Flashpoint - Part 2

OOC: Can we build space stations?

"The heathens are upon us. Arm yourselves and go with God." Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet, prior to the Battle of Cygni.
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Originally posted by Admiral Benden:
**OOC: Can we build space stations?


I know I'm not a mod for this story, but I think you should be able to research, supply and build one. Though I think it would have to take over ten posts for it to be completed.

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I think we should also be able to add on to already built ones.


OOC:Well, the rules only prohibit new tech. So, I guess that means I can build it.
Admiral Benden had decided that he could not just build UE Cruisers at his main shipyard. He now sat in a room with the UE Resources Commitee. They were debating as to wether or not they could spare the materials and the manpower to build it. "Look, Stardock Gamma is still in orbit, it just lost about a third of its structure. It would take less than a month to fix. And if we need more metals, we can just set up a mining colony on Mars. There is enough metal there," Admiral Benden said. One of the commitee members on the right replied, "Fine, if you want to build your little station, go ahead. I am sure the public still remembers what the Voinians did to all the stations we had built before the war."
-Capitol ship armour upgrade, time unknown
-Shipyard Gamma completion, thirteen posts

"The heathens are upon us. Arm yourselves and go with God." Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet, prior to the Battle of Cygni.
(url="http://"http://pub70.ezboard.com/bevtechsoftware")EVTech Software Webboard(/url)

Grunadlater looked at the Dark Voyager.It didn't look very much like a Crusier anymore.He had added 3 more doking bays and 10 heavy fighters. He also planned on adding 5 UE fighters later.His personal team of UE and Hinwar designers had done a fine job.
1 more vonian frigate has been added to grunadulaters fleet.
To Thunder H.I.:
I am going to refit Laidon Station to be a ship facility and a vacation resort to make our people as happy as possible. If you have any other suggestions please contact me.My workers will begin the biulding


OOC: It has been over three days since I posted the battle, and no one has responded. I will continue it, and make it fair.

Kokoney was happy as his ships were tearing the Emalgha ships to bits, then he heard a loud sound like ships blasting off.
"****! There were two defence fleet garages," Kokoney howled with rage. Five warships and twelve fighters had taken from a smaller garage on the other side of the spaceport.
"Attention: Warships coming at you from the ground, be careful," He told the ships. Luckily most of the ships that they were fighting were already destroyed. Within thirty-five minutes the defence fleet and the other Emalgha ship were decimated. Though his fleet did suffer pretty badly. He had lost: two frigates, six interceptors, and thirteen heavy fighters. Many of the remaining ships were badly shot up. Kokoney was happy, they had taken over Kelmaon!
<<<Encrypted message to Korane>>>
Korane, the battle was a success! We destroyed all the ships in the system, and sent many Emalgha to be slaves elsewhere while we brought other slave to work here. We lost very few ships, the interceptors proved to be very good for taking out the fighters. Repairing the ships has already started and we are requesting that more supply ships be sent with more slaves and other supplies, and then be sent back with more emalgha slaves and other materials. A frigate or two and a few fighters and interceptors should also accompany the supply ships though.
Kokoney out.

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We have a problem now:
No one has been controlling Emalghion for
more than 5 days. I've sent messages to Redchigh and nothing happened.
Ultimate Rebel did too and the same thing occured.
It's up to you Thunder to decide.


- The RE project has been canceled and the pilotes that have
received their Kraits are part of the Reserve Army (RA):
about 200 pilots than can be found about everywhere in the ASAR.

- The Sumer Problem

Since we discovered Sumer, we have realized that the inhabitants
were suffering from weekly earthquakes. We have decided to help
them by transfering them to Bonheuria where they will be able to
live in peace. We have discovered that the earthquakes provided
the surface with much more mineral than any other ASAR planet.
Therefore, tha money originaly used for the RE will be redistributed
to construct an robotical mine. In about 6 post, our capacity to
produce will be increased by 30%. This should be useful to build
more more ship in less time.

- All ASAR fleets are now up to date in every aspect. The new pilots
will now start joined excercises with the veterants to become better
and better.


Kokoney had just finished inspecting the compound, and he found a large storage area filled with metal and other outfits the Emalgha use.
"I want this metal examined to see what can be made out of it," He said to a scientist. The scientist nodded and went off with a few others.
Right after he sent them off the captain of the communications tower walked up to him,
"Sir, we haave report of four Emalgha freighters coming in the system."
"They must have entered hyperspace before we took over Kelmaon. Order two cruisers, one frigate and a handfull of interceptors and heavy fighters to be ready. I want them to disable the ships and tow them in. We'll need the supplies," Kokoney ordered. The captain saluted and left for his order.
The scientist came back for his findings,
"We have found that by mixing a few other components it is possible to make Brolev plating and Dospect armour."
"Good, I would like to start warship construction here. With the supplies the freighters coming in will supply us with we should be able to start now."
In half an hour the freighters jumped in, and the ships were waiting for them. They attacked the ships right when they jumped in, catching them by surprise they were disabled quickly without a single ship destroyed. The cruisers and frigate hauled the ships to the spaceport, and captured all the crew members to be slaves. The ships had in their cargo: food, oufits, metal, med goods, and weapons which were quickly offloaded. A crew of mechanics had completely dismantled the ships for extra warship construction. Kokoney was happy.
"Sir," a slave worker said, "we have found that there is oil in the mines. The Emalgha had thought it nothing, so they never collected it. We could get fuel for ships, and improving a few other things with the oil. I ordered that the slaves collect that too."
"Good. You are to be promoted to head slave driver. Be careful though, anything bad that happens is your responsibility," Kokoney said with an obvious smile on his lips. The newly appointed slave driver saluted, Kokoney could tell he was new to the position. With time he may improve, he hoped.
<<<encrypted message to Korane>>>
Korane, we have gotten more supplies from a freighter convoy that had entered hyperspace before we took over Kelmaon. We have just started warship construction. In the mines we also found deposits of oil, so we can fuel our ships. When the supply ships reach us we will send about of our supplies, more slaves, and the Emalgha outfits we have stolen. We also have their shielding devices.
Kokoney out.

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MODERATION: Ultimate Rebel - Your conclusion to the battle is fine, but if you're going to claim losses that light (you didn't lose a single cruiser), then the Emalgha have to get some credit. If you don't mind, I'm adding the following addition to the battle of Kelmaon: As the Voinian forces pressed onward, the few remaining Emalgha ships realized that they were fighting for a lost cause. Radioing to the surface, they ordered that as many freighters as possible be filled with supplies and launched. The freighters were launched, and though they lost several more ships protecting them, the few Emalgha survivors and the freighters, filled with shipbuilding supplies, hypered out to Emalghion, leaving the system to the Voinians. Keep in mind that if you want to try to take over the Emalgha system that they now have their ENTIRE fleet there, and that it is sizable (on the order of 30-35 warships plus additional fighters), plus whatever support their allies offer them.

Admiral Benden - Yes, you can build space stations, but as Ultimate Rebel stated, it will take a while to complete the work.

To everyone - There have been NPC slots in other webstories, I don't see why we can't do the same here. I think we've lost our renegade player too. If anyone attacks the Renegades or the Emalgha, then post the start of the battle as you want too, and then give time for the allies of the government you're attacking time to respond. If none do, then we'll play out the battles like we already have, after 3 days it gets resolved with the ships already there.

Ad Astra Per Aspera

to thunder I.:
Are the Emalgia our alies because we probobly have enough ships to reclaim Emalgia. If there not our alies then we can take it anyway for the metal.Do we have tractor beams or any things that the Cresent have?
Report on Liadon Station Refittion= 12 posts until the shipyards are done, 9 for the resorts.ship production will increase by at least 30%.


MAP UPDATED! (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/evowebstories/flashpointmap.gif")www.geocities.com/evowebstories/flashpointmap.gif(/url) (copy and past manually)

<<Message to grunandulater, highly encrypted>>

The Emalgha are our allies; we have samples of their emalgha cannons and scans of their fighters from when they visited us just before the insurrection. For now, the Emalgha are safe in the Emalghia system, with a large fleet of their ships protecting it. Only their mining colony on Kelmaon was captured.

I understand your desire to take advantage of the situation on Kelmaon, but I know of an even more important situation. We've recieved word of a large battle between the ASAR and the Human Renegades at the Riomir system, in which both sides took heavy losses, leaving the system virtually undefended by either side. Our sources indicate that the renegades (Voinian allies) have retreated to their only remaining base on Pariah, fearing that the ASAR would send in another fleet to finish the job at Riomir. I've ordered a battle group of 2 cruisers, 3 frigates, and 10 heavy fighters to go to Riomir and secure the system, at which point we can either set up a base there or trade the system to the ASAR. If you'd like to lead the battle group, take your ship and meet them on the way.

Thunder out

<<End Message>>

On the surface of Liadon, an additional Voinian Cruiser and two Voinian Frigates had been completed, and they were launched into orbit. Reverse-engineering of the plans to the UE fighter, which had been going on since the UE first donated 5 UE fighters to the Hinwar before the insurrection, was finally complete. Shipyard workers estimated that the first UE fighters could come off the line in less than a week, and the scientists were working on integrating the fighter's shields onto Voinian Heavy Fighters, though it would take quite a long time to do so.

Ad Astra Per Aspera

OOC: The map is incorrect. The UE still has control of Ariane. The Green Sector Fleet is based there and there are 750 marines on Telnan.

"The heathens are upon us. Arm yourselves and go with God." Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet, prior to the Battle of Cygni.
(url="http://"http://pub70.ezboard.com/bevtechsoftware")EVTech Software Webboard(/url)

To Thunder H.I.:
I will lead them and i will leave in a few minutes.What kinds of armour do we have?
As the Dark Voyager was about to leave for Riomir, a squad of 300 troops (all of Gruandulaters best)boarded the ship.He, his personal servent frigate and the Hinwar fleet left the planet and jumped into hyperspace.
posts until ship facility completeion=11
posts until resort completeion=8
posts until fleet arives at Riomir=1



Originally posted by Admiral Benden:
**OOC: The map is incorrect. The UE still has control of Ariane. The Green Sector Fleet is based there and there are 750 marines on Telnan.


OOC: I believe Lord Gwydion took over Ariane. You must have been gone for a while, because he took over it.
Grunadulater, I believe you have access to dospect armour, and all other voinian outfits and ships, except the interceptors and the dreadnought.
Thunder, I will make change the number of ships lost. 1 cruiser, 3 frigates, 7 interceptors, and 14 heavy fighters.

Kokoney left a few captains to be in charge of Kelmaon, since he is a spy and only led the attack. The warship construction had built 2 interceptors and 3 heavy fighters. He boarded onto a frigate and prepared to enter hyperspace. His ship gained speed and the stars became long white lines.
His ship stopped after almost a week, though it felt like almost no time had passed. The ship docked and he got out.
"I would like to see Korane," he told an officer that walked up to him.
Kokoney was led to Korane, "How good to see you. I am very happy with your work," Korane said happily.

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OOC: Lord Gwydion took over Ariane, but he did not leave any defense behind. I landed 750 marines there to keep the planet secure and left the Green Sector Fleet to guard it.

"The heathens are upon us. Arm yourselves and go with God." Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet, prior to the Battle of Cygni.
(url="http://"http://pub70.ezboard.com/bevtechsoftware")EVTech Software Webboard(/url)

- The captured planet in the Yelts system is now under
colonisation. To accelerate the departure of the Sumerrans,
they will also be transfered to Gorky. The researchers from
the Academy on Iothe sent to Gorky discovered that the planet
was full of ores like uranium, titanium, iron, aluminium...
and even coal and oil! Only Sumer contains more valuable deposits,
but only small quantities can be extracted du to the sismic
activity. Gribn is the only other ASAR planet that can mine
resonnable masses of ores. When the mines on Gorky will be
completed, they will supply Their, Iothe, Bonheuria, Helios
and Omm. When this time will come (2posts), our economy will
burst into outer space!

- On Bonheuria

Everything is now completed: shipiyard, spaceport, military port,
two cities with 75 000 inhabitants in each of them, outfiters...
The people of Sumer will continue the colonisation of Bonheuria,
research ores, new animal species. A few industrial compagnies have
made of Bonheuria a new market.

A DF is now set and perfectly able to defend the planet for a long
time so that ASAR fighters can have enough time to cross the "galaxy"
and support their folks. The DF has 10 militarised F-C, 5 Turncoats,
17 Kraits.

The CASAR has set a base on Bonheuria, the second one, after
the on build on Iothe Prime. It has now on the planet 10 normal F-Cs.
The Turncoat, Helian and the Kraits are used for commercial events and
to show our spaceship potential. The CASARs' ships on Iothe are:
8 F-Cs, 1 Turncoat, 1 Helian and 1 Krait.

ťťťťťť H.I. to Emalgha ŤŤŤŤŤŤ

The military shipyard of Bonheuria has started producing Turncoats and
Kraits for the Emalgha to help them take back Kelmaon. A rate of 1 Krait
per one and a half week and 1 Turncoat per three weekd ids sent to them.
As always, they are fited with a self-destructive device so that if they
are captured or analysed they will blow off.

We will talk later about the way you'll pay us. We will not ask too much
for you are, as us, freeing and rebuilding your noble nation.

Admiral Nelson, ASAR's commander.

ŤŤŤŤ End ťťťťť

ťťťťť H.I.to the IVECCI industries in Thoso ŤŤŤŤŤŤ

As you may have already notice, the ASAR government is your best
Freight-Courier buyer. We would like to buy you the plan of the F-C
to accelerate the construction of the militarised version of this great
ship. We know that as soon as we buy one F-C from the IVECCI company,
it take three weeks build one, six days to deliver it, two weeks for us
to upgrade it and so on. By constructing the vessel in ASAR's shipyard
will considerabely reduce the gap between the first two pieces are welded
togetter and the tests before it can be used in total security.

We could offert you about 220 millions credits to have those plans
that will help our nation to get ride of the renegades and the Voinians.

ADMIRAL NELSON, great and proud commander of the ASAR government.

ŤŤŤŤ End ťťťť

- The GREAT BATTLES, continuation:

Minus one week:
The rebuilt GROR, AS, EC, EC and ES (with two more F-Cs and Turncoats
in each squadron) start a major real-life training exercice which will
last three days. After a study of the simulated battles, the troups were
almost ready to fight...

Minus one day:
At the monthly reunion of all the planetary administrators (ASARC), I told
them that we were ready to take possesion fo the Riomor system. All our
fighters can now be poud: we will be able to definately kick out of space
the renegades. In coordination with the Reserve Fleet of the UE, we will
stike them.

Minus one second:
The GROR, the AS, the ES, the EC and the RF enters the Riomor system.
They fire trhee streams of rockets and Hunter missiles. They hit a good
part of the ennemy. Then, a "shadow" of white needles cross the "skies"
above Freeport slam into the horrified renegade pilots that were tring
to escape towards better systems... Just the cloud of Kraits and UE Fighters
submerged the renegade vessels by firing red hot bolts from their blaze
canons, two more walls of rockets and Hunter missiles hit the ennemy fleet.
Minutes later, the F-Cs, the Turncoats, the UE Destroyers and the UE Carrier
crushed into the remainnig desperated pirate pilotes.

Our stats: 1/6 losts; 1/3 damaged; 1/7 difting away.

- Still thinking ahead, the ASARC holds another important meeting. Since
we ALMOST won the Riomor battle with our veterans, the UE RF and more ships
than previously held battles, one last renegade stronghold remain: Pariah.
We can do only one action: we wait and rebuild our force or we immediately
send all are attacking fleets on Pariah, including my personal fleet. My PF,
which has been hold in case of a counter-attack by the remaining renegades or
the Voinians. At least, all ASAR shipyards are still "mass" producing Kraits
and Turncoats.



<<Message to grunadulater, highly encrypted>>

I'm afraid we'll have to make a change of plans. The ASAR sent in a second wave of ships, and has already secured Riomir. This ruins our plan to secure Riomir ourselves, but instead we can help eliminate the Human Renegades (known Voinian allies), once and for all. I will send a message to the ASAR asking them to join us in a joint assult on Pariah, the last remaining Renegade base. Together, we will win. Meet with the ASAR forces, bravely leed our forces into battle alongside our allies, and wipe out the renegades once and for all!

Thunder out

<<End message>>


Message to Admiral Nelson, ASAR Commander, highly encrypted

This is Thunder of the Hinwar speaking. If you remember, our government supplied you with the design to the Voinian Heavy Fighter and opened negotiations to form an alliance. Now we want to work with you eliminate the renegade threat once and for all. We have a fleet that was on it's way to finish off the renegades at Riomir, but we now realize that you have taken care of that problem already. I propose an immediate joint strike on Pariah, before the Renegades have time to regroup and rally their forces. A Hinwar fleet under the command of grunadulater, a prominent Hinwar military leader, will be arriving in the Hatuli system soon. If you can spare enough ships, meet us there and together we will take the battle to Pariah, and eliminate the Renegades once and for all. With the renegades out of the way, the Voinians will be the only threat Humanity and Hinwar alike have to fear. I hope you will accept this suggestion and join us in the assult on Pariah.

Thunder out

End message


On the surface of Irid, Hinwar in environmental suits could be seen moving about the broken and dilapidated capital city, rebuilding and repairing the long abandoned shipyard and spaceport facilities. Work was slow; the thick, toxic gas in the atmosphere made it difficult to see and required that the workers return to a nearby heavy fighter every two hours to refill their oxygen tanks. One could only wonder as to what they were trying to do...

Ad Astra Per Aspera

As soon as Grunadulater got Thunders message he slightly altered his hypercoarse.He called on his entire fleet back at Hinavar and told them to come to Hatuli.
posts unitl staiton competeion=10/7
posts until grunadulaters fleet arival=1


Do I have win the battle?
If so:

ťťťťť H.I. message to Thunder ŤŤŤŤŤŤ

As you now know, their is only on renegade base left: Pariah.
Your idea of a coordinated attack is excellent, even if our pilots
might feel tired, they are able the skip a few night to kill more
renegades. I suppose that we could do the final assault on Pariah
in less than two weeks to do kill two stones with one shot.
I propose to do a one day training when your fleet will have arrived
to be able to well coordinate our fighters in the DSN-8584 system and
jump directly into Pariah.
To help your ships to defend themselves against the most used weapon by
the renegades: needles, I will provide you with the Needle-Jammer device.

I don't know how we will be able to separate our future gains. Shall
we discuss about this point latter? Total destruction of the planet is
not our goal, (as in the real game). We could both colonise it and share
half the planet as Pax station but with more friendliness!
or we could supply your nation with a constant supply of ASAR ships like
the Turncoat, Helian and the Krait. Thoso will cost less than if they were
sold to any other government or civilian pilot. On Krait per one and a half
week, a Turncoat per three weeks, an Helian per two and a half week. They
will fitted will a self-destruct system that will work when the ship is
captured or analysed.

Do you have some informations about the Emalgha nation. We offert them
help but they do not seem to organise their defence properly...

This could be the battle:
Need confirmation:

- The Great Battles, final "chapter":

No separe fleets like in other battles
UE Reserve Fleet:
3 Destroyers, 9 UE Fighers.
13 Freight-Couriers, 6 Turncoats, 8 Helians, 23 Kraits.

The Hinwar, the ASAR and the Reserve Fleet entered the Pariah
system, renegade ships were raging against their ennemies. From
their vessels, a wall of needles came towards us. We immedialtely
respond with more than 5 salvos of Rockets and Hunter missiles
preceded by hundreds of needles. Then the UE Fighters, Hinwar voinian
Heavy Fighter and our Kraits slamed into the renegade spaceships with
devastating effects. Red and purple dots smashing in both sides's ships
with unforgettable power. Then, the Hinwar Frigates, 3 UE Destroyers and
13 Freight-Couriers crushed the renegade upgraded Turncoats, Helians and
Kraits. Then came the slower ASAR Turncoats and the Hinwar Cruisers almost
clahing with the rest of the renegade that came to defend their last,
but small hope of total freedom.
The ones that tried to escape were caught by patrolling UE Fleets on Huron
and the DF of Helios wich had the right to patrol out of its own system.

Admiral Nelson, ASAR's commander.

ŤŤŤŤ End ťťťťť

- Rebuilding:

The space-station in Riomor has been renamed Joiette. It will mainly
used as the new base for the CASAR, moving from Iothe Prime to Joiette.
A the shipyard will be upgrade to construct vessel in a faster way, in
comparition with the renegades. The DF will be built on place and will
be supported by the squadron based on Gribn.

The colonisation of Gribn is going well and the Sumerans really like
their new planet. Some of them even joined the ASAR's military service.
They are honored to fight with the one that almost saved their lifes.
The mines' plans are almost finshed, in two weeks, the digging process
will start and the planet will become a major ore processing leader of
the known galaxy. All the industries will be automated. Enviromental
rules will be strict and the planetwill give life again in a about a
century. The seaweeds will be used to increase the temperature and vegetal
wildlife will overcome any difficulty in their path.
Until then, people will live undergroud and in protected houses.

On Bonheuria, everyone is satisfied with their lifes and the population
is now of 219 542 and is growing bigger every month with Sumerans and other
ASAR citizans, without forgetting internal growth! The major source of job
is farming: cereals, sugarcane, fruits and vegetables and ... UE citisans
other really like the natural food produced on Bonheuria. It is the primary
source of profit on Bonheuria, after the shipyarding industries and
colonisation process.

The CASAR continues its exploration trip on the east side of the galaxy
from its base on Bonheuria. Jean-Daniel Foo is the leading diplomate of
this expedition.

The shipyarding industries are working so well that they can now rebuild
an entire DF in less than four weeks. But one darker side to this, when the
renegade war will end, what will happen?

- The ASARC has accepted to build an long range attack fleet that will be
able do sneak attack from Bonheuria, which is still secret for the Voinians.
It will have 13 militarised F-Cs, 4 Turncoats and 15 Kraits. The GF will
be able to train itself in 4 posts.

Admiral Nelson, ASAR's commander.


wait a minute, you cant control our ships and the renegades have to be able to respond, you cant just say we foght and won.
