Reign of Chaos 2

OOC: This is my last post for tonight.


Two hours after receiving the last message, Hawk’s mind was disturbed. The Azdgari were still a major force to be reckoned with, though their once mighty empire had fallen to less then a dozen or so systems. Yet the still-proud race was a force to be reckoned with despite the resources and skill the Zacha had at their beck and call.

For the last two hours, Hawk had discussed the issue with the senior staff. They had agreed that it was a go; but only one raid would be commenced upon them. Right now, the half-Kinsani was thinking on this. Rumor had it that a sizable fleet of nearly a dozen ships with an important flagship at its head was within a five jumps of where Raganok was stationed at. Intel had said the fleet contained four Azdgari aradas, five azdaras, and the flagship itself, a Warship carrying an important military leader. Hawk had a fleet of a dozen ships within a jump of there, with a Echo Destroyer at the head and five Zachit Aradas and five Zacha fighters.

With certain dread, he opened a ranged link to the fleet and said, “Halo Squadron, I have a mission for you...”

The Azdgari fleet never had a chance. The Zacha ships jumped from hyperspace, weapons hot. Before the flagship knew it, whitefire beam fire, phase fire, and pursuit missiles hit the ship with great force, while the aradas and azdaras were hit pretty good as well.

“What the Inferno was that!” shouted General Ossumi, commander of the ASS Gurdan and Kihan Fleet. The scene on the veiwscreen was one of great fury and danger.

“Sir, they came out of nowhere. They show up on our veiwscreen as well as the jump points that were opened to let them in realspace, but they’re undetected by our scanners. The ships’ configuration however is unmistakable,” reported the helmsman.

“Yes, I know that. They’re Zacha ships, the fighters piloted by Zacha, while the destroyer is commanded by a military genius. Launch all fighters and bring to bear all turrets. NOW!”

The Zachit aradas broke off into two groups, one led by the destroyer, the others three aradas. At the same time, the five fighters engaged the azdaras full on. The Echo led group headed towards the frigate, the destroyer’s three Zacha fighters already launched. Three azdaras had already been launched when the group was on the Warship, and the azdaras were made short work of by the beam fire of the destroyer and the two Zacha Aradas. Flanking the Warship, the group fired relentlessly on the overpowered Azdgari ship.

Meanwhile, the second group of Zacha Aradas engaged the Azdgari Aradas. The Azdgari thought they had the advantage in numbers, but where seriously mistaken. Whitefire cannons raged along the shields and hulls of the Azdgari vessels, doing damage while the pursuit missiles damaged the hulls. Two Azdgari ships overpowered one of the Zacha Aradas and blew it up. They were overcome two seconds later by the remaining two Zacha ships.

The five Zacha fighters were doing poorly against the azdaras. Two of the fighters remained while three azdaras remained. Soon it was one fighter and three azdaras as one of the last blew up under phase fire. That was soon to change however as the two remaining aradas from the second group came streaming in, remaining missiles pounding away while whitefire beams hit the azdaras full on. One of the aradas fell prey to the fire of one azdara and blew up in a blazing hue of fire. That azdara was blasted away two seconds later, followed by the remaining two.

The Warship was faring little better; all of her fighters had been destroyed. Yet in the process, through combined power from azdaras and the Gurdan, two Zacha fighters and one arada had been destroyed. For a minute Ossumi thought he was going to live after all, but he was sorely disappointed.

“Sir, all support vessels have been destroyed. We’re the last ship left, and the two remaining Zacha ships are coming our way,” reported the weapons officer.

“Turn around 180 and prepare to jump when clear.” Ossumi spoke too late. The ship suddenly went dark and when all five ships came into view, there was a sudden flash of white light as all the ships fired their whitefire beams. “Oh shi...” were the last words that escaped Ossumi’s mouth. The Azdgari Warship blew in a glorious blast of blue and orange flames. Their mission complete, the two remaining Zacha fighters docked with the Echo destroyer, and the aradas and destroyer jumped from the system. All that remained was debris and empty space.

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

BattleDoctor was enjoying some fine Miranu cuisine in his dining room on board his personal Dreadnought, the G.S.N. Deimos. Halfway through a dessert that was overly sweet but nonetheless quite good, one of his aides rushed in and notifieed him that there was an important message waiting for him in his office.

After finishing hhis dessert, BattleDoctor rushed to his quarters where there wa a message from the Vice Admiral he had recently sent to defend against the Azdgari. It stated that the ships were in position, but he doubted they would do any good; the Azdgari had thrown everything they had at the Mark system, and 35 ships spread out along millions of miles of the Galactica-Azdgari border would do no good if the Azdgari committed themselves to a conflict.

Then it got interesting. The Igadzra moved on to say that there had apparently been an attack on an Azdgari battlegroup by several light ships. It looked as if the Azdgari had been destroyed, but nothing was certain.

Though BattleDoctor had received no confirmation of the mission, he was sure this attack had been the Zachit. However odd it may be that he had heard nothing from the Zachit about this, he was pleased.

Next, BattleDoctor turned to his aide who had followed him from the dining room to his office. "Send a force of 65 warships to Outpost Terapin to reinforce the forces we already have in that area. Make sure they have a Dreadnought with them."

"Yes, Sir!" replied the aide as he began to walk quickly up to the bridge.

You know you want it. It's (url="http://"")cheese(/url).
If you can't afford a sandwich you can't afford explosives.

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 07-02-2001).)

Ack! SilverDragon, you forgot to list the I'ase. Just thought you should know...

I didn't know these animals could use computers.

ooc: Just so you know, the humrugar are the ones taking patrols and they are yellow not purple because they were originally designed with UE and Zidagar tech so purple was not appropriate.

IC: Rima thinks over the message as the Humrugar are quickly repaired and put back into space one by one. Finally she starts a message.
<begin transmitting message>
We need every good pilot we can get.I will indeed hire you. We will probably need your hacking skills the most. We also need information on the goverments and technology they have.
<end transmission>
Rima sent the message and then thoughtfully looked out at the ships. The two new designs were good. She had once considered scrapping the Zidara but the ship had been around for a long time. The new shields worked well.But there was a resource they would need soon. Once they got out of this system.

The earth is burning up and were all going to die. are lungs burn for fresh air as we smother in ash

Hawk stood on a railing overlooking one of Raganok’s more busier docking bays. A few Zacha fighters were be upgraded, having dispersal rockets installed at the cost of having pursuit missiles removed. Across from fighters a merchant Arada was unloading its cargo of food, some 20 tons. What got his attention however was the scoutship in the center. The pilot had come asking for permission to dock and repair after being attacked by a renegade fighter; a krait, which had been long out of use. That did not interest Hawk thought; the pilot had come forth with some disturbing information that Azdgari ships had attacked a GNN ship and destroyed it. There had been no account of survivors.

Hawk was disturbed by this fact as well as angered. The Azdgari didn’t usually attack ships that were military, and to Hawk attacking and destroying a civilian ship was low. After this incident, he had called a meeting to discuss the issue, and it was decided a ship had to be sent to investigate. They had sent Jordan and his newly christened Zidara. After that, the council then discussed the issues on the matter of the Ji Nebula and decided to send a scout there. They had looked to their Kisani leader, who volunteered without hesitation. Hawk had the reputation for never sending in Zacha if he could do it himself; that was perhaps the reason why the Zacha suffered few losses against hostiles.

Hawk turned around and headed down the lift, dressed in his flight suit. His call sign, a hawk with its’ wings spread as if in flight, covered the suit’s right breast. He had left Raganok in capable hands and it was due to leave the system in three days for another position. He would meet them there.

It was a short walk to his ship; the Zephyr was an Zachit Arada of unique design, having whitefire beam cannons, pursuit missiles, and dispersal rockets, along with the fact that her speed, acceleration and maneuverability had been increased three fold by a very skilled tech who had owed Hawk a favor. The interface aboard the Zephyr’s cockpit was unique only to his ship, having been designed wholly by Hawk himself. It allowed him to access every function in the ship, from weapons to helm to communications. Many rumors told that this interface helped make Hawk a more formidable pilot and warrior; most Zacha however knew otherwise as the Kisani had gone through twenty years of training in many things. Many also knew he was a born pilot, his skills honed by those years of training, making even some of the most skilled Azdgari look like ungraceful turtles out of water.

He had thought of spreading it to the other fighter ships amongst the Zacha, but dropped it. Many of the pilots either used manual controls or consoles, and Hawk respected his peoples’ wishes.

Entering the ship, he closed the hatch and entered the cockpit. Sitting down, he made a guesture and a light field flared up briefly. “Docking Control, this is the Zephyr requesting permission for takeoff.”

Two seconds later, his response came through. “This is DC, Hawk; we hear you. Zephyr, you are go for launch, I repeat you are go for launch. Good luck, Hawk, and may the Fates guide you.”

“Thanks, Control.” With that, Hawk shut the link and gestured a few more times. Suddenly the arada slowly began to slant downwards, the launch door opening up. Hawk made a quick thrust with his fist and the Zephyr zoomed out and down. Passing through the traffic, Hawk headed out far enough and opened a jump point. Two seconds later, the ship was lost to hyperspace. Hawk’s next stop was the outer Ji Nebula.

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

RED recieves the message, and after a lot of pain-in-the-butt securutiy protocal, RED boards the Savior.
"So, what did you have in mind?"

"The biggest conspiracy has always been the fact that there is no conspiracy. Nobody's out to get you. Nobody gives a **** whether you live or die. There, you feel better now?"
~Dennis Miller

I don't really have much to say, so I'm simply going to state how many posts I have to make for my research to finish, and how many posts so far.

Posts left: 13

Posts done: 2 (including the starting one)

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
(url="http://"")Starbase Delta(/url) | (url="http://"")Spacestation Pheta Unofficial Forums(/url) | (url="http://"")Daedalus Developers' Board(/url)

Rima studies RED for a few seconds.
"Our main need is information.All the information you can give us.I'll pay you depending on how much information you give me.If you need anything from us besides money I'll see what I can do.If we manage to get out of the Nebula we will send a message.All the Zidagar have seen your ship.They'll know the signature of your ship and help you if you need it.Later we will have more jobs for you.this is our present need.We need information as quick as possible.Will you get it?"
As Rima waited for a response she glanced again out a window. The Humrugar fighters still patroled now that the disabled ones were repaired.

The earth is burning up and were all going to die. are lungs burn for fresh air as we smother in ash

(Message: Alpha Victor ś encryption)
To:Hawk, Zachit
From:RMA, Galactica
Your ships has been recorded on a heading towards the Ji Nebula. Any ships attempting to enter the nebula will be fired upon. If you wish entry, you may request assignment to a patrol. Communication with the UE and Zidigar forces will not be allowed. You will be compensated if you wish.
(Message Ends)


Work on a Stealth Field is procceding apace, and will be done soon. Work on an advanced cloak will take longer.

The stations being constructed are nearing first stage completion. They will be fully operational soon.



Er, Redchigh, how exactly did you get through the blockade of the nebula? Galactica forces wouldnt have just let you through without a fight, and their're are a lot of ships about. You definitely wouldnt be able to get out. Patrols are not sent in as single fighters. They also report any contacts with enemy ships by hyperradio.

Just so you know.



Regular programming was cut on all GNN networks, and a news flash logo replaced it. An announcer's voice spoke, announcing the location and time where the report was originating from.

Dateline - Mark System, July 9, 2165

"Good evening, everyone," a GNN reporter spoke. "I'm GNN field reporter Jeff Lasin, aboard the arada Observer 13, with a live broadcast from the now Azdgari controlled Mark system. We do not at the moment know the specifics of the Azdgari occupation of this system - all attempts to hail the surface have failed. As you can see by these images, the Azdgari have as many as a hundred ships here, probably more. We've observed many ships landing and leaving the surface, so it's difficult to tell exactly how many there are in all, but suffice to say there are so many we can't keep a good count. Two Galactica scouts that entered the system were destroyed about half an hour ago, but their pilots managed to eject safely, and we can only assume they were able to relay their data back to the Galactica military.

Azdgari security here is tight - we're not allowed to get too close to the planet and we've been forbidden to take any scans other than a few rudimentary video images. We've observed the debris of at least four seperate Galactica ships, though it looks as though somebody had salvaged any major components, and without scanning we can't identify what class these ships were of. In what little contact we have had with the Azdgari, we have been assured that the casualties were as low as was possible in the occupation of the system. We are not able to confirm this, or confirm the fate of the Galactica citizens and military on the surface with our current level of access to the planet. But it's safe to say that the Azdgari offensive is real. This has been field reporter Jeff Lasin with a live update - now back to regular programming"

The news bulliten logo appeared again, before regular programming resumed.


Meanwhile, back at GNN headquarters, Thunder pondered the current situation. Tensions were building, and war seemed inevitable. The main job of the press was to keep the public informed, but Thunder always believed that the press had a responsibility to promote understanding and make a positive influence, whenever possible. The public, as indicated by opinion polls, was frightened by these events - it would help if someone could assure them that everything was being done to keep them safe. That someone, or the best "someone" for the job, Thunder mused, was Emperor Battledoctor himself. That in mind, he walked over to the communications room and typed out a message for Battledoctor.

Message to Battledoctor, GNN encryption sequence 4 active
From: Thunder, location: GNN headquarters, Kayia

Emperor, certainly you realize that the general public is frightened by the current turn of events, both with the rise of tensions between your government and the Azdgari, and the threat in the Ji nebula. It will do no good for anyone if a general panic ensues, and I think we have the means to prevent such a panic. I'd like to conduct an interview of sorts, of you. Simply prepare a message to inform the public of whatever you think they need to know, ensure them that steps are being taken to keep them safe, whatever you deem fit. GNN will provide the forum for you to broadcast your message galaxy wide. If you take me up on this offer, I will come to the Galactica system to conduct the interview myself. I await your response.

-Thunder, GNN head and chief reporter

End Message

Also, NOTE: Remember, EVERYONE can recieve GNN broadcasts, even the UE and Zidagar in the Ji nebula.

Ad Astra Per Aspera - "A rough road leads to the stars"

Um, how DOES research work, Esponer? I started doing it my own way, but then RMA mentioned that he was doing it by each post in the topic counted as a research post for everyone... I'd like you to clear this up.

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
(url="http://"")Starbase Delta(/url) | (url="http://"")Spacestation Pheta Unofficial Forums(/url) | (url="http://"")Daedalus Developers' Board(/url)

I guess I'll just begin my research...beginning research on Scrambler.

SilverDragon said he may moderate use and power of this weapon, but for now it is a transmitter that messes up electrical ship systems.

I'm not sure how many posts this should take, so if anyone would tell me, thanks.

I didn't know these animals could use computers.

Hawk awoke to the sound of the ship's alarm. Grudgingly sitting up on his bunk, the Kisani strecthed and said wearily, "Alarm off. How long until entry into Ji Nebula?"

"Ten minutes and descending. You also have one message. Do you wish to veiw in cockpit?"

"Yes, display right now." Hawk stopped on by the Zephyr's small galley and grabbed an Kisan halij, a fruit similar to Earth's apple, but tasting sweeter. Heading to the bridge, he saw the glimmer of hyperspace from his cockpit window. The light field was up, displaying a text message. Biting into the halij, he sat down to read the message.

(Message: Alpha Victor ś encryption)
To:Hawk, Zachit
From:RMA, Galactica
Your ships has been recorded on a heading towards the Ji Nebula. Any ships attempting to enter the nebula will be fired upon. If you wish entry, you may request assignment to a patrol. Communication with the UE and Zidigar forces will not be allowed. You will be compensated if you wish.
(Message Ends)

Tricky situation we've got, eh. With his free hand, Hawk guestured and started a message.

(Reciver: RMA, Galactica)
(Sender: Hawk of the Zacha)
Lord RMA, I have read your message and understand the rules involved. However in my defense, I have but one response: Take the offer and shove it.
Have a good day, Lord RMA
(End Message)

With another guesture of his hand, Hawk sent the message away. With another guesture, Hawk activated the Zephyr's sensor cloak. No ship, not even other Zacha ships could detect the Zephyr. Hawk sat back and relaxed, eating his halij all the while.

Two Galactica frigates were on patrol when they detected a jump point open. When both captains of the vessels scracthed their heads in puzzlement when they detected nothing coming out of it, it was thought a random sensor ghost. However, they were mistaken.

The Zephyr zoomed past the frigates, Hawk pulled pack and spinned upwards 360 degrees to face the rear of both ships, their engines exposed. A white beam burst forth from the Zachit Arada and hit both frigates' engines, basicly disabling both ships before they knew what happened.

Laughing somewhat at the thought of both Galactica officers screaming, wondering what the hell had just happened, Hawk guestured and opened another jump point and the Arada jumped. His last destination was one jump from F-25. Behind him were left two disabled but otherwise unharmed frigates.

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain


Originally posted by RMA:
**Er, Redchigh, how exactly did you get through the blockade of the nebula? Galactica forces wouldnt have just let you through without a fight, and their're are a lot of ships about. You definitely wouldnt be able to get out. Patrols are not sent in as single fighters. They also report any contacts with enemy ships by hyperradio.
Just so you know.

OOC: I was in the system when the Zigigar-UE fleet first entered, I blended in well with a patrol fleet that was in the system, and fought on the Zidigar-UE side undetected, then retreated to the outskirts of the system, out of range of all scanners.

IC: "Sure, I'll be glad to get you information, but even I cant get out of this system alone with the blockade like it is. I do have somewhat of a plan, but I would need several of your vessels, and it would probably be suicide for them. I recommend we kind of lay low, I know a lot about the races now, I'd be glad to tell you what I know, over a meal that is.. I'm famished, haven't eaten in days. whacha got?

"The biggest conspiracy has always been the fact that there is no conspiracy. Nobody's out to get you. Nobody gives a **** whether you live or die. There, you feel better now?"
~Dennis Miller

BattleDoctor sat in his office looking over a report from the commander of the Ji Nebula Blockade. Apparently a ship had gotten through a weak point in the blockade. He made a mental note to tell the commander to be more careful about these things. He guessed the fact that some idiot had run the blockade didn't mean too much. The blockade was, of course, for the protection of the Galactica Empire and therefore its citizens.

Then he noticed a message forwarded to him from RMA. He read it slowly. Then he read it again.

Damn it, BattleDoctor thought. That ship must have been Zacha Hawk or one of his lackeys. BattleDoctor called in one of his aides and ordered that if Hawk was seen, he or any ships defending him are to be fired on without warning.

BattleDoctor then moved on to a message from the GNN. He read it through, and it seemed reasonable. The people did need to be reassured that all the military actions recently were in their best interests. He pressed a button and began to dictate a short message.

(Message, Alpha-2 encrypted)
To: Thunder, GNN
From: BattleDoctor, Galactica

Your offer for an interview is perfectly acceptable. I look forward to speaking with you on the issue of the growing military tensions. Feel free to come at any time, I will give your news crew clearance to dock at Galactica Prime
(End Message)

You know you want it. It's (url="http://"")cheese(/url).
If you can't afford a sandwich you can't afford explosives.

The dockmaster in the GNN hangar bay was surprised to see Thunder walk in and seek him out. "Well, this is unexpected. What brings you here, Thunder?"

"I need a ship," Thunder replied. "I've got an important interview to conduct on Galactica Prime."

"I have a feeling I won't be able to convince you to send someone else?"

"You know me," Thunder said, "I'd never be content as one of those anchors who just sits behind a desk, paid to be a talking head. I want to be out there where the action is. Besides, Battledoctor is expecting me personally, I don't want to disappoint him."

"An interview with the Emperor, eh? Well, most of our aradas are out on stories right now, but I can send you in Informer One. It seems appropriate if you're going to interview the leader of the galaxy."

"Great," Thunder replied, "when do I depart?"

"As soon as you're ready. Informer One is docked in bay 5. It's the third bay on your right. I'll radio ahead and tell the crew to expect you."

"Thanks," Thunder said, striding off down the hall. He entered bay five, and looked a the impressive ship before him. Informer One, flagship of the GNN fleet. It was a crescent warship (one of 3 the GNN owned), painted in bright blue and yellow (these colors were considered neutral, and easy to recognize on the battlefield, to deter battling ships from targeting it or mistaking it for an enemy). The GNN logo was emblazoned in huge letters on the hull. Of course, this ship was nothing compared to the military technology of the day, but it was still quite a sight when you got a look at it up close.

"Ahh, glad to meet you, Thunder. I'm Captain Jeffers. Welcome aboard Informer One. Hurry up and get on board, we're slated to leave in just half an hour." Thunder complied, making his way to his quarters and watching out the portal as the Informer One exited the docking bay and soon afterwards the atmosphere. Mere minutes later, Kayia was fading into the distance as the ship geared up for the hyperspace jump, the first leg of the trip to Galactica Prime.

Ad Astra Per Aspera - "A rough road leads to the stars"

Scientists on Mira report that the weapons work is going as well as can be expected. The new weapons, dubbed the Heavy Inferno Cannon and the Heavy Pursuit Missile, have proven to be slightly harder than expected in certain areas.

Preliminary tests of computer models have shown that the higher powered fuel cells are too much for the old targeting systems. The targeting units will have to be completely redone. Other than that, work is going smoothly.

The Fusion Warheads on the Heavy Pursuit Missiles have proven to be very unstable. A new hull integrity field will have to be designed into the missile. Unfortunately, the current power systems will have to be upgraded considerably more than was previously planned due to the power drain which will undoubtably be caused by the field. If all else goes well the project should be done relatively soon.

You know you want it. It's (url="http://"")cheese(/url).
If you can't afford a sandwich you can't afford explosives.

Rima sighed but she had expected that he wouldn't be able to get through the blockade.
"We have a few foods but there all Zidagar foods. The hydronics bay provides most of our food. I'll lead the way."
Rima walked through the maze of Saviors hallways. Soon she had come into the hydronics bay.there was noise of machinery that was processing the food into diffrent types of containers. A menu was hung up in the middle of the left wall.

The earth is burning up and were all going to die. are lungs burn for fresh air as we smother in ash

A stealth field that confuses enemy sensors as to the exact location of a ship is being tested, and field results will be in soon. The effectiveness of this first generation model is expected to be low, but will allow greater understanding in the future.

OOC:Just so people know, their are way more than just 2 frigates on the 2 entry points to the Ji Nebula. I'll let Captain Whitehawks moves go, but he'd have been up against a few hundred ships, minimum. Ships waiting for enemy ships to enter a system would also be paying close attention to scanners. Galactica ships also have multiple shield layers, so disabling weapons are not as effective till the outer layers are beaten down. Galactica ships can take a lot of damage before they get down to armour.

