Flashpoint - Part 2

ťťť highly encrypted to Admiral Benden ŤŤŤ

I thank you for the giving me the hability to control
the Reserve Fleet. It's base will be Huron and will not
be "dismentle" to fit with any ASAR fleet: it will remain
quiet independent, supporting assaults and patrolling.

Thank you for talking with the industries in the Thoso
system. Their help is really appreciated.

Admiral Nelson, ASAR

ŤŤŤ End ťťťť

- The UE Reserve Fleet will patrol DSN-7294, Troub and Huron.

- The ambitious self-defense (RE) program has been rethought:

All RE warriors will be fitted with a Kait to
lower costs and training. Piloting a Krait is much more
easier than a 500% more costly Helian.

Only 1 family per 20 will have access to a Krait.

The same delays should apply to the new RE.

The Kraits will not be upgraded like the ones
used in our normal fleets.

- On Bonheuria:

Now 10 000 Asarians live on the almost colonised planet.
The defense has now 4 Freight-Courier, 6 Kraits. Those
are not patrolling so other nation will not be able to
discover that a planet is inhabited in this region of the
Cosmos. No DF on Bonheuria.

- Restructuration:

The DF of Helios is now completed: 7 Freight-Couriers (F-C),
17 Kraits. It will patrol DSN-7136, Helios, Troub and

The DF based on each ASAR planet will start to
dissemble all its Turncoats and sell the piecesto make
money and pay the costs of the RE. The Tuncoats will be
replaceed by 2 more F-Cs (total of 8).

- Still exploring:

The CASAR has 3 more Freight-Couriers for a total of
13 F-Cs. Those are mostly shipping material to Bonheuria,
and 4 are exploring Voinian space almost like a U 2 flying
a in the upper atmosphere undiscovered... The CASAR crosses
the voinian space and enter the hinavar system with a
peaceful messsage.

Jean-Daniel Foo hopes that this time a diplomat from this "new"
planet will accept to talk to him.

ťťťťť Encrypted message to Redchig or the EMALGHA's ruler ŤŤŤŤŤ

I think that you nation has some difficulties with the
voinians, which are our ennemies too. I would like to offert
you this proposition: I guaranty you with a constant supply
of Tuncoats and you would offert us the blue prints of the
Emalghia canon. In our nearby systems, voinians are too present
for our development. The

Admiral Nelson, ASAR's commader.


OOC: Admiral Nelson, Nova6 wants to invite you to the webstory on his (url="http://"http://pub55.ezboard.com/bevandevodiscussionboard")boards(/url), the (url="http://"http://pub55.ezboard.com/fevandevodiscussionboardfrm16")Klenox Divide(/url). He just needs one more player, and Independant Commander, and then the story will start. If you haven't got an account on (url="http://"http://www.ezboard.com")EzBoard(/url), you can get one (url="http://"http://www.ezboard.com/create_join.html")here(/url). It's probably going to be a pretty good webstory.

PS-I'm not trying to steal people from Flashpoint to go here, I just had an AIM conversation with Nova6, and he wants Admiral Nelson to join (not Admiral Benden, he doesn't know about you, Benden).

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
(url="http://"http://pub101.ezboard.com/bstarbasedelta")Starbase Delta(/url)

(This message has been edited by Lord Gwydion (edited 05-24-2001).)

Grunadulater hears no respones but sees alot of vonian ships on the other side of New Taranto. He looked at New Rome and sees a scoutship .In the Dark Voyager, he goes to it and prepares to board.....



I won't be able to log in today, tomorrow,
I'll to it.

Admiral Nelson, ASAR's commander.


Anna was trying to close the valves on the engine coolant and hyoerspace feul feed lines from the cockpit using the automated repair system. Suddenly, the scoutship's hull gave an almighty resounding thunk. She looked out the cockpit veiwport and saw the hull of some odd ship. She quickly ran to the top hatch and stood by with her pistol.
To Grunadulater(High Encryption)

I am sorry to report that for the same reasons that I can't give you the guidance codes to the Hunter Missles I can't give you the designs to the UE Cruiser. If the Voinians were to get their hands on the designs, they might reproduce it of find some way to disable it faster. However, if we were to form an alliance, we would have access to all of each others technology and ships.

Admiral Benden
Acting Commander of UE Forces
OOC: I am impatiently waiting for someone to reply to the battle going on over New Taranto. There aren't supposed to be any one post battles, but no one is doing anything.
Admiral Benden saw that there were few ways he could win against a numerically superior force such as this. He quickly tapped out a message to the Home Sector Fleet, the fleet guarding Earth and Knox along with his fleet. He ordered them to bring as much firepower as possible in the next 24 hours. HE then contacted the Green Sector Fleet and had them do the same thing. In 24 hours, his fleet would have an additional 12 ships. Four of those ships were Carriers.

"The heathens are upon us. Arm yourselves and go with God." Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet, prior to the Battle of Centauri.

Benden: There is no longer a battle over New Taranto. There never was. My ships came into the system, launched my cargo pod, then left for Vorik.

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
(url="http://"http://pub101.ezboard.com/bstarbasedelta")Starbase Delta(/url)

(This message has been edited by Lord Gwydion (edited 05-23-2001).)

to Admiral Benden H.I.:
We do have an allience!But if you think we don't, i'll make one.
Grunadulaters head pops into the scoutship.Anna shoots but hits his reinforced quantum armor and does nothing.
"I'm Grunadlater, second in command of the Hinwar.Need help?"
the presure gauges on the scoutship go to red critical.


(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 05-23-2001).)

OOC: I guess I missed the ships leaving for Vorik. Ignore my posts about a battle going on(this includes the messages sent to the Home and Green Sector Fleets). Were you going to kill Anna or capture her?
Anna quickly climbed aboard the ship that had boarded her scoutship when she heard the destruct warning alarm start going off in the cockpit. She quickly tapped in a command in the nearest console she could find on the Dark Voyager, so that when her ship blew up, her escort wouldn't leave. She then told the captain to get moving. Mixing coolant, feul, and fire was the definition of a bad idea.
To Thunder(Mega Encryption):
It has come to my attention that your government would like to have the plans to the UE Cruiser. It is not finished yet, but the first five off the line are going to be diverted to your space. I am giving you indirect control of these, as the will be crewed by humans, and their orders go through me before they see them.

Admiral Benden
Acting Commander of UE Forces

Half an hour later, the Dark Voyager had a gaurd consisting of the Purple Sector Fleet. They landed at New Taranto, were the fire caused by the explosin of the UE Fighter in the hanger was being extinguished. Admiral Benden came out to meet grunandulater in person and to take Anna Balshova to Knox, were she would be under protection 24 hours a hday. Anna then walked into her house and came out a few minutes later with a DBCD* and handed it to Admiral Benden. She smiled and told him that it contained the blueprints to the UE Cruiser. Admiral Benden quickly ushered her aboard the Yokohama and told the commander of the Bahrain to stay behind and make sure that the crew of the Dark Voyager was rewarded well. They then set course for Earth, where the largest shipyards in UE space were.
Ship upgrades:
-Capitol ships will have Dospect Armour grafted onto their hulls. Time to completion is unknown.
*Digital Blueprint Compact Disk

"The heathens are upon us. Arm yourselves and go with God." Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet, prior to the Battle of Centauri.

OOC: How did you get Dospect Armour?

titan's new board click (url="http://"http://pub101.ezboard.com/btitansboard65830")here(/url) to enter

Ultimate Rebel - The Hinwar gave the UE access to all the Voinian technology we have access to. That includes dospect armor (but not bronev plating).

Since the renegade player has still not responded to Nelson's attacks (posted a full 3 days ago, realtime), the ruling is that Gorky (being a smaller colony and thus less defended than the Reneagde capitol of Riomir), has fallen to the ASAR forces and is under ASAR control. The ASAR caught the renegade forces at Gorky by surprise, and despite moderate losses, they managed to claim the planet. The forces at Riomir were much stronger, and fought the ASAR forces to a stalemate. Upgraded Turncoats clashed with militarized Freight Couriers, each side inflicting heavy damage - and heavy casualties on the other. If either side (or one of their allies) sends in reinforcements, they will most likely be able to claim the system as their own. If anyone thinks this ruling is too unfair, as always, speak up, and I'll see what I can do to make it better.

Admiral Nelson - Where is Bonhueria? I'll need to know if I'm going to add it to the map...

SilverDragon - Please, initiate the Voinian massacre you said you wanted me to post. I can't control Voinian forces. Please initiate the attack so the Hinwar can respond.


<<Message to Admiral Benden, Encryption sequence Liadon-7 confirmed>>

Thank you very much for your assistance in allowing the first few UE cruisers help to ensure our safety. In return, we will send two Voinian Cruisers and a Voinian Frigate from our forces, for you to command indirectly. We understand that you can't risk sharing the technology with us just yet. Also, it has come to my attention that there is a consensus among the Hinwar people that a full-fledged alliance with your government would be in both our best interests. To that end, I'm offering a UE-Hinwar alliance between our two governments, and hope that we can contact the Emalgha to join in as well. Do you accept?

<<End message>>
Ad Astra Per Aspera

(This message has been edited by Thunder (edited 05-24-2001).)

Grunadulater grined as the commander gave him 50M credits.
"Thanks."He got into the Dark Voyager and headed for Earth.As he landed he went to the outfiter and upgraded the Dark Voyager With everything on the market.He still had about 45M credits left so he poured them into helping devolop more ships.
to thunder H.I.:
OOC :Do we have the plans to the intercepter?



Originally posted by grunadulater:
to thunder H.I.:
OOC :Do we have the plans to the intercepter?


I know I'm not Thunder but, no you do not. The Voinians released them just after the Hinwar captured Gualon and Gualon Station.
OOC: So after three days of the battle you are the victor? cool! two days and Kelmaeon falls under Voinian rule.

titan's new board click (url="http://"http://pub101.ezboard.com/btitansboard65830")here(/url) to enter

Lord Gwydion, angered at the fact that Anna Balshova had gotten away, quickly ran to the shipyard. He spotted a nice good innocent-looking transport, hotwired it, and shot off to Vorik, after he had sent an order to have both Ariane and Riomer protected (SD can say how many ships are sent, I don't know how many he'll allow me).

When he got to Vorik, he demanded that a conference be held. He had seen Anna Balashova, a famous ship designer, working on something, and something had to be done about it. The conference would be among the best captains and ship designers.

Lord Gwydion orders that the Voinian Dreadnaught/nought continue being developed. I believe that we should have the enhanced Neutron Turrets by now, plus the armour. Thunder, feel free to put say in what can and can't have been developed.

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
(url="http://"http://pub101.ezboard.com/bstarbasedelta")Starbase Delta(/url)

The U.E.S. Yokohama, after dropping Anna off at Knox, landed at the largest shipyards in UE space, the United Earth Liverpool Shipyards. Admiral Benden ran to the office of the Administrater, where he quickly explained that the UE Cruiser was finished. The administrater quickly set up the two open docks that were used for Carrier assembly and repair. The build lists were quickly changed to accomadate as many UE Cruisers as possible as soon as possible. The ships currently being built were moved to different storage buildings and work on ten new UE Cruisers bagan, to be finished in a week(ten posts).
To Emalgha(Delta 3 Encryption):
THe Hinwar and UE are forming an alliance. It is a bright idea to join. Repond.

Admiral Benden
Acing Commander of UE Dorces
To Thunder(Derra 4 Encryption):
An alliance is acceptable. The UE would prefer to just have a military alliance, as the UE people wish to keep their autonomy. However, if just having a military alliance is unacceptable, send a representative to Luna were we can discuss the terms of the Alliance.

Admiral Benden
Acting Commander of the UE

"The heathens are upon us. Arm yourselves and go with God." Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet, prior to the Battle of Centauri.

OOC: You aren't automatically the victor after three days of battle, but if your opponent doesn't respond within three days, it seems fair that we assume that they didn't want to send additional forces into the battle, and it gets resolved with the forces that are already there. This is mainly to help keep the story moving so we don't have to wait around endlessly for someone to defend a system. Usually this favors the attacker, since they're likely to have more ships in system. So yes, if the Emalgha or their allies don't respond in two more days, the attack on Kelmaon will most likely be successful.

MAP UPDATED! (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/evowebstories/flashpointmap.gif")www.geocities.com/evowebstories/flashpointmap.gif(/url) (copy and paste link manually)

MODERATION: If you want the enhanced neutron turret, you have to develop it. Since it's a part of the dreadnaught (doesn't need to be if you don't want it to, but it is in EVO), it should only take an extra 4 or 5 posts to add the enhanced neutron turret to the design.

Current tech access:
UE - All UE tech available in EVO, plus all Hinwar tech. All UE and Hinwar ships.
Voinian - Voinian and Renegade ships, all Voinian technology except the dreadnaught (being developed), the enhanced neutron turret, and the salvo rocket turret.
Emalgha - All Emalgha tech in EVO, all Emalgha ships in EVO.
Hinwar - All Voinian ships except the Dreadnaught and the Interceptor, all UE ships except the UE Cruiser. Also have access to dospect armor and some shared UE tech.
Renegade - All Renegade and Voinian ships, all Renegade and shared Voinian tech.
ASAR - All independent ships, plus the Turncoat and the Freight Courier. All indy tech plus the needle jammer.


Meanwhile, a Voinian Heavy Fighter with a Hinwar transponder signature hailed the spaceport on Omm, requesting permission to land. "I have some important matters I need to talk about with the ASAR Commander," said the Hinwar pilot.

"What kind of 'matters'?" the landing operator asked.

"The Hinwar wish to discuss forming an alliance with the ASAR. I have plans for the Voinian Heavy Fighter aboard this ship, as a gift for your government. May I land to discuss matters further?"

<<Message to Admiral Benden, Highly Encrypted>>

I can understand the UE desire to maintain autonomy; the Hinwar have a similar desire since we gained our freedom from the Voinians. A military alliance is sufficient for us. If there are any matters that need to be discussed further, we can send diplomats to do so.

Thunder out

<<End message>>

Ad Astra Per Aspera

(This message has been edited by Thunder (edited 05-24-2001).)

OCC to Thunder:
The system is DSN-8619, on the planet F-1357 now Bonheuria.


- Bonheuria

The shipyard is now completed and ready to operate. 80% of
the 13 000 colonnists have thier beautiful house and a job.
Almost 25% of them are farmers, 1000 are marines, 10% industrial
workers, 5% are space-traders, 6% work for the shipyard and the
rest havean ordinary job. A steady flow of inhabitants will arrive
in the next 6 post for a great total of 55 000 people.

The DF is now under construction by the local industries and the
F-Cs are delivered from Thoso. In 8 posts, the DF will be ready
because of delays that will be told later in this post. It is still
a secret base for for other nations.

- Great Battles, continuation:

The UE Reserve Fleet (RF) is sent into the Yelt system to help the GROR
and the AS to keep Gorky out from the hands of the renegades and the
voinians. A group of 3 000 colonists from Omm that are members of the
Great Order arrive with the RF. Since the battle only occured in space,
the shipyard on Gorky start to build Turncoats and Kraits to protect
Yelts. A kind of DF will be builton Gorky: in three post: 3 Turncoats
and 9 Kraits will be in space. The total: 2 F-Cs, 5 Turcoats, 15 Kraits
will guard Yelts. The RF will patrol Yelts, Huan and DSN-3787. It will
be able to respond to any attack within a 5 to 10 hours time frame.

On Helios, Iothe, Gribn and Tehir start rebuilding the GROR, AS,
ES, EC. THe shipyard are working harder than ever. everything should
be rebuilt in 5 post. The proper distribution of the vessels isn't
yet decided. Total: 11 more F-Cs, 9 Turcoats, 30 Kraits.

ES and the EC come back home with severe losts. Time for a national
silent minute starts when they landed. After, signs of better times appear
when the proud fighters are told that the Yelt system has been captured.
They all aske when them will have the habilty to fight again. I tell them:

Soon, very soon...

ťťťťť Message to Emalha and/or Redchigh (H.I).ŤŤŤŤŤ

The CASAR have reported me that the voinians were much more present
in your nation space. I wish to offert you 2 Turncoats and 10 Kraits
to help you against the hated voinians. I wishe to have a good relation
with your great nation that have been able to set themselves free. The
Emalgha canon could be your way to "pay" us the vessels and we can assure
you that a constant supply of these ships is only a formality for us
Those ships, if they are to be captured or stolen are set to self-destructed

I hope I'll be helpful.

Admiral Nelson, ASAR's commander.

ťťťť End ŤŤŤŤ

ťťťťťť Message to Thunder (H.I.) ŤŤŤŤŤ

I appreciat your gift and accept to have a meeting with you,
A alliance is possible but our ressource are a bite small for the
next few weeks because of losts in the yelts and Riomor battle.
The shipyards of Omm can produce any ships you want within a
3 post delay. Turncoats, Helians, Kraits, and in a near future the
voinian Heavy Fighter.

Admiral Nelson, ASAR's commander

ťťťť End ťťťť

- The reasearch Academy on Iothe start reverse-enginering the
Heavy-Fighter's (HF) plan. In could take 8 post because of other
preoccupations. The study of the HF's capabilities will be completed
in 5 post in order to well ajust our tactics against voinian vessels.

ADmiral NElson, ASAR's proud commander.


OOC: Admiral Nelson, are you registered on EzBoard yet? If so, is your username 'Sojin?' Anyway, could you post on the (url="http://"http://pub55.ezboard.com/fevandevodiscussionboardfrm16.showMessage?topicID=5.topic")Klenox Player Slots(/url) message on (url="http://"http://pub55.ezboard.com/bevandevodiscussionboard")Nova's Board?(/url)

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
(url="http://"http://pub101.ezboard.com/bstarbasedelta")Starbase Delta(/url)

Yep, I'm registered but I didn't have enough time to
read all the infos displayed on Nova's board.

Admiral Nelson, ASAR's commander


To Admiral Benden H.I.:
You look like you are having trouble with the lower right systems.Need help.
To Thunder H.I.:
It think we must attack Otid and go up the left of Vonian space.Our loses may be great but me must take that chance.



Originally posted by Thunder:
**OOC: You aren't automatically the victor after three days of battle, but if your opponent doesn't respond within three days, it seems fair that we assume that they didn't want to send additional forces into the battle, and it gets resolved with the forces that are already there. This is mainly to help keep the story moving so we don't have to wait around endlessly for someone to defend a system. Usually this favors the attacker, since they're likely to have more ships in system. So yes, if the Emalgha or their allies don't respond in two more days, the attack on Kelmaon will most likely be successful.


OOC:O.k., that sounds fair. I can still do things while the battle is still going on, right?

Kokoney stood their talking to the captain of one of the cruisers,
"Listen to me. I want all the fighters to be in groups of 2s, 3s, and 4s. The ones in groups of 2s are to attack the fighters from behind, I prefer that they be the interceptors since they are faster. The groups of 3s and fours are to attack the freighters and warships, I also want them to attack from behind. I want the frigates and cruisers to attack in groups of 2s. Tell them to attack at a 95ş angle on either side of the ship, so that their swivel cannons won't hit any of them. If one of them is attacked, the other is to fire rockets at it so it will turn around and fire the other while the shields get raised again. And have the supply ships land down here so we can get started."
The captain gave a confirmation to that, and the supply ships landed shortly after. When they landed all the cargo was offloaded as quickly as possible, and one was loaded with slaves from other planets and the slave workers. They then loaded all the outfits and equiptment and as many emalgha as they could find to be sent throughout Voinian territory. After it was all loaded the supply ships blasted off for the Voinia

titan's new board click (url="http://"http://pub101.ezboard.com/btitansboard65830")here(/url) to enter