UE Central Campaign

I've completed the Dreadnought and Anna Whatsherface missions, as well as the Zachit and Zidagra strings. Where does the UE central mission start, and are there any requirements?

The main UE string starts at Emalgha, a non-Voinian world in northwest Voinian territory

(This message has been edited by Blackdog (edited 08-14-2001).)


Originally posted by Blackdog:
**The main UE string starts at Emalgha, a non-Voinian world in northwest Voinian territory

(This message has been edited by Blackdog (edited 08-14-2001).)**

Yea... I did that one a long time ago... After I did that I did the Dreadnought and Anna strings... Where can I pick the main string up again? Emalgha doesn't have anything else to offer.


Originally posted by TheElf:
Yea... I did that one a long time ago... After I did that I did the Dreadnought and Anna strings... Where can I pick the main string up again? Emalgha doesn't have anything else to offer.

The station Emalgah space-station in the Romit system.

Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
MOSS of the Crimson Guard, a (url="http://"http://www.planetarion.com")Planetarion(/url) alliance.
Winning isn't everything thing, it's the only thing.
Go have a good laugh with (url="http://"http://www.toostupidtobepresident.com")Bushisms(/url).

Or if you didn't get to that, which it sounds like to me, just keep visiting the bar on Emalghion from time to time. After you've done a few defence missions the next part should start from their 3rd planet, Gurado.

I,too, am stuck on the Vonian/UE central objective. Currently, I'm trying to free the Whatchamacallits from their slavery from the Vonians. Right now, I'm "Wondering where I'll find the troops" to storm the space station/planet. What gives? I'm sick of wondering where. I'll just storm the planet with Blockade Crusher, my new UE cruiser!! Charge! 😉

Do-spect armor? Hah!
I Do'spect that you're going to die, mister Vonian.
Intercepted from the UE Cruiser Blockade Runner, during attack of Dreadnaught.

Outpost Gamma in Yandros -- southwest UE space.

Where does one acquire the "Anna" missions? I did this a long time ago, but I can no longer recall what to do... I finished Pareen Station, killed the Dreadnought and freed the Hinwar, thereby completing the UE Mission Strings, but I never did get that mission. Oh, and what is it you have to do to open up Stellar Corp or that other trading company whose name escapes me mission strings?

Apply When Wet


Originally posted by ZenMastaT:
**Where does one acquire the "Anna" missions? I did this a long time ago, but I can no longer recall what to do... I finished Pareen Station, killed the Dreadnought and freed the Hinwar, thereby completing the UE Mission Strings, but I never did get that mission. Oh, and what is it you have to do to open up Stellar Corp or that other trading company whose name escapes me mission strings?


It is a rare mission found on New Taranto.

Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
MOSS of the Crimson Guard, a (url="http://"http://www.planetarion.com")Planetarion(/url) alliance.
Winning isn't everything thing, it's the only thing.
Go have a good laugh with (url="http://"http://www.toostupidtobepresident.com")Bushisms(/url).

To pick up troops you must visit one of the three main front outposts of the UE, and look for the general with the funny mustache..

The Anna Balashova missions are quite random. They can appear in just about any UE bar.

Alien 5672, giving info at the price of a smack-in-da-head..

Alien 5672 - Pissed off Hinwar, Voinion hater, Strand slayer, Zacha Officer, and kitty-stomper.
Want me to beta-test a TC plug? Gimme a slap at Blackhawk86@hotmail.com
AIM: StrikerDragon

Thanks General Rak, I did end up locating the mission there. Now I'm wondering about those Miranu missions, I'm supposed to fly up to their capitol to get it right? And I seem to recall somethign about needing a fast ship for their later missions.

Apply When Wet

ahhhh the Miranu missons, you'll get them on Mira in the Mirvena sys (or somthing like that).

Been there, Done that.

Hey y'all!
I'm into the "Save the Hinwar" mission. I've gone landed the marines on the station and have been ordered to go to Outpost Alpha in the Bakka system. The problem is, when I arrive, I'm attacked by UE ships and even though I also help to destroy any Voinians in the area, I am not allowed to dock at the Outpost. I absolutely refuse to fire upon "friendlies" and will not demand tribute of the Outpost just to dock. Please tell me what to do! I'm stuck! I even went to Earth (was not attacked there, just in the Bakka system) to pick up a fake I.D. card, and even that did not help! Ya know, if even one of your shots...hits one of the UE ships, they all jump you. I've found that the UE destroyers are especially sensitive about being hit.
Thanks for the help
Capt. Ace "Slippery" Harddrive
captain of the S.S. Sol Searcher 😉

Hey y'all!
I'm into the "Save the Hinwar" mission. I've gone landed the marines on the station and have been ordered to go to Outpost Alpha in the Bakka system. The problem is, when I arrive, I'm attacked by UE ships and even though I also help to destroy any Voinians in the area, I am not allowed to dock at the Outpost. I absolutely refuse to fire upon "friendlies" and will not demand tribute of the Outpost just to dock. Please tell me what to do! I'm stuck! I even went to Earth (was not attacked there, just in the Bakka system) to pick up a fake I.D. card, and even that did not help! Ya know, if even one of your shots...hits one of the UE ships, they all jump you. I've found that the UE destroyers are especially sensitive about being hit.
Thanks for the help
Capt. Ace "Slippery" Harddrive (C.A.S.H.)
captain of the S.S. Sol Searcher 😉

I believe Outpost Alpha is under the UE Frontier governemnt, so a new ID to fool UE wouldn't work. Have you tried bribing your way onto the planet? At time this is the only way, or, you could lurk in systems adjacent to it and blow Voinians away till the UE Frontier likes you again. Such things as this could occur because you accidentaly contributed to the death of a UE ship in a nearby system, or an independent. What does the map say your legal status is?

Apply When Wet


Originally posted by Alien 5672:

The Anna Balashova missions are quite random. They can appear in just about any UE bar.


You get the mission at New Taranto, every time. Just need a deadly or ultimate rating


Originally posted by ZenMastaT:
**I believe Outpost Alpha is under the UE Frontier governemnt, so a new ID to fool UE wouldn't work. Have you tried bribing your way onto the planet? At time this is the only way, or, you could lurk in systems adjacent to it and blow Voinians away till the UE Frontier likes you again. Such things as this could occur because you accidentaly contributed to the death of a UE ship in a nearby system, or an independent. What does the map say your legal status is?


Thanks, ZMT. I started the game anew and have had no problems up 'til now. I'm at the mission where I'm supposed to accompany Commander d'Erlon in the U.E.S. Balefire(sp?) to Luna. We get to Centauri, but when I jump into Sol system, the Balefire fails to follow me in. I have gone back to Centauri time-and-again, and have even hailed them to see if something's wrong. I have even aborted the mission and started it over from Outpost Alpha. Same thing happens: I jump into Sol, Balefire doesn't. What's wrong? 😕
Thanks for any help you can supply.
Capt. Ace Harddrive
captain of the S.S. Blue Falcon (a seriously upgraded Turncoat)


(This message has been edited by CaptAceHarddrive (edited 08-29-2001).)

I am having problems with the marines help thingy...U people said the outposts, but i go there, and nothing happens. Also, i have no mission objectives, so is that a problem? I actually did get guys on a station, and i went on the planet and it said something about gettin help...thats what im trying to figure out BTW..i missed most of the message.

"Stop Whining"


Originally posted by DMBandRulzAll:
**I am having problems with the marines help thingy...U people said the outposts, but i go there, and nothing happens. Also, i have no mission objectives, so is that a problem? I actually did get guys on a station, and i went on the planet and it said something about gettin help...thats what im trying to figure out BTW..i missed most of the message.

You must go to Outpost Gamma, and go to the bar. Accept the mission that you get, and destroy the five ships that hyper in to attack you in Gualon. Then land on Gualon station. The rest of the missions come easy from there. 🙂

Hope it helps.


Originally posted by DMBandRulzAll:
I'm at the mission where I'm supposed to accompany Commander d'Erlon in the U.E.S. Balefire(sp?) to Luna. We get to Centauri, but when I jump into Sol system, the Balefire fails to follow me in. I have gone back to Centauri time-and-again, and have even hailed them to see if something's wrong. I have even aborted the mission and started it over from Outpost Alpha. Same thing happens: I jump into Sol, Balefire doesn't. What's wrong?

Try landing on Luna without the Balefire appearing in Sol. Otherwise, throw out the EV:O preferences file and abort + reaccept the mission.

Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
MOSS of the Crimson Guard, a (url="http://"http://www.planetarion.com")Planetarion(/url) alliance.
Winning isn't everything thing, it's the only thing.
Go have a good laugh with (url="http://"http://www.toostupidtobepresident.com")Bushisms(/url).


Originally posted by General Rak:
**Try landing on Luna without the Balefire appearing in Sol. Otherwise, throw out the EV:O preferences file and abort + reaccept the mission.


Thanx for the suggestions,GR. I threw out the preferences file and went back to Outpost Alpha. I got the mission, and we both jumped into Sol to land on Luna... I followed the rest of the missions...and have been given the "...completed one of the central 'goals'" message. The only other problem I'm having is in relation to the Miranu Proxima Nebula missions (see main topic page).

Captain Ace Harddrive
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
