Frozen Heart

Hi all!

I was wondering, as most people do, on what the objects r for Frozenheart. I've got quite far but cannot get any further so if u could tell me what all the objectives and missions r I can continue! 😄 😄 😄

The Dark Hobbit


The Dark Hobbit

Hmm....if you want help, you'll have to be a bit more specific so guys like me know what we need to answer. 😉 What was the last mission you've completed, and do you have any active missions going at the moment?


I just finished destroying the black hole. Is there anything left? While I don't
remember exactly what the text message said after I returned to earth amidst the
celebration, I got the feeling something hasn't been finished with that Alana person.
I picked up the new computer maps at Earth Station, and have no clue what else, if
anything, needs doing. Is this the end, or is there something else?


Originally posted by Azroen:
I just finished destroying the black hole. Is there anything left?

That's basically it, but you might want to try visiting New Devore, if I remember correctly.

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