Zidagar Help (Stuck on the Strand War Objective)

I've gone back through many pages of this board and found a lot on Igadzra and Azdgari strings, but little on Zidagar. I'm stuck.

I've completed making Sassone the hero at Outpost Maloch and I did some things on Terrapin and I investigated an Igadzra prototype. Now all I get is missions to fight the other Strands and do escort missions for the Miranu.

I read that I need to build up my legal status then go to Zidagar. O.K., did that, my legal status is now "Upstanding Citizen" on every Zidagar world. I go to Zidagar and Zidagar station and now nothing happens except the occasional Miranu escort mission. I've visited every Zidagar world multiple times. I've taken off and landed on Zidagar and Zidagar Station many MANY times in a row, and still nothing.

The only thing above "Upstanding Citizen" is "Role Model" but the only way I've seen that attained is by saving a planet in the course of a special mission; but that's the point, I'm trying to finish the special mission. Help


I played them several years ago, and (I think) one set of missions start on a gray world near the Miranu (a Zidigar planet).
Your legal stats don't matter too much, it is your combat rating.

"Whoopie! Man, that may have been a small one for Neil, but it's a long one for me."
-Pete Conrad third man on the moon

Your ship needs to be two-day jump or less, I'd say more but I have to go.

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It goes up higher than Role model, however back to your topic. Improve your combat rating. The next one apparently is a completely random mission on location. The ship does have to be fast in hyper travel. To get a better combat rating, blast UE, Voininas Reneagades or however doesn't like you.

When did I go Insane?

Thanks, so far. I have "Ultimate" for my fighting rating, have had it since way back before I finished my first main objective. My ship is a "one-day" hyper jump. So, neither of those things is it. A "gray Zidagar world near the Miranu?" I've been to every Zidagar world lots of times. I'll look again, maybe it's an uninhabited world. Thanks again. If anyone has any more tips and would like to share their expertise, please do. 🙂


I don't know what they mean, but Saffera and Pozdag are near
to Zidagar space.

Fear not the dragon,
Fear not the wolf,
Fear not the warship,
Fear my Crescent Fighter.

Yes, both of them are large Zidagar bases. Pozdag combats the Renegades, and Saffera is sometimes teased because the Zidagar there aren't as dramatic.

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There's nothing specific you have to do to get a "Role Model" status. Kill enough enemy strand ships and renegades and you'l get it. You can get all the way up to "Honored Leader" (I think that's as high as it goes) if you help out a government enough.

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LOQUACITY, n. A disorder which renders the sufferer unable to curb his tongue when you wish to talk.
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Stick with the Zidagar home world. That is where you get the mission for the chemical weapons. I just takes time and luck to get it.

I have often wondered if the game only allows you to to another misson like the Zidagar part 3 a certain amount of game time after you finish the second part?

In my experience this is the least consistent mission string in the game - well actually it's consistently inconsistent, so at least it is consistent.

Anyway, as I see it you have done the Attack Pimre Station mission from Outpost Terapin, and returned there to find only more defence missions. The next part of the string has you going to Tumni for a meeting, and I have received it from the bar on Outpost Terapin, that on Vastan IV, and funnily enough that on Tumni itself :).

The first few times I played for the Zidagar it came up straight away, but other times it has taken ages for them to think to offer it to me. I think just keep supporting them - maybe go do something elsewhere in the galaxy for a while and come back - they will give you it eventually.

Eh, I never did like Zidagar missions that much. They're super confusing, and so are Igadzra missions.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).