Swarm at The Rock/Swarm Near Igadzra

Here's another one I can't solve.

I have a Crescent Warship trying to destroy all enemy ships at The Rock. But a huge number of Crescent Fighters swarm all over me. Even with a fleet of Aradas accompanying me, there's no chance to swat all these guys down. No way.

I do have the Plasma Siphon. That's another thing. I'm supposed to locate the A.S.S. Lazer (Something) which is supposed to be attacking the "eastern colonies of the Igadzra." Hmph. Occasionally I see it, but rarely. When I do find it, I'm immediately swarmed by Azdgari Fighters. Similar to my experience at The Rock except fewer in number.

Well, the Iggies told me to test the plasma siphon on them, but I can barely begin to attack them before they smack me down.

Anyone want to take a crack at these two problems?


1. Get a UE Cruiser or a strong ship and then capture and disable 6 Azdgari Warships.

2. Then blow them up.

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"That is called a droid decoy. This is called a trap. And I'm calling you dead."

Take Imperial Phoenix's advice. The plasma siphon is worthless, and you don't actually have to use it to complete the mission, you can kill the Azdaras by conventional means.

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1. Get a Crescent Fighter.

2. Get speed upgrades.

3. Outcircle the Crescent Fighters you'll meet.

4. Spearhead the warships.

5. Sing a happy happy happy happy happy happy song......

"That's all very nice, but where's the guns?"
- SilverDragon

Alternatively you could take the other view that the Plasma Siphon just happens to be the best secondary weapon in the game. You can take ships out using only that, and it serves as a fuel scoop as well which is really handy on small ships.

About the Attack The Rock mission, yes it is about the largest force you have to take on, and the silly infinite AI afterburner just makes it all the harder. I would recommend putting off the UE mission where you get the cloaking device until you have a ship you're gonna keep for a while - undoubtedly much too late advice - and using that for the mission. Otherwise just run away nice and fast and make extensive use of the 'closest target' key to help take out the Crescent Fighters. You should also have Dospect Armour on your ship which really increases your chances.

Also, as you're obviously flying for the Igadzra, and as it sounds like you're stuck on the infamous 'hunt Azdgari Warship A.S.S. ....' mission, I can say you need to complete that and one more mission for access to the Igazra, which will also really help you with The Rock. The ship you're looking for is in the Racet system for that mission. Carry on :).


Originally posted by MartiNZ:
**Alternatively you could take the other view that the Plasma Siphon just happens to be the best secondary weapon in the game. You can take ships out using only that, and it serves as a fuel scoop as well which is really handy on small ships.

In EVO 1.0.2, the plasma siphon drains fuel, rather than replenishing it. As for its purpose of deflecting fighters, it will halt them in place as long as you hold it on them, but they usually get around it without much trouble.

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Re The Rock, I usually do it in a Miranu Gunship with speed upgrades, dospect armor, and any other weapons I can fit. Believe it or not, that will serve you better in that battle better than any slower CW will.



Solution for Rock: Buy a bigger capital ship. 😉

Solution for Igadzra: Wait till there's another Igadzra in the same system and have it blow the A.S.S. Lazer to bits. That's what I did.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

<shakes head> With patience, the Rock will fall to a Crescent Fighter with ease. I'm not joking - try out fighting a Crescent Warship in a Crescent Fighter. First of all outcircle the other Crescent Fighters (speed upgrades) and take them down, then hold down fire, align (A) and forward and "charge" at the warship. Then move out to heal up shields, and do it again. It works.

That method made the Rock easy for me, although admittedly I didn't have EVO 1.0.2......

"That's all very nice, but where's the guns?"
- SilverDragon

Also, using the cloaking device if you have a fleet of your own will work fine. I believe what he meant by it being a fuel scoop, is when you don't use it it is a fuel scoop. Using mines would also work for the rock mission, or SAEs or SADs.
Also, if your name is supposed to be the spanish word for money, it is spelled d-i-n-e-r-o. 😉

titan's new board click (url="http://"http://pub101.ezboard.com/btitansboard65830")here(/url) to enter

(This message has been edited by Ultimate Rebel (edited 05-23-2001).)

Hey thanks for the replies. Now here's what I tried before I read them.

I sold my Crescent Warship, which was painful. Bought an Arada, thinking that I needed the extra speed to outmaneuver the fighters at the rock. Well, it wasn't enough, even with the engine and thrust upgrades, the Dospect armor, and so on. I would've thought the Arada could hold more weapons than that, but even with expansions it just did not do the trick. I was very angry. Damn that puny Arada. I used to think they were great, but I guess the Crescent Warship spoiled me.

I sold the Arada for the Lazira. Had to get something with better firepower and shields. But it is slow. So I decided to try to find the A.S.S. ship on the assumption that eventually I will be able to buy a better ship because of completing that mission. Then I will attack the Rock again with (presumably) some kind of new ship.

I don't have the cloaking device anymore. That was so long ago. And I didn't know what I was doing then, so I was buy and selling ships all over the place.


Ouch. Those were pretty bad moves (no offence). Did you have the cloaking device on your Crescent Warship?

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
(url="http://"http://pub101.ezboard.com/bstarbasedelta")Starbase Delta(/url)

No, I haven't had the cloak for a long time. I quit playing the game quite a while ago, then recently picked it up again.

So now...damn the Azdgari fighters. Damn damn damn. Can't kill those pesky things with my Lazira. I'm at a loss when it comes to these swarms.



You're on some high-paying missions. Don't be afraid to invest a little money. It might seem shocking to spend a hundred thousand credits on ammunition for a battle, but if it gets you through, it's worth it.

You need to swat fighters fast, and you don't want to divide your attention while you do it. You don't always have time to aim... and even determining when to fire and when not to can overload your senses.

For this reason, I recommend that unless you're using a fighter, you take a maximum load of launchers. The more launchers you have, the faster your rate of fire. Use the remaining space to buy a maximum load of ammunition. I'm thinking pursuit missiles here. Hunter missiles also work, but take up double the space. Not an option in something mid-sized. Dispersal missiles work, but you'd have to be facing the enemy, which may not always be an option.

The combat:

Once you have a target showing in red on your radar, start firing. You will be holding down the shift key for the remainder of the battle. Don't think about it at all - concentrate on flying defensively, and hammering the enemy with your swivel/turreted primary weapons. You will be holding down the space bar for the remainder of the combat, too. Tap the 'r' key to retarget as often as necessary, but not so often than you distribute your fire among multiple enemies and never actually kill them.

Your missiles will surprise you. Even though you shoot them off at full rate, they will last for the duration of the battle. Adding their destructive power to that of your guns (and your escorts, if necessary) you should find that you make it through.

Good luck, Captain!

I'm sorry my karma ran over your dogma. (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/evodude2001/home.html")New & Improved: Cerberus Station!(/url)
I got this .sig file at insanely_great.com - don't even think about taunting me!

Also, try using one mine layer with at least four mines. One should blow up a few azdaras, and the rest should take out the warship. The job pays around a million credits (I can't remember how many exactly). If you don't want to use mines, Lord Gwydion's plan was good. If you do use mines, drop one and blast away as far as possible.

titan's new board click (url="http://"http://pub101.ezboard.com/btitansboard65830")here(/url) to enter

It's been well over a year since i last did the rock mission and i haven't a clue how i did it originally but it seems to me that considering the miranu/crescent ships are all shield/energy based, while the voinian/ue ships are armor/impact based, getting your hands on a voinian cruiser and equipping it with phase cannons should do the trick 🙂

i'm also 100% certain that i have done the mission in a crescent warship. jumping in with all speed enhancers and just flying on afterburners till they're at a distance, killing a bunch, afterburners again, etc etc
takes a lot of practice but it's doable

