Cruiser?

Mabee a Carrier?

Hey, ask Ankh Starruner about killing Dreadnoughts. (To Ankh: πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰ ;))
Think ya' could kill a Dreadnought with a krait? πŸ˜„

About the dreadnought: Buy an Igadzra warship (or something else with the same carrying capacity) and and stock up on every missile you can fit. Now just sit back and launch. If possible get another UE mission to kill a Voinian convoy or something to that system. You'll beat that crazy dreadnought a lot easier.

Now a clear-cut ship reccomendation: Get a Lazira and go from there. You can get far enough in a Lazira even if you're a mediocre pilot that always seems to make some fatal mistake right when they're about to win a mission (like me).

A crescent Warship is just a mediocre choice, nothing more. It's range is lousy for a ship of its size and the speed will get to someone who is used to being able to fly wherever they want whenever they want.

Other than that its your choice.

Right now I'm flying an Igadzra warchip and will be flying an Igadzra warship for a long time yet except maybe when I can get an Azdara. An Igadzra warship can beat up anything in the crescent and in UE space. things just get iffy with voinians. The best thing to do against Voinians when you have an Igadzra warship is circle around the battle launching missiles.

It's called an Igazra. Just Igazra.

Personaly, I like my beefed up UE Destroyer. Good range, weapons, and with the speed enhancements and an Afterburner, I can outrun anything. (On a side note, did you know that you can take out a Voinian fighter with an upgraded scoutship? It's fun =))

Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for you are cruchy and taste good with catsup.

OK Squid fizzy, you're right when you say that the azdara is the best ship in space. I have tried this ship equiped with every armor I can get and space bombs (OK with a plug ins) and it's really fun to launch bombs on your ennemy and to wait a second or two just to regenerate the shields and then to attack again. You can destroy the voinian dreadnought with only one lasercanon thanks to the incredible rate of restoring shields (my english is very bad). But I insist that without the plugins for unlimited ammo and cargo space, the igadzra is the best because it can carry a lot more weapons...

Hey Servack, I remember seeing that sig in an email a few years back. I thought it was pretty funny. Do you have any idea where it originated? Or <gasp> could I be in the presence of the originator of such a witty quote?

"Since when do you have to tell the enemy he has won?" -Mazer Rackham

Actually, I can't remember where I heard it. I just remembered it when I was registering, so I decided to use it πŸ˜ƒ

Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for you are cruchy and taste good with catsup.

I rarely use the normal ships in EVO because there are so mny great plug ins to use. i normally end up sticking with the larger ships in EV but since i got EVO it makes EV seem kinda old. If i were you i would go to www.escape-velocity.com and download some plug ins and have some fun playing the missions (and trying out the ships)that other people have made and usually you can have several plugins at once so you can enjoy the systems one gives you and the ship and upgrades some others will give you.




You are absolutly right Naphtali, plug ins are very good, but nobody has to try the cheater plug ins (or just for a little time) because it is the best way to find EV boring: in fact, when nobody can resist to you, it's not so fun to make trips in the space...
I'v just another question, do you know how the disco bison (in EVO) is equiped because it is very frightfull at short range.

I think it has the Disco Machine Gun, and maybe SAD/SAEs?

I've never come across the thing, so I'm just going by what someone else said. πŸ˜‰

If you fly your Azdara right, you're as close to almighty as you can get without cheater-plugins. But in a fun way.

Has anyone ever destroyed the Disco Bison?

What is the disco machine gun, I have a cheater plug, but I can't find this weapon anywhere, it's really powerfull!

I recommend using a shuttlecraft, clipper, argosy, rapier, corvette, kestrel, destroyer-frigate, cruiser. And definetely don't use defenders or SCOUTSHIPS!!!!!!

(This message has been edited by tree (edited 01-05-100).)

Okay, my clear-cut reccomendation for original EV:

The courier is the best second ship for your money. Just save up from there and get a Corvette next. Now you can get some interesting missions that involve comabt, hopefully raking in credits fast enough to get a Kestral. Not that I've ever gotten a kestral. I tried a clipper once, but ended up going back a trusty courier. That range really gets on my nerves and the thing wasn't good enough at combat to merit getting it as a courier/warship.

So essentially couriers have the best value when you start. Upgrade it with things like afterburners and ram scoops so you can escape from volitile situations easily. Don't try to do combat, although if you see an almost dead argosy or something head on over and try to get the kill shot. Also check out their range and cargo. It gives you some more breathing room as you can see.

As a footnote I prefer playigng with the altered states plug-ins. They don't unbalance the game any and it make ships a bit more workable.

- The Igadzra

Landing request denied.