Black Hole in Frozen Heart

I got the black hole mission and ive tried at least 20 times but i cant deystroy it without blowing myself up. Any suggestions on how to deystroy it would help


1. Cheat.

2. Have a good night's sleep, get your IMP bomb ready, as well as IMP rockets, and take a deep breath. Come into the maximum IMP rocket range, and fire at it. This will provoke it. Now run backwards, and drop a bomb along the way. It will charge right at you, and blow up. This tactic works - even though I eventually went for point 1. <smiles>


That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon

Don't cheat. Cheating sux. Use skill, and make a copy of youre pilot file. The stuff after you fail is pretty cool too, so you dont have to win.

=Spread the Chaos=

If you're blowing yourself up with the IMP bomb, you're dropping it too late. Select the black hole, move as far away from it as you can, and hold down the Autopilot key to aim your ship straight at the hole. Charge towards it at full speed, and drop the bomb shortly before the hole comes into view on your main screen. DON'T slow down! What should happen is: You drop the bomb, and hurtle past the black hole, taking some damage from its gravity, but not enough to destroy your ship. Meanwhile, the bomb continues on its collision course, and hits the black hole just as you get out of range of the explosion. It'll be a close call, but that should work. Hope this helps!

The secret of success is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake those, you've got it made. - Groucho Marx
Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding. - Albert Einstein
Hardy har har! Little do they know: They are ALL going to hell!! Hardy har har! - God, attributed

How do you get the Black hole mission string? I've got a Legendary combat rating, and I've gotten the Tachyonic Fighter with IMP missiles. Where do I go from here?

Angel came down from heaven yesterday.

check the missioncomputer for a mail about a hack into some central computer.
I'm not sure about the mission itself but it is a mail in your missoncomputer.

What do I put in here?

heh, 'tis a very complexicated plot. Thats what makes it the best plug of all time.

=Spread the Chaos=

firestorm: The ideas above should help. If you're feeling really lucky, you can also lob the bomb at it. Get away, stop, line up with autopilot, cruise toward it(Not full speed), reverse your ship well before the black hole is onscreen. When it appears, hit thrust and drop the bomb almost simultaneously. If you're close enough, and lucky enough, the bomb won't hit an asteroid before it glides into the black hole. Too slow, and the bomb goes off too far away from it.

Jack: You'll eventually get a message that says something like, "Congradulations, you're finished. Well, there is One more major mission." You'll get the mission from Lindi Van Roth. Sort of. 😉

"This must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays." DNA
"And if it is on fire, it's probably the user's fault."


Originally posted by Arada Pilot:
**heh, 'tis a very complexicated plot. Thats what makes it the best plug of all time.


It´s good, me likes fatal aswell

Et gammelt nordisk ordsprog siger: Mćng dig aldrig med amerikanere!

If your Tach Fighter has the room, I highly reccomend you by a layer of the most basic armor. Every little bit counts on this mission, and you will (at least, in my experience) be able to live through the IMP Bomb blast if you are moving really really fast (afterburners are good, yes, even with the TF's ludicrous natural speed) and you drop tbe bomb before you are directly above the hole. I usually use the Tachyon Beam as a little visual guide to determine whether or not there are any obstacles in my path.

Although that tactic of angering the hole into following you is particularly clever. Wish I'd known that when I went through the mission...

I know this is sad but what cheat could i use. I tried another 30 times at the very least, but couldnt kill it so I tried the forklift trick but that has no affect on it.



Originally posted by firestorm:
**I know this is sad but what cheat could i use. I tried another 30 times at the very least, but couldnt kill it so I tried the forklift trick but that has no affect on it.


That's because Turner was smart enougth to incorperate the forklift into Frozen Heart, so that while still posible to use, does no damage effect beyond the fact that it will only irritate ships into attacking you.


(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

Yes, I figured that out but you know any other cheats that would work.


OK, I've completed the all the missions up to where it says that there is one more major mission left. Now where do I go?

Angel came down from heaven yesterday.

Try Earth or New Devore, if youve done those go to Earth Station.
