igadzra missions

Im on a mission to destroy an agzardi war ship called the diplomat
of sumthin. The catch is, I'v flown all around space and i can't find it...
any suggestions?

"A friend with weed is a friend indeed"


Originally posted by rift:
**Im on a mission to destroy an agzardi war ship called the diplomat
of sumthin. The catch is, I'v flown all around space and i can't find it...
any suggestions?


It will be in 1 system adjacent to the place where you got the mission.

Rak - I think you're thinking of the wrong mission. Maybe.

Did you get the mission on Igadzra? Do you think it's part of the full campaign of Igadzra missions? If so, look in the southern and southeast areas of Igadzra space - it's hard to find but you'll get it eventually.

If it's not that then it's just as General Rak said. 😄

—Joolzman5, that guy with the spikey red hair.
Those who say money is the root of all evil don't have any.
“That lowdown scoundrel deserves to be kicked to death by a jackass — and I’m just the one to do it.”

I'd say it's the one that is a part of their mission string - that one stumps nigh on everyone, as the description you are given is pretty inaccurate.. something like the ship has been raiding Eastern Igadzra worlds, which tends to make you think of the Mark and Mordus systems, but noone expects an Azdgari Warship to be found so far from their space. To sum up, I agree you should look in South to Southeast Igadzra space, but not necessarily a place where they live :).