Flashpoint - Part 2

A week before the annual Summit:

To help our growing industries, the ASAR will bye 7 Freight-Couriers that
will not be militarised: 3 turrets, 1 Missile-Launcher with 15 missiles.
the rest of the space firstly dezigned for weapons will be left for cargo
space. This new Squadron will be named CASAR. It will hyperjumps everywhere
into knownb space. 3 diplomates will be abord if any new nation is discovered.
Weaponnery will be only used for defence. In one post, the CASAR will start its
defence trainig nearby renegade systems.

During the Summit:

- We are now READY, do I say to all of them. Only minor details
are persistent before our attack. As all of you know, in ____ days,
we will make a attack simultaneously on Freeport and Gorky.
The GROR will enter the Riomor system by the DSN-8584 and the AS from
the system DSN-8075. The EC and the ES will enter by Huan in the Yelt
system. My personal fleet will stand by to support any counter-attack
against the ASAR defence

Admiral Neslon, proud commander of the ASAR government.


MODERATION: I don't think the Voinians should have access to UE ships. The UE fleet would have destroyed the blueprints before they lost the system. If I allowed the Voinians to have UE ships because they captured Ariare, I'd have to let the UE have Voinian ships as well since they captured Obron. We've never had it in any other story that capturing a system allows you access to that government's ships, and I don't think it should be any different in this one. Unless there is a complaint, that part of your post is revoked, SD.

Also, though the Voinians managed to capture an Emalgha fighter, they have no idea how it works. They'd have to take the time to reverse-engineer it. Plus, the captain of that fighter is still under Emalgha control, and the Emalgha players can still have her respond in whatever manner they want.

Continuation: The Emalgha powered up weapons when they saw a Voinian heavy fighter enter the Emalghia system, but powered them down when they noted that the fighter had a Hinwar transponder code. "We've just arrived after travelling around through UE space to avoid the Voinians. We want to donate this Voinian Heavy Fighter to you. See if you can reverse engineer its weaponry and its armor, or at the least use it to defend your world."


The Hinwar defense ships, practically their entire fleet, moved in to surround Soncere's fighter and it's fighter escorts. There was no way that Soncere could fight his way out, even if he'd wanted to.

In his cockpit, Soncere opened a hailing channel when he saw a light flashing indicating that the lead Hinwar ship was hailing him. "Drop your shields and prepare to be boarded and your computer files examined," the Hinwar officer said. "If you are telling the truth that you want to help us, we will guide your ships to our landing bay. If you are lying, you will be imprisoned."

Ad Astra Per Aspera

OOC: And, SD, the UE wouldn't have many blueprints on Ariane, as Ariane (or whatever the planet's name is) is more of a mining place. However, we (the Voinians) get a lot more mining production, which could be used for a lot more ships. And if we capture KelmaonÉ <evil malicious grin>

One more thing, SD: could you update the code so that it both looks good and so that it displays me a being 'Admiral of the Marines' instead of 'In Exile?'

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
(url="http://"http://pub101.ezboard.com/bstarbasedelta")Starbase Delta(/url)

(This message has been edited by Lord Gwydion (edited 05-21-2001).)

- The CASAR has now completed its tests to be fully operational.
The CASAR will start exploring west of the UE space if the UE
government doesn't mind the CASAR to hyper in some of their
systems. (remember: the CASAR only defends itself or speed away
if it's under attack.)

- The Defense Fleet (DF) has now 5 militarised Freight-Couriers, 4
Turncoats, 12 Kraits based on each planets which patrol their own system.
No more Helians are used in the ASAR arsenal.

- 4 jumps after the UE space, the CASAR lands on F-1357, in DSN-8619
system. A SECRET settlement is set about 1000 engineers, technicians,
soldiers, etc. are let there with 2 Freight-Couriers. The other ships
of the CASAR hyper futher west.

- 9 hyperjumps later, the CASAR enter into the Kelmaon system, with
a message of peace on all frequences. The diplomate Jean-Daniel Foo
lands in search of the chief of the newly discovered Nation. He is told
to jump futher south, and that's what he does. He then lans on Emalghion
and look for "master". He hopes for a pacific consultation with him which
could help both sides against the evil voinians.


- The AS and the GROR enter the Yelts system and a balck cloud of rockets
is fired toward the petrified renegades. a second black cloud is fired.
Then a blue storm comes out from "nowhere" preceded by a shower of white
needles. The horor is at its climax whe a third black cloud is launched
and four other after and when red stripes form blaze guns rips off
renegade vessels. Then a close fight occures. Who will win the battle
after this huge suprise attack... Kiwi will answer my simple question.

- At the exact same moment, the ES and the EC coming from opposite
directions squeeze into a sandwich the scared renegades in the Riomor
system. Once angain, black clouds of rockets are send into the "defenceless"
ennemy. Five more will be sent before the hand to hand combat starts.
Then all the blue Kraits rush towards the desparated defenders just behind
the uncounteble number of needles launched. When the two parties melted
togetter, red shots and explosions were the only things a visitor could
have seen during that unexpected attack form the ASAR. Kiwi, it's up to you...

OCC: Gwydion, even if you have immence quantities of minerals, only Ariane
can build ship. Ariane isn't well build to construct vessels, therefore
exporting is the the majore goal of Ariane, when it was used by the UE
government, in the real game. As a visitor, I would tell you to build a
huge space port so that nothing will be lost in export by a patrolling
UE fleet. Now the only thing I know is that Ariane has mines, not a
construction area. Tell us more. Thank you for listening, I now fell
much better!

Sorry if i'm too mod for all of you.

ADMIRAL NELSON, proud Commander of the ASAR Government.


(This message has been edited by Admiral Nelson (edited 05-21-2001).)

i meant the voinian cruiser.sorry.
to titan H.I.(highly encrypted)
I have a deal to share with you.I will station a small defence fleet around the orbit of the planets of new rome and new toranto to see that you finish research with the cruiser without interference.It might sound not needed scince you have a fleet but im just trying to help.the attack of ariane puts me on gaurd.in return you will let us access all ships of the ue.I will try to get some vonian designs to you if you want them.


OOC: Now, lets recap my movements. I sent my fleet to Riomor, with four Transporters full of marines. Then I went to Ariane, with my marines in tow, and I reenabled U.E.S. Adamant which had received battle damage. I then landed a marine force on Ariane that had about 750 troops with blaze carbines, powered armour, and of course grenades. This legion was backed up by fifteen assault vehicles. I don't know if I captured the planet, but Lord Gwydion said nothing about leaving behind any force and any fleet that the Voinians could send would be another couple of days in getting there. So I don't think there is any real contention for any ship plans on Ariane A at this moment.

"The heathens are upon us. Arm yourselves and go with God." Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet, prior to the Battle of Centauri.

MODERATION: Titan doesn't seem to be around right now, so until he returns, Admiral Benden can take the role of "acting UE leader" until he gets back, assuming he wants the position. Also, one of the UE players please defend Anna Balashova, or at least control her next move, so that Gwydion can continue his action.

Lord Gwidion didn't mention any forces remaining behind in Ariane, so Benden's force will be able to recapture the planet unless Voinian forces arruve, The Voinians on the surface could send a distress signal to Gwydion's fleet, but if he came to help that would mean he'd have to break off his attack on New Taranto.

Ad Astra Per Aspera

(This message has been edited by Thunder (edited 05-22-2001).)

i guess my message is to you then Admiral Benden.

100 POST!


(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 05-22-2001).)

Unencrypted to grunundulater:
I don't think your help will be neccessary, but thanks for the offer.
Encrypted Subtext:
Help accepted. I need you to swing by New Taranto and make sure nothing happens after we are done defeating the Voinians. Afterwards, I need you to gaurd Ariane until the Green Sector Fleet arrives. I then want you to patrol Knox and New Taranto. In return for your services I will give you two UE Destroyers, plus the plans to their weapons and systems. I will not give you the guidance codes to our Hunter Missles. That might put us at a disadvantage should they be stolen from you.

Admiral Benden
Acting Commander of UE Forces
Anna was sitting in her study, working on the plans for the UE Cruiser, when she heard the unmistakeable sound of Neutron shots. She quickly encrypted her work and took her small, yet powerful, Blaze Pistol and hid it in her pocket. She ran toward the back entrance where there was a hanger that had five computer controlled UE Fighters and her Scoutship. She was entering her access code when a troop of armed Voinians came down the corridor and started shooting at her. She quickly jumped behind the reinforced bulkhead protecting her home in case something in the hanger exploded. She pulled out her pistol and took three of the fifteen Voinians out before they could take cover. A lightfight ensued and she took out two more before her pistol beeped at her. She swore. She was almost out of power. She quickly finished keying in her access code to the hanger door and ran into the hanger. She quickly jumped aboard her ship and started up the engines. The five UE Fighters that were linked to her control systems came online and she quickly took off. She felt a tremendous jolt followed by an explosion as one of the UE Fighters blew up after sustained Neutron fire. In the enclosed space of the hanger, the explosion badly burned the Voinian Commandos, and shrapnel hit her starboard engine just as she was exiting the hanger. Her ship began a slow ascent and started pulling to the right. she quickly exited the atmosphere, engaging her Afterburner to escape the battle that was occuring over the planet. She set course for Knox and engaged the Hyperdrive...

"The heathens are upon us. Arm yourselves and go with God." Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet, prior to the Battle of Centauri.

ŤUltra encrypted to Admiral Bendenť
Admiral Benden, I don't know if you have noticed that my troups
and fleets have attacked both Riomor and Yelts. If you want to help
our cause, that's great. Tell me, so we could split up our mutual gains.

My industrial managers would like to have the liberty to produce
the Frieght-Couriers, instead of buying them form Thoso. We used
it has our main source of fire power against both voinians and
renegades shipsand it would be easier for us to build them on
our planets instead of watting for the delivery guy.

ADMIRAL NELSON, proud commander of the ASAR.

ŤEnd of the communicationť

- The CASAR has now three more Freight-Couriers, not militarised,
which jumps in secret into DSN-8619 to start the colonisation of
F-1357. The planet is renamed Bonheuria. A space port,
a shipyard, an outfit shop will be constructed. Vacant houses will be
built in case of a more collapse of the ASAR. About 7000 people are
working on Bonheuria. Everything should be quiet modern in about 15 posts.

- Visiting Emalghion -

On Emalghion, Jean-Daniel Foo, our best diplomat, studies everyone he sees.
He then askes a guard were he could find the government's main office.
- Over there, the soldier says.
- Thanks brave man, and Mr. Foo continues.
When he passes the gates, Jean-Daniel Foo names himself:
Jean-Daniel Foo, diplomat of the Allied Systems Against Renegades, also
known as ASAR. I wish to speak with you prime Minister or whatever
honorifical name is called your "commander". Military and industrial
exchanges of knowledge our main fields of interrest.

Internal stuff

The DF, which mainly escorts and secures ASAR systems, has now
the hability to quickly react to any surprise attack:

With a total of 17 Kraits, 6 Freight-Couriers, 5 Truncoats in each
planets. Hatuli's, (with its 2 planets so twice more ships), can send
everywhere in any ASAR system a supportinf fleet of fresh vessels, within
a 5 to ten hour time frame.

ADMIRAL NELSON, proud commader of the ASAR government.


To Benden: FIFTEEN marines? Anna Balashova is a ship designer, not a sharpshooter. I'll agree with at most five VERY experienced marines (my personal squad). And my marine squad is loaded with EMP grenades. The UE fighters would be temporarily disabled, along with the scoutship.

Thunder: Lord Gwydion had already ordered that Ariane be protected by Voinian ships (I think). The Voinians should (SD, tell me if this would be allowed) now have 100 ships currently ready, but not on an assignment now. 50 of them are protecting Ariane, and Ariane has produced 2 Cruisers and 6 frigates so far.

PS-I think that I'm in control of the Ariane system and fleet, right SD?

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
(url="http://"http://pub101.ezboard.com/bstarbasedelta")Starbase Delta(/url)

(This message has been edited by Lord Gwydion (edited 05-22-2001).)

Could I have the control of Helios, it's an independent system
and of Huron, Samourai doesn't seem to be very present.


- The ASAR send the speedy DF of Hatuli to Apollo to protect it.
The local militia is haded to the DF: those patrolling 5 Helians
and 10 Kraits are added to the DF. During this time, another DF
is under construction the Hatuli system. About 2 post.

- On Huron, the local patrolling militia, which didn't have real
problems (in the real game), has: 9 Helians 18 Kraits. It will be
fully upgraded witl 3 Turcoats and 4 Freight-Couriers in 3 post.
The militia is renamed DF, like all other patrolling and defensive
fleet of the ASAR.

- On Bonheuria, the space port is now completed and the shipyard
now no more looks like many a collapsed building. About a quarter
of the the colonnists have houses and a small town is emmerging
from the viergin habitat.

Admiral Nelson.


MODERATION: Admiral Benden - You already have control of Helios, check the latest update of the map at (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/evowebstories/flashpointmap.gif")www.geocities.com/evowebstories/flashpointmap.gif(/url) (copy and paste link manually, or it won't work). You can't have Huron, as it's a UE world. If you want it, you'll have to convince the UE to give it to you, or start a campaign to "Free Huron". Keep in mind that such a campaign would draw resources away from the Renegade and Voinian wars, though... Oh... and Gwydion's right, tone down Anna's Voinian killing spree. She's a ship designer, not a commando. 🙂 You can still have her escape to Knox, but not go around taking out dozens of Voinians with her pistol.

Lord Gwydion - Those numbers are WAY out of whack. The Voinians only have a little over 100 warships total, there's no way you'd have fifty or a hundred of your own. Also, Ariane would not be able to produce any other ships if they were under attack by UE forces, and you'd have to find a way to get supplies to Ariane before you could make very many ships there. Also, if you notice, SD already vetoed your request for 50 ships to protect Ariane. Allow me to quote him:



Posts: 1146
Registered: Mar
Karma: Decent
Individual (1)
posted 05-21-2001 05:19 PM

OOC: Post revoked. The Voinians have 50 warships spare and I'm not giving
you that many (spare as in not defending bases)

Also, if the Voinians have control of 30 renegade warships, as you claim they do, that leaves almost no ships for the Renegades themselves, since the renegades only had 20 ships to begin with, plus those they'd have produced since.

If the renegade player is still out there, please respond to the attacks on Riomir and Gorky so that Benden can continue his action.

Ad Astra Per Aspera

My Dad took away the computer for a month, so I can't post. Until I get back Admiral Bendans in command.

~Titan Posting from the libary

READ MY SIG!!! Join my new board here (url="http://"http://pub101.ezboard.com/btitansboard65830")http://pub101.ezboar...itansboard65830(/url) Mod spots are still open.

<<Message to Admiral Benden, highly encrypted>>

I understand that you are supplying the Hinwar with designs to UE ships and some of your weaponry. Thank you for your assistance. Since the UE is far stronger than we Hinwar, we wish to supply you with the designs to Voinian Heavy Fighters, Voinian Frigates, and Voinian Cruisers, as well as what we know about dospect armor. We know little about Bronev plating, so you will have to attempt to reverse-engineer it from what we do know if you intend to use it. A Voinian Frigate under Hinwar command should be arriving at the UE controlled Obron Outpost even as we speak to deliver the designs. Do not worry about offering anything in return, your people have already done enough to help us secure our freedom.

Thunder out

<<End Message>>

OOC: SilverDragon, I know you wanted me to include the massacre at Gamur, but I'd rather you initiated it yourself so that I can post the Hinwar response. You know, say how many Voinian ships are involved and how they begin their massacre. I realize that the Hinwar will stand little chance of victory, but some might be able to escape, or at least cause some damage to the Voinian fleet attacking, so I'd rather you initiated the attack. Thanks.

Ad Astra Per Aspera


Thunder, please spell my name correctly: Nelson, not Bendon.
Second, I made the attacks on Yelts and Riomor, Benden only
sent a fleet for reasons that I don't know and he might ever
not participate to the battle for he didn't reply to my "invitation"
to make a carnage.


- The vessels I started to build by mistastake for Huron are
transfered to Apollo. The 3 Freight-Couriers, 3 Turncoats and
7 kraits will help to kick out renegades from the Helios system.

- The Needle-jammer is now available to all ASAR ships. It deflects
about 80% of all needles homing a certain vessel. In 2 post, every
ASAR spaceships will be equiped with it.

- A secret fleet is underconstruction: one Krait or Helian per
ten family on each planet. This kind of military service (like in
the Helvetic Republic, where all men have at least one machinegun)
will help us to easily counter attack and make a rebellion if we
are over taken by any ennemi. 13 post before everyfamily receives
it Krait, plus 9 more post to train everyone.

Cost : 3 000 000 000 credits. To pay these enormous costs,
renegades vessel will be borded and all their credits will
be taken. If possible, renegade ships will be stored to be used
later to form the Rebelion Fleet (RE), or sold to traders.

Now on Bonheuria:

- The spaceport is almost ready: hangars are not totally covered.
the outfits shop is still under construction. Half of the 7000 colonists
have their beautiful house. 500 more inhabitants are expected to accelerate
the "terraformisation" of the wild which seems almost perfect for a the eye
of a normal guy. Defense aspects are not forgotten: 4 AA launchers, 5
air-to-space ICBM launchers, 378 marines, 2 hovercrafts, 4 planes...
The secret underground bunker is still under construction, about 10
post before 1 million men and women can live in it and can be saved
from a monstruous voinian strike.

Admiral Nelson, honored commander of the ASAR governement.


OOC: Just to clarify, Anna only killed five commandos. Fifteen were sent, as I am assuming that a cargo pod is not very big. And you might still catch Anna.
...Nothing happened. The four UE Fighters Anna had as an escort jumped about thirty kilometers ahead of her and disengaged their hyperdrives. She started swearing in a manor not befitting a lady. She set the ship on auto pilot and ran back to the engine compartment. She pressed the pressure panel beside the door and a red light came on above the door. It read, "Toxic Gas Leak." She looked through the small window in the door and saw engine coolant and hyperspace feul leaking out of different pipes. She saw a gaping hole in the side of the compartment that had been sealed off with an emergency force field. She ran back to the cockpit and turned the ship towards New Rome...

To Admiral Nelson of the ASAR(Highly Encrypted):

The Freight Courier is the property of a shipping company, and holds the design to them. I have sent them word that it would be in their best interests to get your ships to you faster. I am sending the Reserve Fleet to assist you. You have temporary command over them. The fleet consistes of five UE Destroyers and One UE Carrier with an escort of twenty UE Fighters. YOur assistance in elimination of the Renegade threat is appreciated.

Admiral Benden
Acting Commander of UE Forces

To Thunder(Highly Encrypted):

Your help is welcomed. We have our forces spread thin accross our space trying to cambat the threats of the Renegades and Voinians. If you could recommend any useful merc. fleets I would be greatful.

Admiral Benden
Acting Commander of UE Forces

Admiral Benden was rather haapy. His fleet had arrived in system and had outflanked the slow Voinian ships and had already reduced the shields on most of the Renegade vessels to below fifty percent. The Voinian ships were just sitting there, doing nothing, and that was very puzzling to him.

"The heathens are upon us. Arm yourselves and go with God." Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet, prior to the Battle of Centauri.

Kokoney had done some research in the ships in the defense fleet in Kelmaeon and the ships in space to come up with a fleet that could easily take out all those ships without using too many ships. He came up with: 7 cruisers, 11 frigates, 40 heavy fighters and 15 interceptors (including the fighters the cruisers have), as well as 4 supply ships for bringing and taking supplies.
Kokoney then orders a few ships to disable a emalgha freighter, and bring it to him. (this should be easy) A ship is found a disabled, he enters the ship (with marines) and speaks to the captain (20 marines with 12 pointing guns to his head),
" You will teach some of my men how to fly this ship. Right?"
The captain slowly nodded his head. Kokoney nodded at a marine. More marines came from the ship and escorted the other members of the ship to the criuiser up above. The captain showed 22 marines how each button and knob works, and how to use the weapon systems and what not.
Kokoney had all the supplies sent to a supply ship, and a large squad of marines to enter the cargo hold.
All was set, the freighter would enter hyperspace five hours before the fleet to secure the base. The stars became straight lines as the ship gained speed and entered hyper speed.The ship came to a stop in the Emalghion system then entered for Kelmaeon.
The ship stopped, they entered the access codes and landed on Kelmaeon. The marines were ready. They all jumped out with their gas masks on and loaded with: gas bombs, napalm grenades, two rifles, and small mines. When they exited they threw a few gas bombs and spread through the compound. All of them in groups of five, tossing a few gas bombs before entering a room or hallway.
Kokoney also was dressed as the marines, he and his group opened a air-conditioning shaft. They turned on the fan and tossed a few gas bombs in there. Rushing through the entire base taking hostages for slaves and finding data banks.
Kokoney orderes a third of the marines to go with him and destroy the shipyard. They creeped silently toward where the defense fleet was. With Kokoney's order they all jumped out and threw about a dozen gas bombs in the area. They quickly gathered everyone they could find. They then threw all the napalms they had at the ships to burn them, then they layed the mines all aroound the shipyard and detonated when they were at a safe distance.
A transmission was sent to Kokoney's watch,
"Yeah?....Good you're here.... Yes we just finished....What?!"

OOC: Kokoney captured the base, but ships could come in and re-claim it. Please note how many ships I have and make it reasonable to how well it could battle. 28 of the h. fighters are from what cruisers carry, so only 12 extra fighters are being taken.
BTW, do you all prefer that I write with British English, or do you care?

titan's new board click (url="http://"http://pub101.ezboard.com/btitansboard65830")here(/url) to enter

I MUCH prefer correct English (what you call British English). Some people might have different ideas, though.

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
(url="http://"http://pub101.ezboard.com/bstarbasedelta")Starbase Delta(/url)

to Admiral Benden h.i.:
I think you should trust me in time but, o well for now.what about the crusier.can i have plans and when will it be done?
a small yet powerful fleet of 1 vonian crusier with fighter cargo,a vonian frigate, 2 supply ships and 5 heavy fighters comes out of hyperspace meeting the 2 UE destoyers at the planet of New Taranto and goes into hyperspace again.on a special code only high UE and Hinwar officials can decode, Grunadulater sends:
"Calling Anna Balashova. This is Grunadulater, second in command of the Hinwar.You werent at New Taranto.Where are you?"Grunadulater sits and waits.
