Reign of Chaos II - Player Slots

Sorry rookie, but im not giving up my job as second in command.


Rookie: You can't upgrade if your government doesn't have the technology.

All: Stop posting exact specs. Rookies's ship information there was actually weak compared to what is now basic. Stop all these specifications, and just describe it's strength, please!

When it comes to personal ships, it doesn't mean much. Although it may seem my personal ship will be the almighty Garland, most powerful ship in the two galaxies and capable of taking on half a hundred battlecruisers at a time, in actual fact the Garland is not my personal ship.

My personal ship is going to be a Dragon, the name not yet decided.

Yes, UE ships, the Garland in particular are advanced. However , look at this little count here:

Galactica: 10000 Fighters, 4000 Frigates, 2000 Carriers, 1000 Cruisers, 50 Dreadnoughts

I have actually lowered the UE count now to around this:

750 Wyverns (fighters, a match for two or three Galactica Fighters), 350 Drakes (frigates, capable of handling a cruiser), 150 Dragons (cruisers, capable of almost taking down a Galactica Dreadnought)

If you feel it needs to be lowered further please tell me.

Also, Sato's idea for a new race wouldn't work very well, I'm afraid to say. Also, most of the new galaxy races are saved for the final webstory of the trilogy. <smiles>

Reign of Chaos II must wait some time. I will talk to Captain Carnotaur about the introduction of Golden Horizon, but I must sadly state that it will be quite a while. I'm glad we have so many players, though.


"That's all very nice, but where are the guns?"
- SilverDragon

Grunadulater I didn't want 2nd in command that much ,anyways I wouldn't be on every single day.

SilverDragon sorry about soooooo many specs. I put on my ship,but I really like to inform people in every aspect. By the time the Prylak come in from the other galaxy we will have advanced our tec. that far. 😄

EVO/EVN rule 1st, Soccer rules 2nd

so it is:

Name: rookie10276
Rank: Officer
Personal ship: Prylak Frigate (NOT upgraded)

I'm considering introducing a "Beyond the Crescent" race for Sattomax to control, as Galactica could do with an ally, or the game would do better with another side. I emailed Sattomax and asked him to expand on that idea.

The idea is that the Council held them back from the Strands for some reason, and now they are free. Their goals cannot yet be determined....


"That's all very nice, but where are the guns?"
- SilverDragon

can the prylak talk to each other without interacting with the game?


SD -- Just so you know, I'll be at camp for a couple of weeks in July.

Let's see...they're diamonds on wheels. Cool.

Could I be a Zacha fighter? I'm a real patriot!
I'm waiting for your confirmation.

Future Admiral Nelson, proud Zacha pilot.


o yeah, ill be at camp next week all week.

My mother says im special

(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 06-06-2001).)

First of all, I'M BACK!

Second, I assume from experience that Espy don't mind me throwing out a little ad here. So, I ask you that after you consider RoC2, you consider participating in the EVEA's Altair: Planetfall. Altair is the product of a daring new planetary webstory with the finest tweaked structure, the creation of the WDC development team. Though my promises for Sokaro were ill-fated, I hope you'll trust myself and all the other pro webstory developers to have created a webstory you will definitely want to be a part of.

Specifically, i'd like to stress once again that i'd like Gwydion, Battledoctor, and Nelson come visit the EVEA board. As well, i'd like for Jess to contact me if possible.

EVEA Board - ( (url="http://"")http://pub51.ezboard.../bevoadventures(/url) )

Thanks for your time.

It is not fear that will destroy you, but the absence of it.
(url="http://"")EVEA Webstory Board(/url) -- (url="http://"")


Originally posted by Admiral Nelson:
**Could I be a Zacha fighter? I'm a real patriot!
I'm waiting for your confirmation.

Future Admiral Nelson, proud Zacha pilot.


Of course, Nelson. I just said before they probably didn't need other people, but come to think of it would make it more interesting.

"That's all very nice, but where are the guns?"
- SilverDragon


Originally posted by Admiral Nelson:
**Could I be a Zacha fighter? I'm a real patriot!
I'm waiting for your confirmation.

Future Admiral Nelson, proud Zacha pilot.


A second in command may not hurt. Might help if I'm away either ingame or in RL. Welcome to the Zacha Nelson. Just don't get attachted to the idea of being an Admiral in the group. No such rank within my group.


(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)

so WHEN do the Prylak come in from the other Galaxy?

P.S.I will be next week + the week after. :frown:
EVO/EVN rule 1st, Soccer rules 2nd

(This message has been edited by rookie10276 (edited 06-08-2001).)

Hi Roostersw, I've viste the site you said but
I don't know what to do: Altair seems to be under
construction. How can I get involved?

I thank you in advance



I'll answer because rooster can not.Go to the WDC and sign up in the Altair Status Presets.Post your stats.Look at what everyone else did there and you'll get the idea.

The earth is burning up and were all going to die.


Originally posted by rookie10276:
**so WHEN do the Prylak come in from the other Galaxy?

P.S.I will be next week + the week after. :frown:**

Generally, there are two things to consider. One, the Prylak need to carry out investigation and research around the warp hole in their space. This is not a quick matter, and I'll inform the Prylak leader when this may happen. The Prylak may still post, introduce characters, placement of their forces, and even carry out research in the meantime.

Two, the Prylak will de-stabilize the galaxy. There are four major powers - Galactica, UE and allies, Prylak and the l'ase, a Beyond the Crescent race which I have agreed to (I await the posting of l'ase data from Sattomax)

Thus, I want to keep it just Galactica and UE+allies for a while, and then have the l'ase come in. The l'ase are quite technologically advanced, but nothing incredible. They will either choose sides of form there own, and then when it seems like bringing the deadly Prylak in would help that will be done.

Please understand that the Prylak are incredibly strong. We need to have some strong allies in the first galaxy formed, or the Prylak will merely appear and take over, and there's no fun in that. The appearance of the Prylak may even bind the UE and Galactica together for a common cause.....


"That's all very nice, but where are the guns?"
- SilverDragon

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 06-09-2001).)

Rookie, you can have a Prylak Carrier, even if you are just a simple captain. Frigates aren't that great ships, and are usually only used as fleet supplements, or unimportant convoy escorts.

And, since everyone seems to be posting when they're going to be at camp, I guess I'd better post that I might be away from about July 20-22 (somewhere around then) to August 16-20 (somewhere around then), IF there's a cancellation (I'm on the waiting list, but I've been on it for a while, and am probably at the top. It's at a cool music camp in Sweden, Maine called 'Encore/Coda'.

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
(url="http://"")Starbase Delta(/url)|(url="http://"")Spacestation Pheta Unofficial Forums(/url)

I'll be away for 2 weeks in 3-4 weeks, but I'm sure we can manage with all these second-in-commands.

"That's all very nice, but where are the guns?"
- SilverDragon

I have a slightly more accurate date for the arrival of Reign of Chaos II - two weeks. A week after Golden Horizon begins. Gives me time to do the map, at least.


"That's all very nice, but where are the guns?"
- SilverDragon

Sorry about the delay, everyone. I had a bit of trouble getting online.

I'ase stats:
The I'ase people mainly rely on speed for their means of defense. That and the fact that they have a very advanced intelligence network. They do not have a large warship, (but do have multiple types of fighters) and are not a naturally violent race, owing to the fact that there are other warring races in their galaxy, who regard them as a very insignificant threat to anything, and thus have not bothered to deal with them in any sort of way.


Flak Gun/Turret: While not being overly powerful, these cannons work in a very odd way: The cannon gathers space debris, then shoots it out in a spray that both blinds the pursuing ship and damages the hull. This cannon is not very accurate, but it fires very fast. Primary weapon.

Neutrino Cannon: Guided blasts of energy that can inflict heavy damage to a fighter. Secondary weapon.

Firestorm Missile: The I'ase have invented a special type of fire that does not need oxygen to burn. As its name implies, this missile is a stream of that fire. It can ignite a ship's hull, either causing panic (to a smaller ship) or diversionary action (to a larger ship). Secondary weapon.

Scrambler: This is a very special invention of the I'ase. It is a subspace transmitter which can scramble information inside a ship's computer, which can mess up weapon guidance, engine control, shielding, etc. Special weapon.
Note: I know that this weapon may need moderation for its use. It is pretty powerful.

Cloaking Device: This is crucial to the I'ase, and goes hand in hand with their spying tendencies. It uses less fuel than other races' cloaks, and permits normal shield regeneration after the initial power-down. Special weapon.

Ships: Note that all I'ase ships come with Cloaking Devices preinstalled.

Striker-class Light Fighter: Somewhat faster than an Azdara, this amazingly maneuverable light fighter packs only a few flak guns and a couple of firestorm missiles, but in the hands of an experienced pilot can be extremely dangerous.
Power: In between a EVO UE Fighter and a Prylak Hellcat.

Sceptre-class Heavy Fighter: Armed with four Flak Guns, a Neutrino Cannon, and 10 Firestorm missiles, this is a fighter to be reckoned with. It is a little faster than a EVO UE Fighter.
Power: About a Wyvern.

Guardian-class Frigate: I'ase only use this for heavy conflicts. It is about the speed of a EVO UE Fighter. Armed with five Flak Turrets, two Neutrino Cannons, and 2 Firestorm Igniters with 20 Firestorms. It also has a scrambler on board for emergency escapes.
Power: Slightly less than a UE Drake.

Phantom-class Spy Fighter: The fastest ship in either galaxy, it is only pilotable by someone with I'ase reflexes. Important: This is not a fighting ship. It is used for intelligence purposes only. Armed with a Scrambler and a Neutrino Cannon.

Let's see...they're diamonds on wheels. Cool.