Reign of Chaos 2

Rima sighed as the list of supplies for fixing the ships and running them,and extras for fixing ships that got damaged later came to her. It had been quickly put into her hand and she hadn't had time to see who delivered it so she knew it was bad. Rima got up and went to find the pilot RED. He knew the galaxy today. Hopefully he could slip in, some supplies if she gave him some ships. The fighters couldn't carry anything and the new ships were too noticable. The Zidara's then. There had to be a few old models around in the galaxy so that they wouldn't be too noticeable. And there were some that weren't the new models but old fashioned.
She found RED and immediately told him the situation and gave him the list. "Can you do it? Get the supplies we need?I'll supply you with Zidara's you can pick the ships but don't try getting On delivery I'll give you a 1.5 million credits if you will." She waited for his answer.

The earth is burning up and were all going to die. are lungs burn for fresh air as we smother in ash

Research Project Initiated
Name: Proton Turret/Cannon
Time Till Completion: 1 post


Carnotaur looked at the latest reports from the research department and Scorcher on the Proton Turret. It would be three times as powerful as Phase, and twice the range. It also had the same reload as a phase turret and was the same size as that of a Phase turret. This allowed the Mercenary Alliance to easily replace all the phase weapons in their navy with much better ones quickly and easily. All the phase turrets would then either be scrapped or kept in storage in case the Mercenary Alliance needed to supply a resistence group or some other government with more weapons.

Then Carnotaur looked at the latest tactical reports. From what the Mercenary Alliance knew, the Ji Nebula was being blockaded and there had been some fighting. Carnotaur knew what this was; the UE and Zidagar had returned. He had been waiting for this for years since he originally helped them to escape the clutches of Galactica.

In order to help them, Carnotaur would need to give them supplies, raw materials, food, ammunition, weapons, and ships. However, there was the Galactica blockade. A cloaking device, perhaps?

Carnotaur called in Scorcher and breifly explained to him the situation and what he wanted; a cloaking device that could evade Galactica sensors, would not take up much fuel, could be used even in hyperspace, and could be mass produced.

"Hmmmmmm, a tough job, but I think I can do it. It'll take a couple weeks though (7 posts)," Scorcher said.

"Get on it right away," Carnotaur replied.

Then Carnotaur called in Admiral Yakuza. "How's work on the DSN-8209 station coming?"

"Actually, it's finished already. We found a small convoy of civillian merchants who disliked Galactica, and were coming to this sector because they had heard of us and knew that we could help them. They gave us a lot of supplies and help building the station, and so it's not completed. We also sent one of them back to tell more people about us, so we will soon be able to get more help and supplies from people wanting to escape the grasp of Galactica. This station not only will give us another shipyard, but it also gives us the advantage of being able to mine a lot of ore from the surrounding asteroids, which are plentiful, but we can also scoop up gas from the nearby gas giant and turn it into fuel. Overral; it will give us an extra 1 million credits per day. Also," Yakuza continued, pointing to the DSN-4743 and DSN-7617 systems, "These two systems are plentiful in asteroids, which we can mine, and DSN-7617 has a planet in it from which we have found tons of vital resources. I suggest we set up a base on the planet in DSN-7617, and a station in DSN-4347 system. What do you say?"

Carnotaur thought for a moment. "Go through with it immediately."


Mercenary Alliance Credit Report
Total Credits: 30 million
Credits Per Day: 4 million


Title: Anti-Proton Cloaking Device
Time Till Completion: 7 posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Yes, I can get them, but even I can't just smash my way through the blockade.
I'm in a fed fighter, and it has a fake sig, but fighters patrol in fleets, and im obviously not in a fleet. I need.. a distraction.. I wont need any zidaras, but I need several of your ships to jump into a system as a distraction. Your ships will engage the fleet, and my fighter will jump in unnoticed. After the initial jump you can retreat, I'll be in. As for the cargo, I'll find a way to get it to you.
I need 300,000 credits as a deposit too.

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

Rima nods and quietly goes over to a console and sends out some orders. "Alright. You can have your deposit and some ships. 3 Zidara's and 2 Humrugar will jump in before you. I don't want to alert them that we have many of the new ships available. They'll jump out once your out of the system." She hands over a credit chip with 300,000credits inside.

The earth is burning up and were all going to die. are lungs burn for fresh air as we smother in ash

The years had made much effect on Paladin himself. His face was drawn, marked with many wrinkles. He was past his sixth decade, and the years were starting to add up.

But on that day, his face looked as youthful - as commanding - as it had during his time as President of the United Earth Federation. Somewhere, in some very dusty paperwork, that title remained, but everyone thought of Paladin in a different way now; they knew him as the First Commander, and his title was not "defender of the Federation", but "avenger of the lost". And now, only two weeks from the tenth year since he was effectively exiled from the galaxy he knew, he was preparing to see his title fit.

The Zidagar could fight for themselves, but now it was past alliances and co-operation. The United Earth wanted vengeance, and for now to maintain their morale, that meant war - fighting for themselves and their people, alone.

The time had come, and the fierce blockade around them was no longer a reason to stall. To victory or defeat, the United Earth would march.

Paladin stood at the Renzokuken, his personal Dragon - outfitted with unique technology to enhance the shields and weapon power, that they could never seek to emulate - watching the swirling clouds around F-25, where the Garland's remarkably tiny, yet still visible, form rested below. A black dot, with thousands of lights sparkling, it shone out through the swirling clouds across the many thousands of miles to the Renzokuken, in orbit of the planet.

"I never saw it so small, but I realise now that it is," Paladin remarked, lost in his thoughts.

"Sir?" one officer, who stood by Paladin's said, reviewing a tactical database by the side of the main viewscreen, asked curiously.

Paladin turned his head, a faint smile on his face, and then turned back to watch the clouds. "The Garland. We thought it was so great, and look at it. Less than two months from us coming here, and already it is downed, for many weeks yet. We'll never restore it to it's true glory."

"Our goal was so simple. The Garland alone could have defeated the Galactica we fight here, singlehandedly. Blasting planet after planet away with it's incredible weaponry, never being even scratched. That wasn't meant to be, however."

"We were meant for the glory of battle, and we shall have it."

The officer smiled. Like everybody else, there were no fears in the upcoming battle. Galactica had ships, but they were spread thin. Everyone knew that things could be achieved, if work was put into it. What Galactica didn't know, was that the United Earth were not the same any more. Not at all...

Preparations had begun, and over two hundred Dragons were being prepared. Wyverns were also be placed on standby, as were the Drakes. Within a day or so everything would be ready, and it would start.

Meanwhile, Paladin was standing on the ground, outside the Garland. Being on a planet was a luxury he did not oft have, and he was enjoying himself. More importantly, he was preparing for the most important stage of the attack. Three of the 64 cubes of the Garland were being towed off by small groups of Dragons. The cubes were packed with all the heavy - sadly unusable - weaponry the Garland had. Incredible weapons, which would serve some purpose, the purpose of making an energy output.

A big boom was too much to hope for - but a message was quite possible.

Tomorrow, the galaxy would see....

...the vengeance of Paladin.

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

Title: Anti-Proton Cloaking Device
Time Till Completion: 6 posts

Title: Proton Turret/Cannon


Scorcher walked into Carnotaur's office and proudly displayed a report. It read that the research on Proton weaponry had been completed and that almost all of the ships in the mercenary alliance had already been outfitted with them. They did twice as much damage as a phase turret, yet had a slightly slower reload but much better range. It was also 5 tons smaller. Overral, an excellent weapon.

"Very good Scorcher," Carnotaur said, smiling.

"That's not all," Scorcher said and displayed another data pad. This one displayed a new design for the Raven. This time it was 180 feet longer and 120 tons heavier than the Crescent Warship, and had a highly modified hull design which made it look only vaguely similar to the CW. It also sported new weapons which Scorcher proudly announced. "Seven Proton Turrets, 3 Dispersal Rocket Launchers, 30 dispersal rockets, 4 SAD launchers, 40 SADs, a Crescent fighter bay with 4 crescent fighters. It also has better armor, better shields, and is just as maneuverable as it was before except now it has slightly better acceleration and speed. And once the Anti-Proton Cloak comes out, another new design will come out featuring a cloaking device standard on all ships."

Carnotaur gleamed at this new weapon of his. With these, he could strike at the depths of Galactica and aid the UE and Zidagar forces that had come back to fight Galactica. He could move in with about 100 of these, strike at the enemy, and disappear before anyone knew what was happening. "Very very good Scorcher. I want you to continue research on improving the design for the Raven. Dismissed."


Mercenary Alliance Economy Report
Total Credits: 34 million
Credits per day: 3 million

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Work on the stealth field is progressing. Instead of having it hide a ship from sensors almost completely, the plan is to now have a powerful scattering field and sensor deflectors to make it difficult to lock on to ships, and also find their position.

It will be ready in 3 posts, while full outfitting will take place in one more post.

The stations in Pust and Dogover will take 10 more posts for full operation, although the superstructure and inner armour layers will be ready in 5. Proper armour, other defensive systems, and weapons will take longer.

New research is started into point defense devices. This will take 2 posts.


The Zacha Arada jumped into realspace in the Emalghion system. The ship had spent three days in hyperspace at maximum burn to reach the system and pilot was exhausted. A young human, he was sent to this place to meet with the Mercenary Guild. The Zacha as a rule, were usually short in their contacts with the Guild. The Zacha weren't very fond on the idea of hiring themselves out as hired guns. The Zacha fought rouge renegades and those who plundered merchant ships; it was their cause. Mercs blew up whoever for money; at least independant mercs.

The Zacha opened a comlink to the planet and said, "Mercenary Guild, this is Jake London of the Zacha out of Ragnorak. I come as an eminsary to offer something of great importance. Permission to land is greatly appreicated."

Jake then sat back to await the signal.

Hawk sat in his seat biting into a faer fruit. The Kisani was growing somewhat impateint, a very unpleasent thing when around other races. He set the fruit down and reopened the comlink. "UE vessels, this is Zacha Hawk of the Zephyr. I would greatly appreiciate if I wasn't kept so long in waiting. I may be long-lived, but I don't live bloody hell forever! Either let me talk to your leader or let me leave. In case you don't know, I hate waiting around."

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

OOC: Here is a new map I created for Reign of Chaos 2: (url="http://"")http://www.speakeasy...r/roc_2_map.gif(/url)


"Mercenary Alliance control to Zacha Arada; you are cleared to land, welcome to Emalghia. You will be escorted down by two of our own aradas and then you will meet with Captain Carnotaur himself."


Carnotaur looked at the latest reports then called in Admiral Yakuza. "Yes Carnotaur?" Yakuza asked as he entered Carnotaurs office.

"I want you to start work on scrapping all outdated ships and only keep the crescent fighters, igazras, voinian cruisers, laziras, and Ravens. The materials gotten from all the rest of the ships will be used to update all our remaining ships and to build as many Ravens and other ships as possible, but mostly Ravens.

"I also want you to outfit all of our remaining ships. As in, add an extra phase cannon or shield enhancer to the crescent fighter, add another turret to the Igazra, etc. Also, change the color scheme on all our ships. I want them to be colored blue and dark blue, got it?"

Yakuza nodded and immediately headed out to give out Carnotaurs orders.


Mercenary Alliance Economy Report
Total Credits: 24 million
Credits per day: 2 million

Title: Anti-Proton Cloaking Device
Time Till Completion: 5 posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 08-09-2001).)

(sorry, Whitehawk, I forgot you - let's redo it slightly)

The Renzokuken passed Hawk's ship on the way, and stopped.

"Why wasn't I informed about this?" Paladin demanded.

"You were, Sir," one officer replied politely.

Cursing, Paladin nodded, admitting he had been told about that. "Bring the ship in, and continue on our journey. Tell the pilot to come to the bridge right away."

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

Scattering fields have been in testing for the new stealth field, and tests are proceeding as expected, although some anomalies are popping up. Teams are looking how the device will be fitted to ships, and what might be required.(2 posts, plus 1 for outfitting)

The point defence research team has looked at all previous attempts for pds, and has come up with several ideas, seeing which of these may be viable and how they may be done will take a few more weeks. Then research will begin into an actual pds system.(1 post, then further)

Construction of stations is proceeding normally.


Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**OOC: Here is a new map I created for Reign of Chaos 2:http://www.speakeasy...r/roc_2_map.gif

Looks nice, but you missed some of the things that where on the other map. Nice and easy to read though.
Other map is at: (url="http://"")


(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 08-09-2001).)

Hawk stormed down the corriodors of the Dragon, his eyes a blazing silver fire. Waiting he could handle, but the line of when he had had it was cornering his ship, picking it up, and ordering him around. Behind him were two guards, no doubt ready to fire at him without hesitation. Like he could pull anything; he had come onboard with no weapons shown. He wasn’t stupid. He rubbed his wrist, his wristlink staying put.

The Kisani was a former renegade, doing little beyond raiding merchant lines and leaving the ship to wait with its crew still alive. If the ship had taken critical damage, Hawk would’ve given spare supplies to fix it. He had done this for five years before he helped the Miranu government track down three of the most deadly renegade captains alive in the North Tip; they had been respoisble for destroying twelve civillian vessels out right, killing eight thousand civillians. For this he was given a clean slate and was offered a postion in the Zachit. His combat record stated him as beyond Ultimate, because although he had been a renegade, he hunted other rouges and even dented a few Voinian cruisers in his time. Also on his record was raiding some ships when the United Earth was still in its prime, before the mighty government fell. Good thing it had or else he would’ve been dead when he entered this system.

But for the fact that he was well over a century old and still young, the Kisani had failed to learn any patience. So he stopped and took a deep breath, calming down. He reached the door to the bridge and as they opened, he stepped onto the bridge. He had to admit that these people did have a good cause and when he saw the bridge of the large ship, he couldn’t shake the feeling.

He took one look and found Paladin. In a calm voice he said, “Captain Hawk Kael of the Zephyr and leader of the Zacha here as requested. It is pleasure to meet at last the famed Paladin, leader of the fallen UE federation.” No matter how calm Hawk could be, the fact that he had been surrounded and picked up like so much paper still had a grip on him.

The arada landed gracefully on Emalghia at prearranged coordinates. After landing was complete, the hacth to the ship opened and down the gangplank walked James. He was dressed in the green and blue of Zacha diplomatic Corps, and he bore in his hands a small wooden box made of oak, a rare thing since Earth’s fall. The human calmly walked down the path.

He saw a small contigent of guards and such at the edge of the ship’s pad and assumed it belonged to the merc leader Carnotaur. Jake was a man who had been trained all his life to be a diplomat and was versed in the cultures of ten races and fluently spoke more then a score of tounges. He had done many deals with Azdgari and such and knew what to do.

He saw Carnotaur and stepped up to the mercenary leader. “Captain Carnotaur, I am James London of the Zacha. On behalf of Hawk Kael, Zacha leader, he apologizes for not being here himself. The current...appearence of the Zidagar and United Earth has preoccupied him elsewhere. He does however offer this as a gift of friendship.” James opened the box to reveal a small metal rod about three inches long and four inches thick. He carefully removed it and pressed a small button, causing the rod to grow up to two meters in lenght. He held it in both hands sideways and offered it to Carntaur.

“A blast staff, capable of firing a energy pulse whoes damage ranges from a stuning effect to a phased beam field riffle. It also makes for a great staff, walking stick, and limbo stick if need be. As well, I also have a data crystal from Captain Hawk as well, detailing events of an alliance between our two factions.”

“So shall I stay or should I leave knowing no alliance is needed?”

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain


Originally posted by RMA:
**Looks nice, but you missed some of the things that where on the other map. Nice and easy to read though.
Other map is at:

Okee dokee, and thanks.

Map updated.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Carnotaur smiled as he held the blast staff, then put it into a special holder on his belt. Then he turned to James. "On the contrary, the Mercenary Alliance graciously accepts your offer for an alliance.

"You see we are a small government. We have little ships and little good technology. Though we do have a promising ship, the Raven, we still need help in the way of raw materials, technology, ships, etc.

"However, this is not a main issue. We have heard of the reappearance of the UE and Zidagar, and we want to help. We are prepared to send weapons, ships, supplies, equipment, etc. to them to help them set up a few bases and shipyards.

"But we need help to get past the Galactica blockade. You have contact with the UE/Zidagar, so how about making a combined assault on both sides of a particular section of the blockade. With all of our forces consontrating on one area, we should be able to break through. Though this is not possible at the moment, I suggest that you consider it for a later time.

"What do you say?"

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Paladin smiled faintly, turning to face Hawk.

"I can imagine how you are feeling. Once I would have felt the same, but I've grown now. Being outnumbered means nothing. If it did, I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing now - attacking the blockade."

"Now, it comes down to this. If you side with Galactica in the upcoming war, or if you side with us. Just understand...I'm not evil. If you say Galactica, you will be escorted to the border and surrendered to Galactica. However, they might not like how you got here, so consider your options. You cannot defeat us all."

"We're currently in hyperspace, moving towards the blockade. You have approximately..." Paladin checked the time, "four hours to make your decision. The Zephyr is being towed, don't worry."

"You may think I'm mad, and perhaps you're right. But this will be done."

"Now... Who will you side with?

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

In the Muid system, a blinding pinprick of light suddenly appeared. It grew until, without warning, three hundred unrecognized ships suddenly appeared. Adzgari cadets stopped their training and gaped at the spectacle before them. The fighters were moving at unbelievable speeds. Planetary instruments also detected ripples that showed there may even be more ships than the ones that visibly appeared.

The ships, of course, had seen this civilization before, but only with their enigmatic Phantom pilots doing the viewing, hidden from Adzgari view.

The I'ase ships' instruments were busily recording anything they saw. And then, just as suddenly as they had entered, the ships left, leaving behind only a confused system that was making many, many calls to GNN.

Ships: 150 Light Fighters, 75 Heavy Fighters, 50 Frigates, 50 Spy Fighters (unseen)

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept

:REDchigh, suprised he actually got what he asked for, smiled, took the equipment list, and turned away in one swift move, and heads to his fighter. He called back at the door, in a nervous voice, "Wish me luck...." and he muttered.. "hope my escape pods is in decent condition.." He boards his fighter, and watches the Zidigar distraction fleet enter hyperspace, and he warps seconds behind them. He relaxes for the few hours it takes, enjoying this minute of calm before the storm that would no doubt be taking place in the next hour or so.

As the dull, flawless, dull white of hyperspace dissolved into the high contrast black universe, dotted with tiny white stars, the "battle" falls into view as the fighter's speed reaches normal. The Zidigar fleet is highly outnumbered, and taking heavy damage, REDchigh slips into the mass, and makes a few "accidents" happen with his missiles going off-target to save a lone humrugar, then he jumps out, right as a captain notices, and wonders to himself where to and why the lone fighter is jumping from the system...
The lone fighter lands on a planet known for it's um.. anonymous qualities, where REDchigh trades his Fighter in for a standard shuttle, except for a few "goodies" incase there's trouble. REDchigh gets a regional map, and tries to get his coordinates, finally he goes to the bar, relaxes a minute, and for a split second, considers not going back to F-25, but his ethics get to him, and he tries to think of where he'll get the equipment he needs... He doesn't really have enough for the equipment after the shuttle and mess of drinks he had.. he tries to think of an "old-world" govts, one that was on good terms with the Zidigar, and not so good terms with the Galactica empire...... He glances at the holovid, with a picture of Battledoctor and Carnotaur side by side, with a new reporter talking about a minor conflict between Galactica and the merc alliance to their northwest.... "Thats it!" REDchigh exclaims outloud to himself, getting odd looks from the half drunk patrons in the bar.... "RED looks around nervously, leaves 30 cred's for his drinks and the standard 50 cred tip that covers the bartender denying ever seeing him there... REDchigh makes his way to his shuttle, and leaves, trying to conveniantly avoid any nosy Galactica scans, and he heads north, planning to brush his trail before heading to Carnotaur's space...

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

All eyes were tuned to the GNN as Thunder's image came on screen. Recent events rushed ahead, and rumors were rampant.

"Good evening, citizens of the galaxy," Thunder began. "Today, the question of whether life exists in our galaxy only has been answered. We are not alone. New ships - ones never seen before in this galaxy, have appeared in the Azdgari system of Muid. Most of the witnesses on the scene, as well as most of our science correspondants, believe they are from a civilzation outside our galaxy. Transponder frequencies identified them only as the "I'ase" - and they refused to answer hails. As you can see from this video, taken by an Azdara pilot on patrol during the ten minutes or so that the I'ase ships were present, the vessels do not appear to be hostile, just curious. They seem to be scanning the vessels present, observing our civilization. Perhaps sometime soon they will return, and perhaps then we can make a proper introduction between our two peoples. Until then, we're left with some amazing video, and a lot of questions.

Three of our aradas are en route to Muid, to interview witnesses and give you complete coverage of this amazing story. Be sure to stay tuned to the GNN for further updates on this story as they are revealed. For now, I wish you all a good evening, and a good night."

Ad Astra Per Aspera - "A rough road leads to the stars"

Hawk stood on the bridge of the Dragon, looking at Paladin. He smiled at the question and thouht carefully on his response. He paced the bridge and then turned.

“The choice is not simple, you know. Since Galactica rules much of known space and outnumber us by thousands, we Zacha are in a delicate postion. I had to come barreling through two of their light captial ships to get here, disabling them. There is most likely a warran for my arrest. Yet on the other hand, I’ve led the Zacha for the past decade and have driven many renegades and pirates from the North Tip and Miranu space. Very little remains of them beyond a few ships that gather from time to time. You ask me what side I go with and my answer is this.”

He tapped his wristlink and said, “Sedran, jump into realspace, now!” On the screen of the Renzokuken something flashed. It was a jump point opening to reveal the blue and silver of hyperspace and from it jumped a large ship. Her hull was sleek black and she spoke of speed and grace. No turrets clung to the hull, but there was without doubt the fact that ship was heavily armed.

Hawk turned from the screen to Paladin and smiled. "That ship there is the Sedran, the only of her kind ever built. Don't let the lack of turrets fool you; she's powerful enough to put a dent in one of your Dragons, perhaps even two of them. That ship has to offer the best we Zacha can build, and her existence is known to few even amongst the Zacha ranks. Those pirate ships that have crossed her are so much floating debris piles. This should tell you one thing, Paladin. I would gladly help you drive back the Galactica."

James nodded and said, "Yes, Captain, I think it is possible. The Zacha in itself has some more materials then you, but not by much. We can offer some ships, building supplies, and this." The human pulled a data crystal and holo-projector from his pocket and placed the crystal in the projector. An image of a silver-grey ship shimmered into view, turning and such. James removed the crystal and put away the projector; the crystal he handed to Carnotaur. "That there is the skematics and plans to our Echo Destroyer. Keep in mind that Hawk did not give you the skematics to our weapon or sensor cloak; we don't trade weapons technology as a rule."

"Soon, however, the problem of the Zacha being contained to a single city ship is about to change. We are currently underway to colonize the Sirabor system, which Galactica has largely ignored. Soon after we shall take Stror. Both moons of Sirabor 3 have very rich atmospheres similar to that of Earth before its fall. There is the differecne that it is more primordial, but it has all needed materials."

The Sirabor system was empty and devoid of any ships. That all changed when several jump points opened. From these points came two Echo destroyers, three Zacha Aradas, two Lazrias, and fifteen miranu heavy frieghters entered realspace. Onboard the Feri, the lead destroyer, sat Commander Vual, a Miranu dedicated to the Zacha. He had been chosen to lead the colonizeation to Sirabor's twin moons.

As the ships broke up and headed towards either moon, the commander silently thought on this occasion. By right the Zacha had claim to this system and the moons and could even produce the charters saying so. If Galactica were to move in and take control of it, then many of that government's citizens would cry out in protest. The Zachit had more then done enough to earn this system and would fight to protect it.

Before the solar day would end, permant bases would be set up on both moons.

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

REDchigh approaches Emalgha without too much incident, only having to "deal with" 3 Galactica fighters, and even they took their toll on the shuttle... It was out of secondaries, and one of the cannons overheated on the shuttle's weaker energy coil, and the energy coil itself almost exploded.. REDchigh made one more jump, and was beyond Galactica's border, where his 300,000 credits could bribe any attackers. He hails the first M A ship, "Are you part of the MErc. Alliance, led by Carnotaur?"
"Of course,"
"I need to see Carno, I have some.. information he might be interested in, has to do with his old friends the Zidigar..... I have some data disks with photos as proof of what I say"
The merc ship is quiet for a minute, obviously talking to the capital. A few minutes later 3 "Ravens" come and escort the small shuttle to Emalghion, where several armed guards lead RED to wait for Carno...

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen