EVO and Decoding problems

I'm using the Mac emulator Basilisk II and it runs fine for Escape Velocity, but for some strange reason EVO runs very slowly and seems to skip frames ( no, I don't have caps lock on ) .

My system is as follows:

500 mhz K-6 II proccessor
128 megs of RAM
5400 rpm 6gb HD
TNT2 M64 PCI video card

The way I see it, there are a few possible causes:
1. My system is just too slow. ( seems unlikely though, considering EV is running at 78 fps and quite smoothly )
2. Under video modes in Basilisk , it says "If the refresh rates are all zeroes, your video adapter/driver does not support enumerating refresh rates. Update the driver software. Upgrading to a newer version of DirectX may help too.
Of course, it does show all the refresh rates at 0 hertz, but I have DirectX 8.1a and the newest possible drivers for the TNT ( 12.01 ).
3. EVO doesn't like some system setting.
4. I have System 7.5.3, maybe I should update it to 7.6?

The other problem is decoding under Basilisk II. I can run any file thats already decoded ( such as installers ) but, if I try to decode a file with the Windows version of Stuffit Expander ( even with all the cross platform options on for Macs ) Mac OS says it can't find the appropriate translations and/or extensions. Is there a way to solve this?

Thanks 😃


Override is a bit more demanding on your computer, in terms of performance and RAM. As far as your decoding issue goes, you'd be best to try a Mac version of StuffIt Expander if your emulator can run it. The PC version can't handle the mëta-data that the Mac OS uses to identify a file by type.

David Arthur
(url="http://"http://members.aol.com/darthur1/talon-ev/")Talon Plugin for Classic EV(/url)

(This message has been edited by David Arthur (edited 06-07-2001).)

Eek! Be careful when you post that you don't press the button twice, Shark. You made two topics. Don't worry, it could happen to anybody :).

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Incidentally, that was "méta-data" in David Arthur's post. He wasn't swearing at you, it's just that this board likes to censor the word "metĺ" for some reason. 🙂

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The board automatically censors things? I didn't know that.

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Sorry about the double post thing, my ISP has been really weird lately, I could swear I didn't press it twice.

Anyways, yes I know Override is more demanding, but my old mac ran EVO almost as well as EV, and even though I'm emulating, my old mac was just a PPC 75 mhz, and this is 500 mhz.

It went a little faster after I went down to driver version 10.80 for the TNT2, but the menus are really lagged now for some reason.

I'm also getting major graphical distortion on some ships from some angles ( lots of black running through them, most noticeable on the Voinian Cruiser ( Carrier? I forget now ).

So, does anyone have any idea about the "enumerating refresh rate" thing? Maybe that's the key. And also, does anyone know what it IS? 😃 Maybe it's something old that only older versions of the TNT2 drivers may have.


Oh, I forgot to add, in Aladdin Software's infinite wisdom, they won't let you download a decoded version of stuffit expander, instead, they want to run you through a 22 step solution to the "chicken and egg" problem that involves having your browser automatically decode mac files, but of course, I'm using a Windows version which wouldn't have that option.

If anyone knows where I can get my hands on a decoded copy ( any version is fine ) or send me one, I'd be eternally grateful 😃



Originally posted by AnaerobicShark:
Anyways, yes I know Override is more demanding, but my old mac ran EVO almost as well as EV, and even though I'm emulating, my old mac was just a PPC 75 mhz, and this is 500 mhz.

Well, that was a Mac, not a PC emulating a Mac. You'd be surprised if you knew what a drain emulation is on processor power.


Originally posted by AnaerobicShark:
**Oh, I forgot to add, in Aladdin Software's infinite wisdom, they won't let you download a decoded version of stuffit expander,

It's not that they ~won't~ let you download a pre-decoded copy, it's that they ~can't~. The whole purpose of the encoding system is to get the Mac mëta-data through PC/Unix-type networds. If they didn't encode it, it would be as uselwss as the EVO plugins that aren't working.

David Arthur
(url="http://"http://members.aol.com/darthur1/talon-ev/")Talon Plugin for Classic EV(/url)

One solution is to get another mac. 🙂

And isp problems, couldn't you just murder your modemn sometimes? My isp is so slow half the time. Terrible.


"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-

Buy a Mac magazine, they usually have Stuffit on the cover CD.

(And you can also look at the articles and see what you are missing :))

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"He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" Brian's Mum


Originally posted by Azdara:
One solution is to get another mac.:)

Yes, that would be the best solution, especially given that a PC that has trouble running Override is going to have a ~really~ hard time running Nova.

David Arthur
(url="http://"http://members.aol.com/darthur1/talon-ev/")Talon Plugin for Classic EV(/url)