Reign of Chaos II - Player Slots

ok ill be priat 2nd in command.i have some good ideas to.for my specs refer to the one i did before.


i just remembered, i dont have a e-mail so SD, you will have to im me or post it if you want me to know corrections.


Come on, someone, I really need a second in command. See, I can only visit the boards Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Most of Wednesday, and every other Saturday. As you can see, this leaves a huge gap that must be filled by someone. So feel free to sign up for the Galactica Empire second in command.

"quote me, I'm cool, really" -Cone (StarStrafer)
Speculum : An instrument for dilating the opening of a body cavity for medical examination.

After discussing it with Esponer, I've decided to take on a somewhat new role in this story. It's been seen once before, but I'll try and make it an important addition to the story this time...

Galactic News Network (GNN):

The GNN will report on the events of the galaxy, and the effects of these events on the economies, militaries, and civilians of the various governments. We can also report on battles or natural disasters, or human interest stories, who knows... The GNN is an impartial organization, a news network that doesn't answer to any government, though it's headquarters are within Galactica space. It has no military presence, it is simply a news organization.

The GNN primarily uses Aradas that are painted with the GNN logo and converted to carry high powered transmitters and news equipment such as camera crews and sattelite uplinks for transmission from remote locations... basically a newsvan for the 22nd century. They are armed only with rudimentary defenses, and no secondaries. The GNN probably has 50 or so of these ships at their disposal.

The GNN also has three Crescent Warships, for when situations require a stronger ship to run a blockade or report from hostile territory. It too is converted to act as a "newsvan", but will last longer in a battle scenerio than the aradas. Good for use when the impartial GNN might come under hostile fire.



Unique Technology: Subspace transmitter - powerful transmitters on board GNN ships that can quickly get out a news story even from the most remote locations. A GNN arada can transmit a news story at five in the evening and it would be ready for broadcast galaxy-wide on the nine o-clock news. This is only included because GNN holds the patent to this technology, and the only blueprints as well.

Ad Astra Per Aspera


Originally posted by BattleDoctor:
**Come on, someone, I really need a second in command. See, I can only visit the boards Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Most of Wednesday, and every other Saturday. As you can see, this leaves a huge gap that must be filled by someone. So feel free to sign up for the Galactica Empire second in command.

I'll be your second in command. Just need to sort out some problems with dynamic IPs first.



Now, not only do I have a second in command, but it is someone that I have dealt with before and who I trust.

Thank you, RMA

"quote me, I'm cool, really" -Cone (StarStrafer)
Speculum : An instrument for dilating the opening of a body cavity for medical examination.

when is the story going to start?


Millions of years from now...........

Why settle for a $3 pound of pork meat, when you can get up to 50+ pounds of human meat free? Visit (url="http://"")Starbase Delta(/url) today! Or come to (url="http://"")New Satori(/url), my new ezboard!
"Your eyes can deceive you—don't trust them." —Obi Wan Kenobi
"You will not try, you will do it." —Yoda
"What a piece of junk!" —Luke Skywalker

Position: Azdgari second-in-command
Personal Ship: The Silent Stalker, Azdgari warship(does it still exist?is there something more powerful)
ship specs:sheild recharge,armour and sheilding upgrades, normal fighters and guns
Personal escorts:2 Azdgari Warships, A.E.S. Brute and the A.E.S. Retaliator
History:Used to be an elite marine but took an interest in being a strategist when the Galactica took over and worked his way up the chain of command to Azdgari Cheif General, second only to the Supreme Commander.

--The Eye is Upon you--
If you look long enough the Sun isn't that bright.

Zacha Special Tech:
The Zachit R&D;, based from their massive Carrier Ragnorak, have been deveolping a few new technologies to help them for their cause and protection. Over thepast few years, they’ve developed some impressive toys.

Whiteflame beam/emitters: This beam weapon is somewhat powerful. It is a meidum-ranged beam weapon capable of doing good damage against shields, just above that of a phase turret. However, when it comes to a ship’s armor, it is compareable to a phase cannon; not very good. These weapons have a certain disadvantage to this in that a ship as big the size of a Zidara can only hold three at most because their power requirement would overload the other weapons systems of the ship. The reason why they’re called Whitefire is because of the beam’s blue-white color. The emitters are the turret-like version and are usualy put along the hull to fire. They have are as powerful as their fixed counterparts and have the same disadvantage when equping on a ship.

Sensor cloak: This device is just what its’ name implies, a cloak to hide a ship from another ship’s sensors. It emmits a scattering field tightly over the ship so that an hostile cannot detect it through means of sensors and such. It messes up the guideance systems of missiles, SAD and SAE modlues as well as more advanced systems.

Zacha Ships
Because the Ragnorak acts as a ship-building drydock and a docking port, the Zacha can upgrade their vessels with ease. They have kept to their tradtional means of their Zachit fighter and Zachit Arada though they have updated them with the advancement of technology, but recently they’ve come to develope a few ship designs. One of them is the Echo-class Destroyer.

Echo Destroyer: This ship is an amazing work of art. Built for speed and strenght, they got both. A glorius ninety-seven meter long ship with a silver-white hull, it envokes grace and beauty when veiwed. Only a few dozen have been produced yet, but they are a captial ship the Zachit have long lacked. A Destroyer jumps somewhat faster then human ships and have been equiped by a sensor cloak.

Note: For shields and armour, I use ResEdit standards

Speed: 360
Acel: 250
Turn: 225 degrees/sec
Fuel: 6 jumps
Shields: 2300
Armour: 700
Max Cannons/Turrets: 3/3
Shield Regen: 90/sec
Cargo: 45 tons
Weapons: 50
Lenght: 97 meters
Mass: 250 tons
Crew: 45

Standard Weapons:
2 phase cannons
1 whitefire beam emitter
20 pursuit missiles(1 launcher)
docking hangar for three ships the size of Crescent fighter or less.



Originally posted by Captain Whitehawk:
Speed: 360
Acel: 250
Turn: 225 degrees/sec
Fuel: 6 jumps
Shields: 2300
Armour: 700
Max Cannons/Turrets: 3/3
Shield Regen: 90/sec
Cargo: 45 tons
Weapons: 50
Lenght: 97 meters
Mass: 250 tons
Crew: 45

Standard Weapons:
2 phase cannons
1 whitefire beam emitter
20 pursuit missiles(1 launcher)
docking hangar for three ships the size of Crescent fighter or less.


That's a mighty weak ship. Slower than a bulk freighter and with less shields than a Krait style fighter. <winks> Don't bother saying exact specifications, come to think of it Whitehawk, but we got an idea from that anyway.


"That's all very nice, but where are the guns?"
- SilverDragon

Say SD, when are you gonna make the actual story?


I have an idea for another race from the second galaxy.
What's your email, SilverDragon?

Let's see...they're diamonds on wheels. Cool.

Sign me up for the Prylak 3rd in command.

Name: rookie10276
Rank: Prylak General (3rd in command)
Personal ship: Prylak carrier( WAY upgraded)
Ship's name: Prylak
Speed: 550
Acceleration: 900
Turning: 540°/sec
Shields: 1000
Armor: 1000
Guns Maximum of: 20
Turrets Maximum of: 15
Weapon Space: 150tons
Cargo Space: 150tons
Fuel: 20Jumps
Jump Time: 1 Day
Length: 100m
Mass: 1000tons
Crew: 200
Regeneration: 1
Tech Level: 60000
Photon: 15turrets
Plasma: 5guns
Pilum: 20missiles
Dumbfire: 15rockets
P.S.Can't go too detaled!!!!(no offence to people who dont't believe that).

P.S.S.Is there anything that you get to command in 3rd command and can you upgrade ships? Cuz I upgraded my own ship.

😛 😛 😛 😛

EVO/EVN rule 1st, Soccer rules 2nd


Originally posted by Sattomax:
**I have an idea for another race from the second galaxy.
What's your email, SilverDragon?


Sattomax,SilverDragon's E-mail is [
](<br />
"E-mail Link")


EVO/EVN rule 1st, Soccer rules 2nd

Thanks, I was having a little trouble there.

Let's see...they're diamonds on wheels. Cool.

Um, Rookie? I don't mean to offend you, but I don't really want a 3rd in command. If you could convince grundulater to get a different part in the story, then you could have second-in-command.

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
(url="http://"")Starbase Delta(/url)|(url="http://"")Spacestation Pheta Unofficial Forums(/url)


Originally posted by rookie10276:
**Sign me up for the Prylak 3rd in command.

Name: rookie10276
Rank: Prylak General (3rd in command)
Personal ship: Prylak carrier( WAY upgraded)
Ship's name: Prylak
Speed: 550
Acceleration: 900
Turning: 540°/sec
Shields: 1000
Armor: 1000
Guns Maximum of: 20
Turrets Maximum of: 15
Weapon Space: 150tons
Cargo Space: 150tons
Fuel: 20Jumps
Jump Time: 1 Day
Length: 100m
Mass: 1000tons
Crew: 200
Regeneration: 1
Tech Level: 60000
Photon: 15turrets
Plasma: 5guns
Pilum: 20missiles
Dumbfire: 15rockets
P.S.Can't go too detaled!!!!(no offence to people who dont't believe that).

P.S.S.Is there anything that you get to command in 3rd command and can you upgrade ships? Cuz I upgraded my own ship.

😛 😛 😛 😛

Err... I hope SilverDragon noticed that that ship is unfairly powerful. Just read through the whole list of specs if you don't believe me.

"quote me, I'm cool, really" -Cone (StarStrafer)
Speculum : An instrument for dilating the opening of a body cavity for medical examination.


Originally posted by rookie10276:
**Sign me up for the Prylak 3rd in command.

Name: rookie10276
Rank: Prylak General (3rd in command)
Personal ship: Prylak carrier( WAY upgraded)
Ship's name: Prylak
Speed: 550
Acceleration: 900
Turning: 540°/sec
Shields: 1000
Armor: 1000
Guns Maximum of: 20
Turrets Maximum of: 15
Weapon Space: 150tons
Cargo Space: 150tons
Fuel: 20Jumps
Jump Time: 1 Day
Length: 100m
Mass: 1000tons
Crew: 200
Regeneration: 1
Tech Level: 60000
Photon: 15turrets
Plasma: 5guns
Pilum: 20missiles
Dumbfire: 15rockets
P.S.Can't go too detaled!!!!(no offence to people who dont't believe that).

P.S.S.Is there anything that you get to command in 3rd command and can you upgrade ships? Cuz I upgraded my own ship.

😛 😛 😛 😛


BattleDoc's right, rookie. That ship is way to powerful. One reason is because I don't think a ship that size would have that much firepower. That and other players will most likely have much less powerful personal ships. I'm thinking of a Zachit Arada as my ship. Just my two cents.



Sign me up to be a Prylak officer or somthing similar.

Name: rookie10276
Rank: Officer
Personal ship: Prylak carrier(upgraded)
Ship's name: Prylak
----->Speed: 600
----->Acceleration: 900
----->Turning: 600°/sec
----->Shields: 500
----->Armor: 500
----->Guns Maximum of: 12
----->Turrets Maximum of: 9
----->Weapon Space: 125tons
----->Cargo Space: 90tons
----->Fuel: 12Jumps
----->Jump Time: 3Day
----->Length: 300m
----->Mass: 1000tons
----->Crew: 300
----->Regeneration: 3
----->Tech Level: 60000
------------->Photon: 2turrets
------------->Plasma: 10guns
------------->Pilum: 5missiles
------------->Dumbfire: 4rockets

EVO/EVN rule 1st, Soccer rules 2nd