Arada vs Helian

I think that most of the people here will agree, that for versatility, upgradability, and general usefulness, the Arada is arguably the best ship in the game, at only 1 million credits. However, as I started a new game yesterday, I started seriously considering the Helian, as a low cost alternative. 1st of all, the Helian is only one fourth the price of the Arada. For only a fourth of the cost, you'd expect one-fourth of the combat maneuverability. This is happily incorrect. The Helian and the Arada both have the same amount of space, 80 tons, similar fuel supplies, and cargo space, and the difference is shielding can easily be made up with some shield enhancers. Although the Helian is far behing the Arada in speed, acceleration, and turn, it can come close if you pile on some RCS upgrades, Engine Upgrades, and Thrust Upgrades. And you don't even have to do that. A skilled pilot can make the most of the Helian, and use it for the whole game, without spending more than a few million credits on it. And thats exactly what I've decided to do. I just finished a game, (completed all three objectives) with a UE Destoyer, and spent about 10 million credits on it, and I think that I could beat the game with the Helian, and only spend, say 3 million credits. (So maybe I'm not so good a pilot). So here's the challenge, beat the game with the Helian, without going over the 3 million credit mark. If you can beat the game using less, post the worth of your Helian here. And feel free to post another thrifty challenge, although no Beat the game in a shuttle challenges, 'cause those are annoying. The idea is to post the ship you used to beat the game, how much it's valued at, and how you did it eg what upgrades you used.

Angel came down from heaven yesterday.

The Helian is cheaper than the Arada, but he's no;longer if you buy shield upgrades

Y'a personne qui parle français ici?

I never thought of that. But it´s true

Havent´t got time to take your challenge though

(This message has been edited by Opalius (edited 07-15-2001).)

you're on!
:races to freeport to buy a helian:......

The Future never was, yet is always to be, no one ever sees it, nor ever will. And yet it is the confidence of all to live and breathe on this blue and green terrestrial ball.

Why would you buy a second-hand, screwed-around with Helian at freeport with sick paintings all over the hull and that smells of Salalian Brandy when you could get a shiny, brand new one at Lothe Prime for the same price.

Besides, you can't compare an upgraded Helian to a non-upgraded Arada. Put all those upgrades on the Arada, and you have a much better ship.

Think of the Helian as "The Arada of the human realm".

Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
Wait a second...


Originally posted by 21st Century Digital Boy:
**Why would you buy a second-hand, screwed-around with Helian at freeport with sick paintings all over the hull and that smells of Salalian Brandy...?

Um.. thats the IDEA!

by the way
Saalian brany

The Future never was, yet is always to be, no one ever sees it, nor ever will. And yet it is the confidence of all to live and breathe on this blue and green terrestrial ball.

Yeah, well then the UE ships will mistake you for a Renegade. Or <gasp> are you a renegade...

Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
Wait a second...

The Arada is clearly a stronger ship than the Helian. It can be modified to haul more cargo or carry more weapons, is faster, has more shielding, and comes stock with blaze cannons. Its little wonder that it costs 4 times what the Helian does.

That being said the Helian isn't bad for what it is, and for a pilot just starting out that doesn't want to trek to the Crescent, I agree that it is a decent choice.

Oh, and I'll take up that challenge...... 😉



(This message has been edited by UE Crusader (edited 07-16-2001).)

You quoted the Helian as having 80 tons of space, the same as an Arada. I believe it only has 40 tons (unless they upped it for 1.0.2). With all 3 speed upgrades, it will match the stock Arada on turning & acceleration, but still lag on top speed. Plus that will take up 30 of your 40 tons of space, and the cost would put you over 3M just for those. Without those upgrades, the Helian is pretty pokey. Piloting skill is great, but if you're surrounded by things that move any faster than you, no amount of skill is going to get you away from them. It becomes a battle of sheer firepower... which the Helian is also not likely to win simply because it can't hold all that much.

All this said, if I get the chance I might give your challenge a shot.




Originally posted by UE Crusader:
**The Arada is clearly a stronger ship than the Helian. It can be modified to haul more cargo or carry more weapons, is faster, has more shielding, and comes stock with blaze cannons. Its little wonder that it costs 4 times what the Helian does.

That being said the Helian isn't bad for what it is, and for a pilot just starting out that doesn't want to trek to the Crescent, I agree that it is a decent choice.

Oh, and I'll take up that challenge...... 😉



Uh, you mean phase cannons, right? But, you're right, the Arada costs more because it's better, worth every dime. It's my ship of choice, and keep in mind I have enough money to buy a UE Cruiser. Although, I might not soon, if Cap'n Hector keeps stealing 4 million credits from me at a time...

Yeah, you heard me.

Unless you're using a cheat plug such as 'kill engine mass', those engine upgrades are going to eat into the equipment space aboard your souped-up Helian. Along with the shield enhancers, they boost the price of the proposed super-Helian to far more than that for an Arada.

The only times I have flown a Helian have been when I was in a shuttle or a scoutship, very early in the game. In the near galactuc south, I have sometimes been bounced by one, disabled it and boarded. Since it has a crew of 6 the capture odds aren't great, but you can do it if you get lucky.

It actually flies quite well, and can take a (little) bit of punishment if necessary. An interesting diversion on the way to something bigger. If I had a quarter of a million credits, cash, burning a hole in my pocket, I can think of better things to do with them than pay for one of these, though.

(url="http://"")Old & Unimproved: Cerberus Station!(/url)

yeah and helians make kick ass escorts

I still wouldn't even compare the Helian to an Arada. Period. The Helain is more of a medium fighter (but handles like a sluggish warship), whereas the Arada is more of a light hit-and-run warship, yet handles like a heavy fighter.

~Captain Skyblade

CEO of the Corsair Development Team
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I'd say the Arada is actually much better than its bigger cousin, the Lazira. The Arada has four gun slots; the Lazira only three. For a lot more money, you get something that is slower and generally harder to bring through a combat in one piece, despite the extra shields. Sure, the Lazira has more space for secondary weapons, but with your primaries reduced by 25%, you're going to need secondaries... and you'll find yourself buying a lot of ammo.

The Arada is a wonderful, wonderful thing. It would still be a great buy at double the price. A little mistake there, Ambrosia? Never mind... we forgive you.

And if it wasn't for Helians, a lot of us wouldn't have combat ratings as high as we do... 🙂

(url="http://"")Old & Unimproved: Cerberus Station!(/url)


Originally posted by VoinianAmbassador:
**I'd say the Arada is actually much better than its bigger cousin, the Lazira. The Arada has four gun slots; the Lazira only three. For a lot more money, you get something that is slower and generally harder to bring through a combat in one piece, despite the extra shields. Sure, the Lazira has more space for secondary weapons, but with your primaries reduced by 25%, you're going to need secondaries... and you'll find yourself buying a lot of ammo.

The Arada is a wonderful, wonderful thing. It would still be a great buy at double the price. A little mistake there, Ambrosia? Never mind... we forgive you.

And if it wasn't for Helians, a lot of us wouldn't have combat ratings as high as we do... 🙂


I'm in total agreement. And in my opinion, the Arada is the best ship in Override.

could you compare an arada and a freight courior? they cost the same amount of money. I dont know there performance comparison because all i have right now is a helian. lets see, from stats alone:
ship:----------Freight-Courior :)Arada
Weapon space:--------50----------80
Cargo space:---------80----------40
Max Guns:-------------3-----------4
Max Turrets:----------3-----------2


Originally posted by Falcon_21:
**could you compare an arada and a freight courior? they cost the same amount of money. I dont know there performance comparison because all i have right now is a helian. lets see, from stats alone:
ship:----------Freight-Courior :)Arada
Weapon space:--------50----------80
Cargo space:---------80----------40
Max Guns:-------------3-----------4
Max Turrets:----------3-----------2


To be honest with you, the choice between those two ships all within the players decision. It all depends on what you are wanting to do: Cargo runs in a well-defended medium freighter, or fighting techniques in a well-equipt and fast light warship. Most players who prefer transporting cargo as a living go with the Freight Courier because if its extra cargo space and three turret slots for heavy defense. Players who prefer fighting and mercenary occupations for a living will usually go with the Arada for its shear speed, deadly dogfight capabilities, and numerous weapons. I absolutely love both ships, but the Arada is usually my first choice.

Just my two cents.

~Captain Skyblade

CEO of the Corsair Development Team
(url="http://"")Corsair Homepage(/url) | (url="http://"")Corsair Web Board(/url) | (url="http://"")Starbase Delta(/url)

so what would you suggest i get after my helian. I want to make alot of money so i can get an adzgari warship and i am thinking of going up to the miranu to make some more money. Is that a good place to make money or should i go somewhere else.


Originally posted by Falcon_21:
so what would you suggest i get after my helian. I want to make alot of money so i can get an adzgari warship and i am thinking of going up to the miranu to make some more money. Is that a good place to make money or should i go somewhere else.

You get much better money for their missions than other cargo runs, up to 60,000 (or is it 100,000?) Can you buy the Azdgari Warship?

Come on, didn't that deserve some karma? Just one little karma raise? For me? Please?

(quote)Originally posted by Jess:
Can you buy the Azdgari Warship?

I beleive all i have to do is buy a crescent warship and strip it down and plop in a azdara bay.