Flashpoint - Part 2

Okay, so what would my casualties be? I'm guessing I lost one Voinian Cruiser, two or three Frigates, about four or five Turncoats, and about ten Helians.

Anyway, Lord Gwydion has the fleet (after sending a transmission to Korane, or whoever is in charge of the Voinians now, saying that the Ariane system is in Voinian hands and needs a backup fleet) jump into the Taili system in a tight arrowhead formation (a formation that has everything attacking in one direction), and has his own Cruiser full of marines (as it always is) launch a diguised cargo pod onto New Taranto (the shipyard moon, right?). The marines, under Lord Gwydion's own command, jump out of the pod and start shooting UE officers. With fusion grenades, rapid-fire Neutron Rifles, and EMP grenades, I'm assuming that my squad manages to get to the ship design station, or whatever it's called.

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
(url="http://"http://pub101.ezboard.com/bstarbasedelta")Starbase Delta(/url)

The prototype works well and Ťmassť production has now started:

- In 5 post, stationnary defence of 3 Turncoats by planets with
3 Helians, 7 Kraits and 1 Freight-Couriers.

- The GROR will have 3 Turncoats, 17 Kraits, 4 Freight-Couriers.

- My personal fleet: 4 Turncoats, 18 Kraits, 8 Freight-Couriers.

- The Expeditionary Corp (EC): 5 Turncoats, 20 Kraits, 5 Freight-Couriers

- The Exploration Squadron (ES): 2 Turncoats, 10 Kraits, 5 Freight-Couriers

Now more details about each ship:

KRAIT: (77)
4 Blaze canons; 1 Needle-Launcher + 100 Needles.

HELIAN: (12)
4 Blaze canons; 1 Rocket-Launcher + 10 Rockets.

3 Blaze Turrets; 1 Rocket-Launcher + 15 Rockets.

3 Blaze Turrets; 2 Rocket-Launchers + 17 Rockets;
1 Needle-Launcher + 200 Needles

-The exploration of the surounding systems has now started with
the ES group (we will not discover Strands or Strandless
neither Mavs.) They will patrol and look for colonisable planets
and hunt renegades.

-The Assault Squadron (AS) is under formation on Omm and will be trained
on Gribn. These men and women will be the best space, land, sea, air,
warriors ever trained, they will be able to make Sir J. A. MacDaonald's
dream come true... He will be in charge of AS. About 10 Kraits, 6 Freight-Couriers.

- Now the ASAR is no more a simple alliance between planets,
it's now and growing empire with his own governement on Omm, far away from
any spaceport. Mutual commerce his the main source of profits for the ASAR.

---- Encrypted message to the UE Government -----

I have heard that you have some problems with the hated Voinians.
We could help you by sending an immediat squadron that would help
your cause. In exchange, we could have access to the technologies
in Pareen station. Waiting for a quick reply.

Admiral Nelson, proud commander of the ASAR government.
Admiral Nelson, pround commander of the ASAR

(This message has been edited by Admiral Nelson (edited 05-20-2001).)

to thunder highly encoded:
We must attack now!tell the UE im getting restless.
Grunadulaters ship soars though hyperspace he searches the datapad.
"excuse me sir."the squad leader was looking at him,"whats so important about a datapad.All there is probobly meeting records and things to get done."
"well, all i have to do is....."grunadulater types search for the most important to do list.he looks at the scedual which was nothing but meetings.he adds at the very bottem 'inspect dissiperence of cargo ship in the Huron system'.
"that might distract them from the battle once its started."grunadulater goes to the oboron system and does the same thing without being detected.3 days later he gets the signal and picks them up and changes the datapad and returns it except is says the cargo ship was in troub.
to thunder highly encrypted:
"we have 4 intercepters ready."
OOC: how many times can your posts be revocked by doing something on accident without getting in trouble?


The Purple Sector Fleet jumped into the Ariane sysstem to find only molten steel, which had turned to spheres of steel in the zero gee cold void known as space. He consulted his sensors officer and found that there was on disabled Destroyer on the other side of the system with faint life signs emanating from it. Admiral Benden commanded that his fleet perform an immediate rescue operation. They boarded the ships and found many bodies. In the engine compartment they found ten survivors. The bridge had been hit and the veiwports had imploded, leaving the bridge open to space. The crew had been unable to cammand the ship and had slowly died over the four days it had taken the Purple Sector fleet to arrive due to the extreme cold. Thos in the engine compartment had kept the engines idling so they could stay warm. An officer who had been at a veiwport when the battle ended said that the invading fleet had made for Talii. After they got the disabled ship, the U.E.S. Adamant running, the four Transporters arrived in system from Riomor. Admiral Benden had them land and unload their cargo, which was of course marines and about fifteen assault vehicles. The Purple Sector Fleet set course for Talii and arrived just as the Voinian/Renegade fleet launch an innocuos looking cargo pod at the moon.

"The heathens are upon us. Arm yourselves and go with God." Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet, prior to the Battle of Centauri.

lets see. I haven't posted in a while- I'll say this

A while back a cult on my planet, that believes that the Emalgha should ally with the voinians, kidnapped me in order to halt anti-voinan actions. The cult then Froze me, to prevent me from calling for help and escaping. Luckily, my private guards found me, killed or imprisoned the cult, and thawed me out. I have no knowledge of whats happened since my last post. Battledoctor, care to catch me up?

Pain is inevitable, but misery is optional. We cannot avoid pain, but we can avoid joy.
--- Tim Hansel

MODERATION: We have no interceptors grundanulater. The Voinians developed those after we gained our independence. We only have UE fighters, Heavy Fighters, Frigates, and Voinian Cruisers.

Also, since everybody on the Voinian side has chosen not to respond to the UE attack on Obron for over 2 pages worth of story, the ruling is that the UE, despite heavy casualties, has gained control of the system. The Voinians may counter-attack if they so desire, just as the UE may mount a counter-strike at Ariane.

Continuation: Thunder smiled as he recieved word that work had been completed on the secret base on Irid, with 5 heavy fighters stored there for sfe keeping, as well as over two hundred Hinwar operatives and a large stash of supplies. He then recieved grundanulater's message, and typed out a reply:

<Message to grundanulater, encrypted>
I have just recieved word that the UE has successfully captured Obron, though they lost quite a few ships in the process. We can now turn our full attention on Gamur. Since we now border the UE, and will have the advantage of UE border patrols in our system, we can send a few of our ships to help in the efforts. 1 Voinian Cruiser and 2 Voinian Frigates have just come off the production lines in the shipyard. I will assign them to your command temporarily, to aid in the attack on Gamur. Remember, we must clear the system of Voinian ships for long enough that the operatives on the surface can rebel successfully and take control of the defense fleet.

Thunder out
<End message>

Ad Astra Per Aspera

<never mind this now, heck, I might even try and continue with the game....>

"That's all very nice, but where's the guns?"
- SilverDragon

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 05-21-2001).)

grunadulater silently presses a button on his chair. Both datapads explode.'at least that good thing came out of stealing the datapad.'he thought.
to thunder not encrypted at all:
YES!IN YOUR FACE VOINIANS! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! sorry, im over enthusiastic.this is very good. by the way, i got one carrier today from the ship yards.
grunadulater slippes into sd's office he sets a bomb to go off when sd walks in he leaves as the bomb detonates.
OOC:just helping the story along. 🙂


MODERATION: Post revoked, grudanulater. We do NOT have access to UE carriers, and there is no assassinating other characters unless you take more time to plan it than "I set a bomb in his office and leave."

OOC: Esponer? What are you talking about? You think the attack just started? Then explain this:


Posts: 1604
Registered: Nov 2000
Karma: Decent Individual
posted 05-13-2001 11:21 PM

The weally defended outpost Obren coms under attack as the UE fleet arrives and inagages the defense fleet. 30
mintutes of fighting, the UE are victorias! The UE lost: 4 Destroyer, and 2 Carriers.

Titan starts researching the UE cruiser.

READ MY SIG!!! Join my new board here http://pub101.ezboar...itansboard65830 Mod spots are still open.


Posts: 47
From:Never Quite
Registered: May 2001
Karma: Clean (0)
posted 05-14-2001 02:25 AM

MOD: Post revoked, Titan. You failed to give me time to respond, and being away
a single day didn't give me time to place my ships in place...

...The UE fleet leaps into the Obron system, with massive firepower. The Voinian fleet
they meet is depressingly small.

However, the Voinians fall back on the defences straight away. The UE come forth,
and a barrage of rockets from the stellar fires, causing huge damage. Obviously, the
Voinians are making a defensive, stalling manouevrer, and like this is would take
hours to take Obron down.

(not joking, with ships coming in for repairs, making raids, scattering defences
and such, it would take a long time to pull Obron time)

That's been sittiing there for a full week now, up at the top of page five of part 1. All that time, and NOBODY has even once tried to reinforce the Obron system or send backup. You said it would take a long tome to take over the outpost, and well, it's been a pretty long time. It's logical to say that they could have won by now.

Also, I realize you've been behind in the story, and that you may have been looking for a reason to leave, but don't make it look like I'm trying to cheat the Voinians. I'm simply applying the same standards to them I applied to the UE with the battle of Ariane. If anyone has a problem with this moderation, speak up, and we'll see what we can do to fix it fairly, but I think the ruling was fair given the amount of time that passed with nobody coming forward to defend Obron.

Ad Astra Per Aspera

(This message has been edited by Thunder (edited 05-21-2001).)

OOC: Sorry, I haven't really had much time lately to take everything in, since I've got some exams I've really been worrying about, but never actually revised much, if that makes any sense whatsoever. I get the idea you're really annoyed at me over this,
but please understand that every post I've done is sort of detached, so all I could
remember was revoking an attack on a system - I would have thought that would have
been taken by then anyway, so I thought it was a system that had just been attacked,
especially since I think (think, so don't quote back as such and become angry
at me) that someone told me Obron was about to be attacked, or some such, so
that confused me.

Okay........ Obron's gone.... The Hinavar have Obron and Hinavar. Anywhere else?

"That's all very nice, but where's the guns?"
- SilverDragon

Thunder, can I start researching the needle-jammer, for Samourai
isn't really present?

Admiral Nelson, proud commander of the ASAR governement.


MODERATION: Sure, Nelson, go ahead.

Ad Astra Per Aspera

Our technicians and engineers are now working
on the needle-jammer, a device that will anable
needle to reach ASAR ships probabely 85% of
all needle launched. The research will take about
3 post, the prototypes' tests 3 posts too and the
mass production 5 post. Delays could occur at any
moments of the needle-jammer's development.

Admiral Nelson, proud commander of the ASAR government.


OOC:SD, I'll put my post in again so you can reply.

Kokoney jumped out of his Emalgha Fighter and headed for Korane. When he found him he reported all that happened,
"I'm back from the Emalghion system. I got some information about what goes on in the space above both systems, and a few other things, like the data of their ships and their cannon. If we were to get an Emalgha freighter ship and fill it with marines and full supplies, we could get to Kelmaeon and possibly take over their space port. After that is done, a fleet could come in and take over any ships in the system. If we also brought a few supply ships with all the things we need we could take over the system! Since the planet is their main source of metal they would be short on wrship construction. Which means, if we were to hold off in Kelmaeon for a week building warships and getting suplies in and destroying Emalgha ships that come in, we could then make a force against Emalghion! What do you think?"
Korane though for a moment before answering,
"I think that..................."

titan's new board click (url="http://"http://pub101.ezboard.com/btitansboard65830")here(/url) to enter

(This message has been edited by Ultimate Rebel (edited 05-21-2001).)

Is Kiwi something still in command of the
renegades or is it gwydon?

The AS group is now fully operational. It regroups about
4 Freight-Couriers, 15 Kraits and 2 Turcoats.

The Freight-Courier is now equiped with only
one Rocket-Launcher; a Needle-Launcher (250 Needles);
3 Blaze Turrets and the rest is packed with Rockets.

Admiral Nelson, proud commander of the ASAR


(This message has been edited by Admiral Nelson (edited 05-21-2001).)

I believe that Kiwi is still the renegade leader, but that I'm still in command of the fleet. (Kiwi, start producing Voinian ships)

Lord Gwydion orders the fleet to leave for Vorik, where he asks Korane to rendevouz (sp?) with them. Lord Gwydion then rushes into Anna Balashova's home (he found out by threatening a UE officer, I think that the UE officer would give just a little bit of info with eight neutron rifles pointed at him), with his marine squad, and throws a bunch of EMP grenades. The squad runs through the corridors, shooting a couple of UE bodyguards, and finds Anna Balashova trying to escape through the back door...

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
(url="http://"http://pub101.ezboard.com/bstarbasedelta")Starbase Delta(/url)

Korane thinks about it.

"The plan is sound, but it goes against my most recent thoughts. Hmm..... I had
planned to take back Obron, but perhaps......" Korane thinks about it.

"Do it. You may personally command all the necessary ships. Also, I'm going to have
the Hinwar slaves on Gamur all put to death."

Kokoney looks shocked. "But the slaves we'd lose!"

"Don't worry. You're going to get us some from Kelmaon. Even if our main assualt
fails, you have to get Emalghan slaves. They are strong, worth two

"My plan for Gamur is simple. Round the slaves up and kill them. For safety purposes,
I'm placing 10 Frigates in the system at the time. Interceptors will swarm down and
shoot the Hinwar from above. Every Hinwar will die." Korane grins.

"Also, I have heard that the Dreadnought prototype is complete," Korane
said. "Once it is ready for military action I will send it against either a United
Earth of Hinwar system with a support fleet. If we work quickly and efficiently,
the Emalghans can be incinerated, the Hinwar greatly injured and the United Earth
in trouble."

Kokoney smiles.

"But of course, any mistake is deadly. Thus, to round it off, I would like a backup
plan readied."

**"Soncere has been in our cells for a while. However, I fully understand the
situation. He is my spy, completely loyal. Things got out of hand and his fleet
was attacked. That is still not a problem. I am sending Soncere to the Hinwar along
with ten Heavy Fighters. He will worm his way in." **


Soncere is sent off from Svass, where he was held (all moderators agree that Soncere
is held in Voinian prison) in a Voinian Heavy Fighter, badly damaged. Sensor records
now show that it entered a battle in Svass and narrowly won, and with ten Heavy
Fighters accompanying it it managed to get to Gualon.

"Hinwar, power down your weapons. I am Soncere, Former Admiral of the Voinians. I am
willing to help you...."


At Isled, the Dreadnought Prototype is completed. It moves to Svass for final tests....


Voinian resources are now limited. Almost all 150 Voinian warships are ready for action,
and almost 50 warships are free.

Kokoney can take as many as is necessary, as can Gwydion. Gwydion's title of "In Exile"
is now gone, and Korane is extremely happy with both of them.


Blueprints of United Earth ships at Ariane are being sent all over Voinian space. It
is being considered outfitting these ships with Voinian weaponry <if Thunder believes
that is okay>


NOTE: I would like it if the next Hinwar post included the massacre at Gamur. Please
understand that it is near impossible for a single Hinwar to survive, and the Hinwar
do not know of this.

Also, everyone try to keep track of all the Voinian plans in action.

"That's all very nice, but where's the guns?"
- SilverDragon

The Voinians have now 58 Voinian Warships, and about thirty Renegade Warships, because of the fleet Lord Gwydion sent to Vorik.

Anyway, UE people, please make Anna Balashova respond in the next post, or let me capture her. Some of my marine squad is securing the area in the immediate vicinity of the large house of Anna Balashova.

Oh, and SD: remember that the Voinians don't know about the Hinwar landing on the uninhabited planet Iri or something.

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
(url="http://"http://pub101.ezboard.com/bstarbasedelta")Starbase Delta(/url)

(This message has been edited by Lord Gwydion (edited 05-21-2001).)

OOC: Post revoked. The Voinians have 50 warships spare and I'm not giving
you that many (spare as in not defending bases)

"That's all very nice, but where's the guns?"
- SilverDragon

Sorry, I wasn't clear in my last post. I sent the fleet that I was heading back to Voinian space, so the Voinians now have quite a few ships more than before.

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
(url="http://"http://pub101.ezboard.com/bstarbasedelta")Starbase Delta(/url)