Aargh!! Renegades following me?? + emalghia mission?

WTF??? I bummed around near the south tip somewhere and killed a few
renegade Aradas and Turncoats, guess I pissed them off cause now every system
I arrive in, (Even safe ones like Sol, Centauri whatever) a whole fleet of
renegades arrives even Crescent Warhips with 9+ Crescent Fighters. This
is ridiculous it's making the game unplayable, I only have a lowly Arada with
4 phase canons. Even if I go to a system with UE Destoyers, wait for the
destroyers to take them out and then move in a whole new fleet arrives in the
next system.

How did this happen and what can I do to stop it?

Also I tried to go back and finish the Defend Emalghi mission (with renegades
chucked in as well, yeah right.) and by hiring some Emalghia fighter escorts I knocked
out all the Voinons but when I land the mission is still not complete? Do I have to
get the last shot in myself and not my escorts?


When you "bummed around near the south tip," 🙂 you must have landed on an Independent planet and taken a Bounty Hunting mission to kill a certain notorious Renegade - while such a mission is active, 3 Renegade vessels will follow you into every system you enter, hence your 3 Crescent Warships and the 9 Fighters they contain between them. To stop it, you either have to go and complete the offending mission, or go to mission info - press "i" by default, and abort the mission. If this is not your problem, then it's beyond me :).

For the second part, it shouldn't matter who gets the last shot in - just make sure that none of the Voinian vessels hyperspaces out during the battle. When you land during a defence mission, the game remembers the number of enemy ships you have destroyed and only the number that you still have to kill reappear when you take off. So check to see if there are any more Voinian ships in the system when you take off. And when you disable them, you can tell if they are for your mission as you will not be able to board them.

Good luck with all that :).


Yep I took on the "Kill Jade Dragon" mission and thought "No Prob" it's probably
an Arada or a Turncoat. Nope, it's a Crescent Warship which my puny Arada
has no chance with. I was going to get a bigger ship and come back but if I
abort will the mission come available again later?



Originally posted by eskatonic:
**will the mission come available again later?

Sure. It's a almost permanently available mission - just make sure your legal standing there is good 🙂

Eat, sleep, eat, sleep

Exactly, missions like that for the Independent systems are not part of a string - they only serve to give you a bit more money, a bit better combat rating and a bit better legal status with the Independents - if you do enough of them.

What sort of bigger ship were you thinking about? I would suggest saving for a Lazira (3.75M credits) in your position - they have many advantages :).

Meh...it's not really that hard to beat a CW in an Arada. Use your speed to avoid it's SADs, then do flybys until either your shields run out, or the CW's dead.

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept