I have 9 million credits..what ship should I get?

I have a scoutship right now. I got all my credits from some trading
Anyway, should I buy the Crescent Warship? Or save the credits and buy something else?


Definitely,you should get the Cresent Warship.
It's the most powerful and versatile civilian warship in the game.

Long live the Alien Emperor,may he rule for a million years! -Third Star Fleet Commander Shade,following the Battle of NGC-0538

9 million? That's not so much for a capital ship. Buying a Crescent Warship will leave you with no money whatsoever. Try a Lazira. You almost have enough money to upgrade one fully (check Mira for great upgrades).


That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

Hello, I'm gonna ask a question about what ship I should buy. Even though I don't have 9 million creds. I've been playing the original EV for a while so I can handle myself in combat. I have a transporter and want to get something that doesn't have a harmless or mostly harmless combat rating. For a reasonable price too. What shoud I get? Thanks.

Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"http://evempire.webjump.com")http://evempire.webjump.com(/url) Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.

First off, ships don't have combat ratings, you do. The more people (crews) you kill, the higher it is. If you just need something to get arounf that can defend itself, I suggest the Miranu Courier. If you want a cheap but good warship, buy a Lazira. Everything else either costs too much or isn't worth it.

"The heathens are upon us. Arm yourselves and go with God." Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet, prior to the Battle of Cygni.


Originally posted by Admiral Benden:
**First off, ships don't have combat ratings, you do. The more people (crews) you kill, the higher it is. If you just need something to get arounf that can defend itself, I suggest the Miranu Courier. If you want a cheap but good warship, buy a Lazira. Everything else either costs too much or isn't worth it.


Except the Arada, which is a great little ship. With a good pilot, it is almost as good as the Corvette was in EV.


I'd say go with the Lazira - it'd be a much better bet than the Crescent Warship, as you'd be able to upgrade it nicely, and of course it takes only one day per hyperspace jump - which will come in very handy as it sounds like you've mainly been trading and likely have a lot of rushed missions to be done. On the other hand, if you want to continue trading exclusively, a Miranu Courier would be ideal - not unbearably slow and not too bad in combat :).

A great way to increase your combat rating is to kill Volonians. They are very slow, and can be defeated in just about any ship (if you manage to stay out of range, or MP it.) A few frigates later you have a much better combat rating. I became ultimate with a UE Destroyer very quickly.

Bushes are nice 'cause they don't have prickers -- unless they do. This one did. Ouch! -Ralph Wiggum
Download (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/vftp/dl-redirect.pl?path=ferazel/addons&file;=Extemporaneous.sit.hqx")Extemporaneous 0.5(/url) for Ferazel's Wand.
Visit the (url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/emudevelopers/ferazel.html")Extemporaneous Website(/url).


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**... Buying a Crescent Warship will leave you with no money whatsoever. Try a Lazira. You almost have enough money to upgrade one fully (check Mira for great upgrades).

I disagree. Since the first thing most folks do is strip out the crescent fighters and their bay, the net cost to you is a little over 7 million. This leave you plenty to finance your next mission.

I don't actually like the CW, personally, but there isn't a whole lot else available for the money. Some people have postulated that there should be a super cargo-shifter in the game, as big as the UE Cruiser, but for bulk haulage. A simple matter for a plugin coder, but until such a thing appears, it looks like your trading days are over. The Miranu freighters are just too slow and vulnerable.

(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/evodude2001/home.html")Old & Unimproved: Cerberus Station!(/url)

For pure fighting, I prefer the Crescent fighter. If you want to trade, try the Arada. Its fast, and has a fairly large cargo bay. The Miranu freighters are expensive and slow. Laziras are a little slow for fighting, but they're pretty good traders.

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept

I like the UE Cruiser, for 6 million credits. I put three phase cannons and two neutron turrets (good balance between damage to shields and damage to armor), put on some fuel tanks and scoops, upgraded the speed and acceleration and RCS, and hunter missile launchers and missiles. The missiles aren't so great in the Crescent, but I actually don't do a lot of fighting there... mainly against renegades, all of whom are so unbelieveably reckless and stupid that anybody could waste them without secondary weapons.

Anyway, this whole outfit will cost you about 11 million (I think), but an extra two million credits isn't hard to come by.

David R. Wright
Singer, drummer, hack
Oh, and all-around nice

I reccomend the Lazira. It's almost as fast as the Arada and sometimes faster even without speed upgrades. I don't know why. Perhaps the arada is slower to acceleration or I just turn so much that the AI can't keep up. Well anyway, it has great weapons and it's good for most of the missions in my perspective.

The earth is burning up and were all going to die. are lungs burn for fresh air as we smother in ash

Well, it depends on who you're going to be fighting and what ships are avaliable to you.

For the crecent: Purely for effectiveness, I'd have to say the Voinian Frigate hands down. 250 armor goes a long way in the crecent, and once you strip the heavy voinian weaponry you can get all the speed upgrades and still have a lot of room for weapons. The UE Destroyer is a close second, but it won't last quite as long. Personally, though, I perfer a Zidara or a Lizara if I'm not working for the Zidigar(I like fast ships).

For (fighting) Voinians: UE Destroyer is proably the best. It can carry the heavy UE weaponry, yet it is still tough enough and fast enough for dealing with Voinians. The Lizara/Zidara work pretty well here too, but they can't carry as many rockets as a UE destroyer.

For Human Renegades: Lizara/Zidara hands down. They can out run, outmanuver, outgun, and outpeform the renegade ships in every aspect. UE destroyer and Voinian Frigates are also pretty effective here, but can't compare to those two.

For Fighting UE: Never done it, but I would guess that the Lizara/Zidara would be the best. I would not recomment the V. Frigate, because the UE ships will outmanuver and outgun you.

Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
Wait a second...

Well, if you've got 9 mil, then you have plenty of money to do some high-margin trading. Here it is, quite simply:

Make sure you have a one-day-jump ship. Load it up with two fuel scoops, and head north, to Himgro. While you're there, max out your escorts with Miranu Heav freighters, and load up with all the medical supplies you can hold, and then head south to New Calcutta. Sell off the med gds, and then go pick up more at either Atlantic Station or Pareen. Atlantic station is more expensive per cargo, but you might make it up with less on the escort payments (I'd have to run the numbers). From Atlantic station, you make about 600k per run, with virtually zero risk (the only risk, in fact, is that the John Cook UE destroyer (IFF: Ambrosia) will come and blast you to bits, and if you have a Lazira, you can take him down). After this is done (try to get about 20-21 M), go buy a Lazira, get all the speed ugrades and such, sell off your secondaries, and get Neutron turrets and Dospect armor. Then go do the Igadzra string, and get an Igazra, and make similar upgrades. If you can (I haven't done this yet, this part is pure speculation), get a rocket turret, and you'll have room for about thirty swivel rockets (See Note :).

Sorry if you like the Zidagar of Azdgari, but my Azdara (first strand ship) got blown up so fast I couldn't even eject. after it got outrun by a Crescent fighter. What's with that? . I don't have such a thing against the Zidara, but it's just not on par with the Iggy. In terms of price, maybe, but money is not an issue. Maybe I can run both the Igadzra and Zidagar strings, and have an Igazra with a Phased Disruption Beam.

Note: It's probably too late for you to do this, but you can play both the UE and the Voinain strings with one pilot; just stop at the bar when you pick up the Voinian defector, and after that, there're no restrictions.Just remember it's easier to make the UE happy than it is the Voinians. Kill voinians sparingly.


Originally posted by Moe Ghandi:
...my Azdara (first strand ship) got blown up so fast I couldn't even eject. after it got outrun by a Crescent fighter. What's with that?...

The EVO AI uses afterburners all the time.

Also, you are right about the trading, but buying a crescent warship is a much better choice than a lazira. But it seems to me that he is tired of trading and now wants to just buy a ship. In that case, buy a Lazira and deck it out with upgrades.

Prepare to succumb to
superior intelligence

Definitely the Lazira.


"It's a hundred and six miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, half a packet of cigarettes, its dark and were wearing sunglasses. Hit it"
- The Blues Brothers

OK, everyone seems to like the Lazira. Well, where can I buy it?

Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"http://evempire.webjump.com")http://evempire.netfirms.com(/url) Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.


Originally posted by Type R:
**I have a scoutship right now. I got all my credits from some trading
Anyway, should I buy the Crescent Warship? Or save the credits and buy something else?


Buy The UE Cruiser(thats if youve completed the anna mission).


Buy the ue cruiser.That ship is mad better then the crapy Crescant Warship!!!!



Originally posted by RedDragon5005:
**Buy the ue cruiser.That ship is mad better then the crapy Crescant Warship!!!!


Hello in there... he only has 9M credits, I believe the UEC costs more than 9M credits!

Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
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