Arada vs Helian


Originally posted by Falcon_21:
I believe all i have to do is buy a crescent warship and strip it down and plop in a azdara bay.

I don't think you can buy the real Azzie warship. Furthermore, I don't think you can buy an Azzie fighter bay, but maybe I'm wrong. Capturing one remains an attractive proposition, though, if nothing else works out. You could probably capture one in a UE destroyer, with a bit of luck. Especially if it's just been fried by an Igazra.

(url="http://"")Old & Unimproved: Cerberus Station!(/url)

The Arada is my choice pick over the helian. The only thing that sux about any fighter/light warship is that the little fighters tend to swarm and kill them. The only thing i can think of that can do damage to an Arada as it is running away are crescent fighters. They pack a whallop for their size. 🙂
Oh, by the way, I'll take that challange.
dumps all cargo and hauls to Iothe to get and upgrade a Helian

Winning is easy; Losing an art


Originally posted by Falcon_21:
so what would you suggest i get after my helian. I want to make alot of money so i can get an adzgari warship and i am thinking of going up to the miranu to make some more money. Is that a good place to make money or should i go somewhere else.


Originally posted by Jess: **
You get much better money for their missions than other cargo runs, up to 60,000 (or is it 100,000?) Can you buy the Azdgari Warship?**

1. No, you can't buy the Azdgari Warship.
2. No, you can't create one by shoe-horning an Azdara Bay into a Crescent Warship: the Azd. Warship has much better shield recharge. Even with the experimental shield generator, you can't duplicate it with a Cres. Warship.
3. Miranu pay 60,000 for rush deliveries and 100,000 for urgent deliveries.
4. The next thing I would recommend for making money is to find a trade route. Running delivery missions is good for making enough money to have a better ship early on, but if you want lots of money, trading is the way to go. One fairly safe place to try would be trading from Atlantic Station to New Calcutta. Hire some freighter escorts and find a route you like. If your route is pretty safe, I suggest you fly a freighter. If you have renegades to deal with you'd be better off with a faster ship, letting your escorts carry the most.
5. Of course, you can also make a great deal of money doing missions. If you can kill renegades pretty well, some of the UE strings are worth a couple million.

Paradigm, Captain of Industry
(It's important for us) to explain to our nation that life is important. It's not only life of babies, but it's life of children living in, you know, the dark dungeons of the Internet._ — George W. Bush, 10/24/2000, as quoted in the Los Angeles Times


Originally posted by Paradigm:
**4. The next thing I would recommend for making money is to find a trade route. Running delivery missions is good for making enough money to have a better ship early on, but if you want lots of money, trading is the way to go. One fairly safe place to try would be trading from Atlantic Station to New Calcutta. Hire some freighter escorts and find a route you like. If your route is pretty safe, I suggest you fly a freighter. If you have renegades to deal with you'd be better off with a faster ship, letting your escorts carry the most.(b)

I hope i did this quote right, anyway, what systems are atlantic station and new calcutta in? is it true that i only get 1/4 of what i paid for my ship when i sell it?


Originally posted by VoinianAmbassador:
Furthermore, I don't think you can buy an Azzie fighter bay, but maybe I'm wrong.**

You can, but it costs 2 million credits and takes 180 tons of space. All in all, capturing an Azdgari Warship is the easiest way.


Originally posted by Falcon_21:
I hope i did this quote right, anyway, what systems are atlantic station and new calcutta in? is it true that i only get 1/4 of what i paid for my ship when i sell it?

Liat, Aludra, and yes. (Not quite sure on the last two, but I think I'm right ...) 🙂

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"We all need to take a deep breath and think about being a Bush daughter and having that cross to bear. I'd go out and have a couple of drinks too." -- Julia Roberts

When you sell a ship, you only get a fraction of what you paid for it. You get full value for any equipment that you have installed in it, though. Thus, an otherwise stock Helian with four shield upgrades in it would be worth a bit over 2 million credits... most of that money being the four shield devices, at 500,000 each. I generally find that the upgrades are worth more than the ship, once you've got anything bigger than a UE Transporter.

Back in the days before I registered, all my ships had a full compliment of UE Fighters, Crescent Fighters and Kraits, even if I didn't have the bays... it helps to tie up money in your ship, where Captain Hector can't get at it.

(url="http://"")Old & Unimproved: Cerberus Station!(/url)

Just to settle the record, you CAN get your own Azdgari Warship configuration. You must sell all SAD's and the Crescent bay from your Crescent Warship and substitute an Azdara bay and fighters for them. With the normal and experimental shield generators, you can match or at least rival the Azdgari Warship's shield regeneration.



Falcon_21 - Keep in mind that my suggestion of Atlantic Station/New Calcutta is only one possibility. There are better routes available, but you'll have to look around for those.

VoinianAmbassador - That's interesting. I usually find that my upgrades are not worth quite what I paid for them. I found this when I experimented with the CredStick plug that came out very early for EVO. I would spend 1 mil for a credstick, but I was only getting back about 800,000 when I sold them. If I buy something and then sell it without taking off, however, I find that I get the full value back. I guess it doesn't count the equipment as having been used if you sell it immediately.


Originally posted by UE Crusader:
**Just to settle the record, you CAN get your own Azdgari Warship configuration. You must sell all SAD's and the Crescent bay from your Crescent Warship and substitute an Azdara bay and fighters for them. With the normal and experimental shield generators, you can match or at least rival the Azdgari Warship's shield regeneration.

Not to be argumentative, but that's not quite accurate. The Crescent Warship has a shield recharge of 600. The Azdgari Warship has a recharge of 400. Lower numbers are better. The Azd Warship is a 33.3% improvement over the stock Cres. Warship. The standard shield generator drops your recharge by 10. The experimental generator drops it by an additional 50. Therefore, the best recharge that your Cres. Warship can have is 540. The Azd. Warship still improves on this by 25.9% - not exactly stastically insignificant.

I would not consider the Cres. Warship to be able to "rival" the Azd. Warship when there is a 25.9% difference. How significant is that difference? If you were talking about total shielding, a 25.9% increase to the Cres. Warship's stock 250 shielding would make it 314.75 - better than a UE Cruiser. So 25.9% is significant enough that you really CAN'T rival an Azd. Warship with a modified Cres. Warship.

Paradigm, Captain of Industry
It's all comes down to your definition:
"Well, I think if you say you're going to do something and don't do it, that's trustworthiness." George W. Bush, as quoted on CNN

Sounds like fun. I'll take the Helian challenge. I can't imagine how I'll do the mission in the NPD strings where you have to fight the five Renegade CWs... let alone the Zachit...

I'm right.
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Wow, I never expected this huge resonse... So far, I've completed two objectives, the exploration of the Proxima and Ji Nebulas, and the Humans/Emalghia/Hinwar vs the Voinians. Both were fairly easy, using a Helian (Bought a Freeport, and covered in blood), and now I'm going to take on the renegades. My Helian has 4 Phase cannons, and 4 Shield Enhancers, a Mass Expansion, and some other junk, like Radar upgrades, etc. So far, I've installed an an Thrust Upgrade, for faster acceleration, and I'm saving the extra room for some gadgets I might get when I join the strands. I took out the cannons, and added the fuel tanks, and scoops for the Ji Nebula exploration, and I traded the Phase Cannons for a Blaze cannons when I did the Voinian string. I think I'll replace the Shield Enhancers with Dospect Armor when I do the strands, but first I have to finish the Pirates. I gotta go before I finish this post...

Angel came down from heaven yesterday.

And now I'm back... As I was saying, I think my Ships total worth is somewhere around two million, although it might get higher before I complete all three objectives. I tend to use lots of escorts, including 2 Zidaras that I've captured, another Helian that I hired, and then dismissed and captured, and finally, up to 3 Crescent Warships that I hire. The Zidaras were actually quite easy to capture, using the marines, although expensive is the word I'd use to describe the Crescent Warships. Anyway, thats about all for my Helian.

Lastly, some of you are mistaken, thinking that I meant that the Helian was better than the Arada, when I posted this challenge. I didn't mean that. In fact, I said that for versatility, upgradability, and general usefulness, the Arada is arguably the best ship in the game, at only 1 million credits. I think that the Helian, at best, piloted by a skilled pilot, and fully upgraded, could be easily taken out, by an Arada with only minor upgrades. The idea is to try to use the Helian as an Arada, meaning using the Helian as a medium range Heavy Fighter with decent cargo room. And the challenge is to try to beat the game with a Helian that has the minimum amount of upgrades.

Angel came down from heaven yesterday.


Originally posted by Paradigm:
VoinianAmbassador - That's interesting. I usually find that my upgrades are not worth quite what I paid for them. I found this when I experimented with the CredStick plug that came out very early for EVO. I would spend 1 mil for a credstick, but I was only getting back about 800,000 when I sold them.

Bear in mind that some outfitters charge more than others for the same item. I have even found a difference between Earth and Luna, for example. Thus, you may have been trying to sell of a credstick at a 'bargain' outfitter.
Theoretically, if you go off list prices, you ought to be able to make a profit by flying a ship between Earth and Luna, buying blaze cannon and other upgrades on Earth and selling them them on the moon. I tried this, though, and you actually make a small loss on each trip. I suspect that there is some trade-in devaluation going on... but it's certainly at a much lower rate than the discounted value you get when selling a ship hull.

(url="http://"")Old & Unimproved: Cerberus Station!(/url)