Flashpoint - Part 2

Okay, I'm sorry, but I'm quitting Flashpoint. I can't seem to figure out what's going on, and I won't have much time to post on it.

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
(url="http://"http://pub101.ezboard.com/bstarbasedelta")Starbase Delta(/url)|(url="http://"http://www.coolboard.com/myboards.cfm?oid=88975708993460")Spacestation Pheta Unofficial Forums(/url)

Sorry for not properly writting my last post,
I have forgotten to ask you what you thought
about my version of the battle (the written
one above). So write to me your version and
we will agree on some points and later do the
real battle.

Admiral Nelson, proud Commander of the ASAR


Admiral Benden was quite happy that Shipyard Gamma had been approved and was now fully operational. There were drydocks enough to build twelve UE Cruisers at a time, plus their fighter complements. There were also a few drydocks that could be used to repair damaged ships or refit them. Soon the UE would be the ultimate power in the known universe.

"The heathens are upon us. Arm yourselves and go with God." Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet, prior to the Battle of Cygni.
(url="http://"http://pub70.ezboard.com/bevtechsoftware")EVTech Software Webboard(/url)

Since many of us have quiet, shouldn't we recruiting
other member to replace them as Thunder already said?
Just a proposition...

Admiral Nelson



- Since many of us have quiet, shouldn't we recruiting
other member to replace them as Thunder already said?
Just a proposition...


*** H.I. Message to Admiral Benden ***

Have you read the industrial proposition? Need confirmation.

Admiral Nelson

*** End ***

Admiral Nelson, ASAR's commander


grunadulaters fleet arives in the system along with Nelsons.The kraits go in first destroying a few kraits and a turncoat.The Helians go next and destryed the rest of the enemy kraits.The heavy fighters and our turncoats go in and tke out most of the helians.finialy, the frigates and the Dark Voyager go in and destroy the turncoats.Of coarse there still was the planet......
grunadulaters losses=3 out of 7 frigates, 8 out of 20 heavy fighters, and no crussiers.
2 of the remaining frigates and 7 of the remaining heavy fighters were dameged.
Nelson, you have to post your loses.
7 posts until station is finished
As the space fight ended, Grunadulater knew that was only half of it.50 of Grunadulaters troops landed on the planet and invaded the city .All of a sudden, Grunadulater recieved a message from the troops 15 minutes later.
"Grunadu.........too many......need ba...p....being kil.....please resp......."the line went blank.Grunadulater sent a message to to ships in the system
"Do not go onto the planet. We must plan a stratigy first."
To Thunder H.I.:
Do we have ascess to space mines.I think i know a way to destroy the renegades forever.Please respond as fast as you can.


(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 05-31-2001).)

- The Great Battle's:

Losts: 4 F-Cs, 2 Turcoats, 7 Kraits, 2 Helians.
Damaged: 4 F-Cs, 3 Turcoats, 9 Kraits, 5 Helians.

*** H.I. message to Grunalater ***

Can I have more information about the event that
happened on Pariah when your men landed. It could be
very important for the AS to help our cause.

The AS troups, assault specialists formed on Omm by
Great Order' fanatics are ready to attack. 259 are set
and 215 more can arrive in F-Cs to support. Two normal
infantry regiment can arrive within 7 days to assist.

Admiral Nelson, ASAR's commander

*** End ***

- The DF on Joiette is perfectely in place and can hold
on to any assault. The shipyard is mostly completed. The
Station will be expended with housing facilities, commercial
industrial and military quarters. The industries on Gorky
which originately transformed mined ores will be transfered to
Joiette. By that new sanction, Gorky will remain partially
safe from pollution and might became a new Bonheuria. By doing
this, Joiette will become more important and the population should
turn aroud 1 million space inhabitants, in 8 posts.

- All DF will be equiped with: 15 F-Cs, 7 Tuncoats, 20 Kraits.
Those will upgraded in about one post.

- To stimulate even more economical growth, the ASARC has alowed
the Stellar Corporation to have access to our market. To compete
with the SC, a non-governmental trading agency has been created,
the GACO. It is using the old governmental vessel: 27 F-C and 13

- The GF, based on Bonheuria is finally operationnal but lack the
ability to fight. Those pilots will train against our best pilots
the GROR and the AS when Pariah will have been fermely taken.

- All fleets that have been used in any battle are daily equiped with
new ship to come back at a normal size ASAR fleet. Those might change
a lot during the next few months to become quick reactionnal fleets.
Small means better, quicker and more powerfull.

- The mining base settled on Sumer now operates at its maximal power.
The ASAR government has now the ability to export mineral to the Hinwar,
UE, Emalgha nations. A system of srings to hold the buildings in place
with all that sismic activity and automated mining machines are used.
When the renegade war will be over, the ASARC have plans to build a
space station to maintain our economical expension (a result of the
war) so that we will not fall. It should be a small one, like an
habitated listening station. about 75 000 scientists, military guys,
space travellers and silly adventurer that will want to walk on Sumer.

Admiral Nelson


To Nelson H.I.:
I'm sorry Nelson, but nothing came though except somebled messages and a extremly encoded message and im still trying to..........wait! my crew have just informed me that we decichered the message. it reads:
"They were to powerful.The numbers were overwhelming.At first it looked like 10 men but thenthey were 100 then 1000 then..........we couldnt count anymore. they were all over us.we have faile........


Out Of Character:
Okay guys, we've lost most of our players. All that's left is me, grunadulater, Admirals Benden and Nelson, and possibly Ultimate Rebel. We've lost all our Renegade and Emalgha players. I don't know who suggested that we recruit new people, but it wasn't me, simply because it doesn't generally work. As a general rule, people don't seem to like to join in on stories this far into the action; they've missed so much that they'd never be able to catch up. What usually happens is that the story gradually loses interest, and people, until it can't be continued any longer. For our story, that point, sadly, seems to be rapidly approaching.

When a story ends, it's customary for someone (usually the moderator or the guy who started the story), to write up a big, flashy finale to end the action and close the story. With no Emalgha or Renegade players, and only a single Voinian player left, I don't think we can keep this story going much longer. I've written finales for two other stories before, and I'd be happy to write one for Flashpoint as well, if all of you agree. So, should I start the finale now, or would you prefer to stretch this out a little longer?

Ad Astra Per Aspera

Do it now (if I can help a bit :))


Do it, I have no idea about a RPG final post.
I'll be wearing black clothes all day and hold
a minute of silenton all ASAR planets.
We can all be honored.

admiral nelson, ASAR's resigned commander

Go in peace Flashpoint...


Can I do it? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?


As the story's co-moderator and the guy who thought up the original idea, I'd like to do it myself, grunadulater, but feel free to write you own alternate ending if you want. 🙂 Anyone who played can write an alternate ending if the want to, but I'm gonna write up a big finale for the story either way. That said, I'll get right to it...

Ad Astra Per Aspera

Alternate Ending:
BOOM! The stars at the center of the galaxy blew up and everyone died. The End.

"The heathens are upon us. Arm yourselves and go with God." Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet, prior to the Battle of Cygni.
(url="http://"http://pub70.ezboard.com/bevtechsoftware")EVTech Software Webboard(/url)

ok then
"are you sure you want to do this?"
"yes. now the galexy will know how crazy i am!Press it."As Grunadulaters personal assistant presses a butten every space mine in the universe detonates.all of the Vonian worlds were demolished, along with Renegade and hinwar worlds.the few mines in UE terretory did little damage but the shock waves from the others tore though the UE worlds like a knife though warm butter.the entire universe becomes a perpetual supernova and all died.


Sorry I haven't been here I was at the Choral Festival, we nearly won it too(my choir).

I am pretty sure I missed something big, if you blew up my planets I wasn't on them, sadly, I was in my invincible Turncoat that got sucked in to a time portal, never to be heard of again (by anyone that has a chance to report it) in this world!!!!!!

--The Eye is Upon you--
If you look long enough the Sun isn't that bright.

This sucks!!! We won't get to finish. Sorry I was gone for a few days from the internet.

(url="http://"http://pub72.ezboard.com/bescapevelocity")My new board(/url)

thunder right your ending.


I am writing it, but it will be a lot longer than the alternate endings, and thus may take a little while. I will post it as soon as I get it done.

Ad Astra Per Aspera

