Plugin downloading

I just recently finished Beyond the Crescent, and tried to download Reign of the UE. When the dowload box comes up it makes me use mac binary 11 instead of stuffit. The problem is my computer doesnt have mac binary. So i was wondering how to switch the two and any plugins you'd recomend for me.

Sorry if this should have been posted in a different web board.


What program are you using to open the StuffIt files? Stuffit Expander, and also MindExpander (which I prefer), can handle MacBinaryII files just fine.

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Hardy har har! Little do they know: They are ALL going to hell!! Hardy har har! - God, attributed

Stuffit Expander can handle Mac Binary II. You just download Reign of the UE into a text file, open Stuffit expander, and then expand the text file. (I just did it successfully). To download it into a text file instead of just getting a webpage loading full of weird symbols, drag the link to the download onto your desktop. It'll start to download the Reign of the UE plug onto a text file...

and now I'm repeating myself. Hope that helps!

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thanks guys. i know im posting a lot of questions on plugs lately sorry if im annoying any of you.
