Plug-In Censorship?

Just out of intrest, does Ambrosia ever not post a plugin, and if so for what reasons?

My Motto:
Always have a good motto on hand.

I think Ambrosia posts just about everything that comes to them as long as it decompresses properly, has an adequate description/read me, and doesn't violate any applicable laws.

David Arthur
(url="http://"")Talon Plugin for Classic EV(/url)

You might want to check out the discussion on plugin censorship that's taking place in (url="http://";=001811")this thread(/url) on the Developer's Board.

David Arthur
(url="http://"")Talon Plugin for Classic EV(/url)

Definitely check out the thread.

GIJew, the real American Hebrew - Aunt Bea's Marauders

I checked it out, great thread, but what about cussing. I'm not new to EV (although I am to the webboards) and I've downloaded alot of plugins for both EV and EVO and havn't seen one that has f*** or s$$$ in it even once.
Maybe I'm just a pessimist but that does not seem right at all.

My Motto:
Always have a good motto on hand.


Originally posted by Sam S Jester:
I checked it out, great thread, but what about cussing. I'm not new to EV (although I am to the webboards) and I've downloaded alot of plugins for both EV and EVO and havn't seen one that has f* or s$$$ in it even once.
Maybe I'm just a pessimist but that does not seem right at all.


Or maybe people think they can make something fun without having to resort to ****ing everything up by putting ****ty swearwords in everything.

GIJew, the real American Hebrew - Aunt Bea's Marauders

IMO, the reason that plug-ins generally don't contain swearing is that it wouldn't fit the atmosphere of the game. Both EV and EVO are fairly cheerful, friendly universes - I think someone swearing a blue streak just wouldn't seem right. Such actions might fit in to Martin Turner's darker E3 universe (the one for FF and FH), but all of his major characters tend to be fairly good people - the villains and despicable types mostly just appear in the background. Perhaps EVN...?

Either way, I don't feel that a plug-in, story, or novel really needs foul language to make it worth reading.

The secret of success is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake those, you've got it made. - Groucho Marx
Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding. - Albert Einstein
Hardy har har! Little do they know: They are ALL going to hell!! Hardy har har! - God, attributed

Heh, and I must say MT's plugs are the best I've played. Read the book too!

=Spread the Chaos=