Reign of Chaos 2

"Thank you for your kind welcome," the experienced pilot of Informer One replied to the Zacha ships. "We're simply here to follow up on our reports of your colonization of this system. If it's all the same to you, we'd like to land at one of your settlements and talk with some of the general population. You know, get the common citizen's point of view about all this. Requesting permission to land."

Before he recieved a response, the pilot radioed a quick addition to his hail - "By the way, as long as we're around in the system, consider our reporters at your disposal if you would like to make any other important announcements over the GNN." With that he closed the comm link and waited for landing clearance, programming a descent course.

Ad Astra Per Aspera - "A rough road leads to the stars"

MOD: Asriel, since you do not reveal the extent of your weapon, remember that it can be completely revoked if I say so, and you'll have wasted your time researching. Also, I said the I'ase couldn't multi research, only Galactica and Prylak, and then only about two at a time, for extreme costs. I'll let you off for now, though.

Yes, I'll be taking both sides for a while, but I only get harsher with myself in those cases.


Paladin simply switched the with Hawk off. He wasn't interested in battle tactics. The UE had been fighting aliens for ten years now, and they'd learnt a trick or two.

Paladin's forces moved almost instantly. The Galactica forces were lain out in a scattered, yet organised, blockade, but they couldn't stand up well against the sheer possibilites of third dimension movement - no blockade truly good.

The Dragons laid their Wyverns - laid was the proper term in this case, in fact - and they zoomed out, both above and below the Galactica ships. Wyverns are fast ships, as enhanced technology made every aspect slightly better than the standard. They moved like lightning, storming across.

Galactica forces had much less space to move, however, as the second their scanners came into range and they noticed the Wyverns changing direction they moved vertically to block them. The Wyverns were met by a sea of missiles, and many were destroyed.

Thus, the UE pulled back quickly, but the blockade held still. A final barrage of missiles secured the losses at around 60 Wyverns.

Still confident, the UE started moving along Galactica's line, but everywhere they moved was quickly reinforced. Then, UE found they had no chance but to charge into the main fray of the battle.


Blasts blazed through space as the two armies clashed, but the UE moved as swiftly as they could. They targetted the carrier type vessels, mainly, but suffered heavy losses. Even the heavy Dragons were quickly damaged, and that was without the main Galactica forces moving into range.

The UE had more up their sleeve, when they suddenly brought in the other cubes from the Garland they had. The cubes were being towed by the strong Dragons, so they weren't going to explode very quickly by the few Galactica ships that targetted them.

The cubes were brought into range and detonated...

...but no damage was caused.

Of course, it would have destroyed both sides if it'd done any damage at all.

Sensors were clogged, and even visual sight was impossible. Random blasts were fired from the UE, some hitting, and Galactica quickly matched that. But soon, the UE were gone, disappeared into the shadows...out of range.


Galactica Losses
174 Fighters
76 Frigates
102 Carriers (Carriers mainly targetted)
45 Cruisers
1 Dreadnought

UE Losses
87 Wyverns
49 Drakes
35 Dragons

Wyvern count now at approx. 850 of the beginning 1000.
Drake count now at approx. 450 of the beginning 500.
Dragon count now at approx. 220 of the beginning 250.

No new UE ships can be built yet.


That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

Carnotaur looked over the latest tactical reports and construction reports. So far the fortification of Mercenary Alliance space was going well and Raven production was doing extremely well. Soon, all outdated Mercenary Alliance ships would be scrapped and Carnotaurs navy would be totally updated and a force to be feared.


The battlefleet of 70 Ravens flew through hyperspace. Its course; the Galactica blockade. Finally, the fleet exited hyperspace and zoomed into the system. The lead Raven captain, Captain Firebird, looked over the battlefield.

Already wreckage, both Galactica and UE, littered the system. Many Galactica ships were damaged and almost hundreds more were missing, destroyed. Captain Firebird grinned and gave the order to attack. The Ravens flew forward, lauching their crescent fighters and firing off every weapon availible to them. They were met by a hail of weapons fire from the Galactica blockade, which destroyed several Ravens. But the majority of the Ravens moved on. Using their excellent speed and maneuverability, the Ravens dueled with Galactica frigates and carries, as their fighters engaged other galactica fighters and pestered larger warships. Then, the second wave of Ravens, 30 ships, hyperspaced in and charged the Galactica fleet. The blockade was too busy with the ships that they were already fighting, and thus were caught by surprise by the second wave. The Ravens took heavy losses, but they also inflicted other major losses against the Galactica blockade.


Galactica Losses
80 Fighters
46 Frigates
9 Carriers
8 Cruisers

Mercenary Alliance Losses
20 Ravens
130 Crescent Fighters

OOC: The losses are kinda low because the Mercenary Alliance fleet didn't engage the blockade for very long. I'm waiting now for Rima or SilverDragon to post.


25 Ravens Built - Total: 150
3 New Planetary Defense Cannons Built for Other Planets
2 New Shipyards Under Construction in Emalghion
3 New Cities Being built to help increase population and income
1/3 of Mercenary Alliance fleet either scraped or refitted

Total Credits: 20 million
Credits per day: 2 million

Title: Anti-Proton Cloaking Device
Time Till Completion: 1 post

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 08-15-2001).)

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 08-15-2001).)

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 08-15-2001).)

Hawk cursed as he wacthed the the battle. “Damn fools! It’s suicide to go up against that number of ships!” The Kisani was alone on the Zephyr, having come to run some diganostics. They had checked out fine and Hawk had activated his sensors to see the progress of the battle; it was indeed foolish. Hawk made a motion and the image of the battle disovled to be replaced by the light display. All around the arada and the ship it was attached to, hyperspace swirled.

The Kisani made a guesture and the Zephyr disengaged from the Sedran’s hull. Moving away from the black ship, Hawk moved his hands and charged the arada’s weapons and sensor cloak. Time for battle was now.


A message came towards the GNN vessel. “GNN ship, you are granted permission to land on the moon of New Haven. Pad Sigma 9 has been granted access to you. You have clearence to all faculties save the Zacha High Command there. Enjoy your stay; we want to show the galaxy that we intend to shelter those seeking it. Haven Control out.”

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

(This message has been edited by Captain Whitehawk (edited 08-16-2001).)

The NPE only does damage, no other weird effects. If you have ever played Quantumire Trilogy for EV, it's a little like the Negative Energy Field that the Tarkyls use. It is simply a beam that radiates in all directions, for short bursts at a time (not continuous).

And, sorry, I thought you said I could multi-research.


"Well, Mats, the Carriers are finally done. We will begin building them, and add the NPEs when they are ready. We will then send in about 15 of them with a small warfleet as escort."

"Of course, Senator."


Entering the DSN-1469 system, a Mercenary Alliance of about six fighters was found, apparently stunned at these visitors. Lieutenant Ma'ose hailed one of the fighters. "We must speak with Carnotaur. It is of paramount importance."

Negative Plasma Emitter: 3 posts

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept

(This message has been edited by Lord Asriel (edited 08-15-2001).)

MOD: Carnotaur, if you tried to attack those forces, you'd lose almost all your fleet within a few seconds of concentrated missile barrage from the Cluster Missiles. Suggested losses at 30 Ravens, for now, but such stunts aren't exactly on the possible side of the probability scale.

Hawk, your manouevre was purely impossible, and that post is revoked. You cannot do that, quite simply, because a) the jump hole couldn't open in the middle of the army, for some insane reason I won't go into but has been recognised in almost every other webstory, 🆒 I can't see how'd you fire through it like that, c) they could most likely collapse the jump hole within less than a second and d) I doubt you could stand still during a through a jump gate in that way.

Quite simply, any tactic like that is so obvious that any race would know about it, so you can't exactly bring it in new, saying no-one else has it.


<post later today>


That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

Rima looked at all the ships. She had only sent 400. If they were going to get past the blockade they needed all ships. It was all or nothing. She sighed and slipped off the bridge of Savior. Savior would stay behind until the battle was over. And Rima did not want to stay away while her people died. She slipped into Silverwing, Her Kizet and sent all the ships. All of the ships except 3 little fighters guarding Savior. She slipped into Hyperspace with the rest of the fleet. The UE had probably already had a battle. She sent the ships to the same system the UE were in and followed.

Of course Women don't work as hard as men....They do it right the first time.

---Dateline, Ji Nebula---

"Skirmishes between UE, Zidagar, and Galactica ships are increasing almost by the hour, with UE and Zidagar ships appearing from the nebula and then retreating, Galactica forces still holding strong. From our interviews with Galactica ships in the region, we don't believe that we've seen the full fury of the UE and Zidagar just yet, they are believed to have far more ships at their disposal than have yet been seen. Travel in the regions around the Ji nebula is not recommended, as civilian vessels may inadvertantly find themselves in a battle zone if UE or Zidagar vessels attempt to run the blockade. More updates will follow as events warrant. This has been Rick Lasin reporting from the GNN arada Observer 20. Be sure to tune in to the GNN Nightly Breifing tonight to catch a live report from the Zacha system of Sirabor. Now back to regular programming."

Ad Astra Per Aspera - "A rough road leads to the stars"

Lieutenant Ma'ose had orders to survey the course of the UE-Galactica battle. He had every intention of doing so.

His ships entered the DSN-3544 system, where the Spy Fighters charged their Wormhole Generators. After about ten minutes, they were ready, and the fighters activated the Generators for a course to the DSN-3934 system. The ships quickly went through, and entered the system. Nobody being there, they jumped into the DSN-4647 system, where they were met by a small Galactica patrol.

"Wh-who are y-you?" the lead Galactica pilot managed to ask.

Alt Ma'ose replied, "We are the I'ase. We make no secret of that, but you will not find out anything about us until we wish you to."

The Galactica officer tried to stall them. "You realize, you may not go to the battle. You would get destroyed..."

But with that, the I'ase fleet was gone.

Negative Plasma Emitter: 2 posts

<possible battle post coming soon> 🙂

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept

OOC: I intend to merge UE, Galactica, Zacha, Zidagar and Mercenary Alliance posts into one large battle post, which may take some time. If any other governments would like to take part in the battle, please email me and tell me what you intend to do. Thanks.


That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

The Renzokuken stood ready, and the United Earth fleet, comprised of approximately one thousand and four hundred ships, a proud force that stood in a typical spearhead formation, was awaiting the arrival of the Mercenary Alliance fleets. There was no definite knowledge that the Mercenary Alliance, commanded by Carnotaur, the renegade Paladin had mistrusted and mistrusted, until he had finally saved Paladin from sure death, would even come to the UE's aid this time, but with GNN messages and the energy output created by the cubes, they would know. And they would come.

The four hundred Zidagar vessels had recently been met by just over a thousand more, and the Zidagar were holding steady in space, flanking the UE forces. Paladin stood at the bridge of the Renzokuken, a permanent up to Rima, and all the viewscreens depicting different scenes of what would soon become the battlefield. Ever since faint energy signals had showed up at the far end of the system, Paladin had been alert. He knew they were Mercenary Alliance ships, and he could almost count the minutes go by.

"Approximately five minutes, sir," one officer stated to Paladin's unasked question. Paladin nodded slowly. He knew another problem, one which few people were privy to. Galactica's presence in the second blockaded system had been withdrawn the second the Zidagar and UE made their first move. Those forces were now coming through, one and a half thousand moving through to F-25 and to pincer the UE, and the other one and a half thousand moving the other way, to support the main blockade. The first part of the battle might be simple enough, but after that, things would get interesting...

The Mercenary Alliance vessels, almost a hundred gleaming Ravens, broke out into space in a silence that seemed incredibly wrong, somehow. To a viewer's eye, they just appeared and floated forwards, which seemed so incorrect. They marked the beginning of one of the largest encounters this galaxy had ever seen, and they made not a single sound through the vacuum of space.

The Ravens found themselves instantly surrounded by Galactica warships, but they still had enough thrust to charge through, turrets blazing around the ships that surrounded them. Shields were battered away, and a lone frigate succumbed to the heavy firepower. However, one Raven still found itself drowned in cluster missiles, and it's explosion took out the fighters of several more.

Meanwhile, the UE and Zidagar ships were busy storming the blockade itself, while the Ravens weaved in and out, picking off targets. One Galactica Dreadnought, the G.S.S Justice, and it's accompanying escorts of two Galactica cruisers and four frigates, found itself challenged by fifteen Ravens fairly early on the the battle.

"Attack!" shouted the captain of the dreadnought, and a similar command came from the squadron leader of the Ravens. In a fiery blast of energy, the ships met, and through all the explosions nothing could be seen. The dreadnought was the only vessel not completely covered in explosions.

Slowly, the scene settled, and the outcome could be seen. The frigates and cruisers had been picked off, and were now nothing but spacedust and floating scraps of metal. Of the fifteen Ravens, twelve had been destroyed, and the last three were making a hasty retreat. The G.S.S Justice was severely battered, it's shields at the last layer, which was at 24%, and it's turrets had overheated from the short conflict. The Justice would have fallen, were it not for the presence of another dreadnought from above. The Mercenary Alliance felt the pain of the loss of so many Ravens, but they continued fighting.

Hawk sat waiting aboard the Zephyr, his mind grim with the plan he was about to execute. The Zehpyr waited in hyperspace, some distance from an entry point. Near the entry point was a Zacha fighter, one of the Sedran's fighters. The pilot knew what was expected of him and had made peace with life. The plan was both simple and complex; but there was no other choice ifthis battle were to succeed.

Hawk had made sure that no Zidagar or UE ships were in range, and only Galactica ships were at the striking point. Hawk opened a channel and said, "Fauz, you are go for the jumps. May the Fates watch after you." The fighter pilot, a Zidagar, nodded and turned off the screen. Moving the controls, he prepared for jump.

Some decades ago, a few Kisani scientists came up with the conception of a jump within a jump. Many plans had been made, drawn, scraped, and redrawn. Finally, they thought the plan was at its best and with all the right programing and coordinates made, they preformed it. With an Arada, they decided to plot a course from Kelmaon to Leeka and at the last moment of re-entry, jump once more, hoping for faster speed. The plan worked....or so it was thought at first. The scientists were the first to Leeka via normal hyperspace, for they considered themselves to valubale to risk in such a venture. As the test ship, with the pilot doing her job, opened a jump point into realspace and at the right moment, made another jump within hyperspace, the results were star-shattering. The test Arada exploded, but something followed; a massive explosion in the dead of space as a burst of energy erupted, causing the Kisani scientist's ship, a Crescent Warship, to explode with great fury. Yet it was found out that no damage was caused in hyperspace for some reason. The research was shut down and the project deemed a failure. Now it would be used as a weapon of sorts. The hyperburst would only destroy a few of Galactica's ships, but the instant energy output would severely play havoc on most of Galactica's ship's sensors for several moments, and that was one of the edges needed.

As the Zacha fighter opened a jump point to realspace, the Galactica ships around and near the point almost instantly picked it up. As the commander of one dreadnaught ordered all nearby ships to open fire, the sensor officer muttered an oath and said something, which was only half-stated. The fighter executed the second jump...and all hell broke loose. A massive explosionoccured and hyper-energy gathered, causing a second explosion. The explosion caught in its raging storm four frigates, two carriers and many fighters, causing them to explode in firey inferno. That was the less of two problems, because the energy wave had just screwed up most of the ship's sensors.

A few moments later, two more jump points flared up, and from them lept the Zephyr and the Sedran, weapons hot and blazing. The battle had begun....

Galactica were fighting back fiercely, but the other attacking forces were gaining ground slowly. One entire sector of the blockade had been destroyed, making a break in the chain, but it was obvious that wouldn't matter. The UE and Zidagar weren't here to break through the blockade, they were here to destroy it completely.

However, things perhaps weren't as simple as they thought it was. Not only were Galactica forces moving to reinforce the position, but Galactica had only just managed to organise it's forces properly. Even with the sensors scrambled from the insane trick of a traitorous Zacha, they could still pull off this trick, just not as well.

Ten dreadnoughts stood on the brink of space, picking off fighters that came after them. They were mainly not engaged in the combat itself. Ten dreadnoughts, a huge force, a majestic force - the largest still combined force on the battlefield. The abilities of a lone dreadnought were ignored; instead, the firepower of the whole would be used.

The dreadnoughts slowly moved into the battle. A Dragon was spearheading two Galactica frigates. The dreadnoughts opened fire. Within a few seconds, the Dragon was dust. Two more Dragons were attacking a pair of cruisers. The dreadnoughts opened fire, and the Dragons were dust. A group of five Zidagar warships were currently engaging battle with a small battlegroup. The dreadnoughts opened fire, and the Zidagar ships were dust.

Five Dragons broke into the dreadnought's protected dead zone, where any previous ships had been blasted apart. Five Dragons might be a lethal threat for four dreadnoughts, but not for ten. The dreadnoughts opened heavy firepower, and the Dragons countered with their turrets and deployed their Starlances. Two Dragons were quickly destroyed by the dreadnoughts, and one dreadnought found itself battered away by the Dragon's combined firepower.

The battle took several minutes to end completely, and nine dreadnoughts continued their rampage.......


"Losses?" Paladin said, straining to remain standing on the Renzokuken, which was busy attacking a dreadnought even as they spoke.

"We've lost about fourty Dragons already, hundred and twenty Drakes, countless Wyverns," the communications officer replied. "A group of dreadnoughts are causing the most damage. No singular forces are able to defeat it. We'll need to mass a number of Dragons to go up against them."

Paladin frowned. Trying to mass Dragons in the middle of a battle was an almost impossible task, but those dreadnoughts couldn't be left alone. If they were allowed to continue, they might cause the destruction of another fifty Dragons, and other forces. Something had to be done, but for once Paladin didn't have a clue.

Suddenly, Paladin received a message from Carnotaur himself.

"Paladin, good to see you. I see your problem here, and don't worry about it. I've got Ravens on the job."

The cut off before Paladin could speak. Confused, Paladin looked around the bridge.

"Ravens?" he asked.

One officer offered a reply. "Impressive warships that the Mercenary Alliance are using. They're massing fifty of them against the dreadnought group."

Paladin nodded. "Continue. Leave the dreadnoughts to our friends."


The fighter blasted to pieces as the Zephyr veered off, three Zacha fighters trailing behind him. The fighters were under his command for the duration of the battle, and he had made sure the pilots were good. More then a few Galactica fighters lay behind them in ruins, and even a frigate. In the cockpit of the Zephyr, Hawk made many guestures, chosing targets and making choices. He had been in battle many times before and this would not be the last; indeed this one reminded him of a raid on UE space. The Kisani made a motion and ordered the fighters to veer off and go about their own choices.

The three fighters veered off and headed different ways. It wasn't a wise choice on their part; at once fighters fired on two of them, and the Zacha ships were so much space dust while the third Zacha fighter managed to make it back near the Sedran.

The Zephyr continued along on course, coming across a damaged frigate. The frigate hardly saw the Arada coming. Hawk caused the light interface to flare with many different colors as he moved his hands to execute different commands. Three pursuit missiles slammed into the frigate followed by whitefire beam fire. The frigate caught it all full on, and although it managed a few shots, it was soon flaming. Hawk chose his next target, a lightly damaged frigate. He headed towards it...and the Zephyr shook as a concuision missile hit her full on. The ship's shields flared and Hawk pulled up. With another flick of his wrist, the Arada came back down, forward batteries firing on full while three pursuit missiles slamed into the frigate's shields, then hull. Hawk hit the display and the Arada accelerated towards the ship, spinnimg constantly as her weapons fired. The frigate started flaming and Hawk veered away...and straight through a fighter pack. Weapons fired from the Zephyr and the Arada took fire as well. Hawk came barreling out of the pack and went forwards....and the fighters pursued.

Hawk located a dreadnaught in combat with a Dragon and with a guesture headed towards the massive ship. The fighters pursued, firing everything they had at the devil Zacha Arada. The ship took what fire it was hit with and kept on going. Just as the Zephyr reached the shields of the Galactica Dreadnaught, Hawk made several curt guestures and pulled up just barely avoided crashing through the shields. The fighters weren't so fortunate; a great flash appeared along the dreadnaught’s hull as the fighters smashed through the shields and those that weren't vaporized exploded as they hit the hull.

Hawk relaxed as the arada pulled back. That had been close. As the Kisani moved to target another ship, the proxmimty alert sounded; Hawk looked up and saw three stray concusion missiles. Before he could do anything, they exploded and the whole of the Zephyr shook. The arada was tossed end over end someways back and stayed there...dead in space.

"Good place to get disabled, Hawk," Paladin said over a communications link that was barely functioning. "Myself and the crew of the Renzokuken are grateful for your help. We're towing you in now."

The comm. link went offline, and the Zephyr was towed into the Renzokuken without further complaints. Very soon Hawk found himself in the adaptable fighter bay of the Renzokuken itself, his Arada taking up the place of two Wyverns.

Pity about the Wyverns, Paladin thought. He'd known both pilots, and seen them both go up in a blaze of fire. Well, at least somebody could make use of the fighter bay, be it an uptight, stubborn and overconfident fighter pilot.

Fifty Ravens swept down across the battlefield, taking shots from various Galactica vessels. Frigates and fighters attemped pursuit, but were soon convinced otherwise by a storm of Zidagar fire. The Ravens made their way towards the nine Dreadnoughts, and opened fire.

However, it wasn't as simple as that. A pocket of cruisers and frigates had formed around the dreadnoughts, and the Ravens realised this wasn't going to be as simple as they had first thought.

A fleet of Zakiths and Kizats, led personally by Rima herself, made their way through an opening in the crowded battlefield, towards a large group of Galactica vessels that, instead of engaging targets mindlessly, were fighting a large group of Mercenary Alliance ships. Rima nodded to herself, and the order came.

Within a few seconds Zidaras and Humrugars had left their positions fighting in skirmishes and had joined the main force. Rima then commanded her ships to move forward, and attack the Galactica position.

However, even as she gave the order a force of Galactica warships massed and came in from behind....


The battle had ended almost an hour ago, and the Galactica ships had fled into the depths of space. Of the 3000 Galactica vessels present at the battle, almost 2000 had been destroyed, including fifteen dreadnoughts. Galactica was badly wounded, and even with the reinforcements - another 3000 ships coming in from either side, things wouldn't be easy for them. The remaining thousand Galactica vessels were all seriously damaged, and needed servicing, or they wouldn't perform well in any battles onwards.

That wasn't to say that the other side hadn't received losses. Almost fifty Dragons had been destroyed, leaving the UE with about 150 left. Of the five hundred Drakes that had entered this galaxy, only fifty remained, and of the thousand Wyverns half had been incinerated.

The Zidagar had faired better, and of their 1500 ships, 300 had been lost. The Mercenary Alliance had lost 40 Ravens, and the Zacha faced a badly damaged Sedran, that would need extensive work.

The battle wasn't over yet, though. Galactica could choose either to push their attack again, or pull back, and everybody thought they knew the true answer.

Battered Dragons slowly made their way home, to F-25, with captains who had not slept in days, and who knew the grim future for them.

The largest recorded battle of this galaxy had taken place. The Battle of the Blockade.


Meanwhile, a GNN Arada swept out of the system, with some incredible footage......

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

Redchigh watches in awe as the live GNN footage from the Battle of the Blockade shows up on a nearby holovision. He looks for Carno, knowing that the Equipment should be slipped through before Galactica gets reorganized...

All the problems we face in the United States today can be
traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
the American Indian.
--- Pat Paulsen

Red, this chapter ended...

That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon